#success spell

Success spell. Get a red candle and carved into it the thing you want to happen while chanting the w

Success spell. Get a red candle and carved into it the thing you want to happen while chanting the words. I did “I will pass school and get my certificate from the health test”. Once finish anoint with an oil of your choosing, if at all. Place your candle into the cauldron or a holder. Underneath put the tarot card Six of Wands, which stands for victory. Light the candle for 7 days while you meditate on what you want.
(The rest of my alter candles are normally what I have up, the white one in the water Lilly holder is for the goddess Saraswati who is the goddess of knowledge being that my candle is for school)

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A lot of you guys have asked me for these spells so I’m finally posting them all! If you have any questions about them, feel free to message me so we can talk. I promise I’m going to be a lot more active nowadays so I’ll be available pretty often! 

  • Protection Spell: Circle of Salt

What You’ll Need:

- salt

- conncentration

- a full moon 

Spell Steps:

1. When you have your salt ready, go outside of your home preferably on a Full Moon, and start at your front door.

2. Move in a clockwise motion (we call this deosil), from your front door around your house, and slowly sprinkle salt around the perimeter of your home. Take care not to pour salt on any ornamental plants and avoid grass as much as possible.

3. While you are doing this, state out loud “pure salt protect this home and all who reside here. Keep out those who seek to harm, protect us from negativity, anger, and fear.” You’ll also want to actively visualize a circle of protection around your home as you do this.

4. Repeat this phrase and continue to circle the house in salt until you end up where you started - at the front door.

5. Next, say out loud “this house is protected from negative energies and forces. So mote it be.”

  • Love Spell: Herbal Bath of Love

What you’ll need:

- a quiet and undisturbed time
- Lavender and/or rose petals
- candle(s) and candle holder/plate
- relaxing music (helpful but not required)

Spell Steps: 

1. Set the mood by drawing a hot bath and adding a bit of the herbs of your choice directly to the bath or inside of a bath sachet. Light a candle and set in a safe place. Turn on relaxing music.

2. Enter the bathtub and lay back. Breathe deeply and slowly. Visualize all of your worries and cares melting off of you.

3. Let the music and the bath be the only two things that concern you in this moment.

4. When you’re ready, visualize a sphere of white light encircling you in the tub. This is your cast circle. At this point, you can also invite your goddess into the circle.

5. Next, visualize the type of love you are looking for in your life. Visualize yourself laughing and playing and flirting with your dream man or woman.

6. Once you’ve held the vision of your dream love in your head for a few minutes, say these words or similar: “I draw to me a pure and sweet love. One that will benefit me and my soul’s journey. To the benefit of all and to harm none.”

7. Repeat this phrase at least 3 times but up to thirteen times. When complete, state “so mote it be.”

8. You may stay in the bath as long as you’d like. Release the circle when you are ready by visualizing the sphere fading and the energy from within moving into space to perform the work that is required to draw love to you.

9. After your herbal bath of love, continue to intermittently visualize your dream love’s image and tell yourself and the universe “I am worthy and ready for a pure and true love in my life.”

  • Success Spell: Candle of Power

What You’ll Need:

- yellow votive candle

- candle holder or plate

- matches or lighter

- a knife or pin (for carving)

- New, Waxing, or Full Moon

Spell Steps:

1. Cast a circle (you can message me if you’re unsure how to do this, or see the herbal bath of love spell above - step #4).

2. Using your pin or knife, carefully carve a symbol of success onto the sides of your candle. This can be the money sign, a rune of your choice (research online ahead of time), or any type of symbol you feel represents success.

3. Light your candle.

4. Focus on the flame of the candle. Visualize yourself with success in whatever arena of life you desire. See yourself with your mind’s eye in this successful position. Believe it.

5. Watch the flame dance and flicker for as long as you’d like.

6. Release your circle, but allow the candle to continue burning until it has burned itself out (be sure to stay in the room with the candle so it doesn’t light anything on fire. Safety first!)

7. Once the candle is burned out and the wax has cooled, keep the wax in a bag or container of some kind in a safe place.After your spell and as often as you remember, tell yourself and the universe “I am successful. I am worthy. I am powerful.”

  • Health Spell: Healing Hands

What You’ll Need:

- an open heart and mind

- your hands

Spell Steps:

1. Clear your mind from worries and concerns. Ask that ONLY the highest beings of the universe aid you in this process.

2. Place both of your hands on your head, chest, stomach or wherever you feel called to place them.

3. Imagine the pure, loving energy of the Universe entering your crown chakra and flowing through your body and down through your arms and into your hands.

