



pairing: dom!maknae line x sub!reader

genre: idol!verse, smut, fluff, foursome

rating: Mature

summary: it’s always a treat to be with these three men, especially when you’re doing less than holy things.

word count: 926

warnings: dom/sub themes, blindfolds, light bondage, anal, finger sucking, fingering, foursome, orgy?, blowjobs, spanking, unprotecc sex, dirty talk, praise, sir kink, creampie

a/n: hello yes 911? i would like to cRY about this damn fucking ask because how on earth am i supposed to choose between these i’m in tears aaaaa this is an absolute mess i cannot function at all this is far too much to handle too many body parts i am a tiny human being

Keep reading



Summary: Y/N and Yoongi have a deep talk during a blackout caused by the snow storm which leads to Y/N opening up about how much Jackson had affected her mentally. This makes Yoongi show her just how special she is to him and just how much he loves her.

Warnings: Fluff and smut, Y/N talks to Yoongi about how Jackson affected her, mentions of SA

AN: I know this is out after Christmas but it’s fine because I know a lot of us are still in the Christmas spirit. And the TXT comeback timeline is a bit backward here (as in Lovesong is still in the works). Also, if anyone wants to request any oneshots like this, then let me know.


“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special”

Since the snow day Y/N had had with Jin a few days ago, the snow had gotten worse and worse until it became a full blown storm. With Christmas day right around the corner, it was good that everyone had done their Christmas shopping, and the only panic that was going on was Jin panicking that they had forgotten food for Christmas and would not have enough, even though there was a list that he had made and got every item on and had triple checked. 

But everyone else was relaxed. They were on a break from work, and they had their own recording equipment just in case they wanted to record a song on their break. 

Y/N was downstairs in the dance room, working out choreography for TXT’s new comeback. It had more of a darker vibe to it, which she loved. She listened to the music as it played through the speakers. She had two dances to choreograph, but she didn’t mind doing it in her break because it was something she enjoyed. 

She almost had everything down for one song apart from the last chorus. As she worked through the dance, the lights began to flicker, catching her attention. She frowned up at the ceiling after she paused the music. 

“What?” She asked herself. “The bulbs were just changed, they shouldn’t be…” She trailed off as they flickered again before sputtering out. “Seriously?” She complained. “Guess I’m gonna have to cut this choreography session short.” She huffed and turned on the flashlight on her phone so she could see her water bottle so she could bring it back upstairs.

She grabbed it and made her way back to the door as she called Yoongi.

“Jagiya, what’s wrong?” He picked up on the first ring.

“The lights have gone in the dance studio again.” She said, opening the door. “And in the hallway…” She trailed off. “All the lights are out.”

“Hold on, I’m coming.” Yoongi said before hanging up the phone. A few seconds later, she heard footsteps and Yoongi appeared before her.

“No lights and no wifi.” Y/N said.

“Maybe the power has gone out?” Yoongi suggested. He walked over to Y/N and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Nothing to do but enjoy each other’s company.”

Y/N hummed and leaned up, pressing their lips together. “Cuddles?” She asked.

“I will give you all the cuddles in the world.” Yoongi reassured, taking her hand and leading her up to his room.


There had been a comfortable silence in the room for the past half an hour. Seokjin had poked his head in about ten minutes ago to let them know that the power company had called and that the power would be out indefinitely due to the storm.

Not that the pair minded. They were enjoying just being in each other’s company. Yoongi was lying on his back with one arm behind his head and one arm around Y/N’s shoulders. Y/N was lying slightly on top of him, with her head resting on his chest. She had one arm under her head, and one arm resting on his waist, her hand gently rubbing the bare skin that was revealed from his top being pulled up.

Y/N was silently thinking to herself about how much her life had changed since last Christmas. She was so grateful for these seven boys who had come into her life and completely turned it upside down. In the best way possible.

“Thank you.” She murmured, making Yoongi look down at her in surprise.

“For what, jagiya?” He asked.

“For helping me to get better and get over Jackson.” She replied. “This time last year was so much worse than now.”

“You’re welcome, jagiya.” He said. His eyes swept over her face for a second. “Do you need to talk about what happened last year?”

