#astrology community



* actual birthday


Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon, Aries Rising

Hostile Ash can’t handle bullshit..so he doesn’t. With his Capricorn sun, he values loyalty and tradition, but his Aries moon can make him a bit impulsive in proving it. His Aries rising makes Ash come off as a domineering and dangerous individual, with his emotions under a level of care. Not one to stray from family, Ash chooses to stay on the front lines just in case something chooses to cross them.


*Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising

Tenacious and passionate Maddy won’t take no for an answer. Her Aquarius sun makes her a unique individual who prides themselves on their perspectives of life. Maddy’s Taurus moon makes her stubborn and confident, while her Leo rising adds a spotlight to her life- even if she doesn’t want it in the private sector. Vindicative at times, Maddy doesn’t back down from a fight..might even start one.


*Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Capricorn Rising

Idealistic and dreamy Jules is ever empathic when it comes to others. Her Pisces sun makes her open to those around her, taking a dip before going for a swim. Her Taurus moon makes her sympathetic, while her Capricorn rising gives her an air of determination, but also with a slight edge of intensity. Jules likes to invite people in, but it’s up to her on whether or not she’ll kick you out.



Libra Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Rising

Charismatic Kat is someone you want on your side- blunt, open minded, and outspoken, she’ll fight for you. Charming, she can swindle her way out of almost anything. Her portrayal of self is different than how she truly feels about herself, which is shown in her Leo moon. Her Libra rising makes her amicable and friendly, as well as diplomatic….if she decides to be.


Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, Gemini Rising

Soft McKay wants to be what others want him to be. Although he has the best intentions, it’s hard for him to express them in the correct way. Hear me out- his Scorpio sun creates inner turmoil, with his Virgo moon adding an inability to process his emotions right; he has to work through them (literally). His Gemini rising makes him a popular guy with circles of friends everywhere; his likability is in his aura. Devoted, he wants things to be at his portrayal of perfection…which can be impossible to fulfill at times.


Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, Scorpio Rising

Nate Jacobs is discrete, calculating, and manipulative. His Sagittarius sun makes his character intelligent when it comes to gathering data, and calculating when it comes to serving it. His Scorpio moon curates a toxic culture of destroying others to get what he wants, instead of delving into the positives and giving instead of taking. His Scorpio rising makes Nate unapproachable, his aura hostile instead of powerful. All in all, Nate is somebody who has a to-do list and doesn’t care about who he has to whack in order to cross something off.


* actual birthday


Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising

Cassie is someone whose deep insecurities came to be from her childhood. Docile when it comes to her lovers, Cassie is someone who finds strength when kind to others. Her Pisces moon gives her the power to be empathetic towards everyone…and I mean everyone (get who I’m talking about). In touch with her emotions, Cassie is aware of her feelings- a bit too much…and she doesn’t really know what causes them. A catalyst for support, Cassie will give unless scorned. She has a lot of power to wield, but still unaware of how to. Her Virgo rising gives way to Cassie looking her best to the world, but a wreck on the inside. Affectionate and caring, she serves those around her.


Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon, Cancer Rising

Fezco is nothing if not loyal. Family oriented and fierce, Fezco refuses to be crossed by anyone. His Leo sun gives way to his generosity being extends towards those he cares about, and who they care about, and so on. Fezco’s Capricorn moon let’s him be traditional in the sense of family- you took care of me, I’m going to take care of you. He keeps his head on straight and he keeps his word; he’d never let external circumstances cloud his overall judgment. Strategic and calculated, he always knows what to do. Fez’s Cancer rising turns him into Home- Ashtray, Rue, and Faye find solace in his home, along with his presence and being.


*Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, Sagittarius Rising

Rue is someone who can be impulsive yet methodical at the same time- channeling Virgo’s mentality and Leo’s enthusiasm, Rue is able to charm anyone in her way. If it works, it works! If not…Anyway, Rue’s someone who would find her way out of a wormhole. Her Leo moon gives her a multitude array of emotions and with the fiery passion Leo ensues, it embodies her character fully until executed outward. Rue’s Sagittarius rising enables her to go beyond this world and the next, and to learn more of what the world has to offer. Dogmatic at times, she can’t resist a good time.


* actual birthday


Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Aquarius Rising

Being an Aries sun and Pisces moon, Lexi is full of the boundless energy Arians possess, along with the receptive qualities of Pisces moon. However, that’s not all. Being neighboring signs, Aries and Pisces are both alike in multitudes of ways. Passiveness is common, but so is the childlike wonder of Aries- and let’s not forget Pisces’ creativity- hello Bob Ross. Lexi is faced with expectations left and right- submissive, quiet, weird. With an Aquarius rising, Lexi dares to go against those expectations and explore her personality and creative capacity further.


Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon, Pisces Rising

Unbothered and humble Elliot takes shit from no one. Elliot cares about his loved ones, but he maintains a “the ends justify the means” mindset that could potentially harm himself and others. With a sensuous Taurus sun, Elliot is all about sensation- how to feel good, when to get good, with who to get good with. His Aquarius moon enables him to detach quickly and be inquisitive when it comes to the best interest of those around him, no matter the circumstances. His Pisces rising paints Elliot as a dreamy character who seeks the other world. Anyway, if not for pleasure, why dig in?


Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Taurus Rising

With her style, Faye knows what she likes. Loyal to a fault, Faye likes to broach the unknown and seek the high her environment provides. One to avoid conflict, Faye still instills conflict (although unknowingly..somehow). With two air signs and an earth sign, Faye’s opinions are served as facts in her mindset and she will refuse anything that she deems irrelevant to her goal at that moment. With a Gemini sun, Faye is open to those around her…eating ass for oxys? Alright. With a Libra moon, she approaches those around her openly unless given a reason not to (fuck that manager). Her Taurus rising bestows her a matter-of-fact aura that can get her into entanglements if not managed right.


Venus in the:

1ST:walking into a pole while looking at them, play wrestling to full on WWE matches

2ND: crypto bf/gf & astrology/bookstagram bf/gf and monthly spa trips. Movie and dinner…at home. “Is that my shirt??”

3RD:staying on the phone till 10AM, “oh fuck”. Golden retrievers with unlimited messaging & data

4TH: initials in the bio and buying rings for Valentine’s Day. Family friends with benefits…shared recipes.

5TH:proposal pranks in restaurants. One is the Parent at times. Leashed backpacks and weird inside jokes…finishing each other’s sentences

6TH:Hubby/Wifey activity under bf/gf status…Type to wash your dishes if they see them in a sink. Melania slapping Trump’s hand away

7TH:(almost) codependent old married couple that is the equivalent of Nabokov & his letters to Vera

8TH:Mr. & Mrs. Smith with tantric sex and old money & private IG accts

9TH:Chris McCandless adventures and flirtatious best friends that like each other’s company more. Think favorite person at a function

10TH:mentor relationship; one has the connections, other has the image. Christian and Christine Grey with coordinating outfits

11TH:friendzone vibe but Venus is painting House person and likes to be alone with House. Phoebe Buffay(House) in a relationship with Steven Hyde(Venus). House is Venus’ diary. Cyberstalking and unique slides in the DMs

12TH:Ariel but Ariel is stalking Eric and Eric is distracted by a butterfly (think “is this a ___?” meme) and likes Ariel but he gets distracted. Ariel is staring at him and he’s just. Distracted. “WHERE ARE YOU??” texts from Venus unanswered cause House is asleep. Ursula is Ariel’s “””dArK siDe”””


Y'all! Please help me!

I promise I won’t be this pitiful person, I am just someone in the need of help. I will of course be making more pick a cards and astrology posts, but I really need money, and I will be even telling you why.

This is really personal to me, so I will be deleting as soon as I reach a secure amount. So, a few days ago I was charged for multiple things I have not made purchases for and it takes a while to get refunds. I have to pay some actual important bills and purchases to be able to live without anxiety. I cannot take care of myself or anyone else for that matter like this.

I am ashamed to admit it, but due to this I have only 10$. That’s it, not more.

So please if you are in a financially stable situation where you can donate, even if it’s only 1$ please do so. If not, please reblog, likes do not help.


If you feel like you should be given something for donations I am willing to provide both tarot and astrology/chart readings.

Please help a WOC out

Hey don’t be hard on yourself, it’s ok to need help every once in awhile! It’s nothing to be ashamed of, be proud of yourself for having the courage to say something. Some people will avoid a topic such as this one all together and suffer in silence, ya know? Stuff happens, life throws random mystery boxes at you to figure out and solve, best of luck


Y'all, I don’t care if this is embarrassing, please buy from me, or at least spread this so I can have clients. I know I am annoying, however, I would appreciate people reaching out to me. Even a reblog will help, and I am sorry if I am frustrating you, but I am as frustrated as you are.

Look, you can even ask questions from me for 5 months straight for free if you buy something from my services post.




s e r v i c e s

disclaimer; i am aware that some of my prices are high, but please understand that i use business paypal and due to depression doing a long reading might be draining for me - but i will work hard on it! -. I will lower some of the prices once more people will be interested!

