#sister mary cynthia


The acting from Bryony Hannah was superb. I thought it was something different that she didn’t want to pray with Sister Julienne after the attack. Religious people are usually shown to have unwavering faith especially in crisis, saying “It’s all part of God’s plan” and so on. So I’m glad that didn’t happen and she was as angry as anyone would be in that situation. Not that their is anything wrong with praying at times like that you get the impression if you’ve read Farewell to the East End that the real Cynthia was more like that rather than like Sister Julienne. I guess it was just more of a relatable reaction rather than something passive.  I just thought it was a really effective story tonight which was made all the more effective because one of the main characters was directly involved. This series just feels more powerful than the last four. Particularly the scene with Sister Monica Joan, I just loved it.

Spoilers for 5.1

  • Obviously the very sad and very well done thalidomide story.
  • We saw Patsy delivering a baby again which we didn’t see a lot of last series particularly towards the end.
  • Delia got a full bill of health and she’s living at Nonnatus! I’m delighted we get to see more of her and particularly more of her and Patsy although they’ll have to be more careful with everyone around, what are the chances of Trixie or maybe even someone else catching them or at least a very veryclose call. Exciting but also terrifying. Also, those two have really good chemistry. 
  • Obviously this program has always been about women but this took it to a new level. A lot about women being amazing and powerful and beautiful. Very feminist, I remember Patsy telling Rhoda that women should run the country and Trixie saying that owning a women’s body should be a joy, also Sister Julienne saying they treasure their young women or words to that effect. Particularly liked this aspect of the program and I’m getting the strong impression it’s going to continue. 
  • At the risk of sounding a wee bit like a hypocrite (because of the last point), all the midwifes looked incredible in their leotards and underwear. My gay is showing.
  • Predicted this ages ago: Barbara and Tom like each other big style but there is going to be drama regarding Trixie.
  • Nice bits between Sister Winifred and Sister Mary Cynthia, I think it’s good for Sister Winifred to have someone her own age in her own position.
  • Never been a huge turnadette fan, I know shoot me now, but they are great aren’t they? Especially Shelagh, nice to see her delivering a baby.
  • Everyone was super funny tonight, maybe because I haven’t seen a new episode in a while aside from Christmas but it was hilarious.
  • They’ve really made Call the Midwife even better this series. I’ll stop now.

Spoilers for 5.7

  • It was a strange one tonight, I really loved it but I can’t get my head around some of it, as I am sure you’ll see from my ramble. Good luck to anyone who attempts to read this in it’s entirety.
  • Patsy in Delia’s bed in the morning was really cute, like the way she smiled and stroked her hair.
  • Also Patsy’s pajamas (and her legs) when she was walking back to her room are nice.
  • I liked the Tom and Barbara bits, you know it showed they’re human. Although my step-dad rather annoyingly spent the time discussing Tom being rather inappropriate for a man of the cloth. I thought the brill cream incident was hilarious.
  • I’m surprised that Sister Winifred didn’t have more to say on the matter of the pill, she’s usually the one representing an old way of thinking more aggressively with Sister Julienne sort of agreeing but in a more calm manner.
  • Once again I love Nurse Crane, she’s so funny I can’t get over it. Her remarks when the midwifes came in late were hilarious, and so was her asking Sister Julienne’s permission to say the word penis. And back for a second time the good old phrase “It’s like going for a paddle with your socks on”.
  • I was glad we saw Trixie at AA again, I just love her I’m so glad she is getting better, and valuing her friends even more.
  • I liked Patsy and Delia’s response to Sister Julienne’s concern of an increase in “recreational intercourse”, they always have the best view on things. I think Sister was forgetting though that Tom isn’t a nun, and that he has a girlfriend! I feel so sorry for them when Tom’s talking about the value of marriage. It’s just so awful they have to think about every single thing they say, be on guard all the time. Delia had a cheeky wee glance at Patsy when she said desire though haha, during which Sisters Mary Cynthia and Winifred looked entirely uncomfortable.
  • I agree that Tom was forced into hypocrisy there but I also agree with Barbara that he needs to know his stuff if he’s going to be involved in all of this. I like them together a lot. I also think Barbara is a lot less naive than she was originally made out to be. 
  • Nurse Crane is so lovely, I liked that she told Barbara about her mother. And about the Air Force Sergeant! Oooooh what a dark horse, Barbara was so excited when she told her! God it’s sad though that he died, I had the exactly the same reactions Barbara did throughout!
  • I like how she talks about seizing the moment and then it goes straight to Patsy and Delia. A good scene, understandable from both of them.
  • Sister Evangelina then, I think they went a bit over the top with her first two scenes though. Like she doesn’t have to be such a PRAT. My Mum seems to get a lot more out of all the sisters talking about the messages they receive from the Lord through things happening. I don’t think I will ever understand it, I’m far too cynical to see that much good coming from a stroke, that’s probably a bad thing. 
  • Patsy and Delia looked so nice at gateways! That was a ridiculously short scene though that deserved a kiss! Still I loved it.
  • I’m quite interested in the next time bit when Delia is talking! But I don’t want next week to come because then that will be the end of it until Christmas.