#tfa bulkhead



I made another tik tok. Sari learns the cybertrom alphabet

just imagine ratchet and drift are a couple but nobody believes it

there is a good fanfic about this

Some of these were a bit difficult because I don’t recall TFA super well and what I can recall is a bit basic. I also decided to cut off some people from the list I originally had. If someone has a specific request for a certain character, feel free to ask me and I’ll respond with my answer for that character. For now, part 2 of my DnDformers!

Race - Background - Class (Subclass)



  • Optimus Prime: High Elf - Knight - Paladin (Oath of Redemption)
  • Ratchet: Hill Dwarf - Soldier - Cleric (War Domain)/Artificer (Battle Smith)
  • Bumblebee: Tabaxi - Folk Hero - Sorcerer (Storm Sorcery)
  • Bulkhead: Half-Orc - Guild Artisan - Fighter (Rune Knight)/Artificer (Armorer)
  • Prowl: Eladrin (Summer) - Urchin - Ranger (Fey Wanderer)/Rogue (Thief)
  • Jazz: Dragonborn (White) - Entertainer - Bard (College of Swords)
  • Sentinel Prime: Aasimar (Protector) - Athlete - Fighter (Cavalier)
  • Jetfire: Half High Elf - Inheritor - Monk (Way of the Four Elements)
  • Jetstorm: Half High Elf - Inheritor - Monk (Way of the Four Elements)
  • Blurr: Tabaxi - Investigator - Monk (Way of the Open Hand)
  • Ultra Magnus: Eladrin (Winter) - Noble - Fighter (Champion)


  • Megatron: Dragonborn (Silver) - Gladiator - Fighter (Eldritch Knight)/Paladin (Oath of Vengence)
  • Starscream: Air Genasi - Noble - Artificer (Alchemist)
  • Lugnut: Orc - Soldier - Barbarian (Path of the Zealot)
  • Blitzwing: Feral Tiefling - Faceless - Druid (Circle of Wildfire)
  • Black Arachnia: Aasimar (Fallen) - Haunted One - Rogue (Assassin)/Druid (Circle of the Shepard)
  • Shockwave: Changeling - Spy - Wizard (School of Illusion)
  • Swindle: Tabaxi - Smuggler - Bard (College of Whispers)


  • Lockdown: Drow - Urban Bounty Hunter - Rogue (Mastermind)/Blood Hunter (Order of the Mutant)
  • Wasp: Dragonborn (Green) - Haunted One - Druid (Circle of Land (Underdark))
  • Grimlock: Goliath - Fey Lost - Barbarian (Path of the Berserker)
  • Swoop: Aaracokra - Fey Lost - Barbarian (Path of Wild Magic)
  • Snarl: Minotaur - Fey Lost - Barbarian (Path of the Battlerager)

Had a chat about how Repair Crew would go to dangerous sectors to fix Space Bridges.



never drawn this guy before !!

awkward-tfa-screencaps:Bee must be pretty strong for his size to be able to push Bulkhead around lik


Bee must be pretty strong for his size to be able to push Bulkhead around like that

Post link

Happy Lunar New Year! Would’ve drawn more if I’m not constantly out but yeah the boys preparing for the new year!
