#show release


Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows 

To be honest… I thought the main character was one big Mary Sue. I don’t even like calling characters that, but it was the best way to put in words my issue with this story.

It’s got good songs and it doesn’t stretch, since the main character needs to always be on the move, so we’re always reaching new characters, new stories.

But beware of triggers. We have gun shooting, we have talks about camps and holocaust and antisemitism. The main character is at all times against all that, we barely have actual Nazi characters and that part of the plot goes away soon, but it’s there. So if that makes you feel bad, don’t watch it.

I’m not a Jew to judge the content, or close, my family came to America before the war, so I can’t tell you if it’s worth it.

Back to Takarazuka, we have a good cast, even if it’s made of so many young ones. We also have Shimon as a Senka member along with Natori Rei.

I believe this is made to be a heartwarming story, the type that gives you hope in people, in the future. At least, that was the result. There is romance, but it’s not prevalent. Even the sadder parts don’t last much.

And once more, many thanks to those who made this release possible!

Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

It’s finally here! It’s been a while since I promised to do this. Thank you so much to all those who helped me get it done!

Note that timing is for the Bluray version, but the Sky Stage version uses the same footage, so you can retime it easily with online tools.

To be honest, this is a procedural but one of the detectives is one of the victims who got killed. And yet, it can be funny, it can be angsty, it can be a killer to anyone who was a Tamaki fan. Uekumi subtly crushed our hearts with Ouranki. Ishida will show you the hammer before doing it again and again. It’s not a really sad story, despite the emotional moments, but the subtext for Tamaki’s taidan is…. too much.

We also get to see Mayupon and Shimon before their transfer to Senka.

Note that Misono Sakura wasn’t in this show but in her Music Salon. The leading musumeyaku here was Amashi Juri (But the aiteyaku appears much more to be Chinatsu really, her line about having to say goodbye to TamakiKanzaki a second time was the one time this show made me cry).

I suck at trigger warning, but there’s a looot of focus on gun, of course there are deaths, there is gun shooting too. I hope I didn’t forget anything else.

Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

FINALLY!!! Since I first watched this show I’ve wanted the world to see it but I could never get my hands on a script of the closed captions. In the end, I went and did it all by ear. Sooo, there are many many mistakes in there, for sure. Some songs were probably made to make me cry of pain.

But I like the story. It gives me the same feelings as Spartacus, I’m not sure what makes me like it but it is very enjoyable. The main song too is beautiful, simply beautiful!

(But I ship the hell out of Sety and Setahat).

This isn’t Aida (A Song for Kingdoms), it’s far from grand despite the name. It’s just pretty much, ‘let’s make some love story in old Egypt’. But it worked for me.

The cast isn’t the most popular takarasiennes, but they are still very solid. We’ve got of course the top combi Minoru Kou and Hoshina Yuri, then we have Emao Yuu as super cute nibante/bodyguard/mercenary/the love of Sety’s life. We also have Ayaki Nao, Itsuki Chihiro, Ema Naoki, Yumeki Noa… Chie might be in there too (she has a good role in the shinko), but I didn’t get to see her.

There are some sword fighting including violent death scenes, and some of the religious scenes reminded me a lot of Christian masses, in case that’s also a trigger to anyone. I… just laughed. I’m going to hell.

These subs should work on the DVD version with a bit of retiming, but I did them on the Sky Stage video, so I can’t tell.

If you have access to it, do give it a chance, I love it!

Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

You’ll probably be offended at a lot of the dialogs in this play, though they are there to show how much of a bastard the main character is, they didn’t have to be so realistically chauvinist. lol

That said, this is a weird story based on a French movie, “Dis-moi Oui”. I haven’t watched it but a friend who watched both mentioned the movie is worse. In any case, this is just how Takarazuka likes, the story deep down is soooo wrong and they apply makeup to make you think “Well, it’s not so bad.” So, a lot of you will say I’m exaggerating.

Why is that the first thing I say?

Anyway, I actually like this. It’s a bit of a comedy, a bit of a drama, a bit of “Oh my God, Tomu-gumi was soooo good!” And this is your chance to see Tomu, Eritan, Maakun, Daimon and Kiki (plus small Maitii and Yuunami Kei) all together in the same play. This only happened this once.

But it’s not only the oyokoyaku cast, the female characters are supreme too, Kayou Kirari, Mebuki Yukina, Ichika, Juria, and of course, Ran-chan, they’re all very good characters. With an addition of Senna Ayase’s singing near the end.

