#so so good




Characters: Ozodug, Aroujin, Dubus

Warnings: None


The sun shone bright on a summer’s day, high within the mountains.

A new mother sat on a smoothed out boulder, adorned with skins and colorful fabrics for comfort, making the simple piece of nature look like a throne with its central placement within the ilho. Her belly was already swelling large again to add to the new family and in her outstretched hands she held her son’s small ones, helping him balance on his small feet. His skin was as pale blue as hers and eyes those of the boy’s father.

It was with great pride and joy Ozodug watched his wife and first born, his grin so wide he could feel his cheeks ache from the stretch. He kneeled just a fulm away from the two and his eyes nearly teared up when the child cooed happily towards the two.

“Come on here!” Ozodug urged with a hint of excitement, spreading his arms in a welcoming fashion when Aroujin let go of one of the child’s hands, “Come to papa, Dubus!”

His mother letting go of his other hand didn’t seem to bother Dubus in the least as one foot raised, his body wobbling slightly before taking his first step forward. And then a slow second step. And a third followed by a giggle seeing the beaming, toothy grin growing on his father’s face.

The fourth step never came as large hands swooped down to catch the boy right before falling to the ground. A rumbling laugh escaped Ozodug as he stood, bringing Dubus high towards the sky as Aroujin clapped her hands with a soft laugh to share her family’s joy.

Nearly screeching in laughter to the sudden height he reached, the child’s attention suddenly shifted from his father to the distant horizon visible between the mountain peaks. One small hand reached out towards the silhouette of an eagle as the laughing toned down into a curious coo.


In the early morning, Ozodug opened his eyes, ending the precious memory. Things were the same, the decorated boulder he sat on, the yurts surrounding him and the horizon in the distance. Except the smile on his lips was halfhearted and he was alone.

“Maybe… I can find another happiness, too.” slowly he stood, bringing with him a tightly packed bag, “Find what you found so charming beyond…”

With a final, sorrowful look to the horizon and a confident nod, he turned around and left the life he always known, taking the first step towards something new.



The runner had found Raven, just as the Lord Commander promised, and he’d taken to the chilly streets of the city before the sun had gotten high enough to melt the frost from the cobbles. Raven had gone to Ser Aymeric for information regarding a missing child and, while he hadn’t been able to help him directly, was good enough to set up a meeting with someone who could - Lord Fortemps.

He’d expected to wind his way to Fortemps Manor for his meeting but, somewhat mysteriously, the missive had said to meet at Lightfeather Provingrounds. So, donning his long, wool coat and dark glasses, Raven pulled up his lapels and found the place with nary a look upward.

The guard snapped his heels at his approach and Raven waved him at ease. A sense of pride and reverence swelled within him as he laid his hand on the massive ironwood door he’d not passed through in many years. It was much warmer within, thanks to the braziers, so he stowed his leather gloves in his pockets and released the buttons of his coat.

The heels of his fine shoes clacked on the stone as he passed through the Hall of Accolades, the walls lined with names of past tournament champions etched into platinum. His eyes found his own name without truly looking for it and he rubbed his thumb across the shining plate and smiled. So many names appeared between his and the most recent. Gods, has it been so long?

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Guys I just watched the HighRollers Finale after dreading the end (cause feelings), and I cried so hard


@t4tdrarryaka@kryptidfox is a drarry content generation powerhouse. they’re an incredible writer and artist, leaving all the rest of us to bask in the glory of their talent. be sure to follow their writing account to keep up with their incredible microfics.

but that’s not just it, is it? of course not. because the truth is that reese is such a lovely part of this corner of the internet. they’re always gifting their incredible artwork to others: these pieces for joyandcrow’s birthdays last week absolutely floored me in how incredibly unique they both were. they deserve all of the love and admiration coming their way. oh, and did I mention they do commissions…?

random superlatives and recs:

harry and i about lose it when draco’s calling out his name… for someone else: if somebody’s there, then tell me who // E // 11K // Drarry // oooh the pining in this one is top-notch. love a good roommates to lovers fic, especially when one of them pushes until the other finally breaks. plus, it features art also by Reese!!

ready to confess my love after this: admissions (in the dead of night) // G // 596 // Drarry // they paint a gorgeous picture here with words alone. so tender and brave, my heart.

I should be ashamed at the number of times I’ve watched this animatic of drarry to mitski but fuck that it’s awesome.

autistic Draco and Harry with pink hair:this artwork has me feeling all kinds of ways.

pierced, grey-eyed draco with his black nail polish and his rings and Harry’s finger in his mouth merry kinkmas to us all indeed.

and some non-drarry:drarreo(YESSSSS),young lily and snape,moony and his sun,OVER THE GARDEN WALLAHHHHHHHHHHH

ok ok ok I’ll stop before I just rec everything they’ve ever drawn. go forth and shower love as appropriate.

reese, I’m so in awe of all of your talents and hope to get to know you better!! I hope you’re having a great day.

for more info on mutuals march and/or to figure out why the hell I just wrote an ode to you, check out this post.



Credit to GenEugene for the fish<3

thunderpot:Hey inukag nation! How’s it going? This baby here was created as part of a weekend celebr


Hey inukag nation! How’s it going?

This baby here was created as part of a weekend celebration of @ruddcatha, such a wonderful, bright light in the fandom! As some of you might know, Rudd is currently fundraising to attend a national pageant in July! So if you have a moment and would like to donate to Rudd’s ko-fi to help her get there, your support will be most welcomed!

The fic this image was based on is “What the F&*k is wrong with you!?”by@neutronstarchild that you can read right here!

