#short one tonight im exhausted


Under the cut:  Three foreigners defending Ukraine sentenced to death in Russian-occupied Donetsk; All 2,449 people who left Azovstal are now in Olenivka, an urban-type settlement in the Donetsk region; Kryvyi Rih, located in the central part of the country, is now under constant fire from Russian forces; United States is sending 155 mm M777 howitzers to Ukraine; Ukrainian troops announced on Thursday that they have advanced in fierce street fighting in Sievierodonetsk but continued to stress that the only way to fully overcome enemy forces is more weaponry to counter Russia’s advanced firepower.

“The so-called “Supreme Court of the DPR” [self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic] has served the first sentence to foreign fighters who fought on the side of Ukraine, whom they call “mercenaries.”

These are the British Aiden Eislin and Sean Pinner, and the Moroccan Saadun Brahim.

They have been sentenced by terrorists to death.

The occupiers have given the foreign defenders of Ukraine a month to appeal against the “decision” of the so-called court.

The fighters were found guilty of “committing acts aimed at seizing power and overthrowing the constitutional order of the DPR [self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic]”.”-via Pravda(Ukrainian language source)


“All 2,449 people who left Azovstal are now in Olenivka, an urban-type settlement in the Donetsk region.

Source: contact person at Ukrainian Intelligence, article by Ukrainska Pravda titled “’Island of hope’. How did the Azovstal defenders get out and what is happening with them now”

Quote: “All those who left Azovstal are now in Olenivka (pre-trial detention centre in an urban-type settlement near Donetsk - ed.). There are 2,449 of our people there.”

Details: The article says that the agreements with the Russians turned out to be simple and concrete: the fighters must stay alive, no torture, separate detention for those from Azovstal, and preparation for their exchange.”-via Pravda(Ukrainian language source)


“Valentyn Reznichenko, head of Ukraine’s Dnipropetrovsk region military administration, says the city of Kryvyi Rih, located in the central part of the country, is now under constant fire from Russian forces.

“The communities of Zelenodolsk and Shyrokiv suffer the most. Unfortunately, six people died there — 179 houses, two schools, a kindergarten and a hospital were destroyed or damaged,” Reznichenko said.
Reznichenko said villages and towns in Kryvyi Rih are “littered with cluster munitions due to shelling” and there is a problem with gas, electricity and water supply.

Meanwhile, in Kharkiv, five people were killed and 14 were injured in Russian attacks, according to Oleh Syniehubov, the head of Khakiv’s regional military administration.

“Today the enemy attacked Kharkiv region, in particular settlements in the northern and northeastern directions,” Syniehubov said, adding that attacks hit residential buildings in Zolochiv.

“Five houses were destroyed. The enemy also struck at Chuhuiv district today,’’ Syniehubov said Thursday in a live question and answer broadcast on Ukrainian national television.

Syniehubov said Ukraine’s armed forces “hold their positions in the northern and northeastern directions.”

When asked why the Russian military is shelling civilian infrastructure, even though there are no visible confrontations between Russian and Ukrainian armies in the Kharkiv region at the moment, Syniehubov replied that the Russian forces “concentrated their attention on the terror of the civilian population.”-via CNN


“A new batch of 155 mm M777 howitzers has already been prepared for shipment to Ukraine.

This is according to a report on the official Facebook page of the U.S. Department of Defense, posted on Saturday, seen by Ukrinform.

"155 mm M777 towed howitzers are secured for transportation to Ukraine by United States Air Force airmen,” the report said.

It is noted that the artillery units are sent as part of U.S. security assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.”-via Ukrinform


“Ukrainian troops announced on Thursday that they have advanced in fierce street fighting in Sievierodonetsk but continued to stress that the only way to fully overcome enemy forces is more weaponry to counter Russia’s advanced firepower.

“They (the Russians) are dying like flies … fierce fighting continues inside Sievierodonetsk,” Luhansk governor Serhiy Gaidai said in an online post. “The losses of the Russians far exceed ours.” Fighting was now taking place in the towns of Hirske and Popasnyanska, to the south of Sievierodonetsk, he added.

According to the commander of Ukraine’s Svoboda (Freedom) National Guard battalion, the fighting in Sievierodonetsk is being fought house to house as Ukrainian forces face heavy Russian artillery barrages that endanger forces from sides.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said its forces had won back some territory from Russian forces in a counter-offensive in the Kherson area of southern Ukraine.”-via The Guardian

Under the cut: Russians stole millions of dollars of equipment, computers, vehicles, and kidnapped five workers before leaving Chernobyl in March; Sweden will send anti-ship missiles, anti-tank weapons and 12.7 mm rifles including ammunition to Ukraine; 800 people, including children, are hiding beneath a chemical factory in Sievierodonetsk;  “Russian forces are currently occupying about 20% of Ukraine’s territory according to President Zelenskyy; a map of the current state of Ukraine.

“Six hundred ninety-eight computers. 344 vehicles. 1,500 radiation dosimeters. Irreplaceable software. Almost every piece of firefighting equipment.

The list of what Russia’s occupying forces stole, blew up or riddled with bullets in and around Chernobyl’s laboratories is still being compiled.

While the catastrophe that many feared has been avoided — war unleashing radiation across the region from the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster in 1986 — officials at the defunct Chernobyl plant are taking stock of Russia’s capricious and chaotic month here, in which nine of their colleagues were killed and five were kidnapped.”-via Washington Post 


“Sweden will send anti-ship missiles, anti-tank weapons and 12.7 mm rifles including ammunition to [Ukraine]. This 4th support package also includes financial contribution to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Total amount includes more than 95 million euros. Russia’s war against [Ukraine] must stop!”-via Twitter, Ann Linde, Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs


“About 800 people, including children, are hiding beneath a chemical factory in the key eastern Ukrainian city of Sievierodonetsk, now 80% held by Russian troops, as more western allies promise additional missile systems and arms to Kyiv.

Serhiy Gaidai, the governor of Luhansk, said on Thursday that bitter street fighting continued in the city, where Ukrainian forces have pledged to fight “to the end”.

As Russia’s war on Ukraine neared its 100th day, he said 800 people were hiding in Soviet-era bomb shelters beneath the Azot factory. “There are locals there, who were asked to leave the city but refused,” he said. “Also children, though not many.”

The British defence ministry said that while the main road into Sievierodonetsk remained under Ukrainian control, Russia had taken most of the city and “continues to make steady local gains, enabled by a heavy concentration of artillery”.

Ukraine’s armed forces general staff said the invading forces were “conducting assault operations inside Sievierodonetsk” and also attacking other parts in the east and north-east of the city. At least four civilians had been killed and 10 wounded there, officials said.”-via The Guardian


“Russian forces are currently occupying about 20% of Ukraine’s territory, president Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in a video address to the Luxembourg parliament. The front lines of battle stretch across more than 1,000km (620 miles), the Ukrainian president said, adding that 100 Ukrainians are dying on a daily basis in eastern Ukraine, and another 450-500 people are wounded.”-via The Guardian


Map from CNN
