#spanish vocabulary



to set sail.

La flota zarpó del puerto, dejando a las esposas de los marineros al llorar en el muelle. 
The fleet set sail, leaving the wives of the sailors in tears on the dock. 

noun(masculine or feminine)

1. light sleep that one who is dozing finds themselves in
2. half-sleep, fitful sleep that is frequently interrupted.

Pasé la noche en duermevela, soñando con gente sin cara en una ciudad brumosa. 
I spent the night in fitful sleep, dreaming of faceless people in a hazy city. 


1. multicoloured, colourful
2. varied, diverse or miscellaneous.

Vivieron en un mundo variopinto en lo cual los colores blanco y negro no existían, o al menos parecían haber evaporado y escapado con el viento. 
They lived in a multicoloured world in which the colours black and white did not exist, or at least appeared to have evaporated and escaped with the wind. 


1. to look down on, treat like dirt, or not give the time of day to
2. to brush aside, give the cold shoulder, or ignore.

El director despreciaba a todas las mujeres con sobrepeso. Cada vez que ninguneaba a alguna, tenía que esconder una pequeña sonrisa.  
The director despised all overweight women. Each time he treated one like dirt, he had to hide a little smile. 


a teacher’s pet, swot or nerd.

Definitivamente soy la empollona de mi clase, entre mi blog de la palabra del día y las manzanas que le traigo a mi profesora cada día. 
I’m definitely the teacher’s pet of my class, what with my word of the day blog and the apples I bring my teacher every day. 


a fat cat, bigwig, wealthy or powerful person. 

Los peces gordos sólo miran por sus propios intereses. 
Fat cats only look after their own interests. 

noun(masculine) (slang)

literally translating as “the candle holder” and conjuring an image of someone silently holding a candle to light a couple’s romantic dinner, “un aguantavelas” is a third wheel or spare part (romantically speaking).

Qué pobre este tío, siempre es el aguantavelas. 
That poor guy, he’s always the third wheel. 


1. burning, scalding
2.(of a colour)blazing
3. passionate, fervent, or ardent. 

Su pasión ardiente se extinguió por el viento del norte.
Their burning passion was extinguished by the north wind. 


To brag or boast.

Ese tío es múy desagradable, siempre está fanfarroneando.
That guy is really obnoxious, he’s always boasting. 


1. to madden, drive crazy or drive to distraction
2. to go mad, lose your senses, or freak out
3. to be crazy about

Enloquezco por los videojuegos, pero a mi novia le enloquecen. Hace dos semanas, ella se enloqueció y tiró todos mis juegos a la basura! 
I go mad for video games, but they drive my girlfriend crazy. Two weeks ago she went nuts and threw all my games in the bin! 


an extraordinary display of emotion for very little reason.

Haces tanta alharaca que no te puedo tomar en serio. 
You make such a fuss I can’t take you seriously. 


a person with refined taste, a pleasure-seeker, one who likes the good things in life.

Sólo sibaritas pagarían los precios astronómicos de esos restaurantes.
Only those who like the finer things in life would pay the astronomic prices of those restaurants. 


to nap, doze or snooze. 

Lo siento que no contesté, estaba dormitando. 
Sorry I didn’t answer, I was napping. 


1. bright or crystal clear
2. translucent, sheer or see-through
3. (of a space) clear, open or unobstructed. 

Bailaba sola en una sala diáfana.
She danced alone in an open room.


1. a gloom or semi-darkness in which it’s impossible to tell where the light begins and the darkness ends. 

En las penumbras de la noche salgo a encontrar mi próxima víctima.
In the shadows of the night, I go out to find my next victim. 


Vocabulary inspired by Kiki’s Delivery Service


Yesterday I watched Kiki’s Delivery Service for the millionth time, tho it was the first time I’ve ever watched in Spanish. It inspired me to make this list. Maybe I’ll go through all of my favorite Ghibli movies in the future, who knows. 