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champagne problems

p — younghoon × gn!reader ; g — angst ; tw — alcohol, heartbreak , reader is a mess of a person in general , mentions of reader as a bride once but despite that it’s gn ; wc — 1.2k

a/n — im actually nervous about this one? it’s a little different from what i’m used to write and i’m not sure if it came out as i imagined it, so bear with me sjxbsjn

inspired by miss taylor’s song, champagne problems

The sun reflected on the glass of whiskey in front of you, three cubes of ice floating and dancing around as if mocking you for the misery you were in, memories of him flashing in your head like one of your favourite rom-coms.

You don’t even like whiskey. But he did. And bringing the glass to your lips was the closest you were to taste his lips on yours again.

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I can only imagine how mortifying it would be to be tied up and gagged while your dom goes through your diary, only for them to turn and say “Let’s try this to today..” as they hold up some embarrassing entry in front of your face for you to read that says something like “I wonder what it’d be like to be forced to cum over and over again.” or “I keep getting off to this fantasy about two people sharing me between them for the night.”


Just a taste. It’s ‘cause I love you, babe, in every kind of way… Just a little taste, you know I love you, babe!



The first time it happens, Kaidan wakes up to find Shepard sitting at the side of the bed, shoulders hunched, contours of his body bathed in sweat, trembling so violent and hard Kaidan thinks he might fly apart.

“Shepard?” he says in alarm.

“I can’t breathe,” Shepard wheezes, nails raking the back of his neck for a helmet that isn’t there. “God, I can’t breathe.”

Starlight gleams through the shutters.


What is it like to remember dying?

It’s something Kaidan never thought about before this. Before them.But now he notices how Shepard never looks up, never lets his gaze stray to the canopy of stars in his quarters.

When Kaidan thinks of Alchera he thinks of snow, billowing flakes washing out his vision as he trudges between escape pods searching for survivors, wind eroding the imprints of his boots until no trace of his passing remains.

When Shepard thinks of Alchera he thinks of stars.

Stars that never fade.


The massive geth dreadnaught is tiny against the surrounding net of stars.

Kaidan listens to Shepard breathe, harsh and hollow over the comm. Through the camera mounted on his helmet Kaidan can see the floating exudate, gaseous clouds of dust and metal particulates from the ruined docking tube.

Shepard’s heart rate spikes. Condensation clouds his faceplate.

Kaidan switches to a private audio feed. “Shepard,” he says. “I’m here. Just breathe.”


Shepard cannot see the stars in his sleep, but he feels them. His defenses go down when he dreams, and the stars yawn through the shutters, bright and terrible and threatening to swallow him whole.


A low moan pulls Kaidan out of sleep. He rolls over to find Shepard curled beside him, chin tucked to his chest. Faint starlight lims the ridges of his spine, enough that Kaidan can glimpse the abnormal outline of the metal plates holding him together. Shepard’s hands claw at the back of his neck, a gesture Kaidan has become too agonizingly familiar with.  

Damaged seals. Losing oxygen.

The breath rattles in Shepard’s throat.  A thin layer of sweat clings to his skin, though he cannot stop shivering. Kaidan slides closer, molding his body to him and threading him with his arms. His hands reach up and close gently over Shepard’s rigid fingers.

“It’s all right,” he whispers, guiding their hands down and wrapping them protectively around Shepard’s chest. Kaidan can feel the thump of his heart, the shallow rise and fall of his chest.

“Breathe. Shepard, breathe.”

How many nights, he wonders. How many nights did he go through this, alone in the dark?

“I’ve got you,” he murmurs, until the trembling stops and his body stills. “And I’m never letting go.”

I never thought of it at that angle

My John definitely has phobia against helmets which leads him in some argues with the rest of the crew

Especially after headbutting krogan

Without helmet

Damm Miranda was pissed

thuviel: Arbor Wilds landscape study~Another awesome study session with the Witchart gang, this one


Arbor Wilds landscape study~

Another awesome study session with the Witchart gang, this one was so much fun to paint!

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Sick at work

Sicktember 2021 - Day 25

B raised their arm and held out a hand, palm towards A. “May I?” A nodded. B placed their hand against A’s forehead. A leaned into the cool touch without thinking. “You’re burning up.”

A is under the weather. Their coworker B finds out and takes care of them.

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This is a new murderer! Ben Hardy imagine that was requested by the lovely @bluutac I hope you like it.


Murderer! Ben masterlist



“Why do you do it?” (Y/n) questioned gently as she took Ben’s hand in her own so she could inspect the damage.

She felt his other hand ever so gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear before he ran his fingertips over her cheek and beside her eye. His head was tipped at an angle as he seemed to be admiring her as if she were the only person in the world worth looking at.

Ben was good at that. He was amazing at making (Y/n) feel like she was the most important person in the world and that she had his full attention no matter what she was doing or what she had said. It was one of the reasons she had first fallen in love with him. Even when she knew all of the bad things that he had done, he still seemed like a completely different person when he was with her. He seemed like the most compassionate, kind, caring person in the world.

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ignore that gimli is supposed to not have a helmet and is bandaged i actually didn’t reread the scene until i was looking for the quote and by then it was Too Late

notmusa:i like houseplantsnotmusa:i like houseplantsnotmusa:i like houseplantsnotmusa:i like houseplantsnotmusa:i like houseplantsnotmusa:i like houseplants


i like houseplants

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inumatsu:made some more lesbian flag osomatsu icons!feel free to use without credit <3inumatsu:made some more lesbian flag osomatsu icons!feel free to use without credit <3inumatsu:made some more lesbian flag osomatsu icons!feel free to use without credit <3inumatsu:made some more lesbian flag osomatsu icons!feel free to use without credit <3inumatsu:made some more lesbian flag osomatsu icons!feel free to use without credit <3inumatsu:made some more lesbian flag osomatsu icons!feel free to use without credit <3


made some more lesbian flag osomatsu icons!

feel free to use without credit <3

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