#sex life


Guess who got laid tonight!

Not me of course, although I did take a really good leak earlier that was almost orgasmic.

 Erectile Dysfunction in Males and its Treatment in Homoeopathy Erectile Dysfunction is a very commo

Erectile Dysfunction in Males and its Treatment in Homoeopathy

Erectile Dysfunction is a very common health condition that affects many men across the globe. Though it does have a wide range of disorders, but the most common symptoms that cause major problems specially in marriage life or sexual life among couples are to having trouble getting or maintaining erection. In general erectile dysfunction is not uncommon and it increases with growing age.

Its a matter of major concern among many couples worldwide as persistent ED has a significant impact on the man’s self image as well his partner’s sexual life and this is one of the reason why bitterness in relationship occurs. This can be a frustrating problem as the penis is unable to become sufficiently rigid and performing intercourse may seem quite uneasy and impossible.

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हर किसी को एक अच्छे और सुन्दर शरीर की इच्छा रहती है और अगर ये बात महिलाओं की हो तो शरीर का सबसे आकर्षित अंग होते हैं स्तन जो की महिलाओं की सुंदरता को और भी निखारने मैं मदद करती हैं , और आजकल तो कई तरह के कॉस्मेटिक और सर्जरी से कई महिलायें अपने स्तनों का आकार बढ़ाना चाहती हैं। hindi news

पर आपने कभी सोचा है के अगर प्राकृतिक तरीके से अगर ये चीज किया जाए तो बहुत सारी कम्प्लीकेशन से बचा जा सकता है और कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी से आगे चलके काफ़ी सारी मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है।

इस पैकेज में हम आपको बताएँगे के कैसे नेचुरल अथवा प्राकृतिक तरीके से स्तनों को कैसे बड़ा किया जा सकता है, आईये जानते हैं इस आर्टिकल में। nutrition

1. स्तनों का मसाज

ये आप किसी प्रोफेशनल massaguer से करवा सकते हैं अथवा खुद भी हर रोज़ कर सकते हैं , इस प्रक्रिया से स्तनों की वृद्धि में समय लग सकता है पर इससे नेचुरल तरीके से आप लाभ पा सकते हैं।

2. स्तनों की वृद्धि में सहायक क्रीम्स

आजकल स्तनों का आकार बढ़ाने वाले कई तरह के क्रीम्स मार्किट में मौजूद हैं , उनमे से कई केमिकल और कुछ हर्बल प्रोडक्ट्स हैं , अगर आपको भविस्य की कम्प्लीकेशन से बचना है तो जितना हो सके हर्बल क्रीम्स का इस्तमाल करें।  रात को सोने से पहले आप क्रीम का लेप अपने स्तनों में लगाके सोएं।

3. हर्बल टेबलेट्स और पिल्स

जैसे की आपने ऊपर लिखित पंक्तियों में पढ़ा , हर्बल टेबलेट्स और पिल्स ही लें , डॉक्टर के परामर्श के अनुसार ही इस स्तन बर्धक टेबलेट्स और पिल्स खाएं। latest news

4. खाद्य पदार्थ जो एस्ट्रोजन की मात्रा में वृद्धि करे

खाद्य पदार्थ जैसे की एप्पल , चेरी , आलमंड , गाजर , खीरा , लहसून , पिस्ता और बादाम शरीर में एस्ट्रोजन की मात्रा में वृद्धि करते हैं जिस से स्तनों का आकार बढ़ाने में मदद मिलती है।

I finally finished grad school! I kinda almost didn’t, but I explained my depression issues and they were super understanding about me not getting the type of grade I needed in one of my classes.

I completely forgot to post an update on my HPV status. I found out several weeks ago that I am now HPV-free. I’m so fucking relieved. I don’t have to worry about giving anything to anyone and I don’t have to worry about cancer.  Thank the metaphorical excuse for a goddess that people in my age group clear that shit out.

