#seventeen lee chan


-you were sixteen of age when you first met Dino

-after moving from Daegu to Seoul, you transferred into Seoul Broadcasting High School

-the atmosphere was so welcoming?? Everyone you passed smiled or dipped their head in greeting and you’re bewildered because your old schoolmates were so cold

-your homeroom teacher introduces you to your new official class and the boys are all so good-looking wtf

-you had to rub your eyes twice like why are Seoul students all so perfect

-”good morning class! this is our new student, please help her around the school since she is not yet familiar with the layout of the building.”

-”hello, my name is y/n! I’m from Daegu; it’s a pleasure to meet you all!”

-each person in the room applauds after your introduction and you’re taken aback because it genuinely sounds like they can’t wait to meet you

-the homeroom teacher proceeds to assign you to sit next to a boy doodling in his notebook and you just gasp in awe because of his silverish hair it’s beautiful goddamn

-he doesn’t look up when you slip into the seat next to his

-it’s a w k w a r d as hell

-so you try to start up a conversation with the simplest and most boring line ever:

-”uhm i’m y/n, what’s your name?”

-the boy’s eyebrows furrow, and you’re terrified you insulted him in some way already

-you had a knack for accidentally offending others

-he finally answers in a matter-of-fact tone, much to your relief

-”it’s dino.”

-”oh… uh… nice to meet you dino!!” he doesn’t reply, but you persist, determined to at least make one friend today. “hey, what do you have for first period class?”

-there’s a slight pause in the boy’s scribbling, but he still avoids your gaze

-”i have mr. park.”

-you have absolutely no idea who mister park is, which subject he teaches and which room he’s at

-”that’s… um… cool…”


-”ah, um, you must know this school really well huh!!”

-seriously you’re running out of things to converse about and the uncomfortable silence is sweeping in

-”… yeah… i do.”

-dino’s so quiet when responding to your questions that you’re beginning to think that he might already dislike you

-eventually, the conversation if there was any at all  dies off and both of you just awkwardly raise your hands when the teacher calls attendance

-the bell rings for first period and he bolts out of the door in a flash

-is he annoyed at me already?? You couldn’t help but get another unpleasant feeling in your stomach

-obviously you shake it off because you and Dino haven’t even known each other for an hour yet… there’s a chance you guys could get on better terms, right?


-all throughout the week Dino ignores you or pretends not to see you

-like this one time you were wandering around the school because you couldn’t find your fifth period class and you spot Dino near his locker

-approaching him while looking down, you busily pull out your schedule from your backpack to ask him where room 507, the science lab, was (the stupid school didn’t have door numbers above each room for some idiotic reason)

-andd he’s gone

-you’re alone in the deserted corridors

-seething, you had to walk allllthe way down to the first floor, ask the lady at the counter for help, then climb the stairs allll the way up to the fifth floor when you could’ve just turned right

-”the next time I catch him he’ll face my wrath URRGGH”

-but unsurprisingly, that boy sure could run

-he miraculously managed to steer clear of your presence every time you ‘ambushed’ him after class

-it’s frustrating to the point where you start waiting for him to come out of the boys’ locker room so you two could ‘talk’

-dino, being the smart honors student he is, takes the back door

-”sayonara idiot”

-yOU FINALLY get him in your hands after he miscalculates and heads to the vending machines to buy a sports drink

-”hellooo there dino”

-”pfft- why are you here” he chokes on his drink and his eyes immediately dart around to find a way to escape

-too bad there would be no escape now

-”lee chan… why are you trying to hide from me huh? What did i ever do to you to cause you to keep your distance from me? I was simply trying to find my way through the school and you ignored my pleas for help? Honestly, and i thought Seoul students were more polite? Yah- get back here!!”

-dino takes off through the hallways

-in a frenzy, you dart after him

-it’s a wild goose chase but you’re gaining ground on him

-both of you eventually get tired of running and begin panting like mad dogs

-”stop….*heave*right…*heavy breathing*there…*collapse*

-”what…*cough*do…*sneeze*you…*cough*… want… *collapse*

-and you’re just glaring at each other

-and glaring


-still glaring

-until dino bursts into laughter

-complete confusion breaks out across your face you have no idea what he’s laughing about

-was there toilet paper on your shoe? Lettuce stuck between your teeth??

-meanwhile dino’s still cracking up on the floor, trying to exhale through his nose

- “what’s so funny?” you ask, starting to get seriously mad

- dino just keeps laughing, despite the growing tension

- “look, i just wanted to be able to fit in here and get along with people? why are you being so cold to me? you’re making it difficult for me to feel comfortable here”

- the laughter stops with those words

-dino looks at you, and he looks like he’s been slapped across the face right then

- “i… i’m sorry"

- you’re surprised to hear an apology

- “thank… you?”

