#self harm recovery


loving yourself isn’t going to be easy. although I have recovered from self harm, I still struggle every day with treating myself kindly. but everyday we get ourselves out of bed, make that phone call we’re scared of, go in the shower…that is self love. that is a moment of care and love for ourselves and it will all add up in time. do what you can. don’t be so hard on yourself.


There’s power in telling yourself ”no we don’t do that anymore” in response to self destructive urges.

Here’s a #DBT skill that can calm you down FAST. It’s a good skill to use when you’re experiencing an extreme emotion like anger, despair, panic, etc. It can even help prevent the use of a target behavior. Swipe through to learn more about #TIPP and get some examples of how to use it.


engaging in SH isn’t necessarily conscious all the time - it can be something you fall back on instinctively without realizing it.

& even past that, especially if you’ve dealt with SH for a long time, it can be comforting to go back to what’s familiar.

that doesn’t mean you aren’t committed to recovery or healing. it just means it’s a habit, ingrained over time, that requires time to unlearn. that’s not your fault, and says nothing about your moral value.

engaging in SH isn’t necessarily conscious all the time - it can be something you fall back on instinctively without realizing it.

& even past that, especially if you’ve dealt with SH for a long time, it can be comforting to go back to what’s familiar.

that doesn’t mean you aren’t committed to recovery or healing. it just means it’s a habit, ingrained over time, that requires time to unlearn. that’s not your fault, and says nothing about your moral value.