-   ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ 私は完璧ではないよ ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

❛ payment is done before you get your service! please dm, don’t send an ask ༉‧₊˚✧


here you can find my lowest paid services, i try to make them affordable to anyone.

.˚ ₍₎┊..⃗. 3$⌇ gogo!  ᵎ

- any question and a short answer.

-short aura reading.

-short reading about your pet <3

-‘what could of have been if…’ readings, short

- [blank]’s opinion of you, short

.˚ ₍₎┊..⃗. 7$⌇ <3 ᵎ

-2 questions on a situation

-short reading about your past life, (500-1000 words)

-messages from your spirit guides

- messages from your future s/o

- careerguide



option 1

in which you pay 7$ and in exchange can ask up to 5 questions a day, everyday for one month.

option 2

in which you pay 15$, and can ask up to 10 questions a day, everyday, for 3 months.

option 3

in which you pay 25$ and can ask up to 20 questions per day, everyday, for 8 months.


option 1

in which you pay 15$, and I will tell you who you were in your past life, your interests and whatever comes through. - includes 4 to 5 sections -

option 2

in which you pay 25$ and i tell you about yourself, everything important and your past relationships, both platonic and romantic. - 6 to 10 sections -

option 3

in this you pay 35$ i will be as detailed as possible with your past life. - 12 to 25 sections -

note;since everyone views past lives differently, you are free to choose out what the sections should be, you can costumise it for your liking.


option 1

In which, you pay 15$ and can ask 3 questions - each reading being 5k - and will receive answers from your spirit guides too.

option 2

In which you pay 35$ and can ask 5 questions - each answer being 7k words -, receive answers from your spirit guides, get an aura reading on a situation/person and a channelled message from angels.

option 3

In which you pay 75$, can ask up to 10 questions - each reading being 10k words - , chanelled messages, spirit guide advice, aura reading on a situation/person, comparison so you understand your situation better, a playlist, pictures and a carrd.

adds ons.

carrds!you can choose out the topic of it, the theme and the type. 5$

drawings!these will just be visions i get while doing your reading. 15$

playlists!to fit your reading. 10$

aesthetic!I will be doing readings on notion mobile, so you can choose out the aesthetic and colours. (example; red dark academy, blue soft core, black cyber core ect) 5$

channelled messages! from whoever you want tbh. 5$

thank you for reading ꪆᰰ ༉

you guys, go support bestie

i need it

The Sun ☉

Chakra: The Root.
Number:Zero. (0)
Energies:Masculine. ♂

The Moon ☾

Chakra:The Sacral.
Number: One. (1)
Energies: Feminine. ♀

Mercury ☿

Chakra:The Throat.
Number:Three (3)
Energies:Masculine. ♂

Mars ♂

Chakra:The Navel.
Number:Four. (4)
Energies: Masculine. ♂

Venus ♀

Sign: Taurus and Libra.
Chakra:The Heart.
Number:Five. (5)
Energies: Feminine. ♀

Jupiter ♃

Chakra: The Third Eye.
Number:Six (6)
Energies:Feminine. ♀

Saturn ♄

Chakra:The Root.
Number: Seven (7)
Energies:Masculine. ♂

Other Links:

Astrology: Aspects

Aries ♈︎:

Aries placements can make for a fiery, pioneering, and persistent attitude associating with the effect of the celestial body.  Aries belongs to the element Fire, and is ruled by Mars.

Taurus ♉︎:

Taurus placements can make for a balanced, rational, resourceful style correlating with the influence of the celestial body.  Taurus belongs to the element Earth, and is ruled by Venus.

Gemini ♊︎:

Gemini placements can make for a lively, versatile, and synchronized approach connecting with the impact of the celestial body.  Gemini belongs to the element Air, and is ruled by Mercury.

Cancer ♋︎:

Cancer placements can make for an enthusiastic, cautious, and conventional methodology associating with the effect of the celestial body.  Cancer belongs to the element Water and is ruled by the Moon.

Leo ♌︎:

Leo placements can make for a welcoming, thrilling, and flamboyant style correlating with the influence of the celestial body.  Leo belongs to the element Fire, and is ruled by the Sun.

Virgo ♍︎:

Virgo placements can make for a conscientious, practical, and analytical attitude linking with the impact of the celestial body. Virgo belongs to the element Earth, and is ruled by Mercury.

Libra ♎︎:

Libra placements can make for a sophisticated, fair-minded, sociable approach correlating with the effect of the celestial body.  Libra belongs to the element Air, and is ruled by Venus.

Scorpio ♏︎:

Scorpio placements can make for an intense, secluded, elaborate methodology associating with the effect of the celestial body. Scorpio belongs to the element water and is ruled by Mars or Pluto.

Sagittarius ♐︎:

Sagittarius placements can make for an expansive, charming, independent style connecting with the influence of the celestial body. Sagittarius belongs to the element Fire, and is ruled by Jupiter.

Capricorn ♑︎:

Capricorn placements can make for an acquisitive, focused, plausible attitude linking with the impact of the celestial body. Capricorn belongs to the element Earth, and is ruled by Saturn.

Aquarius ♒︎:

Aquarius placements can make for an alluring, imaginative, inventive approach correlating with the effect of the celestial body.  Aquarius belongs to the element air, and is ruled by the planet Saturn or Uranus.

Pisces ♓︎:

Pisces placements can make for an enthusiastic, ingenious, beautiful methodology associating with the effect of the celestial body. Pisces belongs to the element water and is ruled by the Mercury or Pluto.

Other Links:

Astrology: Aspects

When reading a Birth Chart, its important to consider that the most occurring element is their dominant element, not the element of their Solar Placement. Each sign has their associated element that can delve into ones demeanor.



Placements:Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Dominants:Fire dominants are generally ravishingly enthusiastic, resourceful, and brightly burning in their mannerisms.


Placements:Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Dominants: Earth dominants are often dreamers, yet maintain a sensible, conscientious, and determined aptitude.


Placements:Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Dominants: Air dominant people are coordinated, practical, ingenious, captivating, and luminous with their demeanor.


Placements:Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Dominants: Water dominants are very impassioned, innovative, creative, ambitious, and romantic souls at heart.

Other Links:

Astrology: Aspects




If you’re an IG page and want to repost this, don’t forget to tag the creator: @sacerdotess4onIG

Don’t plagiarize, you were born original, don’t die a copy.


Your Life Path Number (number of destiny)

How to calculate it:

your day of birth + month + year


if your birthday’s on 21/12/2002, you should calculate it this way:

2+1+1+2+2+0+0+2 = 10 = 1+0 = 1

1 is your life path number

Life Path 1:

Archetype:the warrior

You’re an innovator, an individualistic and independent soul. You’re bold, active, strong, stubborn and unique. You could be quite self-centered and prone to rebellious acts, you’re unconventional, original and attracted to unique people. You’re not suggestible, it’s impossible to change your mind. You have great leadership skills. During your lifetime you could face many lonely periods but it doesn’t scares you. It’s hard for you to express your feelings, you could be more rational and not so emotional. You could suffer of anxiety and your biggest fear could be failure.

Ruling planet:Sun

If you’re born on 1, 10, 19, 28 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 2:

Archetype: the child

You’re sensitive, emotional, protective, nurturing and kind. You could crave many attentions from others and you could be kinda passive, more receptive, not so dynamic. You tend to trust other easily, it’s hard for you to notice red flags, you’re kinda naive and innocent. You love to help others and you’re extremely generous. You could be romantic and family oriented, social and friendly. You’re creative and attracted to every form of art. Your deepest fear could be loneliness and rejection.

Ruling planet:Moon

If you’re born on 2, 11, 20, 29 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 3:

Archetype:the jester

You’re creative, expressive, optimistic, joyful, inspiring and smart. You could be talented in every artistic field, you could also be a great communicator, actor and writer. You have an innate good taste in clothes and style. You can’t stand routine and monotony, you need constant stimuli, you could be multi-potential or someone with many different hobbies. You have great leadership skills, you’re charismatic and persuasive. You’re friendly, chatty and fun to have around. You could be quite anxious and with an unstable sense of identity.

Ruling planet:Jupiter

If you’re born on 3, 12, 21, 30 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 4:

Archetype:the builder

You’re traditional, methodical, materialistic and not so spiritual, you value facts over words, you could lack of creativity and flexibility, you’re quite determinate, goal oriented, persistent and stubborn. You’re someone others can easily trust, you’re predictable, organized, helpful and practical. You could be kinda inflexible and intolerant toward those who are different and new ideas.

Ruling planet:Sun

If you’re born on 4, 13, 22, 31 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 5:

Archetype:the researcher

You’re a free spirit, an open minded individual always in search of an adventure. You like to explore the world, to travel, to know new people and to expand your social circle. You’re bold, optimistic and attracted to new ideas. Changes doesn’t scares you, you accept the fluidity of life. You’re dynamic and always in search of new stimuli and interesting things. You’re sensual and attractive, you like to experiment with your sexuality and you’re intolerant toward jealousy. You’re charismatic and impulsive. You could have some problems when it comes to discipline and structure.