- “there’s nothing wrong with you, i promise. y-you just…”

- frowning, you take a step closer to him, trying to connect the dots. He backs away, much to your annoyance.

-”i just what?”

-”you make me nervous, alright?”

- you??? made him??? nervous??? how on earth???

- “what?”

- he shakes his head quickly, eyes wide as a deer caught in headlights

-“pretend i didn’t say that. please. my reputation is at stake here.”

-so the two of you stand in silence in the hallway, not looking at each other because he?? doesn’t stop blushing??

- you’re still honestly so confused… he didn’t explain why he felt nervous around you… unless…

-”hey, do you have a crush on me?”

- but you’d literally just gotten to the school? oh man, your head was going to hurt if you thought about it more.

-dino’s ears grow pink, and he shakes his head vigorously

-”of course not!” he says with such defiance you’re almost insulted i mean who wouldn’t want your fine ass he’s probably blind

- ”i-i… you won in last year’s Seoul dancing competition, right?”

-hesitantly, you respond to his question

- “yes… i did…”

-”that last move you did… was it based off michael jackson’s thriller choreography?”

-astounded, you nodded your head. Even the judges didn’t recognize that move; you were a little disappointed they didn’t, that specific move took you months to perfect

-dino gets up from the floor and scratches the back of his neck, ears turning even redder than it was before

-you just realized how cute he looked like when he was embarrassed

-”uhm… could you teach me the way you dance?”

-the smile on his face’s hopeful; he clearly wanted to learn those moves badly

-it’s touching, it really is

-”sure”, you grin, “under one condition”

-dino’s smile immediately falters

-”… what’s the condition?”

-”you must bow whenever you see me in the hallways”

-he breathes a sigh of relief and dips his head in acknowledgement

-and that’s how you two became the best of friends

-you could always have a nice laugh with him about the first time you guys met each other

-surprisingly (or not), dino’s also really caring?? you were kicked out of your house a couple months back because you couldn’t pay the rent fast enough and he grew so worried he forced you to move into his house

-so you ended up living at a ginormous condominium

-dino has twelve?? Older?? Brothers??

-and they’re all hot asf aghjkl

-take seungcheol for example

-biceps, the eldest and strongest of all the brothers

-jeonghan; aka the mother, and angel also devil working part-time

-jisoo; handsome gentleman that speaks english

-junhui; huge greaseball, but deeply cares for his family

-hoshi; 10:10, star, kwon FIRREE, closest to dino obviously

-wonwoo; scary at first, is actually a big softie

-jihoon; don’t ever call him cute he WILL hit you with his guitar

-seokmin; ball of sunshine what’s not to like

-mingyu; germyu more like HAH

-minghao; don’t ever make him mad he’s scarily good at roasts but other than that cute & reserved

-seungkwan; your favorite brother other than chan tbh tbvh

-vernon; eyelashes you would kill for

-but they’re always up to some weird shiet

-they’ve always landed you and Dino in awkward situations… especially that time one week ago ugh

-so you and Dino were studying in his room and the atmosphere was light and comedic

-but guess what

-naega hosh decides to ruin it


-you two are literally only exchanging notes from the classes you shared together

-Dino’s entire face grows red, from the tip of his ears to his neck and you can’t tell if it’s from anger or embarrassment

-you’re staring at hoshi, dumbfounded and still not grasping the meaning of his words

-groaning, your best friend dashes after hoshi

-you prayed for his well-being after a series of screams and “i was tRYING TO HELP” enters the vicinity of your ears

-you don’t mind all their teasing although dino screams in agony every time his brothers even slightly mention the two of you looking good together

-in fact, you have a crush on chan yourself you’d never admit it but you do

-so whenever dino denies having a crush on you a piece of your heart breaks a little

-it’s obvious he only sees you as a good friend who’s like a sister to him… not that the truth doesn’t sting

-you’ll rather it stay this way; the less dino knows the better

-here comes the huge plot twist though

-your best friend actually does like you

-dino liked you before you even thought of liking him

-he liked you before you two even knew each other

-he liked you even when those petty arguments got in the way of your friendship, he liked you even when you were a disastrous mess in the morning, he liked you even when you liked that senior who picked up the wallet that you dropped during lunch one time

-dino liked you a lot, but he also was afraid

-afraid you would reject him

-afraid this uncommon friendship would be no more

-afraid he’d lose you, no, terrified you’d be out of his life if he ever confessed

-that fear got in the way to taking the next step of his relationship with you, and your obliviousness to his subtle flirting and overbearing concerns didn’t contribute to the progression of the confession at all

-that’s where the rest of his brothers come in

-jeonghan, the mastermind behind all the miraculous ‘coincidences’ is the head of the ‘find a suitable partner for baby chan’ agency and literally dedicates his free time to try to hook you two up together

-none of his cleverly designed plans would work however… except for one

-and that one successful attempt made you and dino realize that you two couldn’t go on without admitting the blossoming feelings you had for each other

-it worked… in a way that wasn’t planned..

