#seventeen vocal unit



His eyes went wide as soon as Jeonghan spotted what you were wearing, with Seungcheol’s eyes just beside him landing on the same thing.

“Isn’t that your jumper from the tour?” Seungcheol enquired, noticing Jeonghan’s name written on the bottom of your hoodie.

“Y/N must’ve picked up the wrong one,” Jeonghan panicked, unable to take his eyes away from you, “they were hung up side by side together in the wardrobe.”

A hum came from Seungcheol, “are you sure you didn’t give it to her? Let people know she’s yours?”

Jeonghan’s head shook straight away in reply to Seungcheol, “do you really think that I’m that protective over Y/N that I would make her wear my hoodie?”

“Absolutely,” Seungcheol sniggered, feeling Jeonghan’s hand poke into his side, “we’ve all seen how protective you can be.”

“I honestly didn’t give it to her,” Jeonghan huffed, “although I think by the end of the day everyone will know that Y/N is with me.”

“I’m still not convinced you didn’t give it to her on purpose,” Seungcheol smiled.

“I’m not as protective as you think, honest.”


He couldn’t help but let his smile grow as Joshua caught sight of you, a smile that definitely didn’t go unnoticed by Minghao just beside him.

“Isn’t that yours?” Minghao asked, beginning to figure out what had caught Joshua’s attention, “is that why you’re smiling?”

“I’m not smiling,” Joshua defended, not even realising how wide his grin was until Minghao imitated him, matching his smile perfectly and leaving Joshua stunned.

Once he was done, Minghao pushed against his arm, “and she’s wearing it at the workplace too.”

Joshua’s head shook as he looked away from your direction, “it’s no big deal, I mean Y/N’s worn my shirts before anyway,” he tried his best to defend.”

“But this is to work,” Minghao reminded him, unable to ignore you quite as well as Joshua was, “others will know it’s yours too.”

“I bet no one will even notice,” Joshua responded, but Minghao’s head shook, a suspicious looking smile beginning to form on his face.

“They won’t notice unless someone just so happens to tell them,” he teased.

“There’s no way that you’d stitch me up like that.”


A hand hitting against the table made Jihoon jump as he took a sip from his coffee cup, shooting a glare across at Vernon beside him.

“I’ve figured it out,” Vernon muttered, looking across in your direction across the cafeteria, “that’s your shirt that Y/N’s wearing.”

“What are you on about?” Jihoon laughed in disbelief back across at Vernon, that was until he looked to wear you were, and what you were wearing too.”

Vernon’s head nodded confidently, “I can’t believe that Y/N’s worn your shirt to work.”

Jihoon’s head shook at how excited Vernon was beside him, “it’s just a shirt, you’ve seen Y/N wearing my shirts before,” he reminded Vernon.

“T-that’s one of your favourite shirts too though,” Vernon quickly picked up on, “and you really let her borrow it from you?”

“Y/N needed a shirt, all of hers at the dorm need to be washed,” he explained, “I wouldn’t have given that shirt to her otherwise.”

“I bet you would have, you can’t say no to Y/N at all,” Vernon joked in reply.

“I can say no, you’ve just not seen me do it yet.”


A bellow of his name caused Seokmin to tense up as Soonyoung rushed towards him, grabbing his arm and shaking Seokmin’s frame.

“You are such a liar,” Soonyoung told him with a shake of his head, “I’ve just seen Y/N and talked to her about the shirt.”

“What did she say?” Seokmin smiled, trying his best not to give anything away, “if she told you that it was my shirt that she was wearing, she was definitely lying.”

Soonyoung refused to believe him a second time around, “I called it all along that that was yours.”

Seokmin struggled to control his expression as Soonyoung stared, “Y/N must just have a similar shirt to the one that I own, I’d never share my wardrobe.”

“You definitely would share with Y/N,” Soonyoung sniggered, “I can’t believe I trusted you and believed what you said.”

“How come you believe Y/N, but you don’t believe me?” Seokmin challenged as Soonyoung dropped his arm, “why listen to her?”

“Because I know Y/N, and she would never lie to me,” Soonyoung established.

“You don’t know her like I do.”


The sound of the door suddenly slamming made Seungkwan jump as he looked across to Mingyu who was sprinting across to get to him.

“I like Y/N’s outfit today,” Mingyu suddenly complimented as soon as he was close enough to Seungkwan, “it suits her.”

“Why?” Seungkwan asked him in confusion, “why did you feel like I needed to know that?” He then added, standing up from the floor where he dropped his bag.

Mingyu’s eyes rolled at Seungkwan’s innocence, “she was wearing a shirt of yours you know.”

Seungkwan’s eyes widened as soon as Mingyu spoke. “I knew that she was looking through my wardrobe last night, even though she said she wasn’t.”

“I have to say, the shirt suited her too,” Mingyu added, unable to stop himself from teasing Seungkwan a little more.”

“I’m going to have to buy a lock and key for my wardrobe,” he sighed, “and she had the confidence to wear it to work too.”

“I imagine she’ll be hiding from you so that you don’t see it,” Mingyu suggested.

“I’ll hunt her down one way or another.”







Only the Hip Hop Unit left. Then I’ll probably make one for Blackpink too.

 I know how heart breaking it is to see our babies performing or having a scene with other female artist. 

We just want to throw away our phones and bawl our eyes out. 

But things like that is inevitable, it’s actually an opportunity and honor for them to do collab stage with other artist.

 Let’s be thankful that our boys is being recognized now. 


PLEASE let’s not bash any artist who had a collaboration stage or any project with them.

Bashing other artist will not affect your life but it will make a bad impression to the fandom and bad impact to the group. 

We know how much our babies treasure us so don’t do anything that can affectour fandom image. 

Let’s be nice to everyone, don’t start any wars and don’t bash anyone alright? 

Jisoos wants peace.
