#spiritual advice


Spirit guides… 

We usually don’t speak about that, but I always wondered how people:

***who can’t connect no matter what they try

***people living with mental disorders or other unique mental conditions

***someone going through hard and heavy time when they’re loosing themselves in sheer physicality and chaotic activities they need to perform at certain moment at their life

I mean all the people who feel lost, disturbed, overwhelmed and disconnectedduring prolonged period of months, years, possibly entire life

how unique their connection to the spirit guides might be. 

Dear heart, if you’re struggling in that way, I’d like to share with you some things which might help you to understand the uniqueness of your condition.

There is a real reason behind your condition, this is your chosen way to learn, refine your soul and spiritually evolve - you’re basically a child learning to swim, alone, scared, but only this way without any help you might learn a lot, really a lot. 

***It needs a lot of bravery, special commitment of your soul to live any experience truly and deeply, being a mystical warrior who is going in the very darkness and let it destroy themselves while studying its ways. And compassion - it underlays everything, your soul committed to that hard journey as a way to gain knowledge to contribute to a lot of beings, without learning and transmuting darkness cosmos can’t continue…

You possibly have experienced strong connection with your spirit guides at certain moment and now high vibration energy you received is working in you, purifying, transmuting, it should be rather hard experience, your darkness is moving and manifesting, karmic connections and lessons are activated. But you’re on the way.

If you’ve previously tried to connect with the spirit guides through various rituals and tools but failed, it might possibly indicate that you were searching in wrong direction and tended to allow yourself to be led by wishful thinking and fantasies. Your failing is your blessing, it means you’re staying on your true path. It’s an indication that it’s time to let go of all expectations, fears, go back to your inner child and open your heart.  

All things are coming in time, there is a time for sowing and time for gathering.

Spirit guides for the lost, disturbed, deeply down 

Embrace simple things, things which are personal and unique, how you experience darkness counts. Your connection with the spirit guides is actually very unique, subtle and personal. Let yourself experience it without holding the images of certain rituals, people, conditions allowing that connection happens. 

Anxious? Lost? Heavy? Go for that and experience, cry, dissolve yourself in day-to-day office work, fight your obsessions but embrace that as your way to grow and connect.

Sometimes it might be as simple as stopping at road crossing and staying for a while observing people, cars and trees, speaking to somebody you never meant to speak, finding beauty in the ornament created with windows and roofs of the houses you’re passing by. Raw, simple, authentic. 

Relax in every moment, no matter what, as deep as possible, relaxation is your way back to reality of your heart

Stay focused, you’re not preparing yourself to experience something special or searching for particular signs, you have no expectations - actually you’re opening to experience anything as that special, but without clinging, letting everything flow

***images and pattern - did you notice twins walking street in front of you? or three beautiful girls in black stepping from drug store?

***colors - what is the color of your neighbor eyes? what is the color of mug you were given at coffee shop that Sunday morning?

***symbols - what was in that strange dream about you your mother saw yesterday?

***sounds, smells, sensations

***words - messages you find on bill boards and in graffitis  

— } all that things might lead you nowhere or somewhere, uncovering experience after experience beneath, so you might find yourself remembering childhood or feeling sadness or longing, subtle memories of so many places, so many feelings, that’s your cosmic heritage, but every time make sure you are back in your present moment.

Open your heart, nothing fancy behind that, just try to turn from your mind conditioning every moment it arises strongly and go back to your heart, with trust and compassion towards yourself, 

practice asking yourself: what I feel? what I love? what I love in myself? do I love myself right now in that difficult moment?

Lastly,start asking your guides to heal your body, even if you feel well, your etheric body might hold huge traumatic experiences


Tell something about your approach, what should I know before purchasing a reading from you?  

Hello! I’m delighted to share my sacred space with you.

Firstly, I’m an ethical holistic tarot reader, I approach every reading with compassion, sensitivity, fully committed. I constantly continue studying tarot and astrology to give my querents authentic spiritual experience.

Tarot is a powerful spiritual tool, making possible for us to connect with the deepest parts of our psyche and farthest corners of universe. I wish to uphold the dignity of this powerful spiritual method, so I’d like to say that I’m not a fortune-teller.

