#be inspired


Praise be to God

From the age of five I was instructed to take care of my Mum and Sister.

Why would anyone ask a child to take on such responsibility?

I wasn’t old enough to question the instruction, so did my best to adhere.

You see my Dad died when I was five, and at that time, my baby sister was barely one.

My Mum was constantly in and out of the hospital, managing an inherited red blood cell disorder.

I had no choice but to grow up, and do so fast.

Becoming responsible at such a young age was a gift and a curse.

I didn’t get a chance to enjoy my childhood, or my teenage years because I wasn’t considered a child.

Everyone who could, took advantage.

That being said, all my experiences prepared me for the many challenges I’ve been through and overcome.

I’ve always been wise beyond my years, and felt a sense of duty to care for my loved ones, before myself.

However, now I’ve established healthy boundaries.

I do things out of love not obligation.

I don’t allow anyone to emotionally abuse me or guilt trip me.

I don’t give anyone my hard earned money whenever they ask because they’ve been irresponsible with their finances.

I don’t allow anyone into my space if their energy isn’t right or aligned with mine.

I don’t wait for anyone’s appreciation, applause or approval, I don’t need it.

I don’t hold malice but where necessary I will keep my distance.

I don’t have any expectations so don’t get disappointed, just pleasantly surprised.

I’ve stop holding people to my standards, I know we are all different, and have different paths.

I’ve let go of all my hurt and anger

I’ve realeased all my past pain and embrace my present, while remaining optimistic about the future.

I love myself first

I prioritise my needs first and don’t apologise for doing so

I’m focused on my mental, physical and spiritual growth and that’s it.

I’m blessed and highly favoured

I let God guide my footsteps and walk confidently moving forward.

Praise be to God - Amen

Author - @iameriwa

⁣Photography - @xander.foto

⁣Model - @attrvcion

⁣Hair - @tossedtresses⁣

⁣Stylist - @talyseanir_ ⁣


Write the tale that scares you, that makes you feel uncertain, that isn’t comfortable,

I dare you

In a world that entices us to browse through the lives of others

To help us better determine how we feel about ourselves, and to in turn feel the need to be

Constantly visible, for visibility these days seems to somehow equate to success…

Do not be afraid to disappear from it,

From us for a while,

And see what comes to you in the silence.

I dedicate this story to every single survivor of sexual assault

Speech by Michaela Coel

Photography by Vittorio Zunino

Simone Biles

She didn’t quit

She didn’t give up

She didn’t cower

She did what we have been taught

Is the one thing

Magical Black Women


Put ourselves first

Our health

Our bodies

Our minds

Our talent

Our desires

Our strength

Our beauty

Our genius

Our abilities to fly

To soar

To win

Are supposed to be laid at the feet

Of whiteness

Of this nation

Of this world

Offered up like a sacrifice

The rent we are expected to pay

To be seen as




But never whole

Worthy of protection

Worthy of peace

We are never supposed to

Get off the stage

Leave the competition

Demand solace

Without permission

Permission to be human

Permission to rest

Permission that is always


She did what

Black Women

are told

We can not do

She took her power

And walked away

She determined what was best

For her

For her soul

Her heart

Her life

We are watching


Following the trails blazed

Rest should not be a Revolution

But it is

And she is

And that is worth more than

Any medal or title

On earth

Self-care Queen - Simone Biles ❤️‍♀️

Author - @leslehonore (They replaced with She)

Model - @simonebiles

Photography credit - @sportsillustratedswimsource

Bloom Where You Are Planted

The grass can only flourish when it is nurtured

Sometimes life is hard.

Things don’t always go according to plan.

Even in less than wonderful situations, we have control over how we respond.

Blooming where we are planted is to make the choice to respond in a positive manner.

Try to embrace and enjoy every opportunity, and always do your best to make lemonade when life throws you lemons.

You’ve got this ❤️


Keeping a low profile

Greetings to you all,

Excuse my absence, I’ve been resting.

Overcoming the unpredictable nature of life during this pandemic.

Acknowledging that as a relatively healthy young Black women, some health challenges are inevitable.

The past 18 months, I have been experiencing heavier than usual periods (and bleeding in between my cycle), pelvic pain, an excessive need to urinate, bloating and exhaustion.

