


The Moon

I’m feeling much better about this version of the Drana card. All I really know about her character is that she’s the last Bloodchief and the fate of all vampires is basically resting on her shoulders; the Moon seemed a good fit.


The Empress

I don’t know much about Drana, but she seems a very imposing figure so I tried to get that vibe for her. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the stream, it was a great time having ya!


The Chariot

Meme card three, which I actually poured some time into because I really actually wanted to do this card. I have completed the three meme challenges. I win the gauntlet!



First card I’ve made in a while! I think I might be well enough soon to make art again. I really want to use some of these other thumbnails, I liked most of them, but we went with C this go around. I might recycle some of these for later projects!

Thanks everyone who stopped by the stream, I didn’t expect us to finish the card! They were four hours well spent.


The Star

This is his last journey, he understands that well. There is a softness in him, a light that shines deep within, though still the darker side of him tempts him towards a violent future.

Tarot card commission for @hufflepuffgeologist. I so rarely get to do Lord of the Rings content, I was so excited for this one.

If you’d like a tarot card, visit or copy this link:


Griswald Sullivan

The Vision

Though Gris is bound to a demon, always looming over him, somehow he still has bigger things to worry about. Why is it always cannibals?

Tarot card commission for @aydenburd, the true hero. ♥

If you’d like a tarot card, visit or copy this link:


Liam and Lyn

Knight of Cups and King of Cups

An ex-drug dealer and a nurse-not two you’d usually expect to fall in love. But they keep one another balanced, striving always to move forward and do what is right and good.

Tarot card commission for @scratchdotexe of their two lovely boys.

I’ve gotten so behind on my life lately, I’m so sorry about the hiatus. Been double-booking at work trying to cover for the sweet boy’s bills (he is doing a bit better lately but we’re not out of the woods yet). I appreciate you all so much, I can’t wait to get back to normal posting habits. I’ve got some cards queued up for the next couple of days while I’m traveling. ♥ I hope your weekends are worth your trouble and attention.

If you’d like a tarot card, visit or copy this link:


River and Addie

The Tower

Commission for @the-king-of-tartarus; Two women, back to back, standing against a brutal and unforgiving world.

If you’d like a tarot card, check out my commissions form:


Alexander Shepard

Five of Cups

@spectrestatus-recognised’s Shepard who’s lost so many, yet can’t show anyone how deeply he’s hurt. The galaxy needs saving, and it needs a hero who projects strength and composure.

If you’d like a tarot card, check out my commissions at this link:


(If the link doesn’t work, a fun new quirk of desktop tumblr for some folks, copy and paste it and it should take you straight there.)

Tatiana Mercer


Tarot commission of @coloneljamesmoriarty’s XCOM character. She’s about to lay waste to some aliens like a descending Valkyrie.


The Diviner

Who needs natural luck when you can make your own?

Morjianna for @LilithFlorian in the Diviner, a DnD based tarot deck. The second is a version that matches the official Tarroka style a bit more.

I was going to take a long break from commissions, but my cat is having some health difficulties and the bills are racking up, so I’ll be reopening my commissions soon. I’ll do an announcement post once they’ve reopened.

Quinn Trevelyan

Wheel of Fortune

@melisusthewee’sdashing rogue with a taste for adventure. Charming, but a bit of a flake, he’s found himself at the mercy of Fortune.


The Star

Ariquar is bound to the daedric prince Hermeaus Mora, and he’s caught in a constant struggle against his influence.

@ariquar’s Skyrim Dragonborn, an Altmer elf of the same name, in Sovngarde. This card was a beautiful struggle, and I’m very pleased with where it ended up.

Montoya and the God Sargonnas

Another of @raritybuttons’ lovely character Montoya and the fiery god she pledges herself to, Sargonnas.

I meant to post this so much sooner, thank you and @htfnoelle so much, you really are both golden. ♥



@transillidans DnD character, a hopeful young man who is struggling to come to terms with killing for the greater good.

Apologies, meant to upload this so much sooner.

My commissions are on pause for a moment. Life has been hectic to say the least. I don’t plan on reopening until June (2021) at the earliest. Thank you guys so much for your support. ♥

The Kirkwall Party

Greer Hawke (The Chariot), Helgrit Tethras (Temperance)

Brilla Tabris (Seven of Swords), Esme Amell (The Hierophant)

Samir Qun’Istar (The Emperor), and The Game Masters (The Magicians)

A series for @skiing-down-anders-nose of their Dragon Age table-top party. We’ve been putting these together since October last year, I’m so happy we finished the set! It was such a pleasure.

f you’d like a tarot card, check out this link! There’s a waiting list again as a heads up!


If you’d like to support my work, I have a patreon with wips and a kofi with weekly sketches of my favorite fandoms



Story:Jaime has been tortured by Ace and Eli, twin brothers, for nearly a decade. Jaime and Ace have a very complicated romance; he loves Ace but also deeply hates him for the seemingly endless pain, torture, and terror he’s put him through. Tristan loves Ace and Eli like they’re his sons. He wants revenge for what Jaime has done to them.

So, there’s a lot I want to change about this, but it’s time to move on. Nothing is on model. I am so rusty at gestures because I’ve been drawing almost nothing but tarot cards for the last five-odd years. I need a ton more practice to loosen up again and start doing more quality work, but this was a great start. I am going to make more OC animatics, and I can’t wait to share them with you all.

Spock and Kirk

The Lovers

Second thing we finished on stream tonight. Kept it pretty simple overall.

Finished up two things on stream tonight! First up is Sophie’s Alcove.

day 2 of @paperwick‘s janu-faerie: the berry faerie. if she’s overlooking ALL of the berries she mus

day 2 of @paperwick‘s janu-faerie: the berry faerie. if she’s overlooking ALL of the berries she must have a lot of underlings to do her bidding. i kinda wanted her to look like she could pull off being a sweet little faerie like she’s supposed to be but also could snap at any moment into a fiery rage to get everyone into line.

here’s to hoping i can catch up to the rest of the artists and prompts.

Post link
a little late to the party, but i wanted to join in on @paperwick‘s janu-faerie prompts. I have some

a little late to the party, but i wanted to join in on @paperwick‘sjanu-faerie prompts. I have some catching up to do, but here’s day 1′s onion faerie. I imagine it’s not a glamorous job that the young faeries would like and they could probably use some protective gear like goggles and something to cover their nostrils as necessary.  i wanted to mimic some of an onion’s design into his cloths and appearance and i’m pretty happy how this has come out. :)

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