4. Then visualize the energy flowing freely from your hands and into your body where you need healing most.

5. Allow the energy to flow for as long as you feel is necessary.

  • Intuition Spell: Increase My Dreams Sachet

What You’ll Need:

- a small muslin or cotton bag with drawstring (you can create your own with a square piece of fabric and string/yarn if you don’t have a bag)

- loose-leaf dry herbs: mugwort, wormwood, lavender, and rosemary (if you only have access to one of these, use mugwort)

- a journal or notebook to write down your dreams

Spell Steps:

1.Cast your circle.

2. Open your small bag and place a pinch of mugwort into the bag. While doing this, state these words or some similar: “with these herbs, I increase my dreams and therefore my intuition. I open my third eye.”

3. Repeat step 2 for each herb you place into your dream bag.

4. Tie up the bag and hold it in the palms of your hands. Close your eyes and imagine your third eye opening.

5. When you feel it is time, state “so mote it be”.

6. Release your circle.

8. Place this dream sachet beneath your pillow, in your pillowcase, or under your mattress beneath where your head lays.When your dreams start coming freely, write them down in your journal. This helps in dream recall and will give you a reference to study later.

Protection Spell: Circle of Salt

Love Spell: Herbal Bath of Love

Success Spell: Candle of Power

Health Spell: Healing Hands

Intuition Spell: Increase My Dreams Sachet 

You can ask me about what you need and the instructions! 

virtualaltarofravensong:- A general spell to help your business earn money through increased sales


- A general spell to help your business earn money through increased sales. Like to charge, reblog to cast.

And what is my business?

I am a Perfectly Posh Independent Consultant :)

Perfectly Posh is a line affordable bath/pampering products that are made right here in the USA, of high quality ingredients, and are never tested on animals. I absolutely love their products and love to share them with others


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- A general spell to help your business earn money through increased sales. Like to charge, reblog to cast.

And what is my business? 

I am a Perfectly Posh Independent Consultant :)

 Perfectly Posh is a line affordable bath/pampering products that are made right here in the USA, of high quality ingredients, and are never tested on animals. I absolutely love their products and love to share them with others


 - A general spell to help your business earn money through increased sales. Like to charge, reblog

- A general spell to help your business earn money through increased sales. Like to charge, reblog to cast.

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- A general spell to help your business earn money through increased sales. Like to charge, reblog to cast.

Hello my loves! I know as my final semester at college is about to start (5 years later, finally!) I am starting to get my usual bouts of anxiety. What if I fail? What if my professor hates me? What if the other kids don’t play nice? What if what if what if…. STOP!

School should be aseasyandstress free as possible. I have thrown together a little charm to boost confidence and help us all pass this semester!

What You Need:

A Green or Pink bag (both colors symbolize success)

Any of these herbs: Yarrow or Cedar for confidence. Lily, Lavender, Parsley, Magnolia, Violet for anti-anxiety. Basil, Bay leaves, Clover, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Lemon Balm, Motherwort for success.

Any of these stones: Amber, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Rhodonite, or Tigers Eye for confidence. Amethyst, Moonstone, Labradorite, Smokey Quartz, or Agate for anti-anxiety. Aventrine, Citrine, Emerald, or Garnet for success.

And an orange candle. Orange is to promote success and confidence!

Optional: Although I do not work much with sigils, this is a great thing to add if you do. I am more for positive wishes/sentences. So you could create a confidence sigil or write something such as “I will do great this semester!”

What to Do:

Put all of your herbs and stones into your spell bag, making sure to remind yourself of each ingredients intent. I like to say such things out loud, such as “Yarrow for confidence, and a pinch of cinnamon for success”. This helps me attach more meaning and passion into my charm, as well as helping remember every herbs/stones correspondence! Place your sigil/sentence into the bag (if you’re using one) and close it up tight!

Light your orange candle and meditate for a moment. Hold your charm in your hand and visualize yourself doing well in your class. Meeting new friends, schmoozing your professor, and getting straight A’s. Drip 3 drops of wax over your bag…one for confidence, one for success, and one for good luck!

Keep your charm bag in your pocket or backpack/purse. Whenever you are feeling uneasy in class and need a little confidence boost give it a little squeeze!

Good luck this semester!
