#black women matter

“What I think is exciting is that to a certain extent, there is a revolution happening where black w“What I think is exciting is that to a certain extent, there is a revolution happening where black w“What I think is exciting is that to a certain extent, there is a revolution happening where black w“What I think is exciting is that to a certain extent, there is a revolution happening where black w“What I think is exciting is that to a certain extent, there is a revolution happening where black w

“What I think is exciting is that to a certain extent, there is a revolution happening where black women are owning their own beauty, despite the standard of beauty that in the past has not had space for it. Our culture has created a very limited view of what beauty is and can be. I think right now television is one of the places where women are pushing up against that and saying, ‘You know what? I don’t need to play this game anymore in order to be considered beautiful’” Tracee Ellis Ross

Don’t Miss Black-ish Star Tracee Ellis Ross on Our Featured Storytelling Panel with Director Justin Simien, Actor Mo McRae and More at Blackout Music & Film Festival on Saturday, August 29: http://bit.ly/1NviXBK! In the Meantime, Check Out These Articles Below on the Beauty of Black Women and the Power of Diversity in Media Representation PLUS an Article by Tracee:

  • “I am keenly aware of how we as women (and most specifically women of color) are presented and portrayed in media and how we present ourselves. And here was my mama from almost 30 years ago on the surface doing something that often snags me in videos today but why did I feel differently about it?” Continue Reading Tracee Ellis Ross’ Article Here: http://bit.ly/1hB34Qz
  • “Black Women Are Leading a Cultural Movement through TV” For Harriet: http://bit.ly/1h4JAmq
  • “We need stories for and about black youth. We need stories where they are painted in the same light as their white counterparts. “I turned to books to figure out how to navigate life and relationships,” said I.W. Gregario, a founding member of the We Need Diverse Books campaign. As a result of not seeing her identity as an Asian woman represented in the literature she loved, she says she became self-hating. We live in a society that sees black kids as both less innocent and older than white children. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “black boys can be seen as responsible for their actions at an age when white boys still benefit from the assumption that children are essentially innocent.” The U.S. Department of Education revealed in a report that black children face discrimination as early as pre-school. This systemic dehumanization has life-altering results in the case of, say, Dajerria Beckton who was tackled at a pool party, or the life-ending case of Tamir Rice” Continue Reading For Harriet’s Article Here: http://bit.ly/1MHfHWX

Post link

Powerful words from Angela Davis

If you can’t protest, please continue to donate to Campaign Zero, @reclaimtheblock, the George Floyd Memorial Fund, and other great organizations to fund for racial justice. The time is now:




Wrapped Up In His Love

I AM happy

I AM blessed

I AM grateful

I give thanks to Baba God

For protecting me

Uplifting me

Providing for all my needs

For guiding me with His majestic touch

For healing me

For surprising me

For answering my prayers

Making all my dreams come true

For teaching me how to be patient with life


His beloved

His anointed

His precious child


Made in His image

Skin kissed by the sun

My eyes are filled with His love


Overcome with emotion


Excited for the future


All wrapped up in His love.

Déolà ❤️

Author - @iameriwa

Photographer: @marieb.photography

Model: @ninioma

Mua: @reneedewitmakeupartist

iameriwa: “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing


“Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength".


Happy International Women’s Day ♀️

Post link

Simone Biles

She didn’t quit

She didn’t give up

She didn’t cower

She did what we have been taught

Is the one thing

Magical Black Women


Put ourselves first

Our health

Our bodies

Our minds

Our talent

Our desires

Our strength

Our beauty

Our genius

Our abilities to fly

To soar

To win

Are supposed to be laid at the feet

Of whiteness

Of this nation

Of this world

Offered up like a sacrifice

The rent we are expected to pay

To be seen as




But never whole

Worthy of protection

Worthy of peace

We are never supposed to

Get off the stage

Leave the competition

Demand solace

Without permission

Permission to be human

Permission to rest

Permission that is always


She did what

Black Women

are told

We can not do

She took her power

And walked away

She determined what was best

For her

For her soul

Her heart

Her life

We are watching


Following the trails blazed

Rest should not be a Revolution

But it is

And she is

And that is worth more than

Any medal or title

On earth

Self-care Queen - Simone Biles ❤️‍♀️

Author - @leslehonore (They replaced with She)

Model - @simonebiles

Photography credit - @sportsillustratedswimsource

Dear Black Women

Untill the energy and support we give to Black men (those we are related to, and otherwise) is privately/ publically reciprocated, I would encourage us to take a back seat. I appreciate that it is in our nature to go out of our way to love, protect and defend our men, (often to our own detriment) but we need to stop putting their needs and wants before our own!

