#master degree


12.02.2020 | 17:00

Here’s to the last round! Survived yesterdays exam, next one is on friday! There’s a hell lot to study for, so i’m gonna spend the next two days cramming madly. I’ll be so relieved when this will finally be over! My body is reacting to all the sugar and coffee already - and not in good ways. So i need to reduce that consuming again after this, so that i can stay healthy. Hope you’re all doing good, don’t make the same mistakes than i do! Stay healthy and motivated xx

09.02.2020 | it’s already February, and i’m full on studying for my last exams. Already had the first one, finances is comin up in two days, then it’s the last one about leadership and organisation on Valentine’s day. Time’s flying by so fast and i’m actually living on coffee, carbs and sugar at the moment. I’ve already gained some weight again, and the semester hasn’t come to a complete end yet, because after that, it will be time to write three research papers (between 10 and 15 pages each) in a month. How do you cope with stressfull times?

100/100 days of productivity | 20.1.2020

I guess i completed the challenge - for the very first time in history i actually managed to do this in a way which i’m happy about! However, my productivity phase isn’t over yet - exam season is looking around the corner and i haven’t started yet! Let’s see if i manage to actually take some picture and time for posting. If not, i’ll be back in Mid february or April, depending on whether i’ll post during my essay-writing phase or will get back for my masters thesis. Hope you’re all doing good! Inwish you good luck for school related projects! You’ll do fine!

I always keep thinking about whether or not i should revive this tumblr. It feels like my followers are kind of inactive. Also, i actually finished my Masters degree last week. However, as you all know, the situation in arts and culture and music is kind of bad, so i do have a really bad chance of getting a job. I‘m still hunting for a job, so i’ve got a lot of time to kill at the moment. I kind of want to study something, but then again, i just want tonread and relax, because the past years have been so so stressful. Maybe i’m going to slowly change into a litblr, as i do have quite some books to photograph and read.

28.8.2020 | hi guys!

Just to update you about why it has been so incredibly quiet here over the past months:

I‘ve actually submitted my master thesis last week so i‘m now officially done with university and studying. I‘ve moved out of my room as well, moving back to my parents because i don’t have a job yet. (As you can imagine, going on job interviews during a pandemic in theatre/cultural/music sector is quite challenging.)

That being happening, i‘m taking some time to actually find a job. I’m on a holiday two weeks and travelling to see some friends in Germany and Austria. Much needed and deserved break incoming! I hope you’re all doing okay and are dealing with the changes we are facing right now.

[30.05.2020] Hi guys! I’m in the middle of master thesis stress, spending way too much time in front of my laptop, applying for jobs and trying to write on my novel. And, of course, drinking too much coffee. Some things just never change.

How are you all?

Yep, I’m back again. I am home during these times to be with my family and actually have some company. And also, I’ve started writing my masters thesis officially now. Still waiting on some results from the past semester. So far, I haven’t gotten the greatest marks, but I’ve passed all of my exams.. 

I’m still trying to figure out new routines during my time at home and I feel like I’m not always best at motivating myself to do some work. However, I’m moving forward and searching my way through the jungle that is online literature (Since all libraries are closed which may be a problem over time…) But for now, this will have to be enough, and I have lots of material which i can work with, so I guess I’ll be fine! 

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” – Steve Maraboli

22/05/2022, Sunday.

I finished my exams

On the 12/05/2022 I took my last exam ever, it was Advanced Organic Chemistry. I still have to realise that I am free from studying!

Now I’ll start the master’s thesis. On Tuesday I should start the training in the lab, I hope to be independent fast. The sooner I do my analysis the sooner I can graduate and, who knows, maybe apply for a PhD! ‍

Last week I went to a Polymers Conference, 5 days long. It has been inspiring, I’ve met young researchers/PhDs and talked about how it works where they are from. Honestly, I have a positive energy since I got back! I just want to do things and work in the lab

“If you want to be proud of yourself, then do things in which you can take pride.” – Karen Horney

29/07/2021, Thursday.

The past semester was a tough one! A string of lectures, laboratories and projects left no time for anything else.