Notice that this translation was done aurally, plus this was among the first shows I subbed, so even though I have revised it, the style is already quite different from how I work nowadays, for better or for worse.

Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

This isn’t a show that keeps its rhythm, so it’s not one I enjoy rewatching endlessly, but the story is very nice and it’s got some ultra funny moments. It’s not one you should miss if you like comedies.

It’s been a long time that I’ve been considering this one, but you should know I rund from comedies. Too many lines making me crazy! For some reason, I didn’t think this was as tiresome as they usually are to sub, so I’ve been a fool avoiding it. Anyway, with all the changes in Yukigumi, this was the first thing and that came to my mind, that this show had too much meaning cast-wise. You’ve got of course Hitoko, but this show has stories for the two other princes, Aya Ouka and Ayami Sera. And even the main female characters are already nostalgic names, like Jun Hana, Irodori Michiru, Maisaki Rin, Seina Nozomi. I LOVE Kiraha Reo’s scenes too, though she doesn’t have a single line.

I really look forward to more works from this author.

I can’t think of trigger warnings now, except for a part I thought it was a little pedo… But it could be just my interpretation, is there a dub-pedo category? And of course, the prince Hitoko’s character transforms into is a jerk.

Oh, I did the translation from the closed captions, but I had to come up with the romanization of a lot of stuff. Maybe they’re real things and I didn’t catch it, so I apologize for eventual mistakes.

Timed to Sky Stage, as there isn’t a Bluray release for it yet but it’s a matter of time. ;) Also when it exists, it’ll probably be with the same footage, only needing a little delaying or pushing forward.

Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

This show wasn’t translated by us but a part of the subtitles done and offered by @oozorin​ so you guys can have easier access.

The translation was done aurally, and like me, by someone whose first language is neither English nor Japanese.

We’re not clear on which version this syncs to.

Sorry for the time I took to bring this!

Like the others, I haven’t watched this one yet either but with the part 3 about to start, I definitely need to. I can’t say how much of a standalone the show is, either, but I’ll put my faith on Takarazuka that they would make it easy to follow if you haven’t watched the first one. And the first one is very cute and funny, I’m sure this one will be too, don’t miss it.

In any case, you can watch Meguriai 1 subbed by yozoragumi, you just have to make them a stream request!

Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

This show wasn’t translated by us but a part of the subtitles done and offered by @oozorin​ so you guys can have easier access.

The translation was done aurally, and like me, by someone whose first language is neither English nor Japanese.

The subs are synced to the DVD version.

I haven’t been able to watch this show yet, so I can’t list any triggers, but… the title is already a flag, feel free to write in the notes if you find some. In any case, it’s based on Johann Strauss II’s operetta “The Gypsy Baron”, and it’s a Tani Masazumi play, so it has a good chance of being at least nice. This is a Grand Theater, with all the Kiriyan-gumi including MasaMiri (dark-long-hair Masao is everything to me). The more I read the Takawiki page, the more I want to watch it haha!

Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

This show wasn’t translated by us but a part of the subtitles done and offered by @oozorin​ so you guys can have easier access.

The translation was done aurally, and like me, by someone whose first language is neither English nor Japanese.

This show was synced to Sky Stage, so you’ll need tools to retime it, let me know if you need any help!

I haven’t watched this one and now I definitely will, but this cast is really A-list quality, I looove Mihoko and Asako is unquestionable. Shirosaki Ai wasn’t Top Musumeyaku because they didn’t want her to be, I can’t think of a reasonable reason. And Kiriyan deserves all our love, of course. This isn’t a show to be missed, and I feel embarrassed that I have all this time.

Since I didn’t watch, I won’t be able to tell if there are any differences to Juri’s or Mirio’s versions.

I’ll keep releasing the other subs these days, don’t forget to check!

Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows


Timed to Sky Stage, so it might from your VHS rip but it should still be the same day. Let me know if you find trouble retiming. :-D

I can’t point out why I feel so attracted to this play, but it really engaged me. I swear it’s not because we get Yan and Miki and Miharu and Tamo and Mami and Charlie and Rika and ZUNKO… this list goes on but Zunko is just so cute in there I had to mention her. The story itself is pretty much what you’d expect. I really don’t know.

Many, many, many thanks for the script!

By the way, this talks about slavery, including for sex. They also describe crucification. And there’s a war, including deaths in battle. I can’t remember more trigger warnings, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t there, so apologize.