Y/N knew she needed to get it off her chest. She had never fully come to terms with what had happened that night and she would just push it down and ignore it. It was like her coping mechanism. 

“Yes.” She replied. 

“Okay.” Yoongi pushed himself up to sit against the headboard, pulling Y/N up with him and putting her on his lap. “Talk to me.”

“Last year, Jackson threw a massive party for his work friends. And he paraded me around like his prized pony. Except it was worse than that. You know how he used to hit me with his belts. For Christmas that year, my present was a belt. Which he then proceeded to beat me with before the party. That year I wasn’t allowed to join in. But there was a reason for that. From the bedroom upstairs, I could hear that they were watching a video that sounded like some porn. They were all boys so I could understand that they would be watching porn, but then I realised…” She trailed off as Yoongi’s arms around her waist tightened. 

“It was of you wasn’t it?” He asked softly. She nodded.

“He showed just how good he could fuck me off to his friends like it was some competition. Apparently they were all doing it. They all watched videos of them fucking their significant others and then they ranked them all. It was disgusting.”

“The police said that they found and destroyed pornographic tapes when they raided and searched the house. Do you think that’s what those were?” Yoongi said to attempt to put her mind at ease.

“I hope so.” She replied. “Because the fear I have that those are out there… it’s mentally draining.”

“Even if they did get out, every single copy of it would be taken down and deleted.” Yoongi said. He was silent before he spoke again. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I guess I just didn’t want that night to be real. And me talking about it would make it real.” She said.

“Ok. It’s ok. Nothing is going to happen.” Yoongi reassured her. “You are completely safe.”

“I know. Thanks to you.” Y/N said, feeling a lot lighter. “That talk made me feel a lot better.”

“That’s good, jagiya.” He said. “I love you.”

“I love you more.” Y/N replied. She moved so she was straddling Yoongi’s lap and smiled at him. “And you can’t say ‘No, I love you more’ because that’s copying.”

“Oh, it’s copying, is it?” Yoongi cocked an eyebrow at her. He moved his hands to her waist and tickled her, making her shriek out in surprise. 

“Yes, copying.” She confirmed, squirming in his lap as he continued to tickle her. 

“Sure, jagiya. Sure.” Yoongi’s deep voice drawled, hands coming to rest on her waist. “You know what, though?” He began to move her hips against his. “You’ve caused an issue. And you’re going to fix it.” Y/N felt how hard he was under her. 

“I mean, you could fix it yourself.” Y/N said sassily. “You don’t need me to fix it for you. Looks like it was caused by you. I’m innocent, here.”

“Oh, you’re innocent, are you?” Yoongi teased, rolling them over so she was pinned underneath him. “So then why is it every time I start to fuck you, you’re always begging me for more, always begging me to fill up all of your pretty little holes.” Yoongi said, accentuating his points with hard but slow rolls of his hips.

When Y/N said nothing, just playfully glared up at him before tilting her head back and whining at the friction, he just chuckled fondly. “So pretty, aren’t you?” He complimented her, leaning down to kiss her gently. Y/N blushed and shuffled under him. “All you’re going to get is praised tonight.” He said before kissing her again.

He trailed kisses down her neck, coaxing small moans and whimpers to fall from her lips. He unbuttoned her shirt that she had changed into. It did belong to him, but it looked better on her in his opinion. He trailed kisses down her chest as he undid each button before pausing just above her panties. 

“Fucking hell.” He murmured, eyes travelling up and down her body, taking in every curve. “You’re beautiful.”

Y/N blushed again and covered her face. She had worn one of her new sets that Namjoon had bought her. It was a pale pink lacy set. “Joonie bought it for me.” She whispered.

“Yeah?” He asked, nosing at her hip. “He has very good taste for what suits you.”

Y/N giggled and pulled Yoongi up to kiss her again. “Need you.” She said. 

“You have me, jagiya.” Yoongi replied, kissing her passionately. Y/N moaned into the kiss as his skilled fingers rubbed her clit through her panties, the lace causing delicious friction. “Sound so pretty.” He groaned, his hips grinding against her thigh. “I was going to eat you out but I really need to feel you wrapped around me.”

