

OTP No Worries

Person A: What did you do?

Person B: Why do you think I did something?

Person A: *sighs* If I see your face on the news tomorrow for some shit, I’m getting the reward money for myself.

Person B: *sweating* No need to worry about that,I didn’t do anything…

Person A: *looks at B*

Person B:

Person B: *takes tv and runs*

Person A: Valentine’s Day is just commercial holiday to sell bears and chocolates. Go on a date a different day.

Person B: *hiding bear and chocolates behind back* yep, I totally agree…


Person A is drunk and leaves B a voice mail.

Person A: Hi B, I love you

Person B: *in background* I love you too.

Person A: *starting to cry* I just want you to know

Person C: *background* A… A…

Person A: how important you are to me.

Person C: *background* A… hang up.

Person A: No, I’m talking to them!

Person B: *background* I’m right here, babe.

Person A: Well anyways, I love you so much.

Person B: I love you too, please hang up.

Person A: I would do anything for you.

Person B: Thank you, but please hang up.

Person A: *dramatily* I love you!


Person A & B spooning (A big spoon)

Person A: Come here.

Person B: …but I am here?

Person A: Just come here.

Person B: I’m literally pressed against you, how much closer am I supposed to get??!

Person A: *frustrated* Will you just come here!

Person B: I am here!

Person A: No! turn around!

Person B: *Turns around* What?!

Person A: *kisses B* THAT’S WHAT!

Person B: This is lightly salted by the way.

Person A: So what?

Person B: So, it might not be to your standards.

Part 1
