#stevie budd



As CBC Gem suggests:

“focus on Noah Reid as you watch this, and then watch it lots more times focusing on everyone else.”

Schitt’s Creek: The Barbecue (4x07)

Video by cgcgem on Twitter

#david rose    #stevie budd    #alexis rose    #johnny rose    #moira rose    #rachel    #dan levy    #emily hampshire    #annie murphy    #eugene levy    #catherine ohara    #stacey farber    #rosebud motel    #social media    #cbcgem    #mythings    
Episode 7x14: Family Reunion* * * * * * *the heart grows fonderPatrick/David • Rated G • 1974 wordsP

Episode 7x14: Family Reunion

* * * * * * *

the heart grows fonder
Patrick/David • Rated G • 1974 words

Patrick surprises David by bringing the Roses back to Schitt’s Creek for their first anniversary.


[Script] “Family Reunion”
Patrick/David, Alexis & David, Moira & Jocelyn, David & OC, Stevie & David, Johnny & Roland • Rated T • 5253 words

S07E14 Synopsis
There’s something familiar about David and Patrick’s new employee and nothing familiar about the new Café Tropical. Moira has acquired a stalker who follows her to town.


Street Lights, Big Dreams, All Lookin’ Pretty
Patrick/David, Alexis/Twyla, Stevie/Ruth, Alexis & David, David & Twyla • Rated T • 11574 words

Alexis and Twyla say they’re just friends. But people who are “just friends” don’t tickle each other’s necks with their eyelashes – right?
During one family vacation to New York, David and Patrick make a bet to answer this question and more. (David has a lot of feelings about being back in New York along the way, but that’s not a big deal. We don’t have to talk about that.)


Don’t worry, it’s his sister
Patrick/David, Alexis/Twyla • Rated G • 1854 words

“So, you’ll obviously be getting real save the dates as soon as we get them back from the printer but you are officially invited to our wedding on September 3rd!”
“WHAT?!” David yelps.
“Oh, David, must you be so loud? What could possibly be wrong with the date, you’re not even traveling, and you can close your little store whenever you and Patrick choose!” Moira says over the sound of Stevie snickering.
“That’s my anniversary!” David says, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

* * * * * * *

SC Season 7 wraps up with the Roses reunited! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Episode 7x11: The Fight* * * * * * *A Schitty SignPatrick/David, Patrick & Ronnie, Stevie &

Episode 7x11: The Fight

* * * * * * *

A Schitty Sign
Patrick/David, Patrick & Ronnie, Stevie & David • Not Rated • 6827 words

Patrick tries to do something nice for David. It backfires on him.


Worth Fighting For
Stevie & David, Patrick/David, Stevie/Twyla • Rated T • 4706 words

David and Stevie have the biggest fight of their friendship. Neither of them is used to having a best friend, and they don’t know how to fix it or cope. Patrick and Twyla help out.


Starter Kids
Patrick/David, Stevie & David • Rated G • 2511 words

David’s angry with Stevie, but there’s more behind it than he realizes.


stubborn love
Patrick/David • Rated T • 5481 words

It was stupid, really.
They’d been arguing over which renovations they could afford first, a battle of wills and budget line items that’s been ongoing since before they even moved in, but it’s always been teasing. Always hinging on humor. Until last night.
David had had just enough wine to turn biting. And Patrick had not yet had enough to call him out on it.
Or, David and Patrick have a fight. We know it will all be fine in the end. Even if David doesn’t.


Seasons of Love
Patrick/David, Patrick & Ronnie • Rated M • 18930 words

David and Patrick turn to couples therapy to navigate a challenging year in their marriage.

* * * * * * *

Not everything is smooth sailing in Episode 11. As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Episode 7x09: Strictly Business* * * * * * *What a Way to Make a Livin’Patrick/David • Rated G • 449

Episode 7x09: Strictly Business

* * * * * * *

What a Way to Make a Livin’
Patrick/David • Rated G • 4498 words

Rose Apothecary is doing well. It’s time to hire some help!


Déjà vu (Or: What’s Wrong with Wednesdays)
Patrick/David • Rated T • 12445 words

“’Fraid you got a little problem with your hand cream, pal.”
On the patch of skin between Roland’s thumb and index finger, the skin is pink and inflamed. The main sore spot is maybe an inch or two in diameter, the rest of the hand also blotchy and red.
“Itches like hell.”

A number of people in town have rashes and all signs point to Rose Apothecary as being the source. David and Patrick set out to discover out what’s going on while dealing with the negative publicity surrounding the mystery and trying to rebuild their reputation.


Five Years
Patrick/David • Rated G • 3182 words

“Hm?” David poked his head into the back of the store. “What’s wrong?” Patrick was using his worried voice, so he was trying not to panic.
“Come here for a sec,” Patrick said, staring at his computer. David joined Patrick at the table and stared at him, waiting for an explanation.
“Remember Alex?” Patrick asked, and pointed to the screen, where he had a spreadsheet open. “I think he’s scamming us.” David’s heart dropped, as visions of Revenue storming his family’s mansion and taking everything from them played in his mind.

