


Detail: Norcia, Shelly and Berlin standing in for the Madonna and Child 2020 Michael Pontieri

Shelly:Look, Archie is great, but he doesn’t have a life plan. He doesn’t even have a dayplan.

Shelly:I once found a note he wrote to himself that said ‘put on pants’ followed by a question mark.

brawlers in aesthetic outfits p.t 1

 Full colour version of yesterday’s Punk Rock themed end-of-month commiseration pin-up, featuring Sh

Full colour version of yesterday’s Punk Rock themed end-of-month commiseration pin-up, featuring Shelly and Erin! See that version for full description.

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Shelly|Erin|PinUp] [All End of Month Pin-Ups]
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 The third of five commiseration pin-ups for characters who didn’t win any of 2021’s End

The third of five commiseration pin-ups for characters who didn’t win any of 2021’s End-of-Month Pin-Up polls!  Here’s Shelly and Erin in last year’s Punk Rock theme. Not gonna lie, the original was one of my favourites from last year, but wasn’t as inspired this time around, just went pretty straightforward to get it done. Times like this are why I quit doing these, but I refuse to not do the last year consistent with the others in doing these commiseration arts! They’re getting done!

Just like last time I did this theme, I created a full colour version too, which I’ll post tomorrow.

[Click/tap image to view best quality]
Shelly|Erin|PinUp] [All End of Month Pin-Ups]
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