#shadowhunter cosplay


“They need a muse,” said Anna. “Someone to be inspired by. Someone to know their secrets. Would you like to be a muse?”

“No,” said Cordelia. “I would like to be a hero.”


Cordelia Carstairs based off cosplay

Progress photos for updated (hopefully final) version of this gear:

I have to put on a waistband and pocket lining but otherwise woooooooohooooooo

Im heading to bed because I have work in the morning and I do have things to do before work so likely I won’t be able to finish it tomorrow morning but hopefully in the evening I’ll be able to get the waistband in at least and then I can start planning the jacket.

Tag list: @axoloteca@adoravel-fenomeno@apple-bottom-jeansx@icycoolslushie@herondalesunsetcurve@sorceresscrowe@dontcallmeashlynn-blog@niastormsanctuary-bolastairkanej@ghafa-dale@runecarstairs@thecrimsonsorceresss@knife-wife-inej

An attempt was made? I’m not sure how I feel about this AHAHHAHA did I not tell u I looked like a literal child LMFAO I had to do so much editing rip.

Anna Lightwood is by @cassandraclare

Tag list( y'all this one is kinda sad I’m so sorry rip):


This is the LAST ONE I SWEAR.

I’m free of this dress finally. It’s done and I will never touch fabric like this again idk why I chose it it was SUCH A PAIN TO SEW WITH KAHSKSHSKSBSKSSB

if I look dead inside in that first photo it’s probably because I am.

Tag list (let me know if you want to stay on the list or nah. No seriously if you want me to take you off just let me know i feel like ppl would be too awkward to say it but just lmk):


K so my wifi didn’t work for so long so I actually got around to doing the cosplay I said I would do for the last two months ahahahhaha anyways here dem process pics

Lucie Herondale belongs to @cassandraclare

Tag list:




A VIDEO: (looks kinda dumb without the music I’m listening to but oh well)

Akhslahdkahd my phone doesn’t flip the photo so the pics are reversed I didn’t just do it wrong ahahahshsh

Art is by Cassandra Jean (@cassandrajp)

I still have to finish the vest and hem edges and fix the belt but yes. Here be it.

Should I be tagging the tag list mmmm I’m just gonna do it cos why nnnnooottttt

(let me know if you want to be added, removed, or only tagged in actual art lfmao):