Ruling planet: Mercury

If you’re born on 5, 14, 23 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 6:

Archetype:the angel

You’re loving, friendly, charismatic, kind, protective and tolerant toward others. You’re classy and attracted to aesthetically pleasing things, you could be talented in every artistic field. You’re connected with your heart and your emotions, kinda sensitive and emotional. You’re not so attracted toward changes, routines are good for you. You’re a big dreamer but you could be prone toward laziness. You could be kinda insecure and rely too much on others.

Ruling planet: Venus

If you’re born on 6, 15, 24 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 7:

Archetype: the wise

You’re intellectual, skeptical, always in search for the highest truth, knowledgeable, introverted, attracted to philosophy and psychology. You’re attracted to the occult and mysticism. You’re ambitious, inspired, deep, complex and prone to anxiety. You tend to isolate yourself and suffer of loneliness, you could be a perfectionist and kinda cynical.

Ruling planet:Moon

If you’re born on 7, 16, 25 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 8:

Archetype:the king

You’re gifted with charisma and leadership skills, ambition, an high self esteem, independence and a strong willpower. You’re logical, objective and impartial. You’re not scared of obstacles, you’re motivated and willing to learn something by every challenge. You could have high standards and feel like a failure if you feel like your life is not equivalent to your expectations. If undeveloped, you could be quite arrogant, stubborn and vindictive.

Ruling planet:Saturn

If you’re born on 8, 17, 26 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

Life Path 9:

Archetype:the freedom lover

Your personality is filled with a feminine and earthy energy, you’re spiritual, open minded, caring, humanitarian, sensitive and emotional, you care about every creature of the Earth, you want to make the world a better place. You’re alternative, non-conforming, different and original, you like to make things in your own way. Order and balance are extremely important for you, you hate every form of conflict. It’s hard for you to regulate your emotions, they are strong and intense.

Ruling planet: Mars

If you’re born on 9, 18, 27 of any months you’re influenced by this archetype too.

ko-fi ☕️:sacerdotessa

{astro notes; pt. 6}


[Long post ahead; Juno in the signs and houses!]

I wanted to get back to discussing asteroids for quite some time now, and I felt like this is the perfect placement to start again. Asteroid Juno (3) has been a very popular asteroid for a lot of people who wanted to know more about their Future Spouses.
However, it is imperative to know that Asteroid Juno (3) is not the end-all-be-all determinant for your Future Spouse’s characteristics. If anything, this asteroid is all about what you want or seek in a potential Future Spouse. It is what you believe is right for you, your preference, your standards, and what traits they have that attracts you to them.
In this post, I’ll be discussing both the sign and house your Asteroid Juno (3) is in, and what it means for your potential relationships that could lead to marriage or life-long partnership.

Part 1: In the signs •

Juno in Aries

  • Thefirst group of people with this placement are those who act in a dominating way during first impressions. These natives want to know if potential partners have what it takes to handle their fiery and strong energies. The second group are those who want a partner who is dominating and assertive in nature! They might purposely play coy and damsels-in-distress to see how those potential partners react. They need to see what the other person will do, or how they react to certain situations — if the potential partner can be as assertive as they are. And lastly, the third group is a mixture of the first and second groups. They might swing back and forth with their dominating, self-reliant attitude, to becoming a passive spectator in the next moment.
  • Out of all the placements, this may be the one who does not want to marry after all. These people’s self-reliance and confidence in their own company may overpower their desire for romantic partnerships. (I have this placement, so I know the struggle of this particular placement very well).

Juno in Taurus

  • People with Juno in Taurus are a lot of good things, but above all else, they are the ones looking for safety and security in a partner the most! Depending on which house this asteroid is placed, people with this placement tend to look for “something” from a potential partner; may it be financial stability, emotional maturity, creativity, being good with kids, or maybe a free spirit. But people with Juno in Taurus usually would want their potential significant other to tick off the boxes on their “standards list,” so most people would dub them as choosy or picky.
  • However, these natives tend to be happiest when their partner is providing them that personal brand of safety and security (according to what they actually want). I’ve observed that most people with this placement have a soft spot for when they’re being given personalized gifts by their partners or potential partners. It makes them feel very thought of, and that their partner is truly thinking about them when acquiring that present.

Juno in Gemini

  • Juno in Gemini natives crave intellectual connection the most. It might sound cliché for a Gemini/Mercurian placement, but the truth is that no matter how attractive a person is, it won’t truly matter to a Juno in Gemini native unless the mental connection is there. I have personally met a couple people with this placement, and they have identified as sapiosexuals (or sapiophiles). They just find mental stimulation as appealing as physical attraction, and they believe that lifelong partnerships and/or relationships are based on intellectual compatibility.
  • Without intellectual compatibility, these natives might find their relationships shallow, or without “anchor,” as someone with this placement once said. It’s as if there’s no real common ground if conversations are going nowhere, and the mental energies are not matching. People with this placement need someone who can establish cerebral rapport, and keep it interested that way.

Juno in Cancer

  • Emotional maturity and empathetic intelligence are what Juno in Cancer natives yearn for. For them, this is the bread and butter of any relationships they have and might have — regardless if it’s platonic or romantic. This is a non-negotiable trait for the people with this placement. Moreso, this placement gives the natives a sort of “radar,” in which they’d identify if the person who’s pursuing them is not being genuine in their approach. A lot of people can fall for sweet words, but not a Juno in Cancer native. They just know.
  • In addition, they’d want someone who can handle their emotional depth. They don’t want being hindered in expressing emotions because most of the time, they are already being suppressed by the coldness of society; these natives would never want to be in a relationship that extends that cynicism to their emotional needs.

Juno in Leo

  • Out of all the signs, people with natal Juno in Leo are the ones that wanted to be showed off. The refuse to be hidden by their partners as if being ashamed of being seen together with them. These natives also want someone who they can be proud to show off to people in their lives; which means someone who looks and sounds presentable, and someone who doesn’t need to be looked after. They want someone confident and outspoken, but not arrogant.
  • In addition, people with this placement want someone who can share creative ideas with them! Being able to express their creative side is one of the most important things they need in a relationship. And someone who shares the same amount of interest in the creative fields they are in is definitely a plus. They want their partners to also enjoy what they are creating. These natives are definitely going to create something with their partner. It could be a collaborative art piece, a dance, a song, a dish, a literary work, etc. Juno in Leo natives are most likely to treat their partners as their muses and inspirations.

Juno in Virgo

  • Juno in Virgo natives look for partners who are and can be put together. Most people underestimate the importance of accomplishing the mundane routines and everyday tasks. But these are things that do not go unnoticed by people with this placement. They want someone they can rely on to successfully execute a daily task, and do the necessary things to make life easier for them. They don’t want a partner that’s going to be “deadweight” to them. They didn’t get married (or entered into a lifetime relationship) to be treated as a secretary.
  • Furthermore, they want a partnership that fosters a progression in learning. These people abhor mental stagnation, and would want to be in a partnership that stimulates their minds so that they can learn from each other. Also, open communication is a must for the people with this placement. They absolutely hate misunderstandings because that results in a mess and unnecessary delays. In result, both them and their partner are working hand in hand to make daily things go smoothly for them and other people.

Juno in Libra

  • When Juno is combined with one of the ruling signs of Venus, people with this placement may be seen or regarded as the embodiment of spouse-material. A lot of people want to be with these natives; or at least, others have fantasized what it could be like to have this native as a long-term partner or spouse. And while these natives can be aware of the general population of their admirers, they tend to underestimate the depth that their admirers’ affections toward them. This is because Juno in Libra natives are very charming, welcoming, pleasant, can be romantic in their own way, and is the apple of people’s eyes.
  • On the other hand, while these natives seem to be receptive to the general public’s attentions, they are very strict with their standards. A couple of flowers and chocolates are not going to win their hearts that easily. They are easygoing in love but they are no going to stoop down to a standard they don’t want. They will not tolerate unsavory behavior from their partners, and will not hesitate to cut connections off if their peace is being disturbed.

Juno in Scorpio

  • As with all Scorpio placements, Juno in this sign is not exempted from intensity, passion, and emotional depth. Juno in Scorpio natives are your ultimate ride-or-die when it comes to their connections and relationships (regardless if this is romantic or platonic). When looking for a significant other, these natives can be quite reclusive and even cutthroat. They want to know if potential partner have what it takes to handle their intensity and seriousness when it comes to relationships. They have the habit of sizing-up their potential partners; even going as far as intimidation.
  • Most of the time, these people avoid casual relationships — or situationships — simply because they don’t want to be someone’s “for the meantime” partner. They want a partner who will treat them with the same seriousness and depth they’re willing to give back. If unhealthily aspected, they might even go as far as seeking a partner who would obsess over them, and exhibit possessive behavior towards them. This is something these natives have to watch out for because just like Juno in Libra, people with Juno in Scorpio are not in shortage of admirers. It’s just that their admirers are mostly keeping their desire hidden, and tend to go overboard with obsession.

