#she is a scientis


“Starting is not most people’s problem, staying, continuing and finishing is.” - Darren Hardy

09/09/2020, Wednesday.

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: yesterday I got the result, 28/30 it is a remarkable grade, especially with this professor. I am satisfied!

Passing the exam means I am free from university till the beginning of the lectures (it seems on the 28th September). I finally can rest, without worrying about my next step or study session or exam

It is the first time I relax for real after graduation! Bonus point: it’ll be the first birthday without working (25th September)

I know it may sound strange (considering the global situation), but I believe 2020 is my year! I graduated, passed two exams with excellents grades (gaining time during the actual master degree or laurea magistrale), had improvements done in the house (fells more mine now), kept up with training (I never look this good and never felt this healthy and energetic!) and my relation with S. is still solid
