#witch asks

What TF is a spirit attachmentAs I understand it, a spirit attachment is a collective of negative en

What TF is a spirit attachment

As I understand it, a spirit attachment is a collective of negative energy, or a form of an entity that has attached itself to you for various reasons, usually not good ones. Sometimes (most of the time really) the attachment is from you. You have harbored some negativity in your life that has now manifested into its own energy-form and is currently hanging out dragging you down. Things that can cause this? Maybe a bad break-up, a rough patch at work, or anything that seems to cause extended periods of mental distress. (Think trauma. Also this isn’t your fault sometimes it just happens because life.) Constant self-doubt, anguish, or negativity forms these things into bad energy fields that just hang around our aura making us feel like absolute shit for no reason. They can also cause us to get stuck in loops, attracting into our lives the types of people, things and situations that we have not processed out or healed from yet. 

The second kind, and far rarer are you have a nasty spirit entity clawing around you, and you need to get rid of it ASAP. Where can they come from? Could be somewhere you went that wasn’t really a spiritual ‘safe space’ but could be as simple as an old house or just a random place that had a nasty thing inhabiting it. 

Another more likely cause is that you attracted it to you with your bad vibes. (Sorry!) Sometimes these entities are pretty much just loitering around looking for someone to grab onto. They thrive off of our negativity. That’s why it’s so important to keep your space high-vibing, so you don’t attract any lower entity beings. 

How can you tell

There’s not really a ‘way’ to 100% clearly tell, sometimes you just feel off. Maybe you’ve had a stream of bad luck, sleepless nights of insomnia, nightmares or just generally feeling like shit for no reason. Of course these aren’t always the signs, so before you think you have a spirit attachment make sure to get your physical and mental health checked out first. 

You honestly probably don’t have one…even if you think you do

If you’re freaking out because you feel like you might have a spirit attachment, you probably don’t have one. I’ve only ever come in contact with one or two really HORRIBLE ones and one of those I created myself. More than likely if you are feeling off you just need to do a basic cleanse to get rid of any projecting energy BEFORE it starts manifesting into something larger. 

But in case you do here’s a cleanse 

Cleanses are always a good thing to do regularly no matter what. Especially for any magical practitioner because usually we are more sensitive to picking up energy and things, so it’s not a bad idea to start the habit of performing a monthly cleanse if you don’t already do so.

My FAVORITE way to do a cleanse is in a ritual bath. I realize not everyone takes a bath, so you can definitely do this in the shower or just stick your feet in water if you are pressed for time, space or privacy. 

What you need

One chunk of clear quartz

Incense (any kind)

White candles (My favorite inexpensive way to do this is to line the tub with white tealights)

What to do

  • Open the window. Even if it’s freezing, crack it open. Otherwise, your bad energy will just be circling the room with you. 
  • Light the candles. 
  • Light the incense. 
  • Lay out your quartz. Add more crystals if you feel it’s necessary. Sometimes I pop in a rose quartz for self-love because you can never have too much of that. 
  • You can also add herbs in at this point. My favorites are lavender or rose petals, but I HATE picking all that shit out of the tub, so I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll either put the herbs in a cloth bag beforehand or just skip it because it’s too much trouble. 
  • Fill the tub and get in. 
  • Visualize a white light protecting you and your space and ask to connect to your highest self. 
  • Next, meditate until your mind is clear. Then visualize a bright white light coming from the center of your chest radiating out to your fingers and toes, removing any blocks, attachments or bad feelings. Imagine anything you don’t want in your energy space leaving out the window alongside the incense smoke. Stay as long as you need to in this space. 

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We’ve been talking about…well, making things! Food, household supplies, spells—

Send us questions or share your thoughts on our current subject: kitchen witchcraft.


~witchy asks~

do you collect herbs? if so what’s your favorite one?

⭐️ what’s your star sign?

do you collect crystals? what’s you favorite one?

how do you cleanse your space?

do you make moonwater?

do you work with any deities? if so which one(s)?

do you do divination? what is/are your favorite form(s) of divination?

what’s your chinese zodiac?

do you work with your ancestors?

what’s you unpopular witchcraft opinion?

do you have a book of shadows?

what’s your moon sign?

do you work with angels?

what path(s)/tradition(s) are you following?

do you do blood magick?

do you do shadow work?

‍♀️ do you work with the fae?

♾ what’s you lucky/favorite number?

do you preform hexes/jinxes/curses?

do you give offerings?

do you work with demons?

do you make oils/potions/salves?

⬆️ what’s your rising sign?

✨What’s up? What’s new in your practice?✨

Send me an ask.

I just accidentally deleted a fantastic anon question about researching Southeast Asian witchcraft! My apologies for that, anon. Here is my answer:

While I won’t presume to consider myself an expert on any of these topics, I assume your question was more about the presence of witchcraft, occult, and spiritual practices in Southeast Asian cultures. And there is a lot!

There are shamanic religions and practices . Taoism has the term “fulu” which I believe refers to spoken and written magic practices. Face reading is also a form of Southeast Asian divination that attributes various predictions to a person’s life based on facial features. (Who need palms when you can read noses? Haha.) There is also, of course, the Chinese Zodiac. There’s a Korean shamanic religion called Musok. Japan has its own practices related to divination, magic, and spirits as well. Thailand also has its own understandings of witchcraft and witches.

If you’re interested in Southeast Asian occultism and witchcraft, I would definitely recommend looking at specific countries and cultures because, like anywhere else in the world, perspectives and practices vary based on location! The only difficulty in learning about these religions and practices is that many documents have been destroyed, mistranslated, or otherwise diluted by western scholars. The term “witchcraft” also isn’t universal, so in research, you might want to consider different keywords to find more information. You might find yourself doing a lot of digging, but there’s a lot out there to learn about.

Answering this question from @tha-vvitch-aneres here since this is technically a side blog, so replies would show as a different user.

My go-to is almost always *The Green Witch* by Murphy-Hiscock unless the subject is something more specific, but that one’s kind of obvious. I think my most recent favorite resource is this free course on Medieval magic from the University of Barcelona.

It definitely changes your perspective on magic, and it has informed my understandings of a lot of practices that are hyper popular today since it covers not just Greek and Roman influences but also ways that Islamic and Arabic influences would get filtered though those and even Spanish communities before reaching places like England.

Let’s talk about witchcraft. Send me an ask!

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