I want to remind you of the racial abuse Black women like Diane Abbott endures on a regular basis. Do Black men collectively run to her defence, support her when she is being trolled, or send her love when she is being hated on by racist bandits? Hmm, no they don’t.

Furthermore, when you ask them why they don’t, many Black men will say “I don’t like politics” or “I’m not interested in supporting the Labour party” oh let’s not forget their favourite excuse “ I don’t like her wig”. Well newsflash, the vast majority of us don’t like football/support the England football team, nor do we find the black footballers hairstyles aesthetically appealing. Yet, we still come out in solidarity of these men whenever they’re being attacked.

Ladies, we need to wise up, as we’re shown on a daily basis that our experiences, feelings and thoughts are not as important or valid in this white supremacist society, and worse still, in our own community. So, let’s proritise ourselves because no one else will. #UncomfortableTruth #DefendBlackWomanhood ❤️‍♀️


Model @mstrinitysimone

Shop @blackvibetribe

Black Motherhood

A self-portrait of Dola Posh breastfeeding her child during lockdown in Hertfordshire.

Black woman in any form shall be celebrated and honored,

Be them, a sister , a daughter, or a wife or a mother

Black women are the creators of life

Here’s to phenomenal Black women may we know them,

May we be them,

May we raise them

Amin Ase ❤️

Check out the link below

Be empowered

Be kind

Be nurturing

Be honest

Be understanding

Be everything you’ve been told that you can’t be

Become the best version of yourself.

Become everything you desire

Evoke your divine feminine power

Irrespective of what they say

Black women have and will always matter.

Be blessed

Author - @iameriwa (iameriwa.com)

Beauty: @tyler_whitley

Makeup: @marquiswardbeauty





Bloom Where You Are Planted

The grass can only flourish when it is nurtured

Sometimes life is hard.

Things don’t always go according to plan.

Even in less than wonderful situations, we have control over how we respond.

Blooming where we are planted is to make the choice to respond in a positive manner.

Try to embrace and enjoy every opportunity, and always do your best to make lemonade when life throws you lemons.

You’ve got this ❤️


Keeping a low profile

Greetings to you all,

Excuse my absence, I’ve been resting.

Overcoming the unpredictable nature of life during this pandemic.

Acknowledging that as a relatively healthy young Black women, some health challenges are inevitable.

The past 18 months, I have been experiencing heavier than usual periods (and bleeding in between my cycle), pelvic pain, an excessive need to urinate, bloating and exhaustion.

These symptoms were causing serious concern, so I booked my cervical screening, something I had been putting off due to past traumatic experiences.

Although my test results didn’t show any serious abnormalities, I was referred for a colposcopy and a radiologist for a transvaginal ultrasound scan to see if there were any signs of fibroids or other issues that may impact my reproductive health.

The whole process was mentally and physically overwhelming. However, I needed to understand what was causing my symptoms, and more importantly, I wanted to rule out cervical cancer.

To my great relief, I was diagnosed with fibroids, apparently, the size of this “potentially benign” growth was so large that my gynecologist recommended surgery.

Instantly, my relief morphed into fear. In all my 35 years I’d never been admitted into hospital. Therefore, the thought of going under general anesthesia for a procedure, scared the sh** out of me.

I became anxious, so much so, that I was happy that my operation got postponed - to avoid putting myself (and others) at risk of catching Covid-19. As well as, ensuring that hospital resources, beds, and equipment were available to treat patients who are critically ill with the virus.

It was a four month wait, and during this time my symptoms didn’t subside. In fact, they got worse, leaving me feeling helpless.

I leaned on my amazing Mother, Sisters and Partner for support and encouragement. I drew even closer to God. Putting my life and healing in His capable hands.

Don’t get me wrong, I was nervous but I had faith.

