#not fanart


Thoughts on Yashahime ep 12 SPOILERS!:

I dont have anyone to rant to so guess I’ll just put stuff here

  • The twins actively seeked out moroha this time, wanted her to come with them and not due to a bounty that was nice
  • When moroha complained about having to split the bounty again I was like????? When? It seems the last few demons weren’t salvageable? God I hope she finds jobs between episodes because if events are happening one after the other moroha is going to starve from lack of funds
  • But tbh the twins (and sunrise) aren’t going to let that happen so whatever I think to deep about things
  • Moroha wiling to make a deal with demon for multipul heads XD
  • Towa not having human nights in the modern world is bullshit. She is still a half demon in the modern world the moon exists. Why wouldn’t she have it? It’s a biological thing right? Next thing your gonna tell me she couldnt hit puberty because she was in the modern world
  • Ive been rewatching inuyasha and it seemed to me a human night differed for each half demon. Not every half demon transforms on the new moon but myoga comes in saying ITS ONLY THE NEW MOON
  • Ok I just checked Myoga literally said himself it differs for every half demon :
  • Missed opportunity to make it a crescent moon or just somthing diffrent from inuyasha himself
  • I know that’s a small detail but god I loved the original series and the little things that made half demons half demons I found so cool
  • Maybe half demon dog demons all have the same night?!? Idk
  • ALSO SPEAKING OF MOYGA did moroha literally just make him appear because she said she was going to use the rouge??? What the hell was that?!?! Was he following her hopping she’d use it? How did he hear her say that?
  • Like he alway’s appears out of nowhere but at least it was somthing that made sense like he was in kiara fur or on one of Koga’s wolf’s. Inuyasha never yelled “Moyga come here” and he was just boom there
  • The dream butterfly taking away Setsunnas human nights is also bullshit. That butterfly can do anything at this point
  • At least Moroha makes sense we have never had a quarter demon character she is not only new territory but human nights were specifically a half demon thing
  • Moroha knocking towa out out of concern was sweet. I bet the original inu gang wanted to do that many times for inuyasha
  • Regarding Morohas spirit powers it seems to me she relies on her demon powers a lot more then her spiritual powers so it was weird she put a spiritual barrier up so easily
  • But also the way it was done confuses me

1. Moyga for some reason knows how to write sutras

2. When Miroku would use his sutra’s he would pray over them not sprinkle magical sparkles like moroha did

  • I guess she could have been praying but idk maybe I dont understand how sutras work?Or how to apply spiritual energy?
  • I tried to find example but all I could find is when they put a barrier around the shack inuyasha was in:

  • Random thing I just now noticed Kohaku (and sango probably to) have rebuilt the demon slayer clan! That must mean so much to both of them that things wont die out with them and their traditions can be passed on.
  • Khokau and Hisui over in the forest being like FIRE BURN MOUNTAIN GOOD

Anyway I did enjoy the episode but boy did it leave me confused

  • Edit: I just found out that Moyga’s explanation for the human night in yashahime had translation errors so oop


Three miniature paintings on a miniature shelf in a miniature kitchen :‘3

Some of my inktober/artober works as of yet. You’ll find me over at my non fandom art account most of October, as usual for this month. The theme is trytober. I try different things I haven’t ventured into much before. Miniature painting was delightful. So was trying to copy a famous artwork.

archivebottles:Electric Heart[IMG ID: A fullbody drawing of a woman in shorts holding a staff. A yel


Electric Heart

[IMG ID: A fullbody drawing of a woman in shorts holding a staff. A yellow tiger with lightning-like stripes is behind her with a halo. Clouds are in the background with cartoon-y lightning bolts coming out of them./END ID]

Post link
In this house we love bright colors and punk gurlzIn this house we love bright colors and punk gurlz

In this house we love bright colors and punk gurlz

Post link

An attempt was made? I’m not sure how I feel about this AHAHHAHA did I not tell u I looked like a literal child LMFAO I had to do so much editing rip.

Anna Lightwood is by @cassandraclare

Tag list( y'all this one is kinda sad I’m so sorry rip):


Okay so I’ll be dropping hopefully in the next day or two a tutorial on how to make your own pattern blocks for making your own clothes so if you’re interested here’s a personal measurement chart you can fill out in the meanwhile which you will need for this.

I’ve also included a chart incase you’re confused about any of these you can find which size on the chart you’re similar too and get numbers from there for your personal measurement chart.

Remember not to measure too tightly because looser it always better, you can always make something smaller easily but making things bigger is tricky and not always aesthetically pleasing.

Here’s the personal measurement chart:

And the common sizes chart:

Measurements are in inches.

Please let me know if the personal chart is a bit tricky to print out and I’ll try to link a pdf version. Also let me know if you have questions for anything here! And if you need smaller or bigger sizes I’ll see what I can do and add those onto this post.

No tag list on this one