Download here: wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows 

Trigger warning!!!! There is one scene of dubious consent, and I feel it was pretty scary in this version, but it could be me. And this is in India so we get the usual dark face makeup (no blackface that I can remember but sometimes it feels the same to me), cultural appropriation…

On this, I tried researching about India but I really know nothing of their culture, so I apologize in advance for the mistakes I’m sure I made.

Moreover, I don’t think this is a romance, you can view as a social critic if you want. A friend of mine was comparing some of the plot to Pride & Prejudice, and you know, she’s right, I don’t know anyone has confirmed it though. As for me, I think this story deserves to be made into a comedy, to be honest. The plot twists make this each time more ludicrous. Where could they find so many dumb people in the same family? Not even those who married into them is safe, they’re all so stupid! So I usually include infuriating stupidity in the trigger warnings whenever I watch it with someone.

Now that’s all behind, Reiko is just so beautiful! The hair! Oh the hair! I love her chemistry with Ari too and I’m glad they included something that way, though the characters don’t meet that much on stage. I’m still surprised Odachin could perform so well Krishna’s role, too. It’s a young main cast in comparison to the more mature atmosphere that surrounds ReikoUmi, so there’s a lot to watch despite… well you read my previous paragraph.

The subs are synced to the Bluray release. I have only watched Asako’s version before so I can’t comment on Asaji’s, but the dialogs are very different, probably rewritten to give others more lines. The story is still the same with all its issues, but it would be hard to follow the subs like a script. On that, I made the translation following the 2007 version’s transcript and had to complement it by ear, so there may be more inaccuracies than usual.

Last, I’m so so so grateful for being able to do this project, thank you so much for the donation!

Download here: wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

Although it’s become the biggest cliché in romance, I find the story nice to follow and it made me laugh so much so many times! I haven’t watched much of the original movie to judge but Matobu is so charming! The songs are also pretty and Sabrina’s dress!!! But what you shouldn’t miss is Eritan’s character, her scenes are unforgettable!

For the newer fans, there’s a smol Daimon too.

For trigger warnings, there is a suicide attempt and some allusion to it in other scenes. I apologize if there’s more I don’t remember.

Download here: wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

Trigger warning for domestic violence, like a pretty intense scene of domestic violence.

This is a show that I find hard to recommend and yet it calls to me. The visuals, the metaphors, it’s all so interesting to observe I tend not to care so much about the lack of plot or better the mess that the plot is. I can’t say this works well as Takehisa Yumeji’s biography either. He was a little more than the glimpse the musical shows, but I think it was for the best to just go to the point. It’s already almost two-hour long. Yet I feel a lot is lost if you don’t previously know what’s being discussed.

Although I had the closed caption (thank you sooo much!!!), the Japanese in some parts was the ancient type and I’m very, very weak in it. Also, as I mentioned, the show is full of metaphors and subtext, so I was picking up nuances even as I did the final revision. I’m sure there’s a lot more. Be ware, then, that this translation is even more inferior than the usual…

There was no release for this, so the subs are based on the Sky Stage version. You can google for how to resync subtitles, and you’ll get a number of tools and some even online. Message me if you need help.

Download here: wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows 


This show has so many trigger warnings I kept procrastinating making the release just from thinking. Be aware of blackface (including one of the main characters), Nazism, like lots of Nazism, lots of heil hitler, use of gun violence too, mention of sexual violence… the list would probably be longer hadn’t I taken this long to write this.

That said, the cast is wonderful! Yuuhi is sooooo sooooo sooooo pretty in this! And we have As Time Goes by playing every ten minutes. A lot of Sora babies getting their lines too.

I did think thinking of my non-Zuka fan friends, because sometimes they’d learn there is a Takarazuka adaptation of the movie and ask me about it. I even watched this with one of them without subs once. It’s unfortunately a long show, but my friend liked it. lol

I can’t believe I got this far without mentioning Tomu.

Download here: wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

First of all, many thanks to @petitecabriole​ for donating the closed captions, without them I would have never even watched this show.

This is… interesting. It’s a Kimura Shinji, so we know it won’t be your everyday thing, but the whole concept is a trip, I’d say. We’ve also got an amazing cast, with Haruno Sumire, Sena Jun, Toono Asuka, Ayabuki Mao, Natsumi You, Rika Masumi.

Aizuki Hikaru did this show again in 2018 with small changes, but of course the timing of the subs won’t fit. The changes were mostly small words and the improvisations, so you might be able to follow using the subs as a script.

