#sims story

Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there beeChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-fournext / previous / beginning KYRIE: Has there bee

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // twenty-four


KYRIE: Has there been any word?

HIGH PRIEST: Unfortunately, not. There has been no news of Lady Alphanei.
KYRIE: For all my sight, I can’t see the one person I should be able to. Why will the gods not help me? I must do their bidding, but what do I get in return?

HIGH PRIEST: Kyrie! Don’t speak such foul things. Your sight is a gift.

KYRIE: Or rather a curse.

HIGH PRIEST: They will find her. Do not worry. Concentrate on the task at hand. It will help get your mind off this terrible business.

KYRIE: Get my mind off it? My sister is missing! But of course, you don’t really care. We’re simply tools in your eyes. You’re only calm now because you were lucky enough to have a replacement.

HIGH PRIEST: How could you say such a thing? It was I that took care of you. Who raised you both as best I could.

KYRIE: You took us from our mother. We would have been happier left alone. We would have had normal lives!

HIGH PRIEST: Your life has been nothing if not splendid.

KYRIE: Ridiculous. If you tell me Alphanei’s disappearance isn’t somehow connected to the Selenehelion, I won’t believe you. I know you’re sending spies to watch me.

HIGH PRIEST: What do you mean “spies”?

KYRIE: I saw them. You sent them to follow us!

HIGH PRIEST: No Kyrie, I didn’t.

KYRIE: But then…?

HIGH PRIEST: Tell me what you have seen.

KYRIE: No I… I must have been mistaken—

HIGH PRIEST: Despite what you may think, I did raise you. I know when you’re lying, Kyrie. Tell me what you saw. If you’re in danger—

KYRIE: I’m not. Please, just leave me be. At least amongst the Ten. I’m safe with them.

HIGH PRIEST: …Very well. But the moment I sense anything’s amiss, I will reassign your guard. You must understand, with your sister gone, losing you would be dire.

KYRIE: Yes, I understand. After all, that is what it means to be precious.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rollingChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-three| @sani-sims | @amuhav | @catssimblr | @rolling

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|@sani-sims |@amuhav|@catssimblr|@rollingsim|@keibea


[rustling sounds]
EIRA: What is it?

SARAYN: We are being watched.

ÅSE: More bandits?
- - -
KYRIE: Something’s wrong.

EVE: Wrong?

KYRIE: Let’s meet up with the others.
- - -
SARAYN: I though you said no more tricks?

KYRIE: It isn’t. I didn’t tell anyone we were coming here.

TAYUIN: You expect us to believe that, after last time?

KYRIE: I’m telling the truth. We should get back to the sanctum.

ÅSE: Let them come!

KYRIE: No. We don’t know what we’re dealing with. It could be nothing at all. Let me handle this, please.

EIRA: No need. Whoever was out there, they’re gone now.

EVE: Maybe we’re overreacting. Tensions are high after the challenge, but Amaryllis is filled with all manner of folk for the festivities. It could have been anyone.

KYRIE: Eve’s right. Let’s all of us head back and get some sleep. It’s been a very long day.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-two| @sani-simsnext / previous / beginningKYRIE: So,Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-two| @sani-simsnext / previous / beginningKYRIE: So,Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-two| @sani-simsnext / previous / beginningKYRIE: So,Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-two| @sani-simsnext / previous / beginningKYRIE: So,

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // twenty-two



KYRIE: So, what do you think?

EVE: What do I think?

KYRIE: How am I doing? On a scale of one to ten, how do you rate my apology?

EVE: It’s going to take more than a nice dinner in the garden.

KYRIE: Really? Then how about a nice dinner beside a river? Or perhaps a very lovely wheat field?

EVE: Are you asking for my advice, or are you asking me on a date, Your Grace?

KYRIE: The first one, of course. But let’s not rule anything out.

EVE: Well, I’m sure not everyone will be so quick to forgive you. Or forget.

KYRIE: Mm, you’re probably right. It’s a work in progress.

EVE: It’s a good start.

KYRIE: Yeah?

EVE: Yeah.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimpChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty-one| @mangopysims | @keibea | @izayoichan | @thesimp

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| tiger & key // twenty-one



ÅSE: You shouldn’t eat too much! All that cake will slow you down for trial!

TALILA: Hm? Really? But we don’t even know what the next trial is.

ÅSE: Didn’t you hear? It could be dangerous! Very exciting!

TALILA: Is that really something you should be excited about?