Fast forward to this present day, I’m recovering from the surgery, and learned that I didn’t have a fibroid but an endometrial polyp, that was successfully removed.

I’m extremely grateful to all the NHS practitioners who examined and treated me throughout this process.

I’m super relieved the polyp was extracted from my uterus; as polyps can be cancerous or can eventually turn into cancer (precancerous polyps) if untreated or surgically removed.

To say it has been a whirlwind of a journey would be an understatement. Still I survived, so I will use my platform to raise awareness on female reproductive health issues, particularly conditions that dispositionally affect Black women.

PS - I was nervous about sharing such intimate details about my health. However, I want to normalise women’s reproductive health challenges.

Together, we need to eliminate the stigma many women face. 1 in 3 women have reproductive health issues and because of the Taboo they often suffer in silence, this needs to stop!

No one should be judged or alienated for conditions they have zero control over.

Hopefully, my post will reach women and girls who feel alone dealing with #pcos #fibroids #endometriosis #cervicalcancer and other reproductive health concerns. ❤️

Remain blessed and take care of yourselves

Author - @iameriwa

Richly Melanated Queens

They call us “coloured” because of the complexion of our skin.

When in fact the more appropriate term is “richly melanated” as our skin tones are rich, deep and beautiful.

For all my richly melanated women, don’t worry about being overshadowed, just focus on shining bright, the way The Creator made you.

Ladies, always remember to let your light be an inspiration to others.

Author - @iameriwa

MUA - @flawlessfacesbyjane

Photography- @peterusmanphoto

Thinking Out Loud

We cannot dismantle white supremacy without the support of white allies

We cannot deconstruct patriarchal ideologies without the support of men

We cannot heal the wounds of Black women without Black men taking accountability for their role in perpetuating misogynoir

We cannot end hunger or poverty in developing countries without the support of more affluent nations

There is power in collaboration, together we can create the change we so desperately need to see.

Be kind to yourself and your neighbour

Author - @iameriwa

Model - @adwoaaboah

Artist - @langstonamadi

Bridgerton: Colourism in Action

I finally got round to watching the Netflix series Bridgerton, by Executive producer Shonda Rhimes.

Like many Black women, I was eager to watch a fictitious show that would hopefully be “inclusive of all races” more importantly, I was sure that the show would go against the grain and cast Black dark skin women in leading roles.

I was sadly mistaken.

All the unambiguous looking Black women with dark to brown skin tones were casted as subservient characters with little to no lines, and used as part of the background scenery.

While the key female characters of colour were played by the following ambiguous looking Black women and Bi-racial women:

Golda Rosheuvel - plays Queen Charlotte

Adjoa Andoh - plays Lady Danbury

Ruby Barker - plays Marina Thompson

Kathryn Dysdale - plays Genevieve Delacroix

Emma Naomi plays - Alice Mondrich

I’m not surprised but I am disappointed, as this could have been avoided.

From a representation standpoint, Bridgerton is perpetuating the notion that Black women with light skin, particularly women with mixed ancestry, are more deserving of opportunities, admiration and a voice, over Black women with darker skin and Afrocentric phenotypes.

Colourism is just as dangerous on screen as it is off screen, as it reinforces the idea that dark skin is not good enough, or palatable for the dominate race to accept.

Anyway, I want to reinforce that lighter skin is not more beautiful than darker skin, they’re equally beautiful. However, I appreciate that so many, especially gatekeepers within media still haven’t got the memo.

Author - @iameriwa

Be the match that sets the flame sis! Speak highly of yourself and know that you are deserving of so much more! Queen today and everyday! Queen for the sistas who can no longer Queen for themselves; Breonna Taylor, Ayanna Gray, Sandra Bland, Atatiana Jefferson, Aura Rosser, and many, many others!

HAPPY JUNETEENTH MY FELLOW AA’s, celebrate, liberate, educate, dismantle the racist establishment, & support your local black economy! The ancestors started the work and passed the strength onto us to finish it.


legalize being black. protect black women. our existence is resistance.

Black History IS American History

February 1, 2022, Tuesday

The Story of Seneca

“When President Biden nominates the first Black woman as a justice for SCOTUS, all of a sudden questions about "qualifications” emerge. I just want white people to know how offensive, ignorant and stupid this question has been, and will always be, to Black people.“


"Of course, when #Komrade45 nominated NINE people deemed "unqualified” by the American Bar Association, outside the Democrats of the Senate Judiciary Committee, no one even ASKED about “qualifications.”