Rose Apothecary has been open for five years. In those five years, Patrick and David have never run into any issues with their vendors. Until they do.


A New Dawn, A New Day
Patrick/David, Mandy & Stevie, Patrick & Stevie & David • Rated T • 16383 words

Mandy Greenhorn, former step-daughter of Wendy, gets her first job working at Rose Apothecary over the summer. She learns about customer service and more than she ever imagined!

* * * * * * *

Episode 9 is all about Rose Apothecary! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Episode 7x08: RMG* * * * * * *Business/CasualStevie/Ruth, Stevie & David • Rated M • 8968 words

Episode 7x08: RMG

* * * * * * *

Stevie/Ruth, Stevie & David • Rated M • 8968 words

“I’m afraid we only have the one room left, Ms. Budd, and it’s a single queen.”


money, money, money (it’s a rich man’s world)
Stevie & Johnny, David & Johnny, Johnny/Moira • Rated G • 2518 words

When Stevie mentions hiring someone for the financials during a meeting, Johnny worries it’ll be another Eli situation


Rosebud Motel Group PR + Merch!
Rated G • 152 words

PR and Merch designs for the Rosebud Motel Group [Art]


a sense of expectation hanging in the air
Stevie/Ruth, Stevie & Alexis & Twyla, Stevie & David, Stevie & Patrick, Alexis/Twyla • Rated M • 6548 words

Stevie starts to realize she has feelings for Ruth. How long though, will it take for her to tell Ruth that?

* * * * * * *

Today we’re on to Episode 8, which is all about Johnny and Stevie and their growing motel empire! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Episode 7x07: In-Laws* * * * * * *Old Friends, New AppearancesPatrick/David • Rated T • 3781 words O

Episode 7x07: In-Laws

* * * * * * *

Old Friends, New Appearances
Patrick/David • Rated T • 3781 words

On a visit back to Patrick’s hometown, they visit with Patrick’s old high school friends getting roped into party that feels as if no one has ever left college. David has to contend with feeling very much out of place.


This is my Greatest Adventure
Patrick/David, Clint/Marcy • Rated G • 3987 words

On two different occasions, Patrick and David each have a conversation with their respective in-laws about the state of their marriage which come to vastly different conclusions. Although, they do come up with one thing in common.


promise to as best we can
Patrick/David, Marcy & David, Marcy & Patrick, Clint & David, Clint & Patrick, Stevie & David • Rated M • 16532 words

It was great when Mr. and Mrs. Brewer offered to come stay with David and Patrick for a few days to help them move into the house, but now it’s been a week and there’s no sign of them leaving. David doesn’t know how much more of this he can take.


i’m so grateful and proud
Clint & Patrick, Marcy & David, Patrick/David • Rated G • 1809 words

During a visit home, Patrick realizes he might be a tad jealous of the time David spends with Marcy


Family Logistics
Patrick/David, Clint/Marcy • Rated G • 942 words

David learns a bit more about the new side of his family.


Nothing Good Starts in a Getaway Car
Patrick/David, Alexis & David, Patrick & Alexis • Rated T • 5619 words

During a time of crisis, Patrick learns what it means to have Alexis as his sister-in-law.


betta than all the rest
Patrick/David • Rated T • 3848 words

Sometimes even David needs to hike it out.

* * * * * * *

Episode 7 dives into the relationships David and Patrick have formed with each other’s family and friends! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Episode 7x06: Sunrise Bébé* * * * * * *Come Away With MePatrick/David • Rated M • 6034 wordsThere’s

Episode 7x06: Sunrise Bébé

* * * * * * *

Come Away With Me
Patrick/David • Rated M • 6034 words

There’s a beauty to David that’s hard to define in words. Patrick prefers to tell him with long, slow kisses and the kind of gentle, drawn-out love-making that gets David to drop his defenses. He had sort of hoped that this weekend would lend itself to a night like that, alone in a fancy hotel in the L.A. he had imagined. It’s a lot less likely to happen in their subpar Airbnb.
David and Patrick take a trip to L.A. for the Sunrise Bay premiere. It isn’t exactly what Patrick expected.


Mine Own Weak Merits
Stevie & Moira • Rated G • 3644 words

When her phone buzzed with a silent call for the third time in eight minutes, Stevie debated throwing it out her open window.


[art] The Roses Reunited
Not Rated • 255 words

The Rose family poses for a portrait at the Emmys when Moira is nominated for Sunrise Bay.


Assistant Direction
Stevie & Moira, Stevie/Ruth • Rated T • 2378 words

Stevie’s lazy morning with Ruth is interrupted by repeated phone calls from Moira, who is nervous about her first day of filming the Sunrise Bay reboot and simply must talk to Stevie.