ÅSE: But of course! I have strategy! First of all, be very strong, like me. Second, do not fail!

INDRYR: Well, can’t argue with that. It is a sound strategy.

TAIYO: Curious. How will those of us without such magic and strength prevail? Past records of the Selenehelion show the trials range from tests of character, wisdom, and ability. But since we’re uncertain of which challenges we’ll face, it seems nearly impossible that one could be prepared for anything.

ÅSE: You lack confidence, scholarly man!

INDRYR: Can’t argue with that either.

TALILA: Oh, Indy!

INDRYR: Oops, sorry.

TAIYO: It was a fair point.

INDRYR: Surely some have advantages, but then, we’ve all been chosen for a reason, haven’t we? I trust in the process. There are more important things than physical strength and magic.

TAIYO: Even if I were to win, I don’t know what I’d ask for. I guess I really don’t understand why I was chosen at all. I wonder if passion isn’t an important element in what decides who will succeed. I can’t say for certain why everyone’s here, but I imagine if you had something you deeply desired, something you were willing to fight hard for, maybe even the gods could see it inside of you.

INDRYR: I think there are many of us who have come here in desperation. Though they may not say so, though they may deny it… but in the end, don’t we all have something we desire? If not a reason to fight?

TAIYO: I’m not sure that I do.

INDRYR: I guess you’re right; only the gods may judge us. Before that end comes, I do hope you find your reason.

TALILA: And what about you, Indy? What’s your wish?

INDRYR: It’s not for me that I wish, but for the happiness of those I love most. Perhaps this is the best way, if not the only way, that I could help them.

TALILA: That sounds terribly sad…

ÅSE: Ridiculous! You lack stamina, flower dragon!

INDRYR: Well… can’t argue with that.

TALILA: Maybe the trials will be good for us. There’s so much uncertainty now, but like all seeds freshly planted, with a little tenderness and caution, we can grow. I hope we will all grow stronger.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind coChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // twenty| @maladi777next / previous / beginningKYRIE: Mind co

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // twenty



KYRIE: Mind coming with me?

ASTER: Don’t tell me I’m being arrested again. After that speech you gave? My, my, that’s a lie even I couldn’t think up!

KYRE:laughs You’re not being arrested. There’s something I want to give you.

ASTER: Mercy on the sun, moon and stars! My lute! All in one piece? I was beginning to think I’d never see it again!

KYRIE: There was a guard at the prison who seemed particularly reluctant to give it back. Admittedly, it did take some persuading, but I figured nothing short of the original would do.

ASTER: If you’re trying to buy my love, I must say, it’ll only half work!

KYRIE: Only a little. But then, you are one of the chosen, reckless vagrant or not. It simply wouldn’t be appropriate to let your worldly possessions be confiscated.

ASTER: Well, it is certainly nice to be reunited. After all, I’ll need something to fill my time again once this whole thing blows over.

KYRIE: Aster.

ASTER: Your Grace?

KYRIE: I am glad you’re here.

ASTER: Why do you say that?

KYRIE: I think you bring something; a light we all desperately need. Even those who won’t admit it.

ASTER:laughs Ah, yes. So easy it is to make eager company. And when your light has dimmed and the thrill and excitement has grown tiresome, they’ll move on from you. The story forever ends the same. Warmly welcomed, always turned away.

KYRIE: That isn’t—

ASTER: But I’ll play music. Mayhaps it will entertain them all! Win favor, I must, says he!

KYRIE: Aster, wait.


KYRIE: …Do you know the Ballad of Cairn Mir?

ASTER: Mm, that’s a nice one. Good choice.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / bChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / bChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / bChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / bChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-two| @izayoichan | @poisonedsimmernext / previous / b

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next / previous/beginning

INDRYR: Therion, glad to see you’re okay. In the illusion realm, you were… otherwise.

THERION: Oh really? Dreaming about me, were you?

INDRYR: Not the way I’d put it. It occurred to me that perhaps things appeared to me the way they did because I had not yet confronted them in my reality. The fact is, you blamed me for what happened during the first trial, and I want to set the record straight.

THERION: Huh? You mean you’re hung up on that? Look, I’m sorry for implying you might have been at fault, but my point still stands. I’m a ranger, and I take my duties seriously. A lapse in attention, or walking off the job can be the difference between someone living or dying. When you’re given a responsibility, you ought to treat it with more care.