Another thing to consider, tarot is not for faint-hearted, it can become a catalyst for spiritual growth and transformation, when used correctly. Tarot is also famous for telling what you need to hear at present moment, not what you wish.

And lastly, tarot reading is our working together, I wish you provide me as much information about your present situation as possible, so I may formulate the question. That’s how it work - I ask, tarot tells. Great question is in the heart of reading and make possible for us to dive deeper.

The possibilities I’ll help you to explore (but please, don’t hesitate to contact me with your specific question)

soul path questions: your soul mission, what you carry from the past, how to be healed, transformed and grow spiritually (you might check my soul reading, designed specifically for that inquiry)

your spirit guides: in what direction you should look to meet them (ancestors and animal spirits, ascendant masters, angels, extraterrestrial beings, your Higher self), how you can connect, your unique spiritual gifts and powers, what you need to hear at present moment (you might check my spirit guides reading)

going through Moon \ cosmic circles: fully align and explore the possibilities unique energies of specific Moon \ cosmic circle is offering to us. Work closely with the energies of new Moon, full Moon, Scorpio season or Cancer season, planets retrograde. I’ll help you to understand uniqueness and open for that time, advice rituals and directions for spiritual work.

twilight questions: meet your Shadow, the most difficult and denied parts of self, start understanding and integrating, heal and discover what pears (your powers, gifts, undiscovered beautiful aspects) are hidden in the darkness of your Shadow.

Shadow work is a slow and deep process, it needs commitment and bravery, when done correctly and with compassion, it can lead to huge break through and transformation. Dear heart, ask yourself if you’re ready for that?

***archetypes and aspects of self


***rituals and witch power

***your authentic spiritual path

Do you offer some special readings?


Soul reading

A grand 12 cards spread, excellent mixture of tarot and astrology.

Connect on a deeper level with your heart and life purpose, get insight into the themes of this life, personal powers and challenges, lessons to learn

Study the contours of your life map and attune into the sacred energy of your authentic self.

Discover your personal myth.

Raise your spiritual energy, open up for understanding, self-love, healing with high vibrational energy of this reading.

Got ideas and inspirations for new projects.

Transform, revise, make big plans.

Accurate yet mystical.

To tune into your energy I’ll start with casting and reading your astrological natal chart. It’ll give me a direction and some initial insights and then I’ll lay down cards and read them as your life map expressing your unique energy and showing how healing, transformation and spiritual growth is possible.

Read more about the spread I use for this reading —-}  here.

Spirit guides reading

Grand 9 cards reading (I’ll pull additional 16 card in special occasions)

Get to know your spirit guides (ancestors and animal spirits, ascendant masters, angels, extraterrestrial beings, your Higher self) and how they try to connect with you.

Explore the uniqueness of your connection, its pragmatic purpose in your current situation and its mystic roots.

Learn about your unique abilities and psychic predispositions + study personal myth.

Learn how to open up and deepen the connection with the spirit guides, what is blocking you and how to work through that.

Receive the messages you need to hear at present moment.

If you have a question for your spirit guides, let me know with your request and I’ll incorporate it in the reading.

Read more about the spread I use for this reading —} here.

My mystical new year

Grand 12-cards spread + card of the year (calculated through numerology of your date of birth)

 Dive into the main theme of your next year, the cosmic / archetypal energy which will shape and influence you most 

Get a message from every month

Prepare, open up for mystery, see patterns, discover your map.

How can I get a reading from you?

Write to me throughask me or to [email protected],

I need to know your name, date, place and time of birth (that’s okay, if you don’t know the time)

Let me know which reading you’re interested in or your specific question \ your present situation (so we can work together on the question to ask tarot).

I’ll answer with confirmation and let you know when your reading will be with you — usually within 1-2 days  

What you’ll receive in email:

***interpretation of your spread + short description of every card

***the image of your spread

I work on donation basis, so what our exchange involves is donation (made through paypal) and feedback \ testimonial.

Tarot deck I presently work with:

Sasuraibito tarot

Tarot of Vampires

Privacy policies

Your privacy is important to me. All personal details you provide will always remain private and confidential.

Ethical requirements for tarot reading

You should be 18 or older to purchase a reading from me.

My readings can’t be a substitute for the professional advice of doctor, psychologist, mental health professional.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.

All my love,

Anya Moon
