#steve rogers drabble



Pairing:Steve Rogers x Wife!Reader

Word Count:530

Warning(s): NSFW, Profanity, Fingering

A/N:Masterlist + My inbox busting at the seams and I’m writing this that nobody asked for. BUT IM COMIN I SWEAR IM TRYIN IM TRYIN IM TRYIN

Summary: Steve handles big boy things on a call while handling you. Who says married couples don’t make time for each other?


 His palm held your hip tightly to keep you against him, caressing your swell of you ass, admiring the soft skin of his woman. With his thick thumb, he slid his finger down your slit coating his fingertip in your anticipation.

   He didn’t know he could fall in love with different parts of you. But he did. That pretty face, prettier personality, and perfect pussy. This vacation would give him the time to do everything he needed to do, like pumping you so full of him - “Yes, this is Steve Rogers calling, my wife and I have a reservation for May beginning the third.” 

    Your hand slid down his leg as you waited, resting over his lap, legs spread open for your husband while he made some calls. You know how annoyed he can get so why wouldn’t you offer up a calming pastime. What kind of wife would you be if you hadn’t?

   No matter how many times, day or night over the years experiencing that sweet wetness that leaked between your thighs thrilled him. He was a man, who loved a woman who loved that his heart wasn’t the only thing of hers he was trusted with.

   “Yes, I’m calling because there was some type of mix-up with bedding. In the villa, we requested a King and a Queen sized bed.” My wife needs to be able to ride me as wildly as she likes, so when she’s hanging her head off the bed beautifully she has space to stretch her legs, so that when I’ve finished and have this pretty little thing - He circles your nub under his thumb the sunlight streaming in from the window in his office hitting you perfectly from the angle  offering him just the right view of his favorite toy glistening. I want her to be able to leak like a faucet and be able to lay down and rest bath without needing a sheet change first.

   Pressing your lips against his leg in an attempt to keep quiet while he stroked your clit. You held onto the arm of the chair to help keep yourself some sort of still.

   “I’m sorry sir could you excuse me?” He pulled the phone away from his ear and mouth and held it far enough that the sound could be mistaken for anything and bent over to spit on your sex. “He brings the phone back to his ear, laughing. “I’m babysitting my nieces and nephews and they’re just running amok.”

   He hummed places the phone between his neck and cheek, amusing himself by patting your slick opening with his fingers just watch to watch the sticky recoil. “Always so wet for me.”

   “I’m sorry sir what was that?”

   “Nothing, talking to the kids.”

   In Steve’s silence to you, you filled in the words you know were guaranteed to have come from his mouth had he not been tied up in conversation.

    You take me so well. “You fuck me so good.” While he watches his beefy fingers slide in and out effortlessly.

   Think you can take some more sweetie? “Please.”

   “Everything’s all cleared up?… Thank goodness. Appreciate all of your help… You too have a good one.” He clears his throat as he hangs up the phone. “Should I call the phone company next?”


Still not sure if I’m fully coming back, but I think I wanna do something this weekend. Send me a bunch of drabble ideas and I’ll write Saturday night when I get out of work

red nails — steve rogers

pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader

warnings: cursing, making out & titty grabbing

a/n: it’s been a hot min since i’ve posted but i miss writing n wanted to write sumin kinda domestic ??

“steve,” you hummed, looking away from the tv screen to your super solider boyfriend was was beside you on the queen size bed, quietly reading a book. “i’m bored.”

“you’re watching a movie, aren’t you?” steve quietly chuckled, tongue poking out to wet his bottom lip before saving his current place in the book, looking at you now.

“yes but,” you sighed, poking out your bottom lip. “i can’t focus. let’s do something!” you grinned, shutting the tv off before climbing over steve, planting yourself on top of him.

“and what would that something entail?” he smirked, grabbing both your hands in his, fingers intertwining before kissing the back of both.

“if you think we’re going to fuck, you thought wrong steve grant rogers.” you laughed, steve grabbing you by your wrists now, pulling you down to kiss you before furrowing his thick brows.

“i thought that was what you were implying though,” he frowned, you blushing slightly as you pulled your hands away, pushing yourself up against his chest, watching him pout like a little golden retriever pup. “you teased me you little brat.”

“imsorryyyy,” you giggled, kissing his cheek before sitting up again, watching steve’s large hands trail under the large tshirt you wore, running across your waist, then your rips before cupping each of your breasts in his hands, massaging them gently. “maybe later, baby. but i really wanna paint your nails.”