INDRYR: Do your duties also allow for false accusations?

THERION: I wouldn’t have considered you suspect if you hadn’t given me reason to.

INDRYR: You were still wrong in the end.

THERION: I said I was sorry, what more do you want? It wasn’t a big deal. But next time you’re negligent during a trial, we might not be so lucky. Maybe you should think about that.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty-one| @amuhav​ | @rollingsim​INTERACTIVE POLL |Should

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // fifty-one

|@amuhav​ | @rollingsim

Should Tayuin lie or tell Sarayn the truth?


TAYUIN: Well, I certainly know how to pick my friends. Great work, Lord Tev’us.


TAYUIN: She’ll get over it. It’s her own fault, taking everything to heart, anyways.

SARAYN: She is kind.

TAYUIN: How unfortunate. Not for us, I mean. The nice ones are the easiest to break.

SARAYN: And how did your trial go? Was it also simple? You never told me how it was you got your key.

TAYUIN: Is that really relevant?

SARAYN: We are allies, after all. And allies share information, no?

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext / Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // fifty| @sani-sims | @rollingsim | @thesimperiuscursenext /

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // fifty



VOICE: The trial has now concluded.  

EVE: It’s finished?

EIRA: Thanks.

EVE: Of course!

EVE: Lord Tev’us! Thank starlight, you’re alright! I thought something horrible had happened! I waited as long as I could bear it. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.
SARAYN: My apologies. An opportunity arose, so I took it.

EVE: An opportunity…?

EVE: You… found a key, then. You won.

SARAYN: That was the nature of the game, after all.

EVE: You’re right, of course. It’s just a game.

SARAYN: I expect you must be angry.

EVE: No, not at all. I’m happy for you. Surely, anyone would have done the same, and you deserve it. I’m just glad that you’re not hurt. I was… well, it doesn’t matter. Anyways, congratulations.

TAIYO: She was worried about you. You told her you’d come back, and you never did. All that time, she was looking for you, just to make sure you were okay. And that’s all you have to say for it?

SARAYN: It was her choice to trust me.

TAIYO: It was her choice to care. But I see now, these games were made for people like you.

KYRIE: Welcome back, everyone. I’m glad to see you’ve all returned safely. I want to congratulate the five winners, Eira, Tayuin, Sarayn, Talila and Aster. Your victory today will help you moving forward into the next round of trials. But until then, I encourage everyone to rest up. You have a few days break. Please try to enjoy yourselves. Until we meet again.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-nine| @mangopysims | @maladi777POLL RESULTS | With 76

Chosen of the Sun |
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With 76% in favor, the audience decides to buff a fellow competitor. Aster wins the second poll and is gifted a [KEY] by Talila’s decision. Talila and Aster become the final winners of the trial.


VOICE: Congratulations, Talila. You have chosen to help one of your fellow competitors. Come forward and accept your reward.

TALILA: A key? Really? For me? Well, then I’m most glad I chose him.

KYRIE: Talila, welcome back.

TALILA: That was amazing! I can’t believe I really won!

KYRIE: Congratulations.

TALILA: Oh! But—

KYRIE: Don’t worry. He’s receiving your gift now. If you’d like, you can wait for him here.

TALILA: Thank you.


KYRIE: Welcome back, Aster, and congratulations.

ASTER: Congratu—Tal, you’re okay!

TALILA: Oh, yeah! It was so strange. I was falling, and then suddenly I was at this altar, and there were these two flames—

ASTER: I was afraid that…

TALILA: I told you. It was all an illusion. And thank goodness, huh?

ASTER: I’ll say.

TALILA: I know you did your best. Thank you.

ASTER: Heh, yeah… No problem…

TALILA: But at least you got a key right? I’m glad it could help you.

ASTER: Wait… you did that?

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The auChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-eight| @poisonedsimmer | @keibeaPOLL RESULTS | The au

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-eight


The audience decides to investigate the sound with 61% in favor. Ase and Therion help to save an injured wolf and are each rewarded [SUMMONING TOKEN].


ÅSE: What is it?

THERION: A wolf. She seems to be injured.

ÅSE: Then, we put her out of her misery.

THERION: What? No! I can help her.

ÅSE: If the injury is bad, why let suffer?

THERION: I’ve handled worse, I can promise that. And anyways, this whole place is one big illusion. Nothing here is real.

ÅSE: Why so sympathetic, then?

