

To that lady who refused to accept any money and gave me this christmas tree for free several months ago, thank you so much.

Who would have known several months after that I would be blessed with a new job, but had to go a full month without a paycheck because of it. As a single mom living paycheck to paycheck, this took a huge toll on my finances right before the holidays.

Then someone said to me, “For being a single mom, you have a lot of materialistic things.” That really got me thinking.. When times get rough it is so easy to forget to be grateful for what you do have. You see everything I own was from when I previously living alone, hand me downs, and second had stores bought for stupid cheap.

Whenever I have a hard day, i pick up my baby after work and head home. When I get home I plug in the christmas tree and seeing my babys little face light up makes all my problems go away. It’s something as little as other people’s kindness that can really brighten up someones bad day. Remember that life throws at what you only what you can handle.

Random acts of kindness keep passing it on. You never know who’s life you helped make better.
