#spoken poem


My lungs filled with ash the day you left me alone 

And my salty tears has dehydrated my soul

But I have this empty feeling in my chest and sometimes I feel it in my bones 

My body is weak without you filling me up with promises and tears

My poetry wreaks of your cologne and the last kiss you gave me 

My palms are cold without your warming touch 

Inside of me turned to liquid the very day you left 

I can’t stand anymore

Everytime I close my eyes I see your face 

Sleep left me the first night I laid without you

I smell of smoke and regret instead of flowers

I don’t recognize my face anymore 

I call out your name but you never answer me

I’ve ripped out the last of the nerves that wrap around my bones 

But now I can’t feel to sow myself up anymore

I am lost

And broken

And alone 


And dying 

And I can’t remember what it feels like to be warm anymore 

You left me

With just as many promises as you came with 

But more worries than I ever thought about leaving 

The cuts on my skin never heal when you’re gone 

The bruises never seem to fade 

They create crators on my skin wrapped in the same velvet on your tongue

When you tasted my insides and gave me yours

You forgot to stitch me back together 

You left with my heart wrapped up in your sleeve 

and my kisses in your palms while your fists hold them tight 

Hold me tight 

Just like the last time I saw you