-it was on a friday evening when the scheme took place

-as usual, jeonghan would be up to no good, and his brain was brewing with purely evil thoughts and tactics

-so on that night, jeonghan’s like “hey guys, let’s play truth or dare!”

-and the rest of dino’s brothers seem to catch on to what he’s going for, but for whatever reason, dino is none the wiser

-the rest of the brothers are exchanging sly smiles and they know where agent 1004 would be going with this

-you’re also unaware of what they’re doing, thinking that they’re just going to be boys being boys, and daring each other to do crazy things like lick each other’s armpits or run laps around the house naked

-all of you gather around in a circle and just to make sure that dino’s not going to chicken out, jeonghan orders the boys to lock up all available exits

-you’re starting to get suspicious, but you let it pass, thinking that you’re just being paranoid

-they go through a few dares (the most notable being jeonghan daring seungcheol to lie down on the couch and letting hoshi put ice on his nipples for ten seconds)

-eventually all 12 brothers decided on ‘dare’; each of them being dared to do all sorts of creepy things that would be weird just to think about

-it’s dino’s turn, and you realize he’s the second-to-last-one left of the bunch you’re last

-dino’s feeling quite bold and wants to live up to the “brave” show that his brothers had put up

-so he goes ‘dare!’ with a lot of gusto

-and jeonghan smiles evilly and you think “oh no”

-and jeonghan looks at you, and then looks at dino, and he goes “dino, i dare you to kiss y/n”

-dino goes bright red in the face

-like he literally turns into a tomato

-you watch him out of the corner of your eye, afraid to express any kind of movement other than shifting your pupils

-and you watch as his feelings go from complete embarrassment to pure rage

-and he stands to his feet

-and he starts berating jeonghan - everyone is just shocked

-dino’s on a complete roll now; there’s no stopping him and his harsh words

-“i wish, for once, that you could be at least a little considerate on my part! you’re always planning something to make me uncomfortable or feel stupid and you ALL think you’re so smart and so sly because i’m the youngest here??”

-he takes a deep breath… and continues

-”I’m more than capable of expressing myself and who i am!! I’m as much as a man as any of you in here, but guess what? GUESS WHAT?! I have to put up with all of your crap because you’re older and i have to respect my elders but no more!! No more!! I-I.. stop being such a terrible brother! Stop being such terrible BROTHERS!!”

-everyone’s like ‘holy shit what the flying f*ck just happened

-dino storms out of the room because he’s furious, he’s so mad at the world and at himself

-everyone’s looking between one another because dino gets angry often but he’s never snapped like that

-and jeonghan looks genuinely hurt

-you look at him carefully and sigh, getting to your feet

-‘i’ll go talk to him, okay?’

-they all agree that’d be best

-so you start looking for dino and you find him in his room, blasting heavy rock on top volume

-gathering all the air in your lungs, you scream over the deafening music

-”DINO! It’s me!”

-for a while, you thought your attempt at conversing with him was a lost cause, and the music just keeps blaring

-it comes to an abrupt stop suddenly, and dino’s voice, sad and sullen, brings you back to his door

-“y/n…don’t come in”

-“why not?”

-“I don’t want to see you”

-you never knew that one line could hurt so much, nevertheless, you persist

-“dino… please”


-“dino… i know you’re upset, but please, don’t take this out on me”

-he goes quiet for a moment

-and you’re about to walk away, sheepish at your futile efforts

-he opens his door a small crack, peering out to make sure it was really you

-“hey” you grin, nodding at the tall male. “How’re you doing by yourself?”

-he rolls his eyes, but still returns a withered smile

-“never been better y/n”

-”may i come in?”

-your best friend ponders about the pros and cons of the request for a little while before conceding, and you step into his room, shutting the door behind you

-you walk alongside his bed, admiring the tons of Michael Jackson and Haikyuu figurines he had in his collection

-truth to be told, you’ve always preferred to stay in dino’s room more than any other room in the house; it was just so cozy and full of memories of his childhood

-the left wall was tacked entirely with photos of him and his brothers; dino would often tell you stories about his misadventures with them– there was one year where the family went on a camping trip and wonwoo’s snacks were stolen by a giant grizzly bear, and there was that one week where woozi’s guitar was accidentally sat on by mingyu and he had refused to talk to him or any of his brothers until one of them got the exact copy of his previous instrument (which joshua had to travel to the usa for)

-you know dino loves his brothers deeply, and wouldn’t give them for the world, heck, even the next door lady with a whole set of teeth missing knew