The past academical year had been intense. I was excited to start and afraid to fail. It is over now, if I look back I could not be more proud of myself! I worked hard and passed every single exam with the maximum score, I would have never thought I could achieve these results.

Catching up:

✔ Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory: exam was on the 1st June. It was the third and last part of an annual course! I do not have to think about it anymore.

✔ Advanced Analytical Chemistry Laboratory: my group and I had to make a presentation on the 2nd July, we focused on soil and water elemental analysis. It had been difficult to focus on the presentation having so much else to study! I do not know how, but we managed.

✔ Analytical Chemistry: Environments and Materials: it has been interesting to study environmental chemistry. Understanding the mechanisms nature uses to defend itself against changes offered me the opportunity to reflect upon the anthropogenic impact on earth. Exam was on the 21st June.

✔ Physical Chemistry: Catalysis and Materials: it was the hardest one. The amount of material was insane and I felt submerged by it! In addition to the regular study hours (6-9 h a day) I had to present a project. It consisted in a graphical abstract, the image summarised the development of a new material. I presented it on the 26th July.

I am on vacation till the new academical year, my mind is a swirl of thoughts on how I should spend my time… Should I rest 2 months? Should I prepare for next year revising old topics? Should I find a traineeship?

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” - William James

21/04/2021, Wednesday.

Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory ended on March 31st. My group and I decided to be done with the report by this Friday, April 23rd. To make the work more enjoyable, I write and review from the balcony on my @onyxboox Note Air e-ink tablet

Advanced Analytical Chemistry Laboratory has stated on April 12th, I am enjoying it so far! We are running analysis on samples of our choice. My group picked: old tea cups, little paintings on gold supports, soils, almonds, a Bahamian banknote and a Coastal batik. It will be interesting to put it all together for the final presentation

Big news: lectures are held both on-line and in class. I cannot stat to express my joy

Studying home has its perks, but Italians lockdowns have been mentally difficult for me (and many others). Even though Piedmont (my region) is constantly shifting between slightly different restrictions, I have seen no difference in my day to day life; As my activities pre-pandemic were: attend university; workout at the gym (which has been closed from Novembre 2020, opening again who knows when); spend time with S. (thankfully I managed to keep doing it)

“The harder I work, the luckier I get” - Samuel Goldwyn

27/03/2021 , Saturday.

Catching up:

Winter exam session was brilliant. I passed three exams -Advanced Analytical Chemistry, Advanced Macromolecules Chemistry and Advanced Physical Chemistry- with the highest grade possible

It was difficult in the beginning, I thought I would not make it! I never passed more than two exams each session, and it never occurred to me to score this high. I am proud!

Exams ended on March 1st. On March 8th I was already projected in the new semester.


  • Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory;
  • Advanced Analytical Chemistry Laboratory;
  • Analytical Chemistry: Environments and Materials;
  • Physical Chemistry: Catalysis and Materials.

The labs are strictly linked to previous semester courses, while the remaining two I chose (I reached the point, I can finally customize my academical curriculum) ‍

At present:

I am currently attending Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab. Although I am not fond of the subject itself, I enjoy being back at university! ⚗️

In Italy it is still not permitted to attend lectures first person. I continue to spend most of my time on the computer. The situation is better than few month ago thanks to @onyxboox Note Air! I can’t do everything on it, but it hugely helps. I recently bought a bluetooth keyboard (Logitech, K380) and my e-ink tablet turned nearly into a computer ⌨


“Starting is not most people’s problem, staying, continuing and finishing is.” - Darren Hardy

09/09/2020, Wednesday.

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: yesterday I got the result, 28/30 it is a remarkable grade, especially with this professor. I am satisfied!

Passing the exam means I am free from university till the beginning of the lectures (it seems on the 28th September). I finally can rest, without worrying about my next step or study session or exam

It is the first time I relax for real after graduation! Bonus point: it’ll be the first birthday without working (25th September)

I know it may sound strange (considering the global situation), but I believe 2020 is my year! I graduated, passed two exams with excellents grades (gaining time during the actual master degree or laurea magistrale), had improvements done in the house (fells more mine now), kept up with training (I never look this good and never felt this healthy and energetic!) and my relation with S. is still solid