Juno in Sagittarius

  • People with Juno in Sagittarius value experiencing life to the fullest. They have a lot of places, experiences, and knowledge they want to earn in this lifetime. Therefore, what they look for in a partner is someone who will not hinder their quest to accomplishing these goals and aspirations. These natives are one of the most open-minded people out there, and they do not mesh well with partners who limit their thirst for higher knowledge and the academe. This ability to absorb a huge amount of information about different topics at the same time can be polarizing to a potential partner of a Juno in Sagittarius native because these natives can stay afloat comfortably within two seemingly opposite ends of a topic’s spectrum. They don’t mind not taking a side for a while if it means they can see the biggest picture possible as they come to their own conclusion.
  • With that said, they would want a partner who they can converse with, and exchange thoughts and opinions to broaden their body of knowledge altogether. As a placement under the fire element, they don’t want boring life routines; they want dynamism and growth in a relationship instead of settling for the mundane and calling it a day.

Juno in Capricorn

  • Juno in Capricorn natives live their lives with a clear purpose. Whatever it is that they set their minds on, they will achieve one way or another. And this attitude bleeds through their approach in relationships as well. They would like a partner who is decisive in life choices and actions because these natives wouldn’t want to be with someone who can slow them down, or render them ineffective due to their partner’s hesitations. These natives don’t like an aggressive partner; they just want someone calm yet convicted. Someone who is level-headed, decisive, and grounded. This is because these natives really deserve someone who can take the wheels for them effectively every once in a while to give them a break.
  • In addition, Juno in Capricorn natives have a unique sense of humor that not all people can understand. It can range from dry to sarcastic, and sometimes even insult jokes — which can rub some people the wrong way. But truly, once these natives find someone who can take the jokes and handle it with grace, you found the shortcut to these natives’ hearts. They might seem too serious in relationships and friendships. But if you get their jokes, they’ll warm up to you more quickly, and they’ll feel more safe to express themselves to you.

Juno in Aquarius

  • When person has their natal Juno in Aquarius, this makes them one of the most open-minded people out there. The individual is often open to new ideas and takes on how relationships can work. While they can be your typical, traditional partner (if they want to), they often find themselves being alright in unconventional kinds of relationships as well. They’re also not bothered by other people who silently — or even outright — judge their relationships because in these natives’ minds, as long as they’re feeling happy and okay in these atypical partnerships, they don’t care about what others would say.
  • This isn’t to say that all natives with this placement have unconventional relationships. Most of the time, this placement calls for the native to look for someone who can be comfortable with unconventional things with them without judgment! I’ve also observed that people with this placement can be in relationships that are very proactive with human rights, going on parades for the marginalized and the minority; they’re that couple who are very outspoken with what’s going on in their community and their countries. And even what’s happening in the world!

Juno in Pisces

  • As with water sign placements, Juno in Pisces natives are looking for that emotional depth, intensity, and maturity. But what sets this placement apart from Juno in Cancer and Juno on Scorpio is the mental connection and total spiritual compatibility. I’ve known one person with this placement, and they refuse to be with someone who doesn’t feel like they are completely compatible with one another. They have this internal “scanner” that doesn’t fail them, and they can see past first impressions when people put their best foot forward in order to look or sound really good. Best believe these natives can see you underneath all that act immediately.
  • This is why they want authenticity above all else. Natives are those who want to deep-dive into their partner’s psyche to really understand who they’re being with. The thing is, they expect the same level of understanding to be given to them by their partners but not everyone can be ready for that. So, there’s the possibility of feeling isolated in friendships and relationships. What these natives look for is someone who isn’t afraid to introspect with them, and explore their internalized thoughts together. Only then would the native truly feel seen, heard, and understood.

• Part 2: Houses •

Juno in the 1st House

  • People with their Juno in the 1st House are looking for someone who is unabashedly themselves. They want someone who isn’t afraid of showing who they really are, without pretense. These natives usually feel on the first impression when a potential partner is pretending to be someone they’re not — or those with a different side to them that isn’t being shown on the surface. Juno in the 1st House natives are really good at spotting those have ulterior motives with them, and these natives are absolutely not afraid to call it out. This ability is a gift in disguise because these natives can easily weed out those who aren’t being genuine with them with this attitude of calling people out for their sketchiness. They just want someone who shows their true colors.

Juno in the 2nd House

  • When Juno is placed in the 2nd House, this urges the native to find material, tangible, and over-all security. There’s a sense of needing a “safe place” to stay at the end of the day where you can let loose, and just feel secure from all of the outside elements — like hunger, exposure from danger, monetary lack, and people that can do harm. There’s a real primal feeling in this house that you can combine with the particular sign that Juno is in. Therefore, they look for partners that can make them feel safe above all else. They yearn to feel that protection and security from their potential partners because they’re willing to do the very same protection they’re wanting to receive. They want someone who can act like a “pack” with.

Juno in the 3rd House

  • It’s safe to say that everyone wants a healthy open communication dynamic with their partners, but this is especially highlighted when a native has their Juno in the 3rd House. They go beyond hi’s and hello’s with their partner, and really do the work necessary to be crystal clear with their words and intentions and thoughts — no matter how uncomfortable this can be for their partnership sometimes. They aren’t afraid to speak their minds because they know it’s necessary to say what’s on your mind. The good thing is, these natives are really good with maneuvering vocabulary as to not sound harsh. They have a talent to choose their words wisely.

Juno in the 4th House

  • If Juno in the 2nd House natives yearn after the security and safety of a house, Juno in the 4th House natives yearn to make a “home out of the house.” People with this placement want to feel emotionally secure with the partner they’re with that goes beyond material things or tangible results. This is especially true if Juno is in retrograde. The native might have seen the unsavory dynamic of their childhood families, and may want to “do it all over” in a proper way to rectify and soothe their inner child. But they also could’ve had a good and emotionally secure childhood, and wouldn’t want to lower those standards their loving parents have established.

Juno in the 5th House

  • What these natives look for a partner is someone who isn’t afraid to explore theor creativity, dynamism, and unique approaches to life. Juno in the 5th House natives wouldn’t want to be with someone who is boring, or someone who would settle for the “tried and tested methods.” People with this placement are not afraid to try new things according to their personalities, and would want a partner who can encourage them to be more authentic; and someone who can dish out their own creative takes! Also, these natives want a partner who is good with kids! Someone who isn’t afraid to be playful and innocent — someone who isn’t afraid to be unapologetically themselves.

Juno in the 6th House

  • Duty calls for natives with Juno in their 6th House. They would want someone who’s reliable, trustworthy when it comes to accomplishing important things every day, responsible, and accountable. Speaking of routines, these natives would really like someone who their can incorporate into their daily routines with ease. They don’t like someone who is really hard to get along with. But most of all, they absolutely abhor potential partners who can be deadweight to their every day activities. Juno in the 6th House natives can be real cutthroat when people in their lives make their tasks and jobs harder than it already is. They’d rather not have a partner than deal with useless people every day.

Juno in the 7th House

  • Juno in the 7th House natives are more than love and romance. While this house certainly deals with those themes, they thrive in relationships that prove loyalty to their cause. They would want a partner who can protect them (or at least back them up) when unsavory people try make an enemy out of them. Frienships are also important with these natives. It can really turn them off if they can’t get along well with their significant other’s friends. Also, they like it when their partner can understand the nuances in they way they speak towards different people. Sometimes, this native can be casual with people they’re comfortable with, but stiff with those they’re skeptical of. And they want their partner to pick up on this.

Juno in the 8th House

  • People with Juno in the 8th House look for someone who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty with diving deep inside the intricacies of intimacies. They don’t waste their time and effort on someone who isn’t willing to be as close and personal as they are, and to those who are only in a relationship with them for shallow purposes. Furthermore, these natives have a knack for getting into the inner workings of their potential partners like second nature, which can get very overwhelming for the person being mentally probed. But to those who can take it, they’ll find that these natives are more than what they seem.

Juno in the 9th House

  • Stagnation and mental inactivity — especially intellectual decay — are something that Juno on the 9th House natives absolutely abhor. These natives wouldn’t want to be with someone who is close-minded; or worse, someone who is ignorant by choice! They want a potential partner to be someone who can introduce them to new ideas and experiences, and those who can enjoy new places and information with them with no prejudices beforehand. Judgmental people are an absolute no for these natives. An ideal partner is that person who can mesh well with people from different walks of life.

