#scottish politics


British nationalists love to pretend Scottish nationalist are ethnic nationalist, but they’ll then turn around wish for a Polish Jewish person’s home country to be invaded because he works for the SNP in Scotland.

Olaf has had a shitload of abuse for the past few days because British nationalism is inherently xenophobic.

Don’t want to post the guy’s face but massive respect for the guy - literally an hour after Margaret Thatcher’s statue was unveiled - who was pelting a full carton of eggs at it.

Support for the monarchy is now a minority position in Scotland


The hero that lay under the immigration van so it couldn’t move. He deserves to drink for free for the rest of his life.


An example that protesting works, that we don’t have to accept the actions of the state, and we can come together to force their hand.

They will return, because they always do, but we must never give them an inch.









Immigration vans in Kenmure Street, Glasgow.

If you are nearby, and you deem it safe to do so, join protestors to take a stand.

Protestors shouting “Let Them Go” at the vans. https://twitter.com/hazelreporting/status/1392780881694056449?s=21

The Home Office did this on fucking Eid.

I’m all for a hard-border with England in the event of independence.

It’s highly likely the Home Office specifically chose today while MSPs were being sworn in to the Scottish Parliament so they couldn’t divert their attention to it.

Sign above immigration ban that reads:

“If this is Team UK, we reject it”

Protestor in front of police holding up a sign that reads:

“Migrants and refugees welcome here”

A police push against protestors has failed.

If Police Scotland really wanted to disperse the crowd, they’d let the two detained men in the van out and go home.

The fact that the UK Home Office chose to do this on 1) Eid, and 2) while MSPs were being sworn in across the country in Holyrood shows the level of calculated cruelty that they are capable of. Police Scotland are being used as apparatus of the state, but they can be and should be told to stand down, release the people from the van, and get away from the area.

However, the heartening thing is that people of Glasgow are coming together to defend their friends, their neighbours, their community… or people they don’t even know… because they know what is going on is immoral and not the values that they hold.

Refugees are welcome in Glasgow.








Immigration vans in Kenmure Street, Glasgow.

If you are nearby, and you deem it safe to do so, join protestors to take a stand.

Protestors shouting “Let Them Go” at the vans. https://twitter.com/hazelreporting/status/1392780881694056449?s=21

The Home Office did this on fucking Eid.

I’m all for a hard-border with England in the event of independence.

It’s highly likely the Home Office specifically chose today while MSPs were being sworn in to the Scottish Parliament so they couldn’t divert their attention to it.

Sign above immigration ban that reads:

“If this is Team UK, we reject it”

Protestor in front of police holding up a sign that reads:

“Migrants and refugees welcome here”

The biggest pro-independence majority in the history of the Scottish parliament.

Indyref 2: here we here we
















Scottish Election Results Thread

Nothing yet, I’m just preparing you


To the surprise of absolutely nobody, LibDems hold Orkney but SNP up roughly 5% which isn’t shabby.

SNP hold Aberdeen Donside.

SNP hold Western Isles.

SNP hold Clydebank and Milngavie.

SNP hold Perthshire North.

SNP hold Dundee city West - Labour vote down as well.

SNP hold Banffshire and Buchan Coast - this was predicted to be an SNP loss so this is a win.

SNP hold Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley.

SNP hold Glasgow Anniesland.

You’ll be pleased to hear that the Scottish Family Party are losing their deposits because they aren’t getting enough votes.

SNP hold Falkirk East.

SNP hold Angus North and Mearns.


Let’s check in with the “"experts”“ hired by the BBC to see what they’re saying;




Scottish followers - GO OUT AND VOTE

Alternative tactic: people who vote are instantaneously 50% more sexy than people who don’t.


I find it fascinating that back in 2014, the same people that voted No because they hated Alex Salmond, and said that the SNP are a cult-like party… are the same ones that are applauding that Alex Salmond has started up the Alba Party… which is pretty much a one-man show.

I don’t care for Alex Salmond. I didn’t vote Yes in 2014 for him, I voted Yes because I wanted Scotland to be in control of its own destiny.

I don’t care for the Alba Party. I find that so many of their candidates and supporters are the very worst kind of independence voters, bigots, and terfs. And they can all get tae fuck.