The Moira Rose Story
Johnny/Moira • Rated G • 60 words

It’s the poster for the upcoming, and highly anticipated, Interflix movie The Moira Rose Story.

* * * * * * *

Episode 6 focuses on all things Moira! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Episode 7x05: The Sniffles* * * * * * *Common GroundPatrick/David, Patrick & Ronnie • Rated G •

Episode 7x05: The Sniffles

* * * * * * *

Common Ground
Patrick/David, Patrick & Ronnie • Rated G • 2267 words

Ronnie heads to Rose Apothecary looking for relief from the flu, but David’s kind gesture suddenly falls to Patrick.


You Made It All Okay
Patrick/David • Rated T • 17796 words

The incoming winter storm was why David had gone to Heather’s farm that afternoon rather than waiting until the following morning, when the worst of the storm was supposed to hit the Greater Elms. In fact, he’d left when he did so he’d be sure to have plenty of time to get back to Schitt’s Creek before the snow even started, but now, that appeared to be a moot point.
Patrick was considering dialing David’s number for a fourth time – and perhaps leaving a voicemail – when the phone started to vibrate in his hand, and a number he didn’t recognize flashed up on the screen.


The Sniffles
Johnny/Moira, Stevie & Johnny • Rated T • 2246 words

Johnny Rose doesn’t get sick, except for when he’s in California, & they’re not just allergies.


The Slip
Patrick/David • Rated M • 6467 words

Patrick takes a hike. David learns first aid.


Will It Feel Like Home
Patrick/David • Rated G • 5457 words

While David deals with some feelings about being away from his family for the first time in a long time, Patrick does his best to be there for him.


Many the Miles
Alexis/Twyla • Rated T • 7996 words

There’s a hesitance on the other end, before Alexis speaks up again. “I mean, I super miss you, Twy. Of course I want you here. But –” She sneezes again. “I’m like, super gross and on my deathbed and stuff. So not –” Another sneeze, followed by a huffing, disgruntled nose. Despite Alexis’ illness, Twyla can’t help but smile as she tries to imagine the face Alexis is making. “So not a cute look for me, babe.”
On the weekend Twyla is supposed to visit Alexis in NYC, Alexis gets a cold.
Twyla goes anyway.


I Can’t Live Without You
Patrick/David, Patrick & Stevie • Rated T • 6818 words

David gets into a car accident while he’s on the phone with Patrick.


The Headache
Patrick/David • Rated G • 2701 words

When Patrick ends up in the hospital after a hockey injury, David assumes the worst. What David doesn’t expect is how hard it is to deal with an impatient injured Patrick.

* * * * * * *

The tears are flowing in Episode 5, with a mix of illnesses and injuries, sadness and anxieties! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Episode 7x02: New York, New York* * * * * * *Baby, Gotta Say ItStevie/Alexis, Stevie & David, Pa

Episode 7x02: New York, New York

* * * * * * *

Baby, Gotta Say It
Stevie/Alexis, Stevie & David, Patrick/David • Rated E • 15980 words

Several months after they hooked up at the wedding, Stevie and Alexis go for a drive.


No Place Like Home
Alexis & David, Patrick & Alexis • Rated G • 2094 words

Alexis adjusts to a new way of life in New York without her family or friends from Schitt’s Creek.


all i need is to see your face
Alexis/Twlya • Rated G • 1535 words

Alexis has doubts. Twyla knows how to soothe them.


Alexis Rose’s Guide to Finding Yourself in Five Easy Steps
Rated T • 3655 words

Can Alexis find her New York self? According to a magazine article, she can do it in five easy steps—but does she already have the key to what she’s looking for? A little bit of introspective Alexis.

* * * * * * *

Episode 2 takes us to New York as Alexis heads off on her own! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Election Day is finally here, y’all. 
Thanks to all who donated to my fundraiser for Democrats. The

Election Day is finally here, y’all. 
Thanks to all who donated to my fundraiser for Democrats. The winner was midnightstreet who submitted a prompt she knew her friend @januarium​ wanted to see. I hope you enjoy!

[ALT TEXT: David is sitting between Stevie and Patrick on the couch in low light as they watch television (they’re watching Lord of the Rings, but really it’s viewer’s choice). David has one hand in a popcorn bowl and the other playing with Stevie’s hair. Stevie hold her legs to her chest with the same arm she uses to hold her wine glass. She draws from a joint with her other hand, and curly smoke curls into the air above them. A pleasantly stoned Patrick leans against David’s other side, one hand on David and wine glass in the other. The three share a blanket, and Patrick has his feet propped on the coffee table. Sitting on the table is a jar of weed, Job rolling papers, a pack of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, an empty wine bottle, the remote, David’s wine glass and his engagement rings (so they don’t tangle in Stevie’s hair).]



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