

(SkekSo: Famous Last Words (#3 Favorite)

SkekZok:  Boy Division (#8 favorite)

SkekSil:  I Never Told You What I Do for A Living (#4 favorite)

SkekVar: Thank you for the Venom (#7 favorite)

SkekGra: The Ghost of you (#6 Favorite)

SkekEkt:  Honey, This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us (#10 favorite)

SkekAyuk:  Na Na Na (#9 favorite)

SkekLi:  The Light Behind Your Eyes (#11 Favorite)

SkekUng: Astro Zombies (#16 favorite)

SkekMal: The Sharpest Lives (#2 favorite)

SkekTek: Demolition Lovers (#1 Favorite)

SkekOk: Romance (#5 Favorites) {A good Lyrical for Him would also be SING for irony reasons}

SkekShod: Vampire money (#12 Favorite)

SkekLach: Hang ‘Em High (#15 Favorite)

SkekNa: Blood (#14 Favorite)

SkekSa: The Kids from Yesterday (#13 favorite)

You can def disagree with these ofc Also, My actual #1 and #2 Favorite MCR songs are Cancer (Strong connection to the lyrics) And cemetery Drive.

Seventh end of year request sketch for @the-experimental-writer of Brea and SkekOk. I came up with a platonic scenario for them.

I went with a scene that could’ve happened after we saw Brea get in the carriage with SkekOk and SkekLach. Because Brea hugs him before going to her mother and sisters, I imagine that perhaps they had a fun chat about books and writing. SkekLach is in the background bored and probably thinking of something to say to change the conversation.

Maybe the carriage ride was fun the entire time for Brea. I personally think some things were said to Brea that she overlooked at the time, but realized what it meant after finding out the Skeksis’ true nature.

I hope you enjoy this sketch and thank you for your support last year!

Conditions I Headcanon TDC characters to have

As a warning this post does contain mentions of different kinds of mental conditions, Although not gone into detail if that kind of stuff make you uncomfortable feel free to skip this one

Also I say conditions as a broad term and I mean absolutely no offence by characters maybe not being good representation

Edit because something came up, I chose a lot of these either for personal reasons or because I like seeing capable and loveable characters with conditions/disabilities (if that is a correct term) represented positively in media, I mean no hate or “romanticisation” of any mental conditions and I am deeply sorry if anything in this post causes offence

Rian: ASD (Autism spectrum disorder)

Deet: ASD

SkekGra: ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

UrGoh: ADD (Attention deficit disorder)

SkekGra+UrGoh: Generalized anxiety disorder

Seladon: Germaphobia (low level)

SkekLach: Depression

SkekZok: OCD

Feel free to add on to this
