#someone go make a petition


What are the chances of there being a third book in the Six of Crows series?

What are the chances of the main conflict in that book being an antagonist with an intellectual mind that rivals Kaz Brekker’s?

What are the chances of that antagonist being the forgotten and overlooked child of Jan and Alys Van Eck who inherited his father’s cunning skills and manipulative habits and massive ambition? Who, since a child, has always strived to become more? Who hates their ditzy mother and common step-father and their plain boring peasant farm life? Who, as soon as reaching the tender age of 17, immediately set out to Ketterdam to build a reputation for themselves only to discover more than they ever hoped to achieve?

What are the chances of that child, driven by revenge and greed, seeking to ruin the lives of the people who ruined their father’s and consequently theirs?

What are the chances of them starting with their undeserving half-brother?

Low, but never zero.
