#shen yuan


Fic idea!

An AU where Shen Yuan keeps commenting that the sex scenes aren’t physically possible until Shang Qinghua snaps and is like “prove it!” And they end up meeting in person and arguing all the way to a hotel where they have angry sex just for the purpose of “making the sex scenes actually fucking believable you hack!” And “jokes on you it IS possible you’re just unimaginative!”

This becomes a regular thing for a good chunk of time where once a month they meet up, have a meal and an argument, and then go to one of their apartments for “research” (usually Shen Yuan’s)

Now either this isn’t a transmigration fic and they eventually get boyfriends who are really fucking thrown when they find out


Post transmigration, like years in the future, the two of them manage to get drunk around their husbands and start bringing up their shared past

Either way Luo Binghe ends up crying because Shen Yuan has done way more with Airplane then he has with him and Mobei Jun doesn’t cry but he looks like he wants to murder Shen Yuan

But the really great thing is when either Luo Binghe or Mobei Jun in either fic idea comment on how Shen Yuan and Shang Qinghua used to date Cumplane is mutually disgusted

They weren’t dating!

They weren’t even friends with benefits!

It was strictly professional!

No one believes them

Nie Mingjue:

He Xuan eating another ghoul or ghost:

Lan Wangji after meeting Wei Wuxian:

Cucumber bro after seeing the latest chapter of PDIW:

Shi Qingxuan to Xie Lian:

Xiao Xingchen to Xue Yang after knowing the truth:

Another part, because I’m still a trash. (1,2,3,4,5,6)


one of the reasons I like scum villain so much is that the stakes are hilarious. you have these two pathetic losers and if they don’t fuck right now, the world will end

I think a scum villain creepypasta would be rlly funny for the sole fact that sqq is basically living a creepypasta every day and doesn’t give a shit. There are horrific spider demons near his house with human faces? Kind of cool. Someone showed up at the door bleeding hyperrealistic blood out of his eyes? Jesus Christ Liu-shidi do some meditation or something. Waking up next to an evil alternate dimension version of his husband who intends to kill everyone he loves? Been there, seduced that. Bad writing, Airplane bro


Original img if you’re having trouble reading or just want it:

I love how much the official sv English translation asserts that shen yuan was terminally online. it’s such an important part of his character

it’s not enough to just read about shen yuan I need to get into heated fandom discourse with him and get blocked

‘La Vida Secreta del Autor’: Parte I

De ser el hermano menor de una afamada actriz, universitario y con sueños de convertirse en escritor, Shang Qinghua recorrerá un largo y accidentado camino hasta adoptar a su pequeño sobrino, escribir 'Camino del Orgulloso Demonio Inmortal’, y aventurarse en los sentimientos que uno de sus lectores terminó por despertar en él.



A wip for my celebration pic because part 1 of my moshang fic is almost finished!

(Nearly 20 chapters so far)

  • Shang Qinghua + baby Binghe (Shang Binghe)
  • the kid squad (Liu siblings + Ning Yingying)
  • Mo Beijun/Ice King (PIDW reader and sort of online bf of SQH)
  • Shen brothers


  • Mu Qingfang with the Cang Qiong Gang (WQW, QQQ, YQY)

I’m so excited for coming this far with a story, so I’m drawing this in celebration since part 1 will be finished in like a week~ ☆

Nearly there~

Terrible quality cuz it’s a screenshot hehe

I’ve changed YQY so many times ToT

(MQF won’t have his mustache at the end hehe)

A wip for my celebration pic because part 1 of my moshang fic is almost finished!

(Nearly 20 chapters so far)

  • Shang Qinghua + baby Binghe (Shang Binghe)
  • the kid squad (Liu siblings + Ning Yingying)
  • Mo Beijun/Ice King (PIDW reader and sort of online bf of SQH)
  • Shen brothers


  • Mu Qingfang with the Cang Qiong Gang (WQW, QQQ, YQY)

I’m so excited for coming this far with a story, so I’m drawing this in celebration since part 1 will be finished in like a week~ ☆

Finished Scum Villain a while ago… love Shizun

Finished Scum Villain a while ago… love Shizun

Post link

Have this SVSSS AU I just came up with in the last five minutes

An AU where Shen Yuan wakes up in the body of a pre-teen Shen Qingqiu, is accepted into Qing Jing Peak, and promptly decides to be the most boring, faceless disciple there. You can’t be a sect leader if you’re utterly average in every way, after all!

(… spoiler, he fails.)

Or: Shen Yuan tries to be boring and is absolutely horrible at it.

ft, SY accidentally: regurgitating Extremely Rare and Specialized monster facts without realizing it, treating YQY like a cat and encouraging his overprotective and murderous tendencies, making LQG trip into a lake, and generally being Very Interesting.

If I ever wrote this it’d probably be a 5+1 fic or something like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

 Day 2: (after the) Chance Meeting Bingge is settling in and finds a shrine of him in SY’s apa Day 2: (after the) Chance Meeting Bingge is settling in and finds a shrine of him in SY’s apa

Day 2: (after the) Chance Meeting 

Bingge is settling in and finds a shrine of him in SY’s apartment.

SY thinks he’s helping a chuuni cosplayer by keeping him off the streets

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BingYuan Week Day 1: Strategizing and Praise   BingYuan Week Day 1: Strategizing and Praise  

BingYuan Week Day 1: Strategizing and Praise  

Post link

local nerd and his pet demon lord