These symptoms were causing serious concern, so I booked my cervical screening, something I had been putting off due to past traumatic experiences.

Although my test results didn’t show any serious abnormalities, I was referred for a colposcopy and a radiologist for a transvaginal ultrasound scan to see if there were any signs of fibroids or other issues that may impact my reproductive health.

The whole process was mentally and physically overwhelming. However, I needed to understand what was causing my symptoms, and more importantly, I wanted to rule out cervical cancer.

To my great relief, I was diagnosed with fibroids, apparently, the size of this “potentially benign” growth was so large that my gynecologist recommended surgery.

Instantly, my relief morphed into fear. In all my 35 years I’d never been admitted into hospital. Therefore, the thought of going under general anesthesia for a procedure, scared the sh** out of me.

I became anxious, so much so, that I was happy that my operation got postponed - to avoid putting myself (and others) at risk of catching Covid-19. As well as, ensuring that hospital resources, beds, and equipment were available to treat patients who are critically ill with the virus.

It was a four month wait, and during this time my symptoms didn’t subside. In fact, they got worse, leaving me feeling helpless.

I leaned on my amazing Mother, Sisters and Partner for support and encouragement. I drew even closer to God. Putting my life and healing in His capable hands.

Don’t get me wrong, I was nervous but I had faith.

Fast forward to this present day, I’m recovering from the surgery, and learned that I didn’t have a fibroid but an endometrial polyp, that was successfully removed.

I’m extremely grateful to all the NHS practitioners who examined and treated me throughout this process.

I’m super relieved the polyp was extracted from my uterus; as polyps can be cancerous or can eventually turn into cancer (precancerous polyps) if untreated or surgically removed.

To say it has been a whirlwind of a journey would be an understatement. Still I survived, so I will use my platform to raise awareness on female reproductive health issues, particularly conditions that dispositionally affect Black women.

PS - I was nervous about sharing such intimate details about my health. However, I want to normalise women’s reproductive health challenges.

Together, we need to eliminate the stigma many women face. 1 in 3 women have reproductive health issues and because of the Taboo they often suffer in silence, this needs to stop!

No one should be judged or alienated for conditions they have zero control over.

Hopefully, my post will reach women and girls who feel alone dealing with #pcos #fibroids #endometriosis #cervicalcancer and other reproductive health concerns. ❤️

Remain blessed and take care of yourselves

Author - @iameriwa

Queen, never give up on your dreams…

“We don’t need as much validation from others as we think we do. Get clear on your dream, really clear and ensure that you are moving towards it. Remember, that not everyone will be as happy as you about your dream. Don’t give up though, go for it!” - Madeline McQueen

Model @gzebel

Hairstylist @willvieirabeauty

Photography @polkurucz

Thinking Out Loud

We cannot dismantle white supremacy without the support of white allies

We cannot deconstruct patriarchal ideologies without the support of men

We cannot heal the wounds of Black women without Black men taking accountability for their role in perpetuating misogynoir

We cannot end hunger or poverty in developing countries without the support of more affluent nations

There is power in collaboration, together we can create the change we so desperately need to see.

Be kind to yourself and your neighbour

Author - @iameriwa

Model - @adwoaaboah

Artist - @langstonamadi

Becoming comfortable with change

The older I get, the stronger my ability to navigate change with ease.

My thought process has evolved. I’m embracing change and confidently meeting it and moving through it.

I no longer invest in things that fail to bring me joy, peace, or enlightenment.

I no longer engage with people who don’t recognise and appreciate my efforts to maintain a connection.

I no longer seek approval concerning my achievements, strategies to overcome obstacles, and future aspirations.

I no longer grant extended family members, colleagues, aquitances, or old school friends access to my innermost thoughts or experiences.

I’ve grown to cherish quality time with my partner, immediate family, and dearest friends.

I’ve grown to love my flaws, while acknowledging that I’m a working progress.

I’m focused, I no longer resist change that feels uncomfortable or threatening.

Because I rest in the fact that God knows best, so if I continue to put all my trust in Him, my life is guaranteed to be beautiful (Amin Ase).

Author - @iameriwa

Model - Oriane Adjibi @myfashionbreak

be inspired
be inspired
be inspired
be inspired
be inspired