Juno in the 10th House

  • People with this placement need someone who can understand the level and depth of dedication they have when it comes to their craft, their work, and most of all, their ambition. These natives cannot be with someone who isn’t going to help them achieve their goals, those who doubt their abilities, and those who settle for less. Juno in 10th House natives thrive with a partner who can push them to succeed when things get challenging, someone who trusts that the native can accomplish their work goals, and who can believe in the native’s leadership skills.

Juno in the 11th House

  • Natives with Juno in their 11th House look for someone who can understand their innovative way of thinking. These natives have a really fresh take on life and living, and being with someone who always does things by the book (or with “tried and tested” methods) without giving these natives’ ideas a chance would not be an ideal partner. Being able to share novel ideas with different people, and exchanging meaningful debates are something integral for these natives. They also prefer someone who can introduce them to eccentric and fresh connections. But most of all, these natives want a partner who can make socializing easier for them.

Juno in the 12th House

  • Juno in the 12th House natives put so much importance on connections that help them fulfill their karmic debt. These native wouldn’t waste time on potential partners who give them meaningless interactions or sweet nothings that don’t make an impact in their lives — and life purpose. These natives can develop a habit of looking for intense partners that can give them the internalized satisfaction of experiencing life-changing moments and/or lessons. They also tend to look for a partner who can really get into the depths of their psyche, it feels like they’re being psychologically undressed.
I believe this might be my longest astrology post ever. I don’t think I’ll do a post this long again! I just thought it would be a better idea to put both the houses and the signs in one post instead of cutting them in separate posts. I hope you all enjoyed this one!


Copyright © 2022 by TarotWitchy

[Do not repost, copy, or reword]

❥ .

October 20 - December 31

A series of each birthday and the significance to each one according to astrology. Comment or ask me about your specific day and I’ll write one for you! PS: I PRIORITIZE ASKS <3

October 20 - Language Of Birthdays- Libra

October 21 - Language Of Birthdays - Libra

October 22 - Language Of Birthdays - Libra

October 23 - Language Of Birthdays - Libra/Scorpio

October 24 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 25 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 26 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 27 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 28 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 29 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 30 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

October 31 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 1 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 2 -Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 3 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 4 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 5 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 6 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 7 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 8 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 9 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 10 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 11 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 12 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 13 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 14 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 15 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 16 -Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 17 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 18 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 19 -Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 20 - Language Of Birthdays- Scorpio

November 21 - Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio

November 22 -Language Of Birthdays - Scorpio/Sagittarius

November 23 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 24 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 25 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 26 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 27 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 28 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 29 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

November 30 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 1 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 2 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 3 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 4 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 5 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 6 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 7 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 8 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 9 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 10 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 11 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 12 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 13 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 14 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 15 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 16 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 17 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 18 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 19 -Language Of Birthdays- Sagittarius

December 20 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 21 -Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius

December 22 - Language Of Birthdays - Sagittarius/Capricorn

December 23 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 24 -Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 25 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 26 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 27 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 28 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 29 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 30 - Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn

December 31 -Language Of Birthdays - Capricorn


I’ll shortly describe and compare the characteristics of your zodiac sign to a certain type of drug - this post is a little more generalized than my others for the sake of making it easier to compare. This is purely for entertainment purposes only and is not an accurate representation of drug use, nor do I condone to any sort of drug use. Don’t be tempted!!

Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! Give full credits if reposted - Karo

ꪖ᥅꠸ꫀᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Crystal meth because you’re all over the place followed by the anger issues lol. The same way it can be ingested in a plethora type of ways reflects how the Aries sign can not only be spontaneous but also adaptable to everything and everyone. Meth affects the central nervous system which is also the ruler of Aries since Aries rules the head and brain. This drug can cause severe psychological issues, just like Arie- JK lol. Typical for both the sign and the drug is energetic, quick and rash effects which gives you a huge rush that gets you hooked instantly. But with time, the same way you get to know an Aries on a more personal level, you will feel stimulated with just the right amount of pleasure…. and hell. Even during hard times where the individual is absent, you will miss them like crazy. Once you crack, you never go back <3.

ꪻꪖꪊ᥅ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Ecstasy because you get all the feels and molly is known as the drug of deep feelings and closeness to others. You are sensual and feel a strong sense of love for everything around you. This sign is capable of getting you in and out of both love-worthy and destructive situations. Being with this sign similarly to the drug will touch the deepest part of your mind and stimulate you in places you never thought could be spiritually touched. They’ll make you see things beyond your own perspective and see the light in even the darkest of individuals. It takes a lot for a Taurus to give up on you. This sign is able to nurture your inner child, just like the drug which can bring it out. The same way molly makes your body relaxed and sensitize you to empathy, you’ll feel the same enlightment being with a providing Taurus. You will never forget the part of you that Taurus could bring out and they will always have a special place in your heart.

ᧁꫀꪑ꠸ꪀ꠸ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Salvia because you’re indecisive, giggly and have a deep sense of love. Salvia tends to affect a person’s thinking and choices, similar to Gemini’s ruler Mercury. Easily obtainable, Geminis are very open people who are curious about life and perhaps even the spiritual realms. Their highs can easily put you in a better mood and relaxation. Their playfulness can make you laugh uncontrollably, be talkative, recollect your memory and bring out the inner child in you. In terms of love they’ll provide an out-of-body experience, although can quickly turn dark and give an overall sense of detachment or disconnection from one’s self and the environment which makes you vigilant. You will always remember the experience you had with geminis and they will never disappoint - unless you yourself lack coordination in life.

ᥴꪖꪀᥴꫀ᥅ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

LSD because you’re loving and playful but gentle enough for the spiritual realm that follows. These sensory hallucinations can be accompanied by rapid and intense emotional swings, just like the cancer who can be unpredictable at times. LSD enhances the emotional empathy but impairs the ability to recognize fear, similar to Cancer. On the other hand, they have therapeutic potential and increase feelings of interconnectivity just like the Cancer. They have a very strong gut-feeling, similarly how the drug can produce crossover senses such as synesthesia. The love accompanied by these individuals will alter your sense of self and sense of time. When creating a deeper bond - it will reward you with euphoria. Regarding your experience with them, you’ll be much more aware of yourself and the depth of others’ emotions. It’s something you definitely need to get behind at least once in your lifetime.

ꪶꫀꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Cocaine because you’re on top of the world and always in the center of attention. You’re able to create a very powerful aura around you that other people can instantly sense. They will make you feel happy, confident, excited and on top of your game. These people similar to the drug will at times make you so confident that you do things you wouldn’t normally do (which might be risky). Cocaine can also increase your sexual desires too, but we already knew Leos have high sex appeal ;) Being in love with these individuals will make you feel so alive, similar to the drug. They’ll make your heart beat faster and raise your body temperature. If you’re prone to staying closed off to the world - leos will help you be chattier, more animated and hungry for adventure. Their drive and high consciousness will make the experience unforgettable and is something you’ll take with you forever.

ꪜ꠸᥅ᧁꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Adderall because you’re always hyper focused and straight to the point. These individuals similarly to the drug will improve your focus and reduce impulsivity by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. Virgos will decrease your feelings of nervousness and restlessness around them - making them great partners who give plenty of support. They will elevate your mood by stimulating just the right senses as well as allowing you control over situations that you otherwise view as stressful. This property makes them highly addictive since power can be deeply rooted in egoism - which is something to watch out for because it can easily be abused, just like the drug. You will always remember them for their experimentalism and quiet power - which is addicting ;)

ꪶ꠸᥇᥅ꪖ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Cannabis because you’re longing for balance. You can either be calm like the effects of CBD or energetic like the effects of THC. Getting high is really about being able to have different perspectives and seeing things differently than a sober mind would, I think Libras fit this narrative very well since they seek a calm and relaxing environment. Libras are diplomatic, versatile and easy-going people, cannabis fits the low-maintenance and low-risk category which really makes it accessible to lots of different types of people. Your experience with Libras will almost always be dependable on how you approach them, but you’ll always be impressed by their ability to adapt to situations no matter what.

ᦓᥴꪮ᥅ρ꠸ꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Heroin because you’re intense and addictive as well as very substance and taboo oriented which is a big theme for the narcotic itself. The drug gives very much all-or-nothing vibes, similarly in relationships with Scorpios the dynamic of ride-or-die is prominent. One dose of you and you’ll have anyone addicted. Scorpios are very tolerant, seducing and emotionally stimulating - which makes them dependable just like the drug itself. It’s hard to underestimate this sign due to their naturally intense nature. Scorpios being the sign most prone to extremities, I find heroin to be the most fitting drug for this sign. The intense rush of good feelings following by distorted feeling of pain and pleasure will make anyone feel drowsy. They are not for everyone but will definitely give you an out-of-the-box experience that will be hard to forget.