This wasn’t a taidan show (Osa had just become a top star and all) but I kept having the feeling I was hearing taidan innuendo all over it… In any case, omg, Asako is so pretty here! Haha

Download here: wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows   


Our 40th solo release is here!!!

Because I had subbed most of Masao’s shows, i always wanted to do this one. But as I did it, I half regreted not taking the Yuki version. I do prefer the cast for this one (which includes a very cute Tamakichi), but the adaptation had already suffered so many cuts… And yet, yes, the Yuki version is quite long so it was inevitable.

As a fan of the drama (I read too little of the manga), I’ll say they could have done better. I’m unsure which ending is weirder to be honest lol Anyway, I still like this show, and the message in it is very emotional when you remember this was written as Kimu’s taidan.

The main song is superb, by the way, especially if you love Masao’s singing as much as I do. It’s also short and fast paced, so give it a chance if you can.

I’m soooo glad I finally got to cut this from my wish list!!!!

Download here: wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows  


It’s been a while that I finished it and even more that I’ve been promising to release it, but it’s a piece I like a lot. It’s based on a play and it follows pretty closely the script too, if you’re familiar with the work.

Trigger warnings are more than needed for this. I myself was super depressed back when I did the subs and getting this close to not only the main character’s but most of of the characters’ mental problems didn’t do me any good (though it was some experience, gave me a completely different view of the story, I don’t recommend it to anyone). The story isn’t so explicit visually, there’s no character’s death on stage (on stage being the key word), but it probably makes it all even worse to those watching. Be aware that the story is basically about suicide, but it goes beyond as one can imagine. I’m no shrink to diagnose Kostya, the MC, but he’s dealing with good number of issues and he goes through at least two breakdowns on stage. In other words, this is intense if you’re not on a good day and I recommend those triggered to stay away no matter the day. Also, warning for animal’s death, and gun use.

That said, and don’t skip the warnings! the cast is wonderful, though some have unfortunately retired. There aren’t many songs, but the ones you’ll hear are sooo good! Mitsuki Tenju is superb! You have no idea how much I hate his character haha


Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

It’s finally here! It’s been a while since I promised to do this. Thank you so much to all those who helped me get it done!

Note that timing is for the Bluray version, but the Sky Stage version uses the same footage, so you can retime it easily with online tools.

To be honest, this is a procedural but one of the detectives is one of the victims who got killed. And yet, it can be funny, it can be angsty, it can be a killer to anyone who was a Tamaki fan. Uekumi subtly crushed our hearts with Ouranki. Ishida will show you the hammer before doing it again and again. It’s not a really sad story, despite the emotional moments, but the subtext for Tamaki’s taidan is…. too much.

We also get to see Mayupon and Shimon before their transfer to Senka.

Note that Misono Sakura wasn’t in this show but in her Music Salon. The leading musumeyaku here was Amashi Juri (But the aiteyaku appears much more to be Chinatsu really, her line about having to say goodbye to TamakiKanzaki a second time was the one time this show made me cry).

I suck at trigger warning, but there’s a looot of focus on gun, of course there are deaths, there is gun shooting too. I hope I didn’t forget anything else.


Download here:wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows

FINALLY!!! Since I first watched this show I’ve wanted the world to see it but I could never get my hands on a script of the closed captions. In the end, I went and did it all by ear. Sooo, there are many many mistakes in there, for sure. Some songs were probably made to make me cry of pain.

But I like the story. It gives me the same feelings as Spartacus, I’m not sure what makes me like it but it is very enjoyable. The main song too is beautiful, simply beautiful!

(But I ship the hell out of Sety and Setahat).

This isn’t Aida (A Song for Kingdoms), it’s far from grand despite the name. It’s just pretty much, ‘let’s make some love story in old Egypt’. But it worked for me.

The cast isn’t the most popular takarasiennes, but they are still very solid. We’ve got of course the top combi Minoru Kou and Hoshina Yuri, then we have Emao Yuu as super cute nibante/bodyguard/mercenary/the love of Sety’s life. We also have Ayaki Nao, Itsuki Chihiro, Ema Naoki, Yumeki Noa… Chie might be in there too (she has a good role in the shinko), but I didn’t get to see her.

There are some sword fighting including violent death scenes, and some of the religious scenes reminded me a lot of Christian masses, in case that’s also a trigger to anyone. I… just laughed. I’m going to hell.

These subs should work on the DVD version with a bit of retiming, but I did them on the Sky Stage video, so I can’t tell.

If you have access to it, do give it a chance, I love it!