“Please.” Y/N said, her hips bucking up against Yoongi’s hand. His fingers wrapped around the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her legs. She automatically spread them apart, waiting for Yoongi to strip his clothes and settle between them. She closed her eyes relishing in the aching throb between her leg. 

“You’re so wet, jagiya.” Yoongi said as he crawled back onto the bed and settling between her legs. The feeling of the warmth of his body resting on top of hers caused her eyes to flutter open. “Ready?” He asked, leaning down to peck her lips.

“Yes.” She replied. Yoongi shifted his weight onto one arm and reached down, wrapping his hand around his cock and rubbing its head along her pussy. “Fuck, please don’t tease.” She pouted, making Yoongi chuckle and keep pushing his cock head through her folds. “Yoongi, please.” Her pout increased.

“Ok, I’m sorry, jagiya.” Yoongi said. He pressed his cock against her hole and pushed his cock inside. 

Y/N let out a satisfied sigh at the feeling of his cock pushing inside her. “Feels good.” She said. “Love your cock. I love you.”

“I love you more.” Yoongi said, moving his hips. “And you can’t say ‘no, I love you more’ because that’s copying.”

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully at Yoongi’s words and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Stealing my words, how could you?”

“I think I have every right considering how good I’m making you feel.” Yoongi said, with a pointed thrust of his hips. Y/N yelped in pleasure. His thumb came to a rest on top of her clit and pushed down gently before rubbing it in tight circles. “I’m not going to last much longer.” He admitted, the circles getting faster.

“Neither am I with how you’re rubbing me.” She said, arching her back and moaning out as the knot in her stomach got tighter. “Gonna cum.” She warned, her toes curling and her nerves igniting.

“We’ll cum together.” Yoongi said, his breath hitching. “God, you feel amazing.” His hips stuttered. “Okay, on three. One. Two. Three.”

As soon as the word left his mouth, the knot inside Y/N’s stomach snapped and she came all over his cock. She felt him cum as well.

“That was…” She said breathlessly. 

“That was amazing.” Yoongi finished for her. He leaned down to kiss her gently. “I love you, so much.”

“I love you so much.” Y/N parroted. Yoongi moved to pull out of her, but she wrapped her legs around his waist to keep him where he was. “No. Wanna stay like this.”

“I need to get you cleaned up, jagiya.” Yoongi said, a hand stroking her side. She shook her head stubbornly and played with his hair.

“Bath after. Just wanna stay like this for a bit.” She yawned. Yoongi gave in. When would he ever deny her of this? 

“Ok, jagiya. We’ll have a quick nap and then bath, deal?” He said rolling over so he was on his side, spooning her.

“Deal.” She slurred, her eyes closed. Yoongi chuckled fondly.

“Goodnight, jagiya.” He kissed the top of her head before letting himself drift off as well.


Summary: Seokjin and Y/N bake some gingerbread cookies together but as they are letting them cool, they realise that there is snow falling. After some time playing in the snow, the pair decide that a nice bath isn’t the only thing that is going to warm them up.

Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, and some soft smut. Kinda religious stuff I guess (Seokjin likes the idea of Y/N calling him her God)


“Like snow piles up, I remember what you gave me
You gave me the courage to live.”

“You look absolutely ridiculous.” Y/N giggled as she walked into the kitchen. Seokjin had texted her to come down and make gingerbread with him, so she happily obliged. But what she hadn’t expected was to see him stood in the kitchen, holding a wooden spoon and wearing a pink apron that said ‘Kiss the Cook’ all while having a pair of reindeer antlers complete with bells and baubles and ribbons on his head.

“I look amazing. You are just jealous.” He said. “You’re just boring, wearing your white hoodie and black sweatpants.”

“Well technically the hoodie isn’t mine.” She pointed out, stretching up on her tiptoes to kiss Jin. 

“Ah I can see that. Because it practically hangs off you. Let me guess, it’s Hoseok’s?” He guessed. Y/N nodded.

“Well done. You can recognise his cologne.” She giggled, making Jin brandish the spoon at her.

“Yah, you little brat.” He said. “Okay, go wash your hands, and then we can make these gingerbread cookies.”

“Yes sir,” she saluted him jokingly. She walked over to the sink and washed her hands thoroughly while Jin got out all the ingredients. 

