#tumblr why




tumblr is, if anything, the Appalachia of social media…easy to get lost, sparsely populated, out of the loop with fast-moving modern trends. Attached to tradition. Close-knit communities. Believe in “talk shit, get hit.” Everyone is doing their own thing in their own obscure little holler. Prone to pulling the most inventive turns of phrase you’ve ever heard out of nowhere. Somebody’s always starting a racket. We sometimes repel outsiders with much aggression. Lots of talk about hell and damnation to be found. Everybody tends to forget about us for some reason

What is pirating media but the moonshining of the internet



A VIDEO: (looks kinda dumb without the music I’m listening to but oh well)

Akhslahdkahd my phone doesn’t flip the photo so the pics are reversed I didn’t just do it wrong ahahahshsh

Art is by Cassandra Jean (@cassandrajp)

I still have to finish the vest and hem edges and fix the belt but yes. Here be it.

Should I be tagging the tag list mmmm I’m just gonna do it cos why nnnnooottttt

(let me know if you want to be added, removed, or only tagged in actual art lfmao):


So tumblr has decided to hamstring itself again, huh?

I don’t know how they manage to just keep playing themselves.

Tumblr is being ungrateful, so I’ve added my Twitter. If you guys want to see content that might be nsfw - not that I’m known for that - you can find it properly on there, where the site won’t send death threats to your family for showing half a nipple.

Threw a hoard of appeal buttons behind an old drawing of my demon-witchsona because I’m clicki

Threw a hoard of appeal buttons behind an old drawing of my demon-witchsona because I’m clicking appeal on all these freakin’ flagged posts.

I’m very disappointed in the policy change. Censorship is bullshit. Even though I hadn’t been active on Tumblr this past year or so because burnout and health issues, I really wanted to get back to it this year. But now…what the fuck. This is so discouraging. So many of my favorite artists have dispersed onto a variety of platforms. This feels so wrong.

Even if Tumblr backpedals on this, I’m not sure it could bring us all back together.


Any advice on where to relocate is welcome. I might try to Twitter but ugh, it just feels weird and hard to navigate. I’d absolutely love something with gallery options, simple comment/reply functions, no censorship, and flexible tagging/filters so SFW and NSFW work can be managed without separate accounts. If Patreon and Deviantart could have a baby, I feel like it would be almost perfect. ;p

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….. Where did the reply button go???

Hey my doods, with this whole Tumblr fiasco, I just want to take a moment to post the other sites I

Hey my doods, with this whole Tumblr fiasco, I just want to take a moment to post the other sites I currently use for art.

You can find me on:

My Patreon

Deviantart (I check this daily and upload more complete works here)

Instagram (updated pretty much every weekday)

Twitter(I just made this account recently. Also updated every weekday.)

Facebook (I post often but don’t check messages or read comments as much)

You can also find my products on:

Gumroad(digital goodies)

DesignByHumans(t-shirt and more)

Redbubble(prints and other doo dads)

Society6(same here)

I’m already a lot more active on Instagram/Twitter/DA than I am here, but I’ll still update this account when I can. I hope we’ll see each other around! Best of luck to you all <3

Post link

you really. really can’t ramble in tags anymore if you want the post to actually Show Up in the organisation-y tags, can you

Don’t know what the heck is going, but I can’t publish any of my drafts. Was a about to drop a ton of sets, but I’m getting the hit with the “Sorry we seem to be having techincal trouble….” message. Consider my pet peeved….




Just turn it off in your settings. You have the option. It’s literally right there in your settings.

Here’s the new meme everyone. Thank you for your input.

This makes more sense. My apologies.


Am I the only one whose bottom control bar (reblog, like, comment, edit, delete, etc) has returned to the compact format?

Because it has and I’m more confused than anything else. I’ve gotten used to the spread out view, I can adapt to this again, I just want a choice in the matter or at the very least some consistency 


I DON’T like how the queue button is a little clock and ugtrifuhjgrj no I’d rather have a full spread out footer feature than…this.

I know I sound fickle and picky, but I am and I’d rather have the clear spread-out view than the traditionally compact one that has new “quirky” symbols and logos for the queue button, but has the POST button in bright blue.

Am I the only one whose bottom control bar (reblog, like, comment, edit, delete, etc) has returned to the compact format?

Because it has and I’m more confused than anything else. I’ve gotten used to the spread out view, I can adapt to this again, I just want a choice in the matter or at the very least some consistency 


Yes, I’m back and FLABBERGHASTED at the inane stupidity of this supposed “update,” no one requested, and actually serves to be a bigger pain in the quiznak than anticipated.

Why does tumblr seek to ruin the desktop? Why?

Less than two weeks since my last complaint about the tumblr desktop update and HERE I AM, BACK AGAIN TO WHINE ABOUT HOW TUMBLR DESKTOP HAS RUINED THE NOTES!

There was no point in making me click a seperate tab to see comments versus reblogs. Now I can’t see them all at once anymore. And the little pop-up bubble for the notes was much more convinient than this new drop down thing.

Is this me? Hating the tumblr desktop update? Oh absolutely. I don’t see the point in spreading the reblog, like, and comment buttons across the bottom. Makes it look empty and I don’t like change.

Also I don’t need a speech bubble above the heart to tell me that I liked a post, I liked it and it turned red. Simple as that. Anyway hope you all have a nice day

Tumblr’s new IOS rules didn’t affect me much, but I will need to come up with a unique tag for when I reblog my own art. I also deleted a few content warnings for blood (since they weren’t consistent anyway and it’s blocked no matter what you pair the word with) but none of my work is super gory. If someone wants me to specifically tag for it anyway, let me know and I’ll come up with something.

Apparently it’s inconsistent whether a word is blocked entirely in any usage or just a specific tag. If you want to see the current ‘crowdsourced’ list for yourself and/or contribute to it, the blog is here.

And thanks to that blog, I just found out that one of my character’s names is banned. I didn’t think I needed to check that one, but a real person named Lex sent an ask in like 'lmao why is my real first name a banned word’ so there’s that, apparently.

When you work on a WIP, post it and tumblr decides to delete it. and it didn’t save to your computer. So guess who’s gotta rewrite EVERYTHING.

the research module secretary asked my team to send the screen shot of something result table for so

the research module secretary asked my team to send the screen shot of something result table for something evaluation i didn’t really know what and why except it need to be done before April 20 because what is friday night and what is sleep.

but it was a great SFW art blog full with dick grayson arts??????
and i thought i cropped the tabs part????

start looking for plane ticket to timbuktu.

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I regret nothing
Oh btw Moogy did all the work http://koopaklownkartexpress.tumblr.com/

… dddid just jjust



Your mood just improved immensely.

Sorry, not sorry. I don’t even know why I made this artistical vomit.






(Wait, is this when I mention Minds.com because freedom?)

#mega man x    #fan art    #tumblr why    