THERION: I don’t know… Seeing something in pain is… 

ÅSE: Okay, we help.

THERION: You’re okay girl, I’ve got you. It’s just a dislocation. It’ll hurt, but it’ll be quick. You look uncomfortable. Not an animal fan?

ÅSE: Animals don’t really like me.

THERION: I’m sure that’s not true. Here, try stroking her, it might calm her down.



ÅSE: Oh, fine. Hm… much soft…

THERION: I think you made a new friend.

ÅSE: She is okay! She is big and strong like me.


ÅSE: What is she doing?

THERION: I think she’s trying to show us something.

VOICE: For your graciousness and compassion, you are rewarded one token each. Use these tokens to call upon the wisdom of any of your fellow competitors whenever you most need it.

ÅSE: Reward? Very good!

THERION: Well, thank the stars we didn’t do it yourway.

ÅSE: Okay, Woodland One. You win this time.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-seven| @mangopysims INTERACTIVE VOTE | Poll #1: ShoulChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-seven| @mangopysims INTERACTIVE VOTE | Poll #1: ShoulChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-seven| @mangopysims INTERACTIVE VOTE | Poll #1: ShoulChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-seven| @mangopysims INTERACTIVE VOTE | Poll #1: Shoul

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-seven


Poll #1: Should Talila buff or debuff a fellow competitor? 
Poll #2: Select one of the Chosen to receive this buff or debuff.

Don’t forget to cast your vote for bothpolls! 

The second poll is blind. Whatever the outcome of the first poll, will be what the winner of the second poll receives. So consider that whoever you choose in the second poll, will have a 50% chance of receiving the buff OR debuff. (feel free to comment if you need further clarification)


VOICE: Welcome, Talila. Daughter of the forest.

TALILA: H-Hello? Who’s there? What is this place? Show yourself!

VOICE: If you desire to leave this place, you need only make one simple decision. Before you are two flames. One flame gives you the power to grant a boon to a fellow competitor. The other, gives you the power to hinder one. If you choose correctly, you may be rewarded. But at what sacrifice to yourself? Consider your options carefully.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-six| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beginChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-six| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beginChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-six| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beginChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-six| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beginChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-six| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beginChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-six| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beginChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-six| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beginChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-six| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / beginChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-six| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / begin

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-six



TALILA: Maybe we should turn back.

ASTER: It seems alright. If we’re quick and careful, I’m sure we can make it.

TALILA: Alright, I trust you.

ASTER: You do…? I mean, right. Of course we can make it. It’s not far.

TALILA: Aster!

ASTER: Hold on!

TALILA: I’m slipping!

ASTER: Don’t let go, I’ve got you!

TALILA: It’s just an illusion… Aster, let me go.

ASTER: No! Wait! Don’t—

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |ShoChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-five| @poisonedsimmer​ | @keibeaINTERACTIVE VOTE |Sho

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-five

|@poisonedsimmer​ | @keibea

Should Therion and Ase investigate the sound they heard or the tower in the distance?


THERION: Well, better than a bear, I guess.

ÅSE: These woods are filled with beasts, it seems.

THERION: Looks like you ran into one.

ÅSE: She was particularly fierce.

THERION:laughs Right. Maybe we ought to stick together till we reach the edge of the forest.

ÅSE: Don’t worry, Woodland One. I will protect you.

THERION: Thanks, but I can manage just fine. Still, this place gives me a particularly bad feeling and I’m starting to trust my eyes less and less.

ÅSE: You make good point.

ÅSE: I saw tower on my way here. I have mind there could be something hidden inside.

THERION: Not a bad plan.

THERION: Did you hear that?

ÅSE: Just wind. Let’s head to tower.

THERION: No… I’ve heard that before. It sounded like an animal in pain.

ÅSE: Ridiculous. I trust what I see before me. I see tower. I don’t see strange animal in pain. Could be trap.

THERION: I thought you Valkyries were fearless?

ÅSE: I am not afraid. I am also not stupid.

THERION: Whatever it is, it might need help. This could be a test.

ÅSE: Hm…

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-four| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / begiChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-four| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / begiChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-four| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / begiChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-four| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / begiChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-four| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / begiChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-four| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / begiChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-four| @maladi777 | @mangopysimsnext / previous / begi

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-four



ASTER: You’ve got great taste. I wrote that years ago. I was quite proud of it then. Who am I kidding, I’m still proud of it!