I’m also about to move out of A2 in a few days. I’ve been making a bunch of new friends over the past month, so I’m actually sad about it. I’ll be okay, and I know I’ll meet awesome new people in the DMV (I already have started to, in fact). It just sucks. I was finally getting a group of kinky/poly/feminist/sex positive/fucking awesome friends (as opposed to just multiple friends), and now I kinda have to start over. I mean, I’ll keep up with them, and visit them and they will visit me, but it does give me a bit of the sads.

I finally had sex with a lady! It was fun, and I really enjoyed it, even if she wasn’t exactly my type.  I apparently was not terrible, and definitely not as bad as teenage boy, which is how I felt.

I have three gentlemen (lol gentlemen) in my life right now. Since this is a navel-gazing sex blog, I’ll call them by nicknames that amuse me.

There’s British Lad ™. I actually met this guy on kik. I never thought I’d like someone from there, since it’s mostly terrible people, but I was wicked horny for a period of time (16 orgasms in about 10 hours, thank you!) and I found this guy who told me a really hot story. It was so good that I was willing to send him a picture of my tits. I never do that. He then sent me a picture of his cock when I asked, and when I saw it, I actually got turned on. I’m sorry, but cock shots never turn me on. So, I asked for more pictures, and he asked for more, and we’ve been going back and forth with pictures and stories and mmmph. He hasn’t told me his real name, and honestly, I don’t care. Someone whose pictures give me gina tingles (worst phrase)? I’ll take it. He’s somewhat dommy, and likes to play with that, which is fun.

Then there’s the lovely dommy guy I’ve been playing with in A2, who I met off OkCupid. (I’ll have full stories later). I told my Breastie* that I wanted an amusing nickname but couldn’t think of one. She came up with My Lord and Master (MLAM for short). It’s perfect because no. Not exactly his style. As in, he’s wickedly dominant when he wants to be, but most of the time he’s like a caffinated Labrador puppy. Just excited, and curious, extroverted as fuck, and genuinely interested in other people. He’s also nicely left-leaning and has enough feminist cred that I let him say shit about it when he’s domming me. I’m really sad to be leaving, because his style is perfect for me. More details later, but long story short, he’s ridiculously good about checking in and enthusiastic consent, he can read me pretty darn well, he likes reactions, so he’s interested in doing what his partners want, and he’s very good at the psychological side of things. (Holy fuck when he plays with my feminism…but that’s for another post. Basically, the term “feminist bitch” now makes my pussy wet in a way that slut no longer can.)

Finally, we’ve got my soon-to-be local boy (Or, rather, man. He does happen to be 6 years older than I am.), Former President (FP). This guy messaged me on the OkCupes, and PHEW. His first message referenced my rejection of mind-body dualism, our sexual compatibility, and said he was mostly “looking for a good conversation about feminism and deconstructing binaries.” Yes plz. Well, we did end up turning the conversation towards kinks pretty darn quickly, I’ll admit. What can I say? I was horny and excited to find someone good in my area. We’re very sexually compatible (and also have similar politics and interests outside of kink, in many ways). He does switch, and enjoys pegging as part of that, but is mostly dominant. He likes consensual nonconsent, rough sex, impact play, biting, hair pulling, spanking, etc. He shared a really hot story with me that definitely served as masturbation inspiration, and thinking about being handed over from MLAM to him (like a possession that you give to someone and show them how best to use) has definitely pushed me over the edge a few times during masturbation. He likes causing tears, which is interesting to me, since I’ve found I like being made to cry, at least through pain. We’ve been talking for a good couple weeks now, and we have a date set up for May 9th. Of course, I’ll share that story as soon as possible.

My only complaints are that he used “masculinity” instead of “cock” in a sexy story, and that he capitalized “Domly” in a message. The first thing is just kinda not hot to me, but the second I’m just like “Nope.” Because 1. Domly just sounds to serious for such things, in my opinion (I like “dommy” because it’s just a softer word, and is the right amount of playful) and 2. Capitalization games are absurd and obnoxious. I’m giving him a pass because it was in the context of the sentence “So even when I’m being Domly it’s extremely important to know my partner is getting exactly what she wants, as I’m hard-wired to get off on that approval.”