Making gingerbread seemed complicated but was a lot easier than Y/N thought. After melting the butter and mixing it with the ingredients in a pan, they let it cool for a bit before rolling it out and creating the cookies.

“Did you have fun with Namjoon yesterday?” Jin asked. He was backhugging her as she washed up the things they had used and wouldn’t need to use again. 

“Yes. It was really fun. I got everyone’s presents.” Y/N replied, scrubbing at the pan, where some burned sugar remained. “It’s not coming off.” She complained.

“Here, let me try.” Jin pulled on a pair of gloves and took the scourer from her. “What presents did you get?”

Y/N opened her mouth to reply but realised what he was doing. She hit him with a towel. “Hey, no, that’s cheating!” She cried, causing Jin to laugh. “I’m too smart for your tricks.” The pair were silent as they got into a routine with Jin washing the pan and trying to get the stain off while Y/N dried the clean things and put them away.

When she turned around, she noticed white stuff falling from the sky. It was snow. “It’s snowing!” She exclaimed. “Come on, last one out has to finish cleaning that pan.”

She ran upstairs to put on her coat, hat, scarf, gloves. She pulled on her new boots and ran out into the back garden. “Haha, I won!” She exclaimed as Jin raced out. He wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around, making her laugh and scream.

“Either way I would have been cleaning that pan.” Seokjin pointed out, making her nod.

“Yup. That is correct.” She confirmed, making him set her down. He bent down and scooped up some snow before throwing it at her.

“Jin!” She yelped, taking cover behind Yoongi’s chair that he would sit in in the summer. “You’re so on, oppa!” She scooped up snow and tossed it at the older, who wasn’t able to duck in time so got a face full of snow.

“Oh, you little brat.” Jin scooped up even more snow and eventually they were having a snowball fight. When Jin was collecting more snowballs, Y/N left her hiding spot and jumped onto him, making them both fall to the floor as Jin yelled in shock.

“You scared me!” He said, turning his face to the side to glare at her lying on his back. She giggled and got off him, dusting off her clothes.

“I’m so sorry.” She said with a hint of sarcasm. Seokjin stood up and towered over her, wrapping his arms around her and keeping her still.

“I trapped you.” He said. She looked up at him, their eyes locking. “You look pretty with the snowflakes in your hair.” He said.

“Thank you.” She whispered. “You look handsome with snow in your hair too.”

“You look like an ice princess.” He said, subconsciously leaning down. Their lips connected and they kissed. It was full of love and a passion that caused something to ignite inside Y/N.

Jin’s tongue darted out to lick her lips before pushing into her mouth. She hummed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to him. “Inside. Go inside.” She said breathlessly. “Need you.” And she could feel just how much Jin needed her from how hard he was.

“Okay. Okay. Yes.” He said. “It will warm us up, and then we can have a nice bath after.”

“Sounds good, Jinnie.” She said as he carried her upstairs to his room, their clothes being pulled off at various points on the journey up. 

He kicked open his door and set her down. They both finished undressing each other, sharing kisses and touches as they did. “Sound so pretty, sweetheart.” Jin said as she let out a soft moan at his fingers brushing over her breasts. “Can’t wait to taste you.” He whispered in her ear. “I can’t wait to bury my head in that pretty little pussy of yours and make you cum so hard that you see stars.”

“I need you so bad, Jinnie.” She whispered in his ear, arching up into his touch. He traced his fingers down her stomach down to where she needed him the most. 

“What’s the magic word, sweetheart?” He asked, fingers hovering over her pussy.

“Please.” She looked up at him, giving him puppy eyes. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her as he slid his fingers into her pussy. “Ah.” She moaned into the kiss. He crooked them inside of her and pressed against her special spot that made her feel ecstatic. “Oh my God.”

“That’s right, sweetheart. I am your God.” Seokjin said, moving his fingers faster as he moved his head down to meet them, leaving a trail of kisses and bites in his wake. 

Her fingers tangled in his hair and pulled slightly as his tongue made contact with her clit, earning a groan from him. He wrapped his lips around her bundle of nerves and sucked, causing her hips to buck up at the sensation.

“Nah uh.” He said, pulling away. “Keep those hips still.” He pressed them down using a free hand. “You taste delicious, angel.” He said, slipping his tongue inside her.

