#study goals


Guess who got into Cambridge on Monday!!

To do Classics! - the subject I love SO SO much… oh my gosh…

I finally did it, I finally made my dreams come true. I can finally release all the excitement and all the want that I made myself hold in and suppress because I didn’t want to tempt fate. And after my interview experience I wouldn’t even dare think about a future where I went to Cambridge. I was dealing with a lot of family issues at the time and my second interview was just a slow and painful death by Latin grammar, I remember sitting in silence for what felt like forever after logging off of that final zoom, just thinking I had thrown it all away over the ablative case. And I spent weeks thinking that. And I was wrong. And I have never been more happy to be wrong in my life.

There is nothing stopping you from making everyday life more enjoyable. Put on that piano mix when you’re writing your essay.  Wear your cat-ear headband at work just because you love it. Take a picture of that cute flower you saw when running errands. 

Life can be gruelling and there are many things you have to do, but please take the edge off of them for yourselves.


i’ve been planning my work obsessively and it’s working decently well so far!!



hey everyone! i’m a peer tutor at my university and i wanted to share some study strategies that i’ve found really helpful in my stem/content-heavy courses. please feel free to share yours with me as well!

(image descriptions under the cut)

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Day 1/100 - first day of classes featuring textbooks and my desk setup

Today’s my first day of grad school :) i just have one in person class today, (and a lot of reading to do) wish me luck!

archystudy:25 August - I got a desk today!! With New Zealand in Level 3 at the moment, I have to worarchystudy:25 August - I got a desk today!! With New Zealand in Level 3 at the moment, I have to wor


25 August - I got a desk today!! With New Zealand in Level 3 at the moment, I have to work and stay at home and I was finding uni so hard without having a proper work station, not anymore! so exciting!

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sharing my ap gov notes from a few months ago when i was preparing to take my last ap exam ever (what a bittersweet feeling!)

philology-studies:28.08.20 / it’s almost september! i was checking my goals for august and found mysphilology-studies:28.08.20 / it’s almost september! i was checking my goals for august and found mys


28.08.20 / it’s almost september! i was checking my goals for august and found myself pleasantly surprised that i’ve completed most of them. here’s an orchid i got the other day. not sure what to name her yet. any ideas? hope you’re doing well. happy friday ♡

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I’ve spent my whole weekend catching up on chapter readings and lectures because I procrastinated all week. It’s definitely harder to maintain motivation and focus when we aren’t meeting up for classes. I think I learned my lesson though so I hope to follow my schedule to avoid this issue next weekend.

Spanish phrases every traveller should know

Regardless of your motivations to learn spanish, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So here are 10 common phrases that you should know if you ever get lost or feel sick in in any spanish speaking country.

  • Necesito = I need
  • Me perdí = I got lost
  • ¿Me puede ayudar (con direcciones/a hacer una llamada/a escribir/a traducir)? = Can you help me (with an adress or location/make a call/write/translate)?
  • ¿Dónde queda el/la (lugar)? = Where is the (place)?
  • ¿Cómo llego a/al (lugar)? = How do I get to (place)?
  • ¿Qué bus/tren me lleva a (lugar)? =Which bus takes me to (place)?
  • ¿Habla íngles? = do you speak english?
  • ¿Cuanto cuesta? = How much is it? 
  • Me siento enferma = I feel sick
  • Soy alérgico/alérgica a (los mariscos/las nueces/el maní/la piña/colorantes/penicilina/ibuprofeno/paracetamol/morfina/anestesia/gluten/lactosa/latex) = I’m allergic to seafood/nuts/peanuts/pineapple/food coloring/penicillin/ibuprofen/paracetamol/morphine/anesthesia/gluthen/lactose/latex

Important: Please reblog. My parents lost their main source of income and I’m struggling to get a job so I am offering my services as a spanish tutor to help them with food and to save up for my personal expenses. If you want to learn spanish with me, you can take my 10 day course for only $25. The first lesson is free and you get 10 one on one lessons of 45 minutes each via discord or zoom.

If you want more information, dm me and I’ll gladly answer. Reblogs are appreciated c:

10 days Spanish course

5 days ago I made a post offering my services as a Spanish tutor and thankfully it got shared a lot and 2 girls wanted me to tutor them. However, when I made that post I was not aware of the many fees and flaws of both fiverr and paypal. Fiverr is holding my money until january 4 and since I don’t live in the US and there are no banks or shops that work with paypal in Ecuador, I’ll have to withdraw my money using xoom, which is another fee. I don’t want to ask my students to pay more because of that, so I’m offering my services as a spanish tutor again. For $25 you’ll get 10 lessons, the first lesson is free, we can make a study plan together and work from that. I am a native spanish speaker, I was an IB student and certified both Lengua y Literatura and Language A in high school, I took a tefl course, and now I study social communications and journalism. 

Some of the things you’ll learn if you have no knowledge in Spanish are:

  • Pronombres
  • Artículos indefinidos
  • Artículos indeterminados
  • Verbos ser/estar/tener/haber/hacer
  • Presente y pretérito perfecto
  • Verbos pronominales
  • Presentarse
  • Describirse
  • Adjetivos
  • Vocabulario común
  • Preposiciones/adverbios

If anyone wants more information, feel free to dm me. I will gladly answer all your questions.

So recently my family and I have been struggling a lot financially. We are 2 months late on our rent and me and my brother had to stop studying because of COVID.

So I decided to post my services as a spanish tutor on fiverr, but I’m also posting them here for anyone who wants to learn spanish or proofread any text they have written in spanish

-Spanish lessons for as low as $20 (10 lessons of 45 minutes each)

-Spanish crash course for those who want to review their knowledge or prepare for exams or presentations.

-Proofreading/editing and reviewing any text written in spanish for as low as $5.

If anyone would like to help and wants more information on my tutoring fees, dm me. Reblogs are also appreciated ❤

Spanish vocab // el colegio - la universidad

  • compañero/a de clase = classmate
  • compañero/a de cuarto = roommate
  • estudiante = student
  • el/la profesor(a) = teacher
  • la papelera = wastebasket
  • la pizarra = blackboard
  • la puerta = door
  • la silla = chair
  • la tiza = chalk
  • la biblioteca = library
  • el bar = snackbar 
  • la cafetería = cafeteria
  • el coliseo = stadium
  • el laboratorio = laboratory
  • la librería/papelería = bookstore
  • la residencia estudiantil = dormitory
  • la universidad = university or college
  • la clase = class
  • el curso o la materia = course
  • la especialización = major
  • el examen = exam (usually used for finals)
  • horario = schedule
  • la prueba = test or quiz
  • el semestre = semester
  • la tarea = homework
  • el trimestre = trimester; quarter

If you would like to learn more spanish with me, dm me and we could set up a schedule. I am a native spanish speaker and I am offering spanish tutoring for as low as $7 the hour, and $30 the 10 lessons via discord or zoom.

Since I’m suddenly a spanish studyblr, I feel like I have to remind you all that there is no such thing as perfect spanish and your grades are not an indicator of your fluency or your habilities to learn a language.

Knowing how to conjugate verbs with vosotros is really not that important, nor is it to use ser o estar correctly. Yes, accuracy is good, but being able to communicate is essential. So please be kinder to yourself and don’t be afraid to speak another language, because I can tell you that no native spanish speaker will stop to point out your mistakes.
