

I used to draw them boys daily


Ship Ask

Who takes care of the spiders?

Who uses more nicknames (e.g. babe)?

Who’s the little spoon?

Who suggests scary movies for film night?

Who gets jealous more often?

Who brings up kids first?

Who borrows who’s clothes more?

Who cries more during sad movies?

Who falls asleep on the other more?

Who says I love you more?

Who initiates kisses more?

Who initiates hugs more?

Who takes more pictures of the other?

Who gets hit on more by strangers?

Who calls the other names lovingly (e.g. nerd)?

Who brings up pets?

Who leaves notes for the other one around the house?

Who likes Christmas more?

Who gets the other gifts even when they don’t need to?

Who stands up for the other more?

Who’s more flirty?

Who gets drunk faster?

Who makes food more often?

Im gonna do this for Zok n Shod

Within my 18years of being an absolute nerd, Ive never really “shipped” characters together, But Zok/Shod?



SkekShod would def have a fidget spinner and SkekSo would def steal it from him like a lilttle kid on a playground.

(SkekSo: Famous Last Words (#3 Favorite)

SkekZok:  Boy Division (#8 favorite)

SkekSil:  I Never Told You What I Do for A Living (#4 favorite)

SkekVar: Thank you for the Venom (#7 favorite)

SkekGra: The Ghost of you (#6 Favorite)

SkekEkt:  Honey, This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us (#10 favorite)

SkekAyuk:  Na Na Na (#9 favorite)

SkekLi:  The Light Behind Your Eyes (#11 Favorite)

SkekUng: Astro Zombies (#16 favorite)

SkekMal: The Sharpest Lives (#2 favorite)

SkekTek: Demolition Lovers (#1 Favorite)

SkekOk: Romance (#5 Favorites) {A good Lyrical for Him would also be SING for irony reasons}

SkekShod: Vampire money (#12 Favorite)

SkekLach: Hang ‘Em High (#15 Favorite)

SkekNa: Blood (#14 Favorite)

SkekSa: The Kids from Yesterday (#13 favorite)

You can def disagree with these ofc Also, My actual #1 and #2 Favorite MCR songs are Cancer (Strong connection to the lyrics) And cemetery Drive.

Woke up this morning with skekShod being sneaky.

SkekShod trying to smile. The gelfling show their teeth when they do. So must he!

SkekShod n urYod after their split.

A young skekShod