“Oh God, that’s so good.” Y/N’s eyes rolled back at the feeling as her toes scrunched up. 

“I think I like you called me your God.” Seokjin said as he pulled away and lifted himself back up to hover over her face. “Are you ready for your God’s cock.”

Y/N felt a wave of pleasure roll through her at Seokjin’s confidence and him calling himself her God. “Please.” She managed to get out. Seokjin hummed and leaned down to kiss her.

“Whatever my angel wants, she will get.” Seokjin obliged, filling her in one thrust. Y/N let out a long moan. “I love making you sing.” He crooned, kissing her neck and sucking.

“I… Ah… Oh.” Y/N could not get a single sentence out, making Seokjin chuckle.

“Is my cock making you feel too good?” He asked.

“Feel so good. So full. Love it.” Y/N choked out, letting out another moan as Seokjin pushed in all the way and just rolled his hips, not thrusting anymore. “So deep.” She threw her head back and moved her hand to rub at her clit. 

Seokjin pushed her hand away. “I’ve got you. I can make you cum.” He said, pressing his thumb down, making her scream out. He rubbed it in tight circles, making her shudder.

“I’m close. Gonna cum. Please?” She asked.

“Cum whenever you need to.” Seokjin said, kissing her again. “Cum for your God.”

At his words, Y/N felt the knot inside her snap and her whole body shook with the force of her orgasm. “That’s it, angel. Such a good little angel.” He said. “Shit, angel.” He exclaimed. “You squirted.” He continued rolling his hips, chasing his own orgasm. “That was so hot. Covering me in your cum. Marking me as your own.”

“I didn’t know I could squirt.” Y/N said as she tried to catch her breath. 

“Our little secret for now. We can surprise the others.” He said. “Show them what we did tonight and how much you cum just from me.”

“I’d like that.” Y/N moaned, feeling overstimulated. His hips stuttered and he pulled out, releasing on her stomach. 

“Fuck angel.” He moaned out. He leaned down and kissed her. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” She replied. “I’m more than okay.” 

“That’s good, sweetheart. Come on, I’ll run you a bath.” He said standing up and taking her hand. He led her to the bathroom that was opposite his room after wrapping her up in a robe that he found on the back of his door.

“Can we have the coconut bubbles please?” She asked, snuggling into Seokjin’s side.

“Of course, sweetheart.” Seokjin selected her desired bubble bath and poured it into the water. 

“Seokjin oppa.” Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him while they waited for the bath to fill up.

“Yes, sweetheart?” He asked, looking down and stroking her hair.

“I love you.” She said. Seokjin smiled and leaned down to kiss her.

“I love you, too.” He said. He reached over to turn off the water. “Come on, in you get.” He kissed her cheek as he helped her out of the robe.

Once they had settled into the water, Y/N turned her head to look up at her soulmate. “What about the cookies?”

“We can finish them after, okay? We just need to roll out the dough. It’s supposed to cool anyway.” Seokjin reassured her.

“Okay.” Y/N settled against his front. 

“Just relax, okay? I’ll wash you.” He said, kissing the top of her head.

“I can do it, it’s fine.”

“I want to.” He said softly. “Let me take care of you.”

“Okay.” Y/N obliged. “Thank you.”

“What for?” Seokjin asked.

“For loving me how I am and not trying to change me.”

“I will always love you sweetheart. No matter what happens.” Seokjin said. And as he said that Y/N knew it was completely true and that it was completely true for all of them.


Summary: Namjoon and Y/N go to do some Christmas shopping and Namjoon lets Y/N have some free reign with his credit card as a treat. But when she buys something that causes things to go from soft to steamy.

Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, and smut. Namjoon can’t get enough of the lingerie set Y/N bought basically


“Next year I could be just as good, if you check off my Christmas list”


Y/N hummed in her sleep, cuddling into the pillow more. She had fallen asleep in Namjoon’s room after the two had watched a movie together and cuddled. There may have been a handjob and some fingering under the blanket, but that was an added plus to the night. 

She felt Namjoon press kisses to her exposed cheek. “It’s time to wake up, beautiful.”

