#shut up emily


My brother, 15yo: shoves a basketball down his shirt to look like a single boob

My dad, without thinking: How many times have I told you to stop swallowing balls?!

me: promptly loses it

If I ever need to explain what gentrification means im gonna use the movie Robots as an example, the one with Robin Williams in it. Remind me to explain later I just got out of the shower.

I bought some japanese barbecue sauce (basically smoky teriyaki sauce) and I put it on my instant ramen and Let Me Tell Ya, that was the Right Choice.

I’ve never watched the musical, I avoid things with especially irritating fanbases (hence why I didn’t get into undertale until SIX YEARS LATER), but from what I do know I think the main problem with the Hamilton musical was how the fans reacted to it.

Yeah, sure, it glossed over a lot of actual history, but I think the actual history wasn’t the point - it was a character study on Alexander Hamilton, hence it focused in hispoint of view and his personal point of view wasn’t based on factual history. No one’s personal point of view is based on factual history, it takes a stepping outside of yourself and setting aside your emotions to get a view based on factual history, and Hamilton wasn’t doing that.

No, it was like how a lot of cis misogynist homophobic white males latch onto media like Fight Club, a movie that satirizes and pokes holes in toxic masculinity - they completely missed the point and started romanticizing the characters into something they largely weren’t. And they aren’t even characters, they’re caricatures (albeit not disrespectfully) of real historic people. These aren’t your poor little meow meows, nor your lovable fictional villain, nor your new tumblr blorbo - no, this is about real peoplethatactually lived.

Which is why it’s all gone wrong. Which is why the Hamilton fanbase is utterly insufferable, because they’ve misconstrued these historical people as fictional characters that they can project onto when that wasn’t the point. We have got to stop viewing media through this lens, that media has to cater to youandyour viewpoints and if it doesn’t it’s wrong. Sometimes it’s not about you.

It’s not about you.

Would Jesus Say That? Masterpost

A study of April 2022 Gen Conf by E.A. Nelson

Would Jesus Say That?

A study of April 2022 Gen Conf by E.A. Nelson | Masterpost

Whew, okay, so I’ve been meaning to do this for a while and it’s been over a month, but the thing is there was a LOT in General Conference. A lot of it good, a lot of it neutral, and a lot of it bad. While the good was very good, the bad was very bad.

Supposedly, the Prophet and Apostles are talking for Christ and saying what He would say. Well, we have written accounts of what Christ said so we know how He talks. So with that lense, I will be embarking on a personal project to annotate and summarize every single talk in April 2022 General Conference and determine how likely Jesus Christ Himself would say each talk.

I will be sharing the link to the talk plus my personal summary of it each Sunday, and once the project is done I’ll link the google doc I was doing all of my annotating in. For now, please have today’s summary of the First Talk.

Preaching the Gospel of Peace

By President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Summary: We have the sacred responsibility to share the power and peace of Jesus Christ with all who will listen.

Rating: 7/10, Jesus would say this but not like how he did it.

Next >>

Okay, so starting off the entire conference with a talk about emphasizing missionary work. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, there are many good things about the gospel and the church that are helpful to many people, including a ward structure and the ability to work together as a community (cough, like socialism, cough). My main bug is that he talks of the gospel like it’s the end-all, fix-all solution, as if we don’t need to make sure there are political and social structures in place to prevent issues from happening. 

Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but when he says quote “I love the Lord Jesus Christ and testify that His gospel is the only enduring solution for peace” unquote, that just rubs me wrong. No, we’re just as mortal as everyone else. If the Church suddenly got control over the entire U.S.A., especially in the state that it’s in, they’d royally screw it up. No amount of Heavenly Revelation can save you if you won’t listen. 

While there’s plenty of gendered language, I do like how he emphasizes that anyone can choose to serve, and that serving in any capacity is still serving. I feel like that if the Church spent more time serving and listening to LGBT+ and PoC members, they could expand that definition and see to it that all diverse members are served. Maybe we all wouldn’t be struggling so much! 

All in all, a very neutral talk. Would Jesus Say This? The overall message, yes. Saying it verbatim? No. I give it a 7/10 on the scale.

I am hideously antisocial today -.- is it the head cold? its probably the head cold. ugh.

it’s not very cis of me to dream about getting top surgery, is it?