ᦓꪖᧁ꠸ꪻꪻꪖ᥅꠸ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

PCP because you’re free and full of energy. Not to mention that you’re perfect to mix and experiment with other substances which is fitting because you get along greatly with anybody in your life! This drug tends to alter your sensory perception, mood and thought pattern - similar to Sag themselves who have a very vivid imagination. This drug also rules learning and memory functions which fits sag since their ruling planet is Jupiter - planet of exploration and good fortune. On the other hand, in doses too high, can cause numbness and distortion which are prominent themes you’ll receive from a sag if you ever happen to disappoint them. In regards to love and relationships this sign will provide a sense of strength and invulnerability. Thinking back on a sag will make you miss their spontaneity and fearlessness.

ᥴꪖρ᥅꠸ᥴꪮ᥅ꪀ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Ritalin because you’re focused and a perfectionist at heart. This drug makes you calm and attentive while also reaching euphoric highs which perfectly describes Capricorn and its emotional needs. This drug is often misused in high paying jobs and elite universities by making it making it easier to pay attention and stay alert. This reflects Capricorn’s ambitions and need for substantial success. They are extremely talented and will most likely always meet your standards. Similar to the drug, Capricorns can sweep you off your feet and make you dependent on them quickly. They are very expansive and generous with their love for you and the ritalin’s formality reflects that aspect quite well.

ꪖꪇꪊꪖ᥅꠸ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Magic mushrooms because you’re chaotic and quirky lol. Shrooms are like nothing else in this world and helps you feel like a child again in this boring world which fits Aquarians perfectly because they find interest in the abstract patterns of life. Your freedom and enlightenment is expressed in unconventional ways, just the same way shrooms can be slightly overwhelming for frivolous people. I find that Aquarius ruling planet Uranus reflects shrooms quite well because Uranus is known as the “awakener” since its aspects and transits bring sudden changes and shocks. So can shrooms in the sense that you can go through a spiritual awakening, but that can quickly go dark and you could potentially experience ego death. This because Aquarians are the impostors for egoism (apart from Leos) coming from an elevated perspective.

ρ꠸ᦓᥴꫀᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Valium because you’re calm and a downer but still get that buzz that you give off to other people. The drug provides instant relief from anxiety, similarly to Pisceans softness. Being embraced by a Piscean’s energy will soothe your anxiety and tension, they are highly spiritual beings and have the ability to beautify any room and soul. Pisceans tend to deal with stress relatively well compared to the other signs, similarly to the sedating effects of valium. On the other hand, valium users tend to be a little bit addicted to melancholy. They want to feel things intensely and there is a poignant side to sorrow that Pisces actually find pleasurable. Therefore Pisces tends to attract individuals who are vulnerable, needy and dependent.


' .


Astrology placements that are obsessive

Quite a long compilation of quite specific placements that indicate a person might be more prone to possessive or obsessive behaviour. The more placements a person has, the more obsessive they are. This is meant for mainly romantic obsession.

Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! Give full credits if reposted - Karolina

  • Cupido (asteroid 763) conjunct ascendant/MC
  • Aries/Scorpio/Taurus in Venus/2H/8H
  • Taurus moon in 1H/12H
  • Capricorn Venus in Scorpio degrees
  • Capricorn or Virgo Venus 29º
  • Leo sun
  • Pluto 5H
  • Scorpio moon
  • Virgo moon
  • 2nd or 8th house dominants/stellium + especially if Moon/Mars/Venus/Saturn is in those houses
  • Saturn conjunct moon
  • Saturn + moon + mercury conjunction in fixed signs
  • Neptune square personal planets
  • Neptune 5H/8H
  • Pisces Neptune 12H
  • Third decan Aries moon
  • First decan Scorpio
  • Second decan Virgo
  • Venus opposite Pluto
  • Pluto conjunct Venus+Moon
  • Pluto conjunct Venus 7H
  • Pluto square Sun
  • Taurus Venus
  • Lilith square/conjunct Venus
  • Venus opposite Mars
  • Venus opposite Pluto
  • Sun conjunct mercury in Virgo/Scorpio
  • Saturn in fixed sign + water houses
  • Mercury square Pluto
  • Venus square Pluto
  • Pisces stellium/dominant
  • 12H sun synastry
  • Their 2H in your 8H
  • Their 7H in your 2H
  • Same sign moon + Chiron in synastry
  • Pluto 1H/2H/5H/7H/8H/12H
  • Capricorn/Scorpio/Taurus dominant
  • Saturn dominant (bonus points if it’s 2H/8H)
  • Mercury conjunct saturn
  • Sun closely conjunct Saturn 8/9H
  • Stelliums near Pluto
  • Venus is good aspects to Neptune
  • Mars+Venus+Rahu conjunction
  • Personal planets in 7H
  • Dionysus (asteroid 3671) in 2H
  • Dionysus (asteroid 3671) in 7H
  • Their Pluto in your sun/moon/rising vice versa
  • Saturn square Pluto
  • Saturn Capricorn 8th house
  • Scorpio 4H
  • Sun square Saturn (especially squaring at 0º)
  • BML conjunct ascendant synastry
  • Juno square Pluto
  • Eros in (asteroid 433) Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces
  • Eros conjunct or quincunx Pluto
  • Eros 4/5/7H
  • Virgo moon 2H
  • People born April 10th
  • People born May 22nd
  • People born July 6th
  • People born July 21st
  • Especially people born July 24th
  • People born August 16th
  • People born September 26th
  • People born December 8th
  • Virgo/Pisces Venus

Sorry I’m advance if there are any duplicates lol. Also lmk if there’s any other placements I can add to the list! <3


Astrology placements that are obsessive

Quite a long compilation of quite specific placements that indicate a person might be more prone to possessive or obsessive behaviour. The more placements a person has, the more obsessive they are. This is meant for mainly romantic obsession.

Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! Give full credits if reposted - Karolina

  • Cupido (asteroid 763) conjunct ascendant/MC
  • Aries/Scorpio/Taurus in Venus/2H/8H
  • Taurus moon in 1H/12H
  • Capricorn Venus in Scorpio degrees
  • Capricorn or Virgo Venus 29º
  • Leo sun
  • Pluto 5H
  • Scorpio moon
  • Virgo moon
  • 2nd or 8th house dominants/stellium + especially if Moon/Mars/Venus/Saturn is in those houses
  • Saturn conjunct moon
  • Saturn + moon + mercury conjunction in fixed signs
  • Neptune square personal planets
  • Neptune 5H/8H
  • Pisces Neptune 12H
  • Third decan Aries moon
  • First decan Scorpio
  • Second decan Virgo
  • Venus opposite Pluto
  • Pluto conjunct Venus+Moon
  • Pluto conjunct Venus 7H
  • Pluto square Sun
  • Pluto conjunct mars
  • Taurus Venus
  • Lilith square/conjunct Venus
  • Venus opposite Mars
  • Venus opposite Pluto
  • Sun conjunct mercury in Virgo/Scorpio
  • Saturn in fixed sign + water houses
  • Mercury square Pluto
  • Venus square Pluto
  • Pisces stellium/dominant
  • 12H sun synastry
  • Their 2H in your 8H
  • Their 7H in your 2H
  • Same sign moon + Chiron in synastry
  • Pluto 1H/2H/5H/7H/8H/12H
  • Capricorn/Scorpio/Taurus dominant
  • Saturn dominant (bonus points if it’s 2H/8H)
  • Mercury conjunct saturn
  • Pluto conjunct mars 5H
  • Sun closely conjunct Saturn 8/9H
  • Stelliums near Pluto
  • Venus is good aspects to Neptune
  • Mars+Venus+Rahu conjunction
  • Personal planets in 7H
  • Dionysus (asteroid 3671) in 2H
  • Dionysus (asteroid 3671) in 7H
  • Their Pluto in your sun/moon/rising vice versa
  • Saturn square Pluto
  • Saturn Capricorn 8th house
  • Scorpio 4H
  • Sun square Saturn (especially squaring at 0º)
  • BML conjunct ascendant synastry
  • Juno square Pluto
  • Eros in (asteroid 433) Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces
  • Eros conjunct or quincunx Pluto
  • Eros 4/5/7H
  • Virgo moon 2H
  • People born April 10th
  • People born May 22nd
  • People born July 6th
  • People born July 21st
  • Especially people born July 24th
  • People born August 16th
  • People born September 26th
  • People born December 8th
  • Virgo/Pisces Venus

Sorry I’m advance if there are any duplicates lol. Also lmk if there’s any other placements I can add to the list! <3


I’ll shortly describe and compare the characteristics of your zodiac sign to a certain type of drug - this post is a little more generalized than my others for the sake of making it easier to compare. This is purely for entertainment purposes only and is not an accurate representation of drug use, nor do I condone to any sort of drug use. Don’t be tempted!!

Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! Give full credits if reposted - Karo

ꪖ᥅꠸ꫀᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Crystal meth because you’re all over the place followed by the anger issues lol. The same way it can be ingested in a plethora type of ways reflects how the Aries sign can not only be spontaneous but also adaptable to everything and everyone. Meth affects the central nervous system which is also the ruler of Aries since Aries rules the head and brain. This drug can cause severe psychological issues, just like Arie- JK lol. Typical for both the sign and the drug is energetic, quick and rash effects which gives you a huge rush that gets you hooked instantly. But with time, the same way you get to know an Aries on a more personal level, you will feel stimulated with just the right amount of pleasure…. and hell. Even during hard times where the individual is absent, you will miss them like crazy. Once you crack, you never go back <3.