She whined and lifted her arms up with her eyes still closed. She felt Namjoon wrap his arms around her waist and lift her up, setting her on his lap. She leaned forward and rested her head on his shoulder. 

“What time is it?” She asked slowly. 

“Just past nine.” Namjoon replied. She hummed and inhaled his scent of faint cologne, books and leather. “Are you starting to wake up?” She nodded. He rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. “That’s good. Do you want to shower or are you going to do that later?”

“I showered last night so I’ll do it later.” She whispered. “Remember?”

“I remember, baby.” He chuckled. “You still need to get changed though.”

“But I’m comfy.” She pointed out. 

“I know, baby. I am too. But we’re going shopping tomorrow, and we can’t go in our pyjamas can we?”

“No.” Y/N agreed. She sat up slowly and looked at Namjoon through bleary eyes. “Good morning.” 

“Good morning, baby.” He said, pushing her hair out of her face. “I take it you slept well?”

“Yup. I like sleeping with you. You’re nice to cuddle.” Y/N replied. She had woken up a lot more now. It was true, Namjoon was nice to cuddle. It was well known that he was tall and had muscles to die for, which meant that Y/N would be engulfed whenever he cuddled her. 

“Thank you, baby.” Namjoon leaned forward and kissed her softly. 

“Morning breath.” Y/N wrinkled her nose, making Namjoon chuckle, his dimples showing. She reached forward and poked one. “That dimple is illegal.” She said.

“Using my own song lyrics against me.” Namjoon feigned shock before tapping her thigh. “Okay, let’s go and get ready and then we can do some Christmas shopping for everyone. And as a treat since you’ve been so good, I will let you get whatever you want, okay?”

“Anything?” Y/N asked. Namjoon nodded.

“Anything my baby wants, she will get.” He said. “And she doesn’t have to wait until Christmas to use them.”

“Thank you, Joonie.” She said kissing him again. She slid off his lap. “Let’s get ready!”


“Alright, baby, where to first?” Namjoon asked. Y/N looked around. She needed to buy the boys their presents and she already knew what she was going to get each of them, but it was going to be hard buying Namjoon’s. 

She decided to get Taehyung’s present first. She had seen him looking at some Gucci lingerie online a few days ago but had not bought anything from it. He was probably self-restraining to see what he got for Christmas. So, she had done some looking and found the perfect thing for him. It was a bodysuit that had black floral lace on it. It would suit Tae perfectly.

“Gucci?” She asked. “I need to get TaeTae’s present.”

“What are you getting Tae?” Namjoon asked curiously. 

“You’ll see.” She said as they entered the store. With the help of one of the store assistants, she located the body suit. It was even more perfect in person. 

“He is going to look beautiful in that.” Namjoon murmured as she dug around in her purse to find her card. He noticed this. “Hey, I thought I was paying.”

“Not for the presents for the boys, oppa.” She said, pulling out her card and paying. “Those are the things I want to buy myself.” She did now have a job that paid decently well. She was a dance choreographer for Hybe, but she mainly worked with TXT and Enhypen. Occasionally she would work with BTS, but those times were rare because they had their own choreographers that they had been working with for years and it wouldn’t make sense to completely change up the style just so they could work with their soulmate. It also removed any distractions, especially Yoongi, who could not keep his hands off her when she wore leggings. 

“Can we get another one of these in size medium, please.” Namjoon requested. The woman behind the counter nodded and disappeared to get a second bodysuit. Y/N looked up at him questioningly. “I’ll be damned if I don’t see you wearing that.” He said. “You and Tae in matching lingerie will be a sigh to behold.”

“Control your horniness, oppa.” She chided, dangling the bag off her wrist and putting away her card. “We are in public.”

“It’s kind of hard to control when you are buying lacy lingerie in front of me.” Namjoon hissed.

Y/N giggled. “Oops?” Namjoon sighed and playfully rolled his eyes. “Can we go to Chanel next? I saw the perfect jacket for Jimin.”

“Of course, baby.” Namjoon said, kissing the top of her head. “That’s where I wanted to get part of your present from as well.”

“Part of my present?” Y/N looked at him. She thought they were only getting each other one thing each.

“After everything you’ve been through this year, we decided that we wanted to thoroughly spoil you and get you whatever we wanted to.” Namjoon explained.