I have to finish writing up some entries about what I’ve been up to lately, but hopefully I’ll post those soon.

*because she has a large bust and is my bestie and ahahaha one of my other friends (Legal Lolita) came up with that one because I can only come up with nicknames easily when it comes to really obvious things or silly boys.

Apparently finding a hot dommy top has turned me into a high school girl, complete with asking my bestie what to say in texts, and getting all giggly and silly when he texts me.

And turned on. Like got warm and was uncomfortable that I was in public.

Today I got a call from my doctor. I had pap smear the other week and she was calling with the results. She told me the pap was normal. But I now have HPV.

I was scared and worried. Scared of cancer and what this means for my health. Worried about telling Z and about the impact on my sex life.

I ended up telling my dad, who was in the store with me, and then I told my best friend. My dad was understanding, and I did tell my mom. Silver lining, I had a conversation with my dad about the fact that I’ve had sex. He said he knew and that they aren’t naive, although my mom did decide to ask “how could this happen?” although that could have been in regards to the fact that I’ve had the vaccine. But at least I was able to have an adult conversation with my dad about it where I discussed the fact that I’ve had sex.

I was worried about Z. He’s a great guy, but I had no idea how he would react. I was worried he might break up with me or blame me. In reality, he listened, asked some questions, felt sorry for himself, but an appropriate amount, was sympathetic, hugged me when I talked about my fears, talked about who gave it to who, but eventually decided it was probably him. I don’t blame him if it was. In fact, supposedly the ex he thinks he might have got it from had the strain tested and it didn’t cause cancer. At the end of the conversation, I was feeling closer to him than before. I’d been feeling distant during our rough two week separation, but now I feel as close or closer than ever.

I’m still worried that I might have cancer, because the Internet says the strains they test for are the ones that cause cancer. That fear most likely won’t go away entirely. But I also know that most of the time, people get HPV and it goes away without causing any symptoms. And I know that a lot of people get it. I also know that now I need to tell M about it. He’s not at much risk, but it’s also my responsibility. I guess I should also tell C and H. I wish there was a test for people with penises. It’s ridiculous that most doctors won’t test for it.

Right now I’m feeling okay. Z reacted better than I could have expected, and I’ve talked myself down from being actively frightened about cancer.

開始愛上賺錢的快感 應酬的忙碌 淫亂的享受

開始愛上賺錢的快感 應酬的忙碌 淫亂的享受

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Guess Which car is mine

Guess Which car is mine

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For 20 years of my life I grew up in a fundamentalist non-denominational Christian family.

I obediently attended church twice a day on Sunday. I prayed unceasingly, sang worship songs, gave money, and listened to the preachers. I witnessed the scandals. I heard the gossiping. I went to many mid-week bible studies, gave out religious pamphlets once a year and read the entire bible back to front three times over. Hell, I even learned a tiny bit of ancient Greek to help me translate the original biblical text better.

This article is a testament to a lot of what I’ve learned about Christianity and sex. If I were to truly reveal everything I’ve learned about this major world religion, I’d probably write an entire book – or three.

You may be wondering why I’m only shining the spotlight on Christianity. After all, don’t other religions create sexually repressed and twisted people? The answer is yes. Religions like Islam, Judaism and even Hinduism do indeed distort sexuality. But due to time and length restrictions, I can only focus on Christianity for now. Also, I don’t have as much experience with other religions as I do with Christianity. So I think it’s best for me to start with what I’ve had first-hand experience with.

Put simply, Christian sex indoctrination is one of the greatest scourges of the planet.

It’s time to examine how Christian perceptions of sex influence us.

Christianity and its corruption of sex has tormented, plagued and afflicted millions upon millions of people throughout the ages. We will explore these dangerous forms of indoctrination in this article.

Before I begin, I want to say that not all followers of Christ conform to organized Christianity. Many admirers of Christ have healthy perceptions of sex and sexuality – although these represent a minority. Like many others, I believe that Christ was a wise and enlightened man and I respect the lessons he taught. However, I don’t subscribe to the Bible.