President Obama nominated ZERO unqualified candidates for the federal bench. Republicans REFUSED to allow VOTES for Obama’s nominees. Majority Leader Harry Reid had no choice but to change the filibuster to a simple majority for these individuals to be confirmed.

And good old #MoscowMitch lowered it for SCOTUS justices, the qualifications of (checks notes) ZERO were questioned (or at least I didn’t see any questions) - Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch and Amy Comey Barrett.

During the campaign President Biden was asked if he’d support a Black woman as nominee for SCOTUS. He gave a straight “yes” response. Bernie Sanders, when asked the EXACT question, initially demurred before saying “well she must be a progressive.

President Biden has nominated an unprecedented 8 Black women for federal courts of appeals.

Questioning the qualifications of Black professional woman, who historically have always been OVERQUALIFIED for ANY position, is historically obtuse, ignorant, stupid and yes RACIST.”

Tweets by @JamesMWilliam18

He said a word. The man can PREACH.

I’ve talked a lot about Megan thee Stallion and the harm and trauma she’s endured because I care about HER. The safety, love, care and uplifting of Black women are my priorities. I do not give a damn about anything the man that shot her is doing. I will not mention his name. I will not listen to his music. Nothing. Ignore him. It can be upsetting and triggering to see an abuser continue to try to inflict harm so I know it can be instinctual to discuss his shenanigans. Instead of engaging him (because he clearly wants attention) uplift Meg, stream her music.

It’s the fact that he’s implying he’s intelligent that’s really doing me in. But this way of thinking, misogynistic bullshit. Men like this.. gross. Why are men blaming women instead of checking men. And why are all the “good men” letting all of us women do all this fighting by ourselves. You’ll reblog something calling for the protecting of Black women and then be silent and do NOTHING. Step up or shut the fuck up. Make me siiiccckkkk

I had fun with this one. See how FOOLISH you look when you do this bullshit. You look very very silly. Let this be a lesson cuz this is the last person I’m engaging this way.

The erasure of how Black women experience state violence is not sitting right with me. Black women are killed by police. Black women die in police custody. Black women are sexually assaulted by police. When BW defend themselves they are arrested instead of their abuser suffering any consequences. Police often inflict more harm on victims of IPV. Let’s be clear: Megan was protecting herself by not mentioning the gun. Don’t center that man in this.

Even in her “sparing” him she was protecting herself because now after telling her truth ppl are demonizing her and calling her snitch (which lets me know ppl get their street knowledge from twitter and cartoons cuz that’s not what snitching is). But when she wasn’t speaking on it she was too happy so she must be lying. Just say you hate Black women and GO


Megan Thee Stallion confirmed that Tory Lanez shot her. We already knew!! We believed her. Megan also said that Tory and his team spread all those rumors to the blogs. Anyone that defended him you look FOOLISH. If ya made jokes you’re not seeing heaven and neither is he. And before you start, she said she decided to be done with him and get out of the car and he shot her as she was walking away. No reason.

Once again people forcing her to relive her trauma. She even posted her wounds yesterday. Why don’t you believe Black women?? Quickly!

I see a lot of ppl saying she even protected him and yes that’s true, but Black women are killed by police too. Megan was very aware that she, her shooter and the two other people as Black people were in danger. Police often inflict even further harm on DV victims and as women we are also very aware of this in our interactions with police. It’s all so infuriating. Black women, we have to keep us safe. We all we got.

Megan Thee Stallion confirmed that Tory Lanez shot her. We already knew!! We believed her. Megan also said that Tory and his team spread all those rumors to the blogs. Anyone that defended him you look FOOLISH. If ya made jokes you’re not seeing heaven and neither is he. And before you start, she said she decided to be done with him and get out of the car and he shot her as she was walking away. No reason.

Once again people forcing her to relive her trauma. She even posted her wounds yesterday. Why don’t you believe Black women?? Quickly!

As I reflect on the past 1-2 years, some of the things that I’ve committed to myself still stand true.

What are some things you’re committing to yourself in the New Year?

Africana Women of the diaspora we live!!! Asé.
