#skz chan


Only The Best

pairing(s):Bang Chan x Female!Reader


word count: 1.1K


“Of course I’ll make sure he’s taken care of mom,” Chan said into the phone. “I can’t believe you let him fly out here alone. You still don’t let me do it!” He teased his mother on the phone.

“He isn’t alone, Chris,” the woman scolded him. “Y/N is with him.”

“Y/N? Hannah’s Y/N,” he questioned? “I haven’t seen her in years. What is she doing coming here?” He smiled fondly when he thought about his little sister’s friend.

Talent is something the Bang children had an abundance of. Clearly, Chan was very talented, and his sister was no exception. When she began dancing, their parents made sure she was enrolled in classes at one of the best schools. That’s where Hannah met you. You were a few years her senior and head of the advanced classes. From day one, you took Hannah under your wing and treated her like the little sister you never had.

“You’re right,” she agreed, “She just finished sometime at university and wanted to travel before going back.” Chan could hear paper being shuffled on the other end of the line. “Ah, yes. Once she leaves you at the airport she is visiting Korea, Japan, and then I think China. Or was it China then Japan?”

Chan listened to the announcement on the speakers, checking to see if the flight his brother was on landed. He told his mother goodbye and made his way to the proper gate. He was dressed in grey sweatpants and a hoodie, hoping to not draw attention to himself. The last thing he wanted to do was cause a scene.

Watching people file out of the gate, he searched the faces for familiar ones. Or one. He wondered if he would recognize you, or if you would him. You were his little sister’s best friend, and it felt like you were part of his family with how often you stayed over. He hated that he didn’t see you when he visited home, but he knew he was mostly to blame.

You had stopped by the Bang house to say goodbye to Chan before he left again to continue training as an idol. You kissed him clumsily before he pulled away and told you that he didn’t feel that way about you. You were more like a little sister, and he couldn’t see you another way.

He spotted his brother and waved his hands over his head, trying to get his attention. Lucas looked his way and waved back. He turned and hooked his arm into the arm of a young woman and pulled her through the crowd. As they got closer, Chan smiled as he recognized you.

The years had been very good to you. You had developed into a confident and beautiful woman. He always regretted not reaching out to you through the years. Deep down he always wondered what would have happened if he stayed home instead of choosing the path he did. His heart skipped a beat when your eyes locked with his.

Chan pulled Lucas into a hug and patted his back, “I’ve missed you, brother.” Ruffling his hair, he pulled away and smiled at you. He held his arms out to you, offering a hug. Carefully, you eyed him.

“You look great,” Chan said to you, “I was surprised when my mum said you were coming with Lucas.”

“I wouldn’t let him travel alone,” you smiled politely, “Plus he makes a great travel buddy.” You stepped past Chan’s open arms and pointed to a sign. “Is it this was to luggage claim?”

“Nice try, man,” Lucas laughed and patted Chan’s chest. He turned to catch up with you, leaving Chan with a blank expression on his face. “You have to give him a break,” Lucas said to you as he reached your side. “That was years ago.”

“Oh my gosh,” you groaned, “Is this something the Bang family will ever forget? I don’t care anymore.” Chan had caught up with you by now, but he kept his distance. “I was a stupid kid, with a stupid crush on a stupid boy. Nothing else.” Chan scoffed behind you, causing you to turn on his quickly. “Something to say,” you snapped.

“Nah,” he held his hands up. You continued towards luggage claim when Chan spoke again. “I just think it’s funny,” he said, “For something so stupid, you seem to still be upset about it.” You rolled your eyes and sucked your teeth.

“What if I am,” you asked, eyeing his sideways? He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. “What if I am upset still? I thought I was in love with you. You could have been more gentle.” You huffed and faced his again. “I can’t ever forget about it. Hannah thinks it’s funny that I have a crush on her famous idol brother. Your parents always make mention of you to me, like we’re friends. Shit, this kid calls me his sister-in-law, as if you’ve ever spoken to me since you left,” you scowled, pointing to Lucas.

“Look, I’m sorry,” Chan apologized, touching your arm. “I was a stupid boy, youq said so yourself. And besides, I didn’t know how to handle it. I should have been nicer to you, but you were my sister’s friend, and I-.” He stopped and grinned at you. “Did you say you have a crush on me… Not had? Present tense?” Your mouth fell open and your cheeks burned red. “You did!” He said triumphantly.

“No, no I didn’t,” you tripped over your words. Lucas bumped his shoulder into you.

“You did,” he whispered, “I heard you.” You hated them at this point. Lucas for being right and Chan for being so good-looking. Chan stepped closer and smiled down at you.

“Come on,” he urged, “Let me take you out. Just once before you leave.” You chewed your lip and thought about the offer. “Let older me take older you out to make up for younger me being stupid and mean to younger you.”

“What about me,” Lucas piped in? Chan looked at him and made a serious face, mouthing a simple ‘no’. “Wow,” he said under his breath, “Older you is still a jerk.”

“You know, older me has higher standards. You can’t just smile at me with those dimples and expect me to give in Christopher Bang,” you informed Chan. He smiled wider.

“As you should,” he said, “You’re a beautiful girl. You deserve the best.”

“The best,” you repeated. “Hm, guess I should be on my way then. Can’t let the best see me with you. Might frighten them off.” You smiled over your shoulder and winked.

“No, no,” he called chasing after you, “I meant me. I’m the best. Where are you going? ”

“Wow! How can you be so bad at this,” Lucas called after Chan?

HII so i added more photocards to my listing on etsy

- shop name - tinytanshoppe

these will be sold separately (2$) and in sets for 12$ (originally 16$) prices may vary for the sets!!

there is a 10% coupon for spending over 10$ at my store !!! ENDS DEC 31 !!!

other items are on my shop so if you would like to, please check it out :))) ☺️



chan’s room ep 79

you can find it as a gif here !! (yes i still don’t know how to post my own gifs on tumblr, pls bear with me)
