#slay queen


Skin Blessed by God

I don’t know who needs to hear this but

Sis, your kinky curly afro hair is beautiful

Your richly melanated skin is beautiful

Your thick juicy lips are beautiful

Your spectacular broad nose is beautiful

Everything about you, from your head to your toes is beautiful

Because BabaGod created you

And The Lord makes no mistakes

So please rise up each and every morning

Basking in the fact that you are BeYOUtiful

In the words of Nas “My African skin gave me the passion to win”

Always remember that Queen

Author - @iameriwa

Model - Mary Sekeye

Photography - Belva Chan

Bloom Where You Are Planted

The grass can only flourish when it is nurtured

Sometimes life is hard.

Things don’t always go according to plan.

Even in less than wonderful situations, we have control over how we respond.

Blooming where we are planted is to make the choice to respond in a positive manner.

Try to embrace and enjoy every opportunity, and always do your best to make lemonade when life throws you lemons.

You’ve got this ❤️

