#spell bag


Dream Magick Spell Bag

For Lucid and Psychic Dreams

Dreams have always been a big part of my practice. I’ve always had very vivid dreams and enjoyed analysing them. Recently though, I’ve had some trouble with recurring nightmares.

I also used to be quite good at lucid dreaming, but I’ve struggled with it the past few years.

This is a simple little spell bag I put together to aid in lucid dreaming, ward against nightmares, and encourage psychic dreams.


  • Purple spell bag
  • Lavender - induce peaceful dreams
  • Mugwort - psychic and lucid dreams
  • Rosemary - protection
  • Marigold - dream divination
  • Mullein - protection against nightmares and spirits
  • Valerian root - induce sleep
  • Amethyst - dream enhancer

Set the task for each ingredient as you add it to the bag.

Charge the complete bag for your specific purpose, with whatever method you prefer. Place it under your pillow.

Keep a notebook near your bed and record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Pay attention to themes, feelings, recurring patterns, smells etc. This will help train your brain to better recall dreams


Spell bag for Gender Dysphoria for transmasc people! This is the first spell bag i have created, please credit if you reblog!



  • Mint
  • Wormwood (optional)
  • Garlic powder (optional)
  • Howlite
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Rose Quarts
  • White candle (optional)
  • Confidence sigil

Place all parts into a small drawstring bag (prefered, but a small plastic bag works too if that’s all you have). Clense, preferably using smoke or fire (be careful with fire though). Smell the bag and hold it in your hand and say or think the following:

I am not as I once was percieved

I am who I was meant to be

Repeat as many times as possible, and then place the bag in a pocket or backpack to keep with you throughout the day. I really hope this helps my pagan or wicca trans brothers!

Hello my loves! I know as my final semester at college is about to start (5 years later, finally!) I am starting to get my usual bouts of anxiety. What if I fail? What if my professor hates me? What if the other kids don’t play nice? What if what if what if…. STOP!

School should be aseasyandstress free as possible. I have thrown together a little charm to boost confidence and help us all pass this semester!

What You Need:

A Green or Pink bag (both colors symbolize success)

Any of these herbs: Yarrow or Cedar for confidence. Lily, Lavender, Parsley, Magnolia, Violet for anti-anxiety. Basil, Bay leaves, Clover, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Lemon Balm, Motherwort for success.

Any of these stones: Amber, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Rhodonite, or Tigers Eye for confidence. Amethyst, Moonstone, Labradorite, Smokey Quartz, or Agate for anti-anxiety. Aventrine, Citrine, Emerald, or Garnet for success.

And an orange candle. Orange is to promote success and confidence!

Optional: Although I do not work much with sigils, this is a great thing to add if you do. I am more for positive wishes/sentences. So you could create a confidence sigil or write something such as “I will do great this semester!”

What to Do:

Put all of your herbs and stones into your spell bag, making sure to remind yourself of each ingredients intent. I like to say such things out loud, such as “Yarrow for confidence, and a pinch of cinnamon for success”. This helps me attach more meaning and passion into my charm, as well as helping remember every herbs/stones correspondence! Place your sigil/sentence into the bag (if you’re using one) and close it up tight!

Light your orange candle and meditate for a moment. Hold your charm in your hand and visualize yourself doing well in your class. Meeting new friends, schmoozing your professor, and getting straight A’s. Drip 3 drops of wax over your bag…one for confidence, one for success, and one for good luck!

Keep your charm bag in your pocket or backpack/purse. Whenever you are feeling uneasy in class and need a little confidence boost give it a little squeeze!

Good luck this semester!
