

The mind always returns to places the heart can’t forget.


Sinking my nails in his skin, carving paths of fire !



The best 7 doctors are:








Nature can provide you with all 7. Go find peace and heal your soul.


Music by Lauren Hill

I gotta find peace of mind

Sometimes you crave for your gentleman to not be so gentle. The right one knows the exact time when you need it.



What women want, is a soul calm as the sea and a heart of a lion.



To have another be there on your worst days and lift you up as if you’re weightless, is not to be taken lightly. It’s a blessing.


When you have your priorities in order, it’s hard for them to question your loyalty.


Bad decisions have consequences.



I’ll always carry you with me.



I’ll be the sea and you can be my sun.



Rich is the one, that their heart is full with love.



You thought you knew what intimacy felt like with someone and then someone comes along and reaches deep down into your soul and unlocks all the doors you’ve kept locked. After that it’s hard to settle for anything less.



Alone in my case never means lonely. Me, myself and I, are best friends.



You’re just having a bad day, not a bad life. Stay positive.

Dark chocolate has be proven to raise serotonin levels.

# chocoholic

Feed her soul with beautiful words and roses will bloom.

Music by James Brown

This is a man’s world


My soul wanders somewhere over the Aegean Sea. Enchanted by the lullaby her waves keep humming, it never leaves her side.


I can do without a fancy dinner. Nestling in in arms, watching a movie, eating popcorn, feels like heaven for me.



It’s our responsibility to heal ourselves, before our sharp edges start cutting people that get too close.



| A GA PE |

Origin Greek


The highest form of love. Selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love that persists no matter what the circumstances are.


# love knows of no boarders