How Christian Beliefs Infiltrate Our Perceptions of Sex

Even if you weren’t raised in a Christian household, you were still raised in a religious culture. This religious culture was heavily influenced by at least one of the major world religions.

If you were raised in the West, for example, Christianity was almost guaranteed to enter your life at some point.  From the way sex was spoken about in school to the laws passed today, sexual perceptions, choices and beliefs were made for you since birth.

According to how fierce the religious climate you lived in was, you would have learned that God hears all lustful thoughts. You would have been taught that sex before marriage is immoral and punishable with hellfire. That masturbation is dirty. Homosexuality (“sodomy”) is a perversion. Abortion is murder.

Since a young age, Christianity infects us with illness and gives us the imaginary “cure.” Because we’re unable to think critically as children, we easily accept what we’re taught. Being taught that there is an immortal, unconditionally loving God in the sky makes us feel safe and secure. Children love this. (As a child I remember how nice it felt to be protected.) But then as we get older we’re taught that this God has special rules for us. Finally, in our teenage years we’re taught that God loves us, but he’ll send us to hell if we disobey him. This place is described as being a “blazing furnace” where there will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:42).

As our bodies begin to go through changes in adolescence, we’re taught to feel condemned by our own sex drive. We’re told that we must abstain from masturbation because Jesus is always watching us. We’re warned not to engage in pre-marital sex, and cautioned of the shame and horror that will befall us if we do.

As young adults, we’re taught that God’s word (the Bible), is the absolute truth. Because we were conditioned since birth to associate God with wisdom, protection, and the bringer of salvation, we begin studying the bible obediently. I remember how much of a relief it was to have life all figured out. It was so nice to read “God’s Word” whenever I was stranded in a moral dilemma or a confusing situation. I didn’t even have to think for myself! I could just quote scripture and be backed by the “fact” that it was spoken directly from God. Soon my every thought, opinion and belief was filtered by the Bible. This is a very effective method of brainwashing that many other Christians experience every single day.

As adults, we develop something I call the inner “religious police.” Our inner religious police ensure that we stay obedient (enslaved) to the dogmas and creeds of Christianity. Their job is to constantly filter our thoughts and feelings through the use of shame and guilt. Anything judged as not being “biblical” is locked out of the conscious mind and repressed into the Shadow Self. For example, a Christian man who has sexual thoughts about a woman is instantly arrested by his inner religious police. His inner religious police condemn the thought as “sinful” and infect him with guilt, shame, and the fear of punishment from God. This ensures that he continues to stay faithful to the laws of God.

To remain as a righteous “soldier” of Christ, men and woman alike memorize a number of Bible verses to keep sin away. Here are some examples:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.” (Matthew 5:27-30)

“But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

“Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” (Hebrews 13:4)

“But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.” (Ephesians 5:3-5)

As we can see, such Biblical verses promote sexual avoidance, aversion, and terror. If certain kinds of sexual behavior can land you straight in Satan’s lap, you better be careful!

But as we’ll soon see, being a Christian doesn’t correlate with being a more “moral” person. In fact, in many cases it actually does the opposite.

Christian Sex Myths

The following Christian sex myths are responsible for many of the problems we’ll explore next. Here is only a small sample of the many destructive ideas out there that Christianity supports:

  • If you lust in your heart, you’ve committed adultery
  • The sole purpose of sex is to make babies
  • Jesus/God is watching while you masturbate
  • Women who have slept with multiple people are whores
  • Pre-marital sex is a ticket straight into hell
  • You’re not allowed to be attracted to others when you’re married
  • Homosexuality and lesbianism is abnormal and perverted
  • Teaching children about sex will increase their chances of engaging in such acts
  • Pornography is from the devil
  • Teaching people about Jesus’ plan of salvation will prevent them from engaging in “unlawful” sex
  • Women are temptresses and lead men astray (never the other way around)
  • The only appropriate sex position is penis-vaginal “missionary” – anal, oral, and other types of sex are sinful
  • Celebrating sex is dangerous
  • Having lots of sex is inappropriate
  • Women should always be subservient to men


And yet in America alone, the most religious areas have the highest divorce rates. Not only that, but the highest rate of porn use can be found in the most religiously conservative states.

