#jan van eck


What are the chances of there being a third book in the Six of Crows series?

What are the chances of the main conflict in that book being an antagonist with an intellectual mind that rivals Kaz Brekker’s?

What are the chances of that antagonist being the forgotten and overlooked child of Jan and Alys Van Eck who inherited his father’s cunning skills and manipulative habits and massive ambition? Who, since a child, has always strived to become more? Who hates their ditzy mother and common step-father and their plain boring peasant farm life? Who, as soon as reaching the tender age of 17, immediately set out to Ketterdam to build a reputation for themselves only to discover more than they ever hoped to achieve?

What are the chances of that child, driven by revenge and greed, seeking to ruin the lives of the people who ruined their father’s and consequently theirs?

What are the chances of them starting with their undeserving half-brother?

Low, but never zero.


I think one of the most under rated things about kaz brekker is that…he’s funny

like so many dark edgy ya boys are brooding loners who aren’t good with people but kaz is such a subversion of these traits

in the first scene we see him through inej’s point of view he’s cracking jokes with the dregs, he makes smalltalk about weather with the black tips, like Inej makes a point to note when he changes from being Kaz to being Dirty hands, who is all those edgy tropes but kaz isn’t always Dirtyhands

“you’re passable at demo you’re excellent at hostage”

“why don’t you pay someone to burn your Kruge for you thats what the big players do”

literally anything he says to Matthias when he’s trying to goad him

like kaz is not some humorless sad boi, even his eternal monolog can be funny

“I definitely didnt tell them to blow up the lab”

“maybe I’m finally going to pay for all those tree spirit jokes”

also the entire scene with Van Eck when Van Ecks like “the best thief to send would be the guy who stole my deKapple” and Kaz just straight face saying “yeah. too bad we don’t know who took it huh?” and then a scene later telling Inej to move it from its UNDER HIS BED cause he didn’t even care enough to sell it

like please appreciate that for all he can be cruel, go too far, or cross lines like…Kaz Brekker is fucking funny


You are a supervillain who has just captured your rival’s child. Rather than being afraid, they’re begging you to let them stay.

I mean, this is just the Kaz-Wylan-Jan part of SOC… 

Pekka: We can’t tell you because you’re not part of the club.

Kaz: What club?

Van eck: The hating Brekker club.

Kaz:…The fuck? I should be the leader of that club.
