#southern life


M’su Carencro, the Buzzard, was sitting in a tree waiting for something to drop dead so he could feast. It had been days since he had a decent meal. Then out of nowhere came flying in Mangeur de Poulet, the Chicken Hawk. Mangeur de Poulet notices M’su Carencro in his tree and calls out “ Ca Va, mon padnat?” (How’s it goin’, friend?)

M’su Carencro cawed back “Ca va mal! (Not good at all!) I am starving! I been here waiting for something to drop dead for the pas’ couple of days. I just want my supper.” 

“And why is that padnat?” says the confident and full of himself Chicken Hawk.”If you are hungry, you just go get it yourself like I do. Why dont’cha just catch you some fresh meat? You have to look out for yourself if you gonna make it in this world, mon ami.” (My friend.)

“Non!“ (No!) said M’su Carencro. “You don’t understand how this works. I have to for somethin’ to drop dead before I can eat it. This is my purpose given to me by le Bon Dieu.” (The Good God) 

“Le Bon Dieu? Non! Don’t bother with the Good God. Even if he does exist, what says you that he cares if you eat? You have to look out fo’ yourself like I do. I’ll show you how to take care of yourself and not depen’ on anyone else!” said Mangeur de Poulet. 

And with that the Chicken Hawk soared in to the air, doing fancy flips and maneuvers. The Buzzard followed along at a safe distance behind watching in amazement at how agile Mangeur de Poulet was. They soon came upon a wide empty field and noticed some movement down below.

A fat, juicy rabbit was darting below; quick and agile trying to avoid the Chicken Hawk. The Chicken Hawk grew closer to the rabbit and thought that he had him for sure. At the last moment Mangeur de Poulet talons graced the rabbits fur as he dropped in to a den hole near a fence post. Before Mangeur de Poulet could realize what had happened, he hit that pole at full speed. 

The Chicken Hawk fell straight dead to the ground. M’su Carencro landed next to him and looked up to the sky. “Merci beaucoup, mon Grand Bon Dieu!” (Good God almighty, thank you!) He then grins and says “Suppertime!”

From one Super Dad to another Happy Fathers Day✌
