#snippet prompt


“You do know harassment is illegal, right?” The hero asked, smiling teasingly as they twirled their handcuffs on a single finger. They stepped in front of the villain, putting themselves between their lover and their unwelcome guest.

The civilian in front of them paled, watching as the hero’s eyes raked over them. Their face and tone may have been cheery, but their eyes were hard with warning.

“Being a villain is also illegal,” the civilian argued.

“What’s on your mind?” The villain asked their right hand.

“Huh-?” The other flinched.

“I can always tell when you’ve got something on your mind,” the villain answered the unspoken question, before reclining back on the couch, “so, out with it then. What’s on your mind?”

Their right hand took a deep breath, “I want out,”

The hero turned the corner, eyes scanning the scene before they huffed in annoyance and defeat. Damn it! They’d lost the villain again!

They turned to kick the wall in annoyance.

Suddenly, something pushed them forward, chest against the cold brick in front of them.

“Looking for someone?” A voice purred in their ear.