TALILA: You should be. It really is like magic.

ASTER: You’re too kind!

TALILA: Maybe… Aster, can I ask you something?


TALILA: Do you think it is better to be kind, or to be cunning and strong? I mean that… what sort of person do you think will win?

ASTER: Win? Suppose I haven’t thought about it.

TALILA: Not at all?

ASTER: It doesn’t interest me.


ASTER: Did… you want to win?

TALILA: I’m sure there are better candidates than I. Really, I just hoped that my wish would be heard. At first, I was confident, but as I realized how many wonderful people had been chosen, I started to think it was a fleeting dream. I suppose, if I really wanted to win now, I’d have to play the game. And I’m not sure if I can do that.

ASTER: Is it worth it to win if you’ve lost who you are in the process?


ASTER: I usually like games. But this one… this one is much different. If all the pieces are players, then those aren’t moves I want to make. And anyways, what could you desire so deeply that only the gods could grant it? Surely, there must be a way for us to make our own dreams come true.

TALILA: No, you’re right. It’s silly.

ASTER: Everything is silly if you think too hard about it.

TALILA: Then I won’t! Let’s talk about something else.

ASTER: Like bridges?

TALILA: Bridges? Oh.

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-three| @sani-sims | @thesimperiuscursenext / previousChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-three| @sani-sims | @thesimperiuscursenext / previousChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-three| @sani-sims | @thesimperiuscursenext / previousChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-three| @sani-sims | @thesimperiuscursenext / previousChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-three| @sani-sims | @thesimperiuscursenext / previousChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-three| @sani-sims | @thesimperiuscursenext / previous

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-three



EVE: Lord Tev’us? Lord Tev’us!

EVE: I hope he’s alright…

EVE: Oh!


EVE: Taiyo, where did you come from?

TAIYO: I was just… it was a strange place I… I’m not sure where to begin. Are you alright? You look pale.

EVE: I travelled here with Lord Tev’us. He went to scout ahead and now he’s completely vanished! I’m so afraid something awful has happened to him. He spoke of shadows, and he’d been hurt, now he’s gone. I shouldn’t have let him go alone. What if—

TAIYO: It’s alright. Calm down. I’ll help you to look for him.

EVE: But the keys… Don’t you want to find them?

TAIYO: There are far more important things than games.

EVE: Thank you, Taiyo. Really, I… If something’s happened to him, it’s all my fault.

TAIYO: Lord Tev’us is amongst the strongest of us. I’m certain whatever’s happened, he can handle it.

EVE: I hope so…

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Chosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes forChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes forChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes forChosen of the Sun | | tiger & key // forty-two| @rollingsimPOLL RESULTS | The audience votes for

Chosen of the Sun |
| tiger & key // forty-two


The audience votes for Sarayn to take the key for himself, with 52% in favor. Sarayn becomes the third contestant to win a key.


KYRIE: Welcome back, Lord Tev’us.

SARAYN: So, that’s the end of it?

KYRIE: A simple task.

SARAYN: If there is nothing more, I’ll take my leave.

KYRIE: Certainly. Though, it might interest you to know, had you decided differently, you would both be standing here now.

SARAYN: How is that any concern of mine? One way or another, the result, for me, is the same.

KYRIE: Well-observed, my Lord. I bid you a very fine evening.

Post link
 “Do not break my heart, my Queen.” Cheer admits defeat. “Think of your reign. Thi

“Do not break my heart, my Queen.” Cheer admits defeat. “Think of your reign. Think of our children." 

The room feels darker when Dreamweaver passes through the gateway. 

"Just please… return to me.”

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Voice 1: Is this thing on? There’s no picture I can’t see anythingVoice 2: Try turning i

Voice 1: Is this thing on? There’s no picture I can’t see anything

Voice 2: Try turning it off and back on again

Voice 1: Hello ?? Hello? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Voice 3: Due to technical difficulties, Good Morning Primavera will resume after these next messages

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A source working to organise the event told Pie News that they had never imagined “having to s

A source working to organise the event told Pie News that they had never imagined “having to schedule people by magic mirrors, email and faxes at the same time” would be in their job description and that they were “being professional but honestly freaked out by the ladies with horns”

Whatever happens, you know you’ll hear about it here first!

Back to you in the studio Flan.

[The Convergence is a Royalty collaboration from members of @berrygameplay]

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I made this video for 3 days….
