#struggling mentally


I am uncomfortable mentally and physically 90% of the time anymore. I can’t fake being ok or pretending I understand anyone or anything. Im to the point where I struggle to take care of myself anymore I’m so drained.

I’m a stay at home mom due to the cost of child care and with my husband just it just makes it easier. My mental state has also been a very big issues as well as it is effecting my physical health as well. My husband drives a truck for a living and there was an accident. This may result in time off or loss of his job. I need all the positive vibes I can get . We have had back to back problems and a string of bad luck.

Struggle mentally a bit today. Lot to do with no motivation. I can’t seem to get out of this funk I have been in.

More and more just absolute shit just keeps hitting the fan. I honestly don’t know how much more I can take without have a total mental break and ending up on a grippy sock vacation.

I just want to keep our heads above water. We get one step ahead and three back.