-and especially not jeonghan

-it’s been quiet for a while now, and you glance back to see dino peacefully resting against the right wall

-the right wall the male was currently leaning on, on the other hand, was full of his achievements he had gained over the years; the numerous certificates and trophies of him getting in the basketball team and making the honor roll every single year in school… he was extremely talented and clever

-stepping closer to dino and to the wall, you marvel at the amount of  passion your best friend had poured into everything before you’ve even met him

-and in the center of the concrete structure , was a letter, laminated and hanged up accordingly, that notified him that he had made it to the prestigious national youth dance program

-you smile to yourself; dino had told you that out of all his brothers (which had all been tremendously supportive of him chasing after his dreams), jeonghan was the happiest after hearing him say that, and had dialed all their relatives that lived across the globe just to alert them of the good news. He definitely loved jeonghan more than he let on

-dino’s eyes flicker open, and in spite of himself, he smiles along with you

-”y/n, i hope you didn’t take offense to what i said before”

-you glance back at him, empathetic

-”it wouldn’t be me who would be taking offense”

-the male’s eyes flicker back to his feet, and he sighs

-”i shouldn’t have lashed out like that, should’ve i?”

-as gently as you could, you shake your head. “You shouldn’t have, but i understand how you feel,” you say, patting his shoulder.

-dino gazes at you softly, a remorseful look drifting over his features

-he directs his gaze back to his feet, most likely slapping himself mentally for screaming out what he didn’t mean

-it was then you realized how young he looked. young, not as in immature, but more so a youth who recognized the errors of their recklessness too late

-trying to offer some form of encouragement, you reach out for his face, and that’s when your brain started hollering “danger”

-when had dino become so handsome?

-his infamous chicken hairstyle was the talk of the class until he had gotten rid of it, but even after that, the girls hadn’t paid him much attention

-it wasn’t like he had been bad-looking all these years; you just found his personality the most attractive part of him

-subconsciously, you reach out for dino’s face and stroke his chiseled jaw without a second thought

-his gaze shoots to the position of your hand, questions forming in his racing mind


-your heart skips a beat, and your eyes soften at the sound of his voice… you were going to hate yourself for doing this, but you couldn’t resist anymore

-that’s it all it took; one breathy whisper from him that unleashed all the emotions you’ve been hiding for so long

-you lean in slowly, still stroking dino’s jaw with your fingertips, and meet his pale pink lips with yours

-it was as if time froze itself, and that it was only the two of you left in this world, with nothing to disturb the anticipated moment

-dino stops breathing, motionless in his spot

-your brain registers his motions almost instantly… dino wasn’t kissing you back.

-you immediately pull back from his lips, suddenly nauseous 

-you made a mistake, didn’t you?

-you never touch your best friend

-not ever

-no matter how quick it was, no matter how much you liked them, you don’t. you don’t do it for fear of ruining the friendship

-instead of voicing your apologies aloud, you bow your head in fear that your voice would crack while saying sorry

-it hurt, but this was the truth, wasn’t it?

-the kiss… if you could even call it one, would just be a rueful memory imprinted on your mind for the rest of your life

-the clock ticks by, and neither of you move

-you’re shaking

-dino touches your shoulder, and you glance up, eyes already welling up with tears

-you couldn’t bear to let him see you in this pitiful state, but to your surprise, he tenderly wipes the droplets running down your cheeks away

-dino then slowly cups your chin, and leans in, his and your heartbeat increasing to a rate of one million

-your mind goes blank the moment his smooth pink lips touched yours, and your legs falter from the excitement and thrill of finally requiting your feelings for each other

-it was one of the briefest kisses recorded down in history, but to you, it felt like a decade

-you were in absolute bliss because…

-dino liked you back


-”you guys did kiss back then, didn’t you??” hoshi exclaims, resuming his exuberant twirling across the bedroom

-your face turns apple red, and you pretend to be immersed in your book

-dino chokes on his water, his face turning just as red as yours

-”I-I… we… it’s not what you think-”

-”relax, relax, all of us know. coupsie, jihoon, and i heard y/n sniffling behind the door and thought you must’ve hurt her or something, but whaddya know? she went from snivelling to silent in .2 seconds… seungcheol was about to break down the door if her whimpering wouldn’t stop, so thank god for that. jeonghan was jumping from door to door after we told him our hunch.”

-the youngest brother begins hyperventilating, clutching his head in a wild panic

-”you guys were outside?!! Jeonghan knows we kissed?!”

-snorting, hoshi collapses on the seat next to yours, checking his hair out in the nearby window

-”he would find out even if none of us made a peep channie”

-”goshdarn it!! he’s not home yet, is he??”

-the front door slams rightfully shut, and as if on cue, jeonghan’s blonde head pops through the wooden door

-”dinooo~ you have some explaining to do~”