ꪻꪖꪊ᥅ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Ecstasy because you get all the feels and molly is known as the drug of deep feelings and closeness to others. You are sensual and feel a strong sense of love for everything around you. This sign is capable of getting you in and out of both love-worthy and destructive situations. Being with this sign similarly to the drug will touch the deepest part of your mind and stimulate you in places you never thought could be spiritually touched. They’ll make you see things beyond your own perspective and see the light in even the darkest of individuals. It takes a lot for a Taurus to give up on you. This sign is able to nurture your inner child, just like the drug which can bring it out. The same way molly makes your body relaxed and sensitize you to empathy, you’ll feel the same enlightment being with a providing Taurus. You will never forget the part of you that Taurus could bring out and they will always have a special place in your heart.

ᧁꫀꪑ꠸ꪀ꠸ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Salviabecause you’re indecisive, giggly and have a deep sense of love. Salvia tends to affect a person’s thinking and choices, similar to Gemini’s ruler Mercury. Easily obtainable, Geminis are very open people who are curious about life and perhaps even the spiritual realms. Their highs can easily put you in a better mood and relaxation. Their playfulness can make you laugh uncontrollably, be talkative, recollect your memory and bring out the inner child in you. In terms of love they’ll provide an out-of-body experience, although can quickly turn dark and give an overall sense of detachment or disconnection from one’s self and the environment which makes you vigilant. You will always remember the experience you had with geminis and they will never disappoint - unless you yourself lack coordination in life.

ᥴꪖꪀᥴꫀ᥅ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

LSD because you’re loving and playful but gentle enough for the spiritual realm that follows. These sensory hallucinations can be accompanied by rapid and intense emotional swings, just like the cancer who can be unpredictable at times. LSD enhances the emotional empathy but impairs the ability to recognize fear, similar to Cancer. On the other hand, they have therapeutic potential and increase feelings of interconnectivity just like the Cancer. They have a very strong gut-feeling, similarly how the drug can produce crossover senses such as synesthesia. The love accompanied by these individuals will alter your sense of self and sense of time. When creating a deeper bond - it will reward you with euphoria. Regarding your experience with them, you’ll be much more aware of yourself and the depth of others’ emotions. It’s something you definitely need to get behind at least once in your lifetime.

ꪶꫀꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Cocaine because you’re on top of the world and always in the center of attention. You’re able to create a very powerful aura around you that other people can instantly sense. They will make you feel happy, confident, excited and on top of your game. These people similar to the drug will at times make you so confident that you do things you wouldn’t normally do (which might be risky). Cocaine can also increase your sexual desires too, but we already knew Leos have high sex appeal ;) Being in love with these individuals will make you feel so alive, similar to the drug. They’ll make your heart beat faster and raise your body temperature. If you’re prone to staying closed off to the world - leos will help you be chattier, more animated and hungry for adventure. Their drive and high consciousness will make the experience unforgettable and is something you’ll take with you forever.

ꪜ꠸᥅ᧁꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Adderall because you’re always hyper focused and straight to the point. These individuals similarly to the drug will improve your focus and reduce impulsivity by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. Virgos will decrease your feelings of nervousness and restlessness around them - making them great partners who give plenty of support. They will elevate your mood by stimulating just the right senses as well as allowing you control over situations that you otherwise view as stressful. This property makes them highly addictive since power can be deeply rooted in egoism - which is something to watch out for because it can easily be abused, just like the drug. You will always remember them for their experimentalism and quiet power - which is addicting ;)

ꪶ꠸᥇᥅ꪖ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Cannabis because you’re longing for balance. You can either be calm like the effects of CBD or energetic like the effects of THC. Getting high is really about being able to have different perspectives and seeing things differently than a sober mind would, I think Libras fit this narrative very well since they seek a calm and relaxing environment. Libras are diplomatic, versatile and easy-going people, cannabis fits the low-maintenance and low-risk category which really makes it accessible to lots of different types of people. Your experience with Libras will almost always be dependable on how you approach them, but you’ll always be impressed by their ability to adapt to situations no matter what.

ᦓᥴꪮ᥅ρ꠸ꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Heroin because you’re intense and addictive as well as very substance and taboo oriented which is a big theme for the narcotic itself. The drug gives very much all-or-nothing vibes, similarly in relationships with Scorpios the dynamic of ride-or-die is prominent. One dose of you and you’ll have anyone addicted. Scorpios are very tolerant, seducing and emotionally stimulating - which makes them dependable just like the drug itself. It’s hard to underestimate this sign due to their naturally intense nature. Scorpios being the sign most prone to extremities, I find heroin to be the most fitting drug for this sign. The intense rush of good feelings following by distorted feeling of pain and pleasure will make anyone feel drowsy. They are not for everyone but will definitely give you an out-of-the-box experience that will be hard to forget.

ᦓꪖᧁ꠸ꪻꪻꪖ᥅꠸ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

PCP because you’re free and full of energy. Not to mention that you’re perfect to mix and experiment with other substances which is fitting because you get along greatly with anybody in your life! This drug tends to alter your sensory perception, mood and thought pattern - similar to Sag themselves who have a very vivid imagination. This drug also rules learning and memory functions which fits sag since their ruling planet is Jupiter - planet of exploration and good fortune. On the other hand, in doses too high, can cause numbness and distortion which are prominent themes you’ll receive from a sag if you ever happen to disappoint them. In regards to love and relationships this sign will provide a sense of strength and invulnerability. Thinking back on a sag will make you miss their spontaneity and fearlessness.

ᥴꪖρ᥅꠸ᥴꪮ᥅ꪀ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Ritalinbecause you’re focused and a perfectionist at heart. This drug makes you calm and attentive while also reaching euphoric highs which perfectly describes Capricorn and its emotional needs. This drug is often misused in high paying jobs and elite universities by making it making it easier to pay attention and stay alert. This reflects Capricorn’s ambitions and need for substantial success. They are extremely talented and will most likely always meet your standards. Similar to the drug, Capricorns can sweep you off your feet and make you dependent on them quickly. They are very expansive and generous with their love for you and the ritalin’s formality reflects that aspect quite well.

ꪖꪇꪊꪖ᥅꠸ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Magic mushrooms because you’re chaotic and quirky lol. Shrooms are like nothing else in this world and helps you feel like a child again in this boring world which fits Aquarians perfectly because they find interest in the abstract patterns of life. Your freedom and enlightenment is expressed in unconventional ways, just the same way shrooms can be slightly overwhelming for frivolous people. I find that Aquarius ruling planet Uranus reflects shrooms quite well because Uranus is known as the “awakener” since its aspects and transits bring sudden changes and shocks. So can shrooms in the sense that you can go through a spiritual awakening, but that can quickly go dark and you could potentially experience ego death. This because Aquarians are the impostors for egoism (apart from Leos) coming from an elevated perspective.

ρ꠸ᦓᥴꫀᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Valiumbecause you’re calm and a downer but still get that buzz that you give off to other people. The drug provides instant relief from anxiety, similarly to Pisceans softness. Being embraced by a Piscean’s energy will soothe your anxiety and tension, they are highly spiritual beings and have the ability to beautify any room and soul. Pisceans tend to deal with stress relatively well compared to the other signs, similarly to the sedating effects of valium. On the other hand, valium users tend to be a little bit addicted to melancholy. They want to feel things intensely and there is a poignant side to sorrow that Pisces actually find pleasurable. Therefore Pisces tends to attract individuals who are vulnerable, needy and dependent.


' .

Stellium/Moon in Scorpio,Neptune in the 1st house,Mercury in the 8th house,aspects of Mercury-Pluto,Mars-Mercury,Moon-Pluto,Moon-Neptune,Mercury-Neptune,Lilith in the 3rd/12th house

Astrology notes

Hi!These notes are made by the girl with the Sun in Capricorn in the 6th house.If some of them didn’t match,then it’s okay.Each natal chart is individual.

Venus/Mars in Virgo have a bunch of discount cards.They almost always know where to find a cheaper item of the same quality.They are very convenient to go shopping with.

Mercury in Sagittarius tends to move while laughing.For example,leaning back in a chair or throwing your head back or forward.

Why do people with stellium in Leo forget to turn off the lights?They are the suns themselves and illuminate the room with their light.

Sun Capricorns often have arched eyebrows(only if they don’t have a stellium in Aquarius).

The planets in the 4th and 10th house may show your parent’s profession.The 4th house is the father,and the 10th is the mother.Jupiter points to a lawyer,police officer,politician,or driver.Venus indicates a beauty field(make-up artist,hairdresser or stylist),sometimes a job related to money(bank or investment).For some people,they show the education of their parents,but they can work in another specialty.

