


The Star

Ariquar is bound to the daedric prince Hermeaus Mora, and he’s caught in a constant struggle against his influence.

@ariquar’s Skyrim Dragonborn, an Altmer elf of the same name, in Sovngarde. This card was a beautiful struggle, and I’m very pleased with where it ended up.

Ain’t nobody trying to get in between me and my true love

Ain’t nobody trying to get in between me and my true love

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 “Kyne is called the Kiss at the End, for most Nords agree that Kyne leads the dead to Sovngar

Kyne is called the Kiss at the End, for most Nords agree that Kyne leads the dead to Sovngarde. She is revered as the Goddess of Storm, called upon to bring rain and snow in dry times. She protects her faithful from the raging gales and blizzards that regularly sweep across the Skyrim expanse. Other names applied to Kyne include Widow of Shor and the Mother of Nords.”

–Excerpt from Goddess of Storm, Mother of Nords.

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Inigo, the blue Cat enjoying himself in Sovngarde