Spanish->Polish-> English

Kiki: Entregas a domicilio (Lat. Am.)/El delivery de Kiki (Argentina)/Nicky, la aprendiz de bruja (Spain) - Podniebna poczta Kiki - Kiki’s delivery service

la entrega -dostawa - delivery

el domicilio -mieszkanie- home

la aprendiz -uczennica - apprentice

la bruja -czarownica - witch

la magia -magia - magic

la luna llena - księżyc w pełni - full moon

el gato negro -czarny kot - black cat

la costumbre antigua -stary zwyczaj - old custom

el entrenamiento -trening- training

la escoba -miotła- broom

la radio -radio- radio

el lazo rojo-czerwona kokarda - red bow

el vestido negro -czarna sukienka - black dress

volar-latać- to fly

independizarse-uniezależnić się - to become independent

la adivina/vidente -jasnowidzka - fortune-teller

la lluvia -deszcz- rain

la ciudad marítima - nadmorskie miasto - coastal city 

la torre del reloj -wierza z zegarem - clock tower

la panadería -piekarnia - bakery 

el ático - strych -attic

el muñeco de felpa -pluszowa zabawka - plush toy

el panqueque (Lat. Am.) -naleśnik - pancake

el cuervo-kruk- raven

el horno roto-zepsuty piekarnik - broken oven

el dirigible -sterowiec - blimp

las olas del mar -morskie fale - sea waves

la aeronave - statek powietrzny - airship

debilitar-słabnąć - to weaken

los poderes -moce- powers

el autoestop -autostop - hitchhiking

el retrato -portret- portrait

pintar-malować - to paint

dibujar-rysować- to draw

el espíritu -duch - spirit

el viento -wiatr - wind 

el rescate -ratunek- rescue

rendirse-poddać się - to give up

salvar-uratować - to save

aterrizar-lądować - to land


Note: this is about how your body feels not medical conditions (which i do plan on making a post about!) also there is references to alcohol use and sickness in this post

Physical Conditions - Las Condiciones Físicas

achy, sore - dolorido
bad, lousy - mal
clumsy - torpe
dizzy - vertignoso
drunk - borracho
empty - vacío
full - lleno
healthy - sano
hurt, injured - dañado
itchy, mangy, scabby - sarnoso
miserable, rotten - miserable
relaxed - relajado
seasick - mareado
sick, ill - enfermo
so-so - así así
sober - sobrio
tired - cansado
(very) well, okay, fine - (muy) bien
wide awake, alert - alerta

Hope yall enjoyed this post! If you have any additions please let me know ♥


culpar ->to blame 

estancar ->to train

negar ->to deny 

madurar ->to mature

callar ->to quiet

traicionar ->to betray

amarrar ->to tie

desprenderse ->to come off / to become detached

obviar ->to avoid

lograr -> to achieve 

matar ->to kill

deslizarse ->to slide

rodear -> to surround

estrechar -> to narrow 

soltarse -> to break free 

acabar ->to finish

inclinar ->to tilt

fluir ->to flow 


It seems my post about Spanish dicks was interesting to a lot of people, so I thought I’d make more posts about Spanish slang and swear words. The word I’ll talk about today is “cagar”, to take a shit, and “mear”, to take a piss.

Me cago en Dios

lit. I shit on God

Meaning: you’d say this when you’re angry/disappointed/you get it

Alternatives: me cago en tus muertos, me cago en la leche, me cago en todo, me cago en la hostia, me cago en diez, me cago en la mar, me cago en (whatever you’re angry about)

Te vas a cagar

lit. You’re going to shit yourself

Meaning: you’re gonna regret this

La cagaste

lit. you shat it

Meaning: you fucked up

There’s a noun for this, too: “una cagada”, a fuck-up

Está que te cagas

lit. it’s that you shit yourself (?)

Meaning: it’s great, it’s really good


lit. to shit yourself

Although it could be used with its literal meaning, we sometimes use it to say that you got scared.

Example: Iba a decírselo, pero al final me cagué. I was going to tell them, but I ended up getting scared.

There’s also the adjective cagón/cagona and cagado/cagada for people who get scared easily.

Me meo (de la risa)

lit. I piss myself (from laughter)

Meaning: I’m laughing so much, lmao

Alternatives: me parto la polla, me parto (de risa)


lit. battery-pisser

This is not a common one, but I find it really funny. It’s an insult meaning “asshole” or “dumbass” or something along those lines
