#spiderman far from home spoilers


The next trilogy with Tom Holland’s Spiderman should be happening and im calling it now, Ned will die in that trilogy. Sometime before he dies he will remember everything from no way home and before.

I have more theories on Ned, I’ll save for a later post.

Imagine selling Peter Parker a necklace in Venice.requested by: mewarnings: KINDA FAR FROM HOME SPOI

Imagine selling Peter Parker a necklace in Venice.

requested by: me
warnings: KINDA FAR FROM HOME SPOILERS but nothing plotty so ?? not really ? but sorta.

The sun shone on the water in Venice, and you watched it through the window of your grandfather’s jewellery shop. Gondolas floated by carrying lovesick couples and you couldn’t help but simultaneously dislike and admire them. But one day you’d have the chance to see the city through a lovers’ eyes, surely. You dreamed of the day.

Elbow on the desk and chin in your hand, you dazed through the minutes, visions of romance with a guy you hadn’t met yet dancing before your eyes.

If you focused enough, you could make out a face.

Dark hair, sharp jaw, an eyebrow that seemed like it wanted to be brushed. A brown eyes set in a gentle expression - he’d have a sweetness that no one could replicate.

You imagined him at the window, eyeing glass necklaces in the window. You’d send him a breezy smile when he looks in, and he’d be a little flustered, but manage to shoot one right back.

And then he’d stumble into the shop, backpack slung over his shoulder, and say a heavily accented “Ciao.”

You smiled dreamily. It was almost as if he was real. “Ciao.”

He bounced on his feet a little, awkwardness seeping through. “Hi, um, I was wondering- I’m looking for a necklace? A black dahlia one?”

His voice was eager, ernest. But wait, his English- well, it was English, and you could barely understand. This boy was actually American. He wasn’t in your head.

You gasped and snapped upright, a deep blush dusting your cheeks and ears to the point that you were nervous you’d break a sweat. His brows shot up at your sudden energy and change of disposition, and an awkward laugh fell from his lips.

“Uh, you okay?”

You brushed a couple of strands of hair out of your face and joined his laugh, acutely aware of your heavy accent. And then, acutely aware that you were aware of it. You dealt with American tourists daily - why were you suddenly like this? You cleared your throat and reassured, “I’m okay, very good. Necklace?”

He smiled again, nodding. “Yeah, a black dahlia one? You know, like the murder.”

“Murder,” you scoffed, “I know. I think I have it-?” You emerged from behind the counter and led the boy to a flower collection by another window, cursing yourself for not trying harder in your English lessons. The words wouldn’t come to your mind when you spoke to him, and then they felt clumsy in your mouth when you tried to use them. So much for elegance.

Your fingers knocked pendants aside to find a certain one that hung from the holder, and your excitement spiked when you found the one you wanted. You unhooked it and turned to show him, but-

He was right there. He must have been leaning with you to look over your shoulder, and when you turned he accidentally elbowed your… front curves.

“Oh god, sorry, I didn’t mean-” he professed, taking a huge step backwards, hands open and high in front of him. He cleared his throat when you shook your head, just as pink as him, the delicious smell he wore swirling in your mind. “No no no, no worries.”

Whether it was feigned surprise or he was just trying to disperse the embarrassment, you couldn’t tell, but as soon as his eyes sought the pendant he announced, “Hey, that’s perfect!”

He bent to inspect it, and you took the opportunity to take in his expression. The wonder on his face was so endearing, and you couldn’t help the curve that pulled your lips.

You weren’t sure what it was, but something possessed you and made you voice your thoughts in Italian. “So are you.”

written by: archie

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Warning: Spoilers

  • “Peter-tingle”
  • Ned and Betty going onto the flight single and coming out dating
  • Peter sipping lemonade out of a straw in the bar
  • the entire 7-step plan to tell MJ about his crush (including the murder necklace
  • Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You playing as the Marvel logo flipped
  • when Peter saw Mysterio in the glasses and he looked exactly like Tony
  • Peter falling into Happy once he realized Happy was real
  • Flash’s Instagram live stream saving the world
  • Even Dead I’m The Hero
  • May and Happy (which shouldn’t have worked but it totally did)
  • all those colorful, different sized kids in Peter’s class
  • Peter knocking Flash unconscious ( “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” )
  • THE END CREDITS OH MY GOD did I like them? no. do they deserve to be typed in all caps? hell, yeah.
  • MJ fighting the drone with giant mace
  • “What’s his name?” “Uh, Night Monkey!” “Night Monkey?”
  • Peter getting up with the Tower Bridge sign as a shield because that was beautiful 
  • Mr. Harrington, god bless him, he was trying his hardest
  • Happy looking at Peter designing the suit but seeing someone else
  • “Stark said you wouldn’t get that because it’s not a Star Warsreference”
  • Peter almost blowing up Brad Davis who probably maybe deserved it??
  • everyone sharing their secrets and Happy just going, “I’m in love with Spider-Man’s aunt”
  • Peter getting crowded and panicking around the reporters because that was a nice addition to his character
  • Ned and Betty breaking up
  • Peter fighting the drones using just his “Peter-tingle” ‘cause that was badass
  • “the news is saying it’s Night Monkey… and, y’know, everything the news says is real…” (damn, shots fired)
  • Mysterio messing with Peter’s head, especially the Iron Man suit rising from the grave, which was horrifying but fitting
  • Peter almost blowing up whats his face
  • “I’m gonna tell a girl how I feel.” “You’ve got a 50/50 chance, you’re pretty awkward”
  • the entire movie ‘cause it was freaking awesome!!