“paint my nails?” steve crooked his head to the side, stopping his movements.

“yeah, like a nice red color. oh! maybe with a little star on your ring finger! that would be so cute.”

steve smiled at how gosh damn wholesome you were at times. it was moments like these were he just wanted to hold you, kiss you and protect your tiny precious little self from the rest of the big bad world.

“so can i?” you asked, placing your hands on top of his as you felt him run his thumbs over your hardened nipples now, causing you to bite your lip gently.

“of course you can, but i will take small fee in the form of a kiss.” steve chuckled, hands falling down to your waist now as you leaned forward, close to his face taking in his beautiful big blue eyes.

seconds after, you planted your lips on his, moving against his soft plush ones, his mouth working yours open for a little more. as the kiss deepened, you felt the grip on your waist tighten, tongue gliding over yours with ease before you pulled, lips swollen and used.

“you sure you don’t want to mess around?” he asked, voice horse and smirk playing on the corners of his lips.

“i’msure, now let me paint your nails!”




  • Pairing: brother’s best friend!steve x stark!reader
  • Word count: 1k
  • Warnings: age gap (reader is in her twenties)
  • Summary: while hiding out after a mission, you and steve decide that you don’t want to hide your relationship anymore

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Day 5 of Kyra’s Christmas Sing-a-long Series

Pairing:Steve Rogers x Reader

Warning(s): Nope.  Just fluff.

Author’s Note:  I’m super proud of this one.  It doesn’t follow the song as much as some of the others, but it’s still super adorable.  ENJOY!


You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town

Your son, Evan, was beyond ecstatic when you and Steve told him that you were going to see Santa.  He had been on his best behavior for the past two weeks, being extra careful not to do anything bad until Christmas, which just happened to be tomorrow.

Now, you’re waiting in line with Evan who is bouncing up and down excitedly waiting for his turn to see Santa.

“You excited, little man?”  Steve asks, looking down at his son with a fond smile.

“Yes!  Daddy, I’m gonna meet Santa Claus!”  The five year old exclaims.  “I’m going to ask for something super special,” he says, a secretive glint in his eye.  You raise an eyebrow at your son’s antics.

“And what’s that?”  You ask.

“I can’t tell you, Mama!  I can only tell Santa!”  Evan deadpans, looking at you with a look that just screams “duh”.

He’s making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who’s naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town

When it’s his turn, Evan runs up the two stares and practically jumps into Santa’s lap.  You laugh and lean into your husband’s embrace as you watch the scene in front of you unfold.

“Ho, ho, ho!”  Santa says, lifting Evan up into his lap.  “And what is your name?”

“Evan,” Evan says, but more timid than before.

“Have you been a good boy this year, Evan?”

“Yes, sir.”  You grin at your son’s manners; it was something he’d been working on with him.

“And what do you want for Christmas, Evan?”

Evan eyes you and Steve warily before turning back to Santa and whispering into Santa’s ear.

“I want a baby sister.”

“Ho, ho, ho!”  Santa laughed.  “That one might be a little out of my hands, but I’ll see what I can do.”  You and Steve share a look; what had your son just asked for?

Evan smiled.  “Thanks, Santa!”  And then Evan jumped off of Santa’s lap and ran over to Steve.

“Merry Christmas!”

“You ready to go, bud?”  Steve asks.

“Yup!”  Evan replies, running a little ahead to get out of the line.  Steve follows right behind him.

You, however, take a detour to ask Santa your own question.  Santa raises an eyebrow as you lean forward just a little.

“What did he ask for?”

Santa chuckles.  “He asked for a baby sister.”  Your eyes widen and Santa and he chuckles once more.  You mumble out a ‘thanks’ before you run to catch up with your family.

He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

After you put Evan to bed with the reminder that Santa won’t come if he doesn’t go to sleep, you and Steve settle down on the couch to watch some T.V.

“So, what did he ask for?”  Steve asks as you cuddle into his side and turn on the T.V.

You giggle at the memory.  “Oh!  Santa said he wants a baby sister for Christmas.  Hence the “that’s a little out of my hands” thing.”

Steve’s eyes widen in surprise.  “Oh.”


“Well, it’s a good thing he has one on the way, then,” he says, placing his hand over your stomach.

“Hey, we don’t know it’s a girl, yet,” you point out with a giggle.

“I guess not,” Steve says, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town