Here are some statistics:

  • 77% of Christian men aged 18-30 look at porn at least monthly … think about that statistic for a moment
  • 36% of Christian men aged 18-30 view porn daily
  • 32% believe they’re addicted to porn
  • 77% of married Christian men look at porn monthly
  • 35% of married Christian men have had affairs
  • Divorce rates are highest in the southern Bible belt of America
  • Evangelical and fundamentalist Christians have the highest divorce rates out of all Christian branches

Here are some other grisly facts:

  • 93% of sex offenders describe themselves as “religious”
  • In a survey of 6,000 pastors and the way they responded to Christian women experiencing domestic violence, 50% told the woman that they should be willing to tolerate it to avoid divorce. 26% told them to continue to “submit” to their husbands as the Bible commands (Ephesians 5:22). 25% told the women than it was their fault in the first place for not submitting to their husbands.

As for child abuse, the picture isn’t pretty. Examining medical, physical, psychological and sexual neglect in Christianity, Shaver, Bottoms, Goodman and Quin from the University of Chicago and California conclude,

Our study leads us to believe that there are more children actually being abused in the name of God than in the name of Satan.

Psychologist Darrel Ray agrees, saying:

One of the best predictors of child abuse and sexual abuse is the religiosity of the parents. The more religious the parents, the more likely they are to abuse their children.

How Christianity Creates Repressed and Unhappy People

Growing up in a fundamentalist Christian church, I saw a lot of things. But I never expected that one of the long-time members – let’s call him Andrew – would be convicted of child molestation and sent to prison. The church subsequently split apart (thankfully I was long gone). Apparently, the high and mighty head evangelist knew of this but had not said or done anything.

To me, this was a shock. I knew Andrew since birth. I really liked him. But now when I think back over the scandal, I’m not surprised. Examining my own deeply entrenched sexual repression and how much hell it has put me through, I know that it’s a dangerous thing.

The result of believing that there is an all-knowing, voyeuristic God who watches everything you do inevitably results in endless unhappiness. When your natural-born sex drive is the very thing that can land you straight in eternal damnation, you begin to resent yourself. Any deviation from missionary-style marital sex makes you shudder with fear.

Your inner religious police officer constantly lashes you with guilt and shame every time you have a “bad” thought or lustful desire. Then, the more you repress these feelings, the more they silently grow. Eventually, biology wins, and you give in to temptation and “defile” yourself.

The more deeply entrenched your Christian sex ideologies are, the more repressed you become. Eventually, as your smothered sex drive rears its head with vengeance, you become more and more perverted.

Religious sexual repression is easy to spot. You can glimpse it in the aggression, rage, judgmentalism, gossip, secret affairs, obsessive porn use, and smothered up abuse within the Christian communities.

How many times have we heard of priests molesting and raping children on the news? How many church elders have been caught having homosexual affairs?  How many pastors have been revealed to be abusive towards their wife and children?

To me, it’s very clear that when our sexuality is not honored or channeled in the appropriate way, we become unhappy, congested, and at worst, abusive or perverted.

The more we are made to feel like evil, damaged and diseased people, the more we slink through the shadows secretly indulging our primal desires.

It’s about time that we learned to see the ways in which Christianity controls and limits our ability to enjoy sex.

It’s about time that we come to terms with our sexual inhibition, frustration, and embarrassment.

Sex is not something to be ashamed of.

Your sex drive doesn’t need to be shunned.

You don’t need to deny the fact that you’re a sexual being.

Sex is something to be celebrated.

It’s about time that we celebrate it.

We can do this through self-love.

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Aletheia Luna

Aletheia Luna is an influential psychospiritual writer whose work has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide. After escaping the religious sect she was raised in, Luna experienced a profound existential crisis that led to her spiritual awakening. As a spiritual counselor and author, Luna’s mission is to help others become conscious of their entrapment and find joy, empowerment, and liberation in any circumstance.

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