The wildest part is seeing the media give Salmond all these column inches, when his party is polling at < 3%; [source]


Why, you’d have to wonder why the English-based, pro-Brexit (mostly), billionaire-owned media outlets would be getting Salmond stories and anti-SNP hit pieces out every single day. Nicola Sturgeon is by-far the most popular politician in Scotland / UK [source] whereas Alex Salmond is, well, not;


Could it be that they don’t want the SNP to get a majority like they did in 2011? Which resulted in them getting a mandate for an independence referendum in 2014?

The goal for me will always be Scottish independence. And the party that I feel that can best deliver that is going to be the SNP. We can certainly say that they need to do better… but which government would do a better job than them based on the amount we’re “”allowed”” to spend by Westminster? 

The argument is going to be when can we have another referendum to decide this. But the biggest obstacle is that the SNP/Greens don’t get a majority in the elections. Because you know that the media would go with the “no appetite for independence!” line which is what they’ve been saying for the best part of a decade.

Anyway, fuck Alex Salmond, fuck the Tories, fuck Labour, fuck the Lib Dems, and fuck British loyalist George Galloway.

Give both your votes to the SNP.

I swear to fucking christ that if anyone following this blog votes Alba ahead of the SNP tomorrow that I will come to their house and say that while I respect their participation in democracy I will also batter them.

Do not fuck this up.



This actually has me pretty emotional.

Absolutely chuffed to bits for first time voters in Scotland

A wee reblog before Election Day. This election has the largest franchise Scotland has ever seen.

  • 16 & 17 year olds
  • Refugees
  • Anyone from a commonwealth country who has leave to remain
  • Anyone from an EU country who has leave to remain
  • Any other foreign national who has leave to remain

Over 4 million people. Thursday (6th!) election is a chance to assert that Scotland should be able to determine its own future.

They’ve told us what to do.

Oh hell yes! Let’s fucking goooooooooo!

Both votes SNP on Thursday, pals!



Labour are fucking traitors. After weeks of ‘no deals with anyone’ rhetoric, they’ve just sided with the Tories to take over Edinburgh council instead of the SNP/Green coalition that was going to bring in rent controls and a tourist tax.

Honestly, if you support Labour you’re no better than a fucking Tory.

Imaginestillvoting Labour in order to stop the Tories and then being shocked that they’d go into a coalition with them.


Get fucking rekt, transphobes

You love to see it.

Fuck the tories

thestarsspeak-blog:scotianostra:Irvine Welsh’s to Scottish Tories using the Trainspotting poster t



Irvine Welsh’s to Scottish Tories using the Trainspotting poster to attack the SNP.

Some of the things they’ve included are so baffling. ‘Choose Humza’? Aye, I will.

Also someone needs to make one of these right back at them because the fucking literal crimes that the Scottish tories have committed against the nation and her people are a hell of a lot more damning than ‘choose the hate crime bill’.

Good on Irvine Welsh for nae letting them use his association for their own gain.

I’ll say it until I die, fuck the tories.

fuck the tories

Post link
scotianostra:This was Dunoon rising up to demand an Independent Scotland in 1950. Notice the placa


This was Dunoon rising up to demand an Independent Scotland in 1950. Notice the placards “Labour has betrayed Scotland”

Post link
alanaisalive: neil-gaiman: wilwheaton: (via 9fo0rxhfw7q71.jpg (819×2048))My poor deluded country.




(via9fo0rxhfw7q71.jpg (819×2048))

My poor deluded country.

Never forget that Scotland voted specifically against this, and still got dragged into it anyway.

The last one gets me. They wanted the hardest Brexit possible and the EU having control over its own borders is framed as “red tape”. Always looking for someone to blame, what a sad and pathetic little island.

Post link





7 Years.

Look at that.

Now it’s 7 years since the result. Urghhhh.

Everything started going rapidly downhill after this. I maintain that the “no” vote in 2014 is the event that got us stuck in the Bad Timeline and we will not recover until we correct this by having another referendum and choosing the correct result this time.


Get fucking telt

Daily Express SLAMMED by Scots-pop rockers in FURIOUS online clarification


Glasgow May Day 2022, we love to see it.