TheMoon-Saturn aspect indicates a strict mother.The sextile/trine/conjunction indicates a healthy rigor,thanks to which the child becomes responsible,more independent and disciplined.The opposition/square indicates toxic strictness,when the mother becomes overly domineering,demanding,and emotionally cold.The same is true for the Sun-Saturn aspect,but about the father.

Mutable signs are good at teaching.Mercury in Gemini is very erudite and ready to communicate with students.He can find an approach to everyone and tries to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.Mercury in Virgo is very smart and experienced.He has a lot of interesting stories.It is able to extract useful information.He may seem strict,but in reality he is just in love with his subject and wants to be a professional in it.Mercury in Sagittarius will find the answer to any question.Even if he doesn’t know it,he will find the answer on the Internet and answer you.Very curious and gives you the opportunity to express your opinion in class.Often improves their skills.Mercury in Pisces is very kind.Often praises and supports,if he sees your efforts.They may have a quiet or unintelligible voice,but because of their charm,you listen to them.They help you correct your grades.

It is very difficult for people with two equally dominant elements in the natal chart to identify themselves as a person.They often don’t understand themselves,it is difficult for them to make decisions.

The ascendant square Neptune tends to do all sorts of shit when drunk.Don’t drink alcohol,please!

Mercury in Capricorn conjunction/trine/sextile Saturn gives a person the opportunity to get a good career through communication and dating.They are good at trading,documentation,and all serious areas of life(home purchases,banks,court,etc.)

Mars/Pluto/Chiron in the 7th house are very careful in their communication.They filter their thoughts and words more strongly than others,and they will think a thousand times before saying something.Most likely,they have had unpleasant experiences in the past (toxic friendships or relationships).

ForVenus in Taurus,touch and the physical body play a huge role.If they are in love with you,they will try to touch you or,on the contrary,they will move 15 meters away.

Mars in the 3rd house won’t be silent during an argument.This is the same person who instead of you will quarrel with your abusers(and win).They love their friends so much that they are really willing to do anything for them.Not that they’re aggressive,but don’t argue with them.They are excellent persuaders,real marketers!

Why do all the Sun Taurus take photos with such a face,as if they are flirting with the camera,or they are disgusted with it(arrogant face)?I like it,they are really beautiful (≧ ◡ ≦) ♡


Tell something about your approach, what should I know before purchasing a reading from you?  

Hello! I’m delighted to share my sacred space with you.

Firstly, I’m an ethical holistic tarot reader, I approach every reading with compassion, sensitivity, fully committed. I constantly continue studying tarot and astrology to give my querents authentic spiritual experience.

Tarot is a powerful spiritual tool, making possible for us to connect with the deepest parts of our psyche and farthest corners of universe. I wish to uphold the dignity of this powerful spiritual method, so I’d like to say that I’m not a fortune-teller.

Another thing to consider, tarot is not for faint-hearted, it can become a catalyst for spiritual growth and transformation, when used correctly. Tarot is also famous for telling what you need to hear at present moment, not what you wish.

And lastly, tarot reading is our working together, I wish you provide me as much information about your present situation as possible, so I may formulate the question. That’s how it work - I ask, tarot tells. Great question is in the heart of reading and make possible for us to dive deeper.

The possibilities I’ll help you to explore (but please, don’t hesitate to contact me with your specific question)

soul path questions: your soul mission, what you carry from the past, how to be healed, transformed and grow spiritually (you might check my soul reading, designed specifically for that inquiry)

your spirit guides: in what direction you should look to meet them (ancestors and animal spirits, ascendant masters, angels, extraterrestrial beings, your Higher self), how you can connect, your unique spiritual gifts and powers, what you need to hear at present moment (you might check my spirit guides reading)

going through Moon \ cosmic circles: fully align and explore the possibilities unique energies of specific Moon \ cosmic circle is offering to us. Work closely with the energies of new Moon, full Moon, Scorpio season or Cancer season, planets retrograde. I’ll help you to understand uniqueness and open for that time, advice rituals and directions for spiritual work.

twilight questions: meet your Shadow, the most difficult and denied parts of self, start understanding and integrating, heal and discover what pears (your powers, gifts, undiscovered beautiful aspects) are hidden in the darkness of your Shadow.

Shadow work is a slow and deep process, it needs commitment and bravery, when done correctly and with compassion, it can lead to huge break through and transformation. Dear heart, ask yourself if you’re ready for that?

***archetypes and aspects of self


***rituals and witch power

***your authentic spiritual path

Do you offer some special readings?


Soul reading

A grand 12 cards spread, excellent mixture of tarot and astrology.

Connect on a deeper level with your heart and life purpose, get insight into the themes of this life, personal powers and challenges, lessons to learn

Study the contours of your life map and attune into the sacred energy of your authentic self.

Discover your personal myth.

Raise your spiritual energy, open up for understanding, self-love, healing with high vibrational energy of this reading.

Got ideas and inspirations for new projects.

Transform, revise, make big plans.

Accurate yet mystical.

To tune into your energy I’ll start with casting and reading your astrological natal chart. It’ll give me a direction and some initial insights and then I’ll lay down cards and read them as your life map expressing your unique energy and showing how healing, transformation and spiritual growth is possible.

Read more about the spread I use for this reading —-}  here.

Spirit guides reading

Grand 9 cards reading (I’ll pull additional 16 card in special occasions)

Get to know your spirit guides (ancestors and animal spirits, ascendant masters, angels, extraterrestrial beings, your Higher self) and how they try to connect with you.

Explore the uniqueness of your connection, its pragmatic purpose in your current situation and its mystic roots.

Learn about your unique abilities and psychic predispositions + study personal myth.

Learn how to open up and deepen the connection with the spirit guides, what is blocking you and how to work through that.

Receive the messages you need to hear at present moment.

If you have a question for your spirit guides, let me know with your request and I’ll incorporate it in the reading.

Read more about the spread I use for this reading —} here.

My mystical new year

Grand 12-cards spread + card of the year (calculated through numerology of your date of birth)

 Dive into the main theme of your next year, the cosmic / archetypal energy which will shape and influence you most 

Get a message from every month

Prepare, open up for mystery, see patterns, discover your map.

How can I get a reading from you?

Write to me throughask me or to [email protected],

I need to know your name, date, place and time of birth (that’s okay, if you don’t know the time)

Let me know which reading you’re interested in or your specific question \ your present situation (so we can work together on the question to ask tarot).

I’ll answer with confirmation and let you know when your reading will be with you — usually within 1-2 days  

What you’ll receive in email:

***interpretation of your spread + short description of every card

***the image of your spread

I work on donation basis, so what our exchange involves is donation (made through paypal) and feedback \ testimonial.

Tarot deck I presently work with:

Sasuraibito tarot

Tarot of Vampires

Privacy policies

Your privacy is important to me. All personal details you provide will always remain private and confidential.

Ethical requirements for tarot reading

You should be 18 or older to purchase a reading from me.

My readings can’t be a substitute for the professional advice of doctor, psychologist, mental health professional.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.

All my love,

Anya Moon

Pluto’s child, you’re at home in the 8th astrological house - it seems you were born to die anew every day, your life is a labyrinth of transformations where you used to lose yourself so often.

In the beginning you were fighting against being drawn into the underworld and that made you suffer hell, that days crows filled the sky and you could hardly reach the end of the day until you decided to open the door leading to the underworld and stepped inside.

You realized how fearful you are and lost, you saw your insecurities, grief, anxiety, jealousy and rage, they were scorpions meant to kill you, but there was a phoenix there sitting in the branches of burnt tree and he said - they’re your family, from the poisonous heart of your father, go, go further.

From that time every day still is in extreme, but you slowly grew in desire for transformation, you began sitting with your anxiety and having morning tea with your fears, you got used to know how powerless you are and how powerful. 

Your wish to control has no limits and even laundry routine can become the reason for new conquest. Your breath, your heart, food you eat and streets you walk - the possibilities to exercise control are myriad. But you realized that you never can be satisfied with that and started letting go. Yet it’s the most difficult thing as it means to be swallowed, to surrender and be opened up. Yet every time you emerge alive and shining, still you wonder how is it possible.

It all seems a mystery to you - to live, to be broken and again whole, to nurture darkness and, when fed, let it go.

You’re a natural medium and psychic and today you’’re coming to own your magical powers and psychic gifts so you can heal others.

You were carried here in the crystal poisonous heart of your father Pluto to be a warrior, a torch revealing and burning world’s darkness, to be a witness of horrors and heavy shadows, writing a story of fear so one day you’ll be able to shout to the stars that you’re coming home, joyful, unbroken, free like a lion roaring in the darkness.  

Some astrological definitions:

Pluto in the 8th house, 

Pluto + Moon in the 8th house, 

Pluto in Scorpio,

Pluto aspects with Sun, Moon, Asc

Sun, Moon in the 8th house

.*** *** *** much more