Warning: Spoilers

  • “Peter-tingle”
  • Ned and Betty going onto the flight single and coming out dating
  • Peter sipping lemonade out of a straw in the bar
  • the entire 7-step plan to tell MJ about his crush (including the murder necklace
  • Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You playing as the Marvel logo flipped
  • when Peter saw Mysterio in the glasses and he looked exactly like Tony
  • Peter falling into Happy once he realized Happy was real
  • Flash’s Instagram live stream saving the world
  • Even Dead I’m The Hero
  • May and Happy (which shouldn’t have worked but it totally did)
  • all those colorful, different sized kids in Peter’s class
  • Peter knocking Flash unconscious ( “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” )
  • THE END CREDITS OH MY GOD did I like them? no. do they deserve to be typed in all caps? hell, yeah.
  • MJ fighting the drone with giant mace
  • “What’s his name?” “Uh, Night Monkey!” “Night Monkey?”
  • Peter getting up with the Tower Bridge sign as a shield because that was beautiful 
  • Mr. Harrington, god bless him, he was trying his hardest
  • Happy looking at Peter designing the suit but seeing someone else
  • “Stark said you wouldn’t get that because it’s not a Star Warsreference”
  • Peter almost blowing up Brad Davis who probably maybe deserved it??
  • everyone sharing their secrets and Happy just going, “I’m in love with Spider-Man’s aunt”
  • Peter getting crowded and panicking around the reporters because that was a nice addition to his character
  • Ned and Betty breaking up
  • Peter fighting the drones using just his “Peter-tingle” ‘cause that was badass
  • “the news is saying it’s Night Monkey… and, y’know, everything the news says is real…” (damn, shots fired)
  • Mysterio messing with Peter’s head, especially the Iron Man suit rising from the grave, which was horrifying but fitting
  • Peter almost blowing up whats his face
  • “I’m gonna tell a girl how I feel.” “You’ve got a 50/50 chance, you’re pretty awkward”
  • the entire movie ‘cause it was freaking awesome!!

the one thing that makes me feel even the tiniest bit better about Peter’s identity being revealed to the world is imagining the emotions Flash Thompson is feeling right now

the one thing that makes me feel even the tiniest bit better about Peter’s identity being revealed to the world is imagining the emotions Flash Thompson is feeling right now

there have been 11 years worth of legendary Marvel villains, but no character has caused me to hate them as deeply as I hated Brad Davis in Far From Home

there have been 11 years worth of legendary Marvel villains, but no character has caused me to hate them as deeply as I hated Brad Davis in Far From Home


Peter: ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ˡᵉᵃᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵉ ᶦ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ˢᵖᵉⁿᵈ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᴹᴶ ᶦ ᵃᵐ ᵇᵉᵍᵍᶦⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ


Peter: ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ˡᵉᵃᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵉ ᶦ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ˢᵖᵉⁿᵈ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᴹᴶ ᶦ ᵃᵐ ᵇᵉᵍᵍᶦⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ

choose your fighter: Hope getting snapped or Peter getting framed for murder as his freakingidentity is revealed to the world

choose your fighter: Hope getting snapped or Peter getting framed for murder as his freakingidentity is revealed to the world

“Spider-Man is a kids’ movie!”

Yeah, in fact we have a 16 years old who’s:

- Still dealing with all the shit that happened in his life before the snap, including the death of his parents and his uncle, and the fact that he ended up in space to follow Tony and then died in his arms, just to come back five years later in the middle of a battle and see his mentor/father figure die in front of him after only a brief hug.

- Trying to adjuste to a new life, because half the platet was dead but the other half moved on and I think that, even though they did not explore really the angst potential of this, the aftermath of the Infinity Saga caused everyone a rough time because the ones who survived changed and the ones that came back didn’t, only to find that things and people they left were not the same anymore. That’s enough to deeply traumatise everyone, even without all the other stuff Peter has to face.

- Grieving Tony being at the same time surrounded by images of him everywhere reminding him what happened and worsening his survivor’s guilt, because how can you elaborate the death of someone you deeply loved when you see them around you all the time?

- Being under an enormous pressure by everyone that wants him to save the world as if the destiny of the Earth rests on his shoulders alone, telling him he needs to grow up and become the new Iron Man, because that’s what the world needs and what they all expects of Peter when all he wanted was just to keep being the friendly neighbourhood spider.

- Not being listened to when he try to say he needs a break from all superheroes’ things because he’s tired and he doesn’t think he can handle everything, so he just needs to live a little like the teenagers he is, enjoying a vacation with his friends and the girl he likes and maybe gain back a little sleep and mental stability. But no, the adults decided to keep pressuring him asking a teen to be responsible for the world not caring if they’ll eventually break him.

- Deceived by a man who took advantage of Peter and his pain when he was most vulnerable, making him believe he had found a new mentor to guide him filling the void left by Tony’s death at the point that Peter just gave him EDITH because he was so desperate he saw Tony in him -he fully trusted Mysterio, opened up with him telling him all his fears, relied on him, and then he was betrayed.

- Being physically, psychologically and emotionally abused by said mentor who made him see all his worse fears come true, showing him people he loved dying because of him and telling him how Tony’s death was his fault -as if Peter was not already thinking that.

- Left so traumatised and unable to believe his own mind and senses to separate reality from illusions at a point where he didn’t even know what was real and who to trust anymore. Really, being hit by a train was what caused less damages compared to Peter’s mental health. It will take years for him to come over everything and being able to sleep without nightmares.

But yes, that’s only a kids’ movie.

Yes, Peter and MJ were absolutely cute and I loved them, but can we talk about the one true couple of the movie, aka Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell? I need to know more about them, they’re hilarious and i love ships with teachers.
