#shingles no kyoujin


Eren as your BF headcanons

(feminine presenting reader but no pronouns)

sooo i was gonna write this out as a one shot but i have too much on my plate writing wise, so i thought bullet points would make this easier for all of us hehe anyways this is Eren as your bf obviously, my mind is on a constant cycle of romantic scenarios so this is what it’s like when he comes home to you (something that i think about wayyyy too often)

  • so imagine you’re on the couch, lounging casually, reading a book, any book it can be your favorite book.
  • it’s late afternoon so the sun is slowly slipping down towards the horizon giving your living room a nice golden glow
  • there are bright green plants that litter the room, you’re lying on the most wonderfully soft velvet couch
  • a playlist of classic love songs from the 50’s is playing in the background (i have this playlist if y’all want the link, it’s what helps me come up with most of my content lmao)
  • anyways, you’re having a lovely time just reading, your knees propped up, your head resting on a cute throw pillow
  • life is peaceful, life is good
  • then the wonderful and familiar sound of a key in the lock sounds out into the room, the front door of your small apartment slowly opening to reveal your tired yet handsome boyfriend, Eren Jaeger
  • you try to stifle your laughter but a soft chuckle bubbles up from your chest
  • his features were twisted up in a pout, his button up already in a disarray from him loosening his tie,
  • but then he saw you, on the couch and his face softens, his dark furrowed brows relaxing, his pink lips splitting into that crooked grin you’ve always loved
  • he also chuckles softly at the sight of you, your long skirt splayed out across the couch, the colors of your skirt and the furniture match bc you always tend to buy things in your favorite color (he tends to tease you about this, always stating how he’ll one day loose you in a sea of your favorite color)
  • he doesn’t say a word, just drops his bag on the wooden floor where it lands with a dull thud
  • and then he immediately crawls on top of you
  • he gently pulls the book free from your grasp, and throws it to the side, effectively loosing your spot, but you don’t complain. you’ve read it a thousand times
  • instinctively your legs find themselves on either side of his hips, your skirt slowly slipping over your thighs exposing your smooth skin, he’s pressing into you so nicely and completely and it fills all of your senses up with this man
  • one of Eren’s hands is already there on the plush skin of your thigh, his other arm slithering behind your head, his face already tucked into the crook of your neck, he’s dragging in your devine scent, which he’s become obsessed with over the years
  • “how was your day, darling” you ask (i find that nickname so tender, but also don’t let me dictate the nicknames you give this man, call him whatever you want)
  • he just groans against your skin, bringing goosebumps with the tickle of his breath
  • “that bad, huh?” you laugh, running your fingers through his hair, he recently got it cut, but it’s already growing out, you’re kind of jealous of how fast this man’s hair grows
  • “could be worse” he shrugs, and before you could ask how, his head pops up from its hiding place
  • his lips find yours in a gentle kiss, he tastes like altoids mints, and you know it’s because he likes to keep a pack in the middle compartment of his car
  • and just from his kiss and the taste of him you feel that deep primal ache in your core (you know the one i’m talking about, ;;;))) but you don’t make any moves bc he’s had a long day and you don’t want to attack him right off the bat!! (even though he looks so fucking hot in the golden sun, his tan skin practically glowing, his teal eyes shining)
  • the kiss was short, but it doesn’t take long for him to dip his head down again, kissing you deeper
  • he pulls a small whimper from you and you can feel him grin into the kiss
  • “i love the little sounds you make when i kiss you” he murmurs into your lips, and you push on his chest softly causing him to pull back, he’s grinning still
  • you pout bc you’re a little embarrassed but he just laughs and kisses you again and again and again until your pout disappears and the smile that brings him home everyday returns :)))

okay that was kind of corny… but i legitimately think about this scenario more often than i should and i just needed to write down some version of it.. i hope you enjoyed!! and if you have any little scenarios like this you wanna send in feel free!!!!!!! love you guys :)))