I act like the biggest dumbass on the grocery store staff that sometimes I forget that my psychologist told me I have an IQ of 126, which is apparently stupid high. Pretty confident that the explanation is I have short term memory loss, which is also why after nearly ten years of studying Chinese I still can’t speak the language.

shout out to duolingo for giving me a second free trial of duolingo plus on desktop after my one year subscription expired, and allowing me to switch to a monthly plan without reducing my free trial time.

sister has bullied me into buying her a tea set for her birthday. she’s super princess-y and saw my tea set in my room and immediately burst into begging for her own. i’m such a sucker.

barbara i am Disassociating

I keep jamming my nails against the hard metal meat counter surfaces ;-; my nails…

fuck everyone who hates the monkey king, he’s literally spending all of his screentime in s3 either recharging his powers or encouraging Mk. He takes every chance to let him know he believes in him and complimenting him on awakening and using his powers and-and-and when Mk proposes entering the Talent Show to get the ring he goes along with it despite his stage fright and-and-and FUCK. The only person who can contest for a better influence on Mk is Pigsy so shut the fuck up and stop hating the guy who’s the ONLY FUCKING IMMORTAL who’s bothering to try and save the world send fucking tweet.


S3 is just Macaque has a breakdown while fighting for his life to get out of an abusive situation and he’s making it Mk’s problem

my phone is currently starting to bug out with the battery. gonna have to replace it after four years. fuck.

my little brother, Bruce (17) is currently up in his room having an extended temper tantrum… the kind that’s the sign of declining health. My parents think he’s severely dehydrated and have discussed hospitalizing him if he refused to drink water. the thing is he’s big and strong, and he’s VIOLENT right now - I am staying out of the way of this fucking mess because the last thing I need is to be caught in the crossfire. happy mothers day.

I just made myself new phone wallpapers!

This is the lock screen ^ | Home screen v

As you can see, it’s peachy monkey king themed because im a simp. Thanks.

i appreciate the mothers day rose, chocolate, and pie, but a) im trans b) i just want to take a nap.

I dont want riches I just want to buy sourdough bread and toast it and then eat it with some butter and strawberry jam. I want to hear my friends are coming around and hurry to put the kettle on for tea, coffee, hot chocolate. I want to pay the elderly gardener who cant work any other job to prune my roses, and i want to always give too much plus a sour cream pound cake.

I dont want riches I want to have a nice fireplace with a wood fire as I cook some sausages for dinner to go with my mac n cheese before diving under a thick quilt for the night. i want to wake up in the morning and work a satisfying but easy-going job with my hands where I get to make people smile.

I dont want riches I just want to slow down and find someone who loves me back, get married with a simple wedding band with a single diamond, and slow dance in the kitchen with them while we wait for the chili to warm up. I want to step outside in the snow and grumble a little about having to shovel but being satisfied with my work and making a snowman out of the piled up snow.

I dont want riches I just want to live! I just want to live! But every day is a burden to bear and every piece of news I hear is worse and worse and the roses are dying.

But I guess I still found some sourdough bread on sale today. It’s not all bad, is it?


I have been playing waaaaaaaaaay too much Nintendo Switch Sports Bowling. And yes, I did unlock the sparkly pink ball.

There’s a lot of valid criticism against the Mormon Church, but nobody fucking talks about how they’re a bunch of cheapskates. They rely HEAVILY on unpaid volunteer work for both proselyting and managing of resources, then underpay their paid employees so severely and THEN go out of their way to make them only part time, and T H E N have the AUDACITY to say they’re a charity.

Working for Deseret Industries was EASILY my worst job ever and they paid me NOTHING for it and went out of their way to cut my hours every chance they had. They claim it’s about ‘actually we’re training you FOR FREE’ for what? 'For LIFE!’ what part of life?! 'The adulting portion!’ THATS NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM, THE PROBLEM IS THE ECONOMY IS CRASHING, NOBODY CAN FIND WORK EVEN WITH ALL THE QUALIFICATIONS, AND YOU CHUCKLEFUCKS TOOK LITERAL YEARS TO GO FROM $7.25/HR TO $10/HR.

What IS my tithing money going to?! Clearly not to actually helping people, now is it?! My mom says I should have faith, but this is NOT what Jesus would do if He had the Church’s resources. Fight me on it, President Nelson.

everything is controversial, bitch, lets go get you some critical thinking skills so you can enjoy problematic media

People do not understand what I look for in a cheesecake. They will make their alleged cheesecake and omit most of the cream cheese flavor that is not a cheesecake that is a Pie. That is Pie. Pie is good, but not cheesecake. For it to be true cheesecake it has to have the cream cheese tang. It has to be CHEESY. It’s CHEESEcake! What is CHEESEcake without the CHEESE?! WHERE’S THE CHEESE?!

This post is brought to you by Danish People! Denmark - if your ancestors are from there, you’ll end up craving so much cheese it scares your parents!

I have been playing waaaaaaaaaay too much Nintendo Switch Sports Bowling. And yes, I did unlock the sparkly pink ball.

Shout out to Jacksepticeye for making iconic cameos, the latest being Poppy Playtime
