

another 2003 illustration by the legend Emiko Yoshino 吉野恵美子, from the book “ポケモン えいごであそぶモン!”, an English course for Japanese kids. This one is about feelings, apparently, Jigglypuff’s feelings were so complex they weren’t able to label them.

Pokemon Humanization Project238. Smoochum

Pokemon Humanization Project

238. Smoochum

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Sorry I haven’t posted any new art recently. I’m still working on my Percy Jackson comics, but I really wanted to finish this before Christmas. Without a doubt, Netflix’s Klaus is my favorite holiday movie this year! So I just had to draw something while also incorporating my love for Pokémon. Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

A Smoochum x Scorbunny x Toxel HEXAFUSION, Requested by “storymakinggoods”

~ The individual fusions that went into this Hexafusion, complete with short bios, are found below.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I’ll add them to my to-do list.

Smoochum x Scorbunny:

- These little fellas are very friendly, & like to run around the woodland areas where they live, using twigs, leaves, & berries to ‘dress up’ or 'beautify’ other small woodland Pokémon, as though they were applying makeup & running their own little fashion shows.

Scorbunny x Toxel

- These scamps are known for their extremely short tempers, & you do NOT want to be around when they throw a tantrum! When they cry, the flames on their head will grow to be extremely hot & begin spewing out searing hot ambers like a sparkler!

Smoochum x Toxel

- These little ones always seem to have a sour attitude about everything. They’ll turn down any opportunity for social interaction, as they’re much more comfortable being left alone. (Relatable amirite?) But with enough time & a strong enough bond, they can really open up to a trainer that they’ve made a good connection with.

Smoochum x Scorbunny x Toxel

- With attributes of all it’s other components: They have a generally laid back nature & will tend to just go along with whatever’s happening around them. They’re open to engaging in social activity with other Pokémon & trainers, even if their face doesn’t show it.. But, do anything to get on their bad side, & they’ll hold a strong grudge and will go into hiding, shutting themselves out from everyone around them. To an outsider, that may seem like overreaction, but in reality they do this to protect others from the fiery rage they go into ~ they may look cute & harmless, but they can cause some serious havoc when they’ve been crossed ~ & they know it!

A Smoochum x Meditite Fusion, requested by “pkmhardplayer” (My 1st ever request!)

This lil’ yoga baby likes to join in on it’s trainer’s yoga/meditation routine, but often has too much energy to keep still for long, often negating the relaxing nature that it was intended for.

Feel free to request your own Pokéfusions, & I’ll add them to my to-do list.



Gold&Silver pokemons pixel art.(64*64)