“No buts, baby. You still are getting everyone one thing, though.” He said authoratively. Y/N pursed her lips and stayed quiet. These boys would find every possible excuse to spoil her and she wouldn’t ever be able to stop them.

In Chanel, Y/N bought Jimin’s jacket, which was black silk and would suit Jimin perfectly. Namjoon had gone off with another store attendant to get her present, which from the looks of things was jewellery.

A couple of hours later, they finally sat down for lunch. Y/N had got presents for everyone but Jungkook and Namjoon. For Hoseok she had got an AOI Icon black hoodie, a white t-shirt, and some bleached red jeans all from Supreme. Since she now knew that the boys were getting her more than one thing, she decided that she was also going to break the one item rule, especially because Jimin and Taehyung had quite expensive presents. She also got Hoseok a trinity ring from Cartier which was silver, gold and black. Also from Cartier, she got Taehyung a trinity bracelet that was white gold, yellow gold and rose gold. 

She also got Jimin a soft knitted blanket since she knew how much he liked to wrap up in as many blankets as possible when they were watching movies together, but his blanket was getting old and ragged. 

For Seokjin she had got some new cooking pans that were really high quality and she also got him a pair of rose gold orchid earrings, also from Cartier.

And for Yoongi she had got him a Fear of God Monarch sweatshirt, that she would definitlely be stealing, and a silver necklace with a lock on it from Louis Vuitton. 

Namjoon had also treated her with a couple of items from each of the shops. He had bought her a white Supreme hoodie that matched the one she had bought Hoseok with the promise that he would wear it for a bit so it smelt like him. From Cartier, he had got her a pair of trinity earrings that were diamond encrusted. From Fear of God he got her a sweatshirt that he was going to give to Jungkook to wear and then she was going to have it back. And from Louis Vuitton, he got her a small leather backpack. 

“What can I get for you today?”  A waiter came over to the table. He smiled warmly at Y/N before dropping the smile when he looked at Namjoon. 

Namjoon clenched his jaw and cleared his throat before looking over the menu once more. “We’ll get the afternoon tea to share, and two portions of the coconut mochi.” He said before closing the menu and handing it to the waiter.

“And anything for the pretty lady?” The waiter asked, making Y/N shift in discomfort, which Namjoon noticed.

“I’m going to kindly ask you to not speak to my girlfriend like that.” Namjoon said, trying to keep himself calm. “Unless you want to be done for harassment.”

“I’m sorry, sir. I did not think.” The waiter said quickly, the threat that Namjoon had given clearly hitting too close to home. “I will go and get your order.”

Namjoon nodded tightly, his jaw still clenched. “I would also like to request another waiter, please. You’ve made my girl uncomfortable and I don’t want that happening to her.”

“Of course, sir.” The waiter disappeared.

“Thank you, Joonie.” Y/N said quietly. He grabbed hold of her hand and stroked the back of it with her thumb. 

“He was making you uncomfortable and that’s not right.” Namjoon pointed out. “Nobody should make you feel uncomfortable. If they do, you come and tell me straight away.”

“I’ll always tell you.” Y/N said. A waitress came over to the table with their items.

“Here is your food and drinks. I’m so sorry about the previous waiter, I promise it will never happen again.” She said to the pair.

Namjoon nodded and smiled, his dimples showing. “Thank you so much.”

“Enjoy your meal.” The waitress bowed and walked away.

“Smile baby.” Namjoon pulled out his phone to take some pictures of Y/N. “My beautiful lunch date.”

“Stopppp.” Y/N whined, hiding her face.

“Aigoo, so cute.” Namjoon cooed, still taking pictures of her. 

“Joonie oppa.” Y/N removed her hands from her face to playfully glare at Namjoon.

“Just one smile, baby, please. For me.” Namjoon begged, making Y/N roll her eyes and smile for Namjoon. “Absolutely beautiful.” Namjoon said as he looked at the photos he had taken.

Y/N pulled out her phone and took some photos of Namjoon without him realising. They were of him smiling down at his phone.

“So handsome.” Y/N said, making him look up at her, still smiling. “Got it!” She took a picture of him. “Perfect.”

“You’re perfect, baby.” Namjoon said. Y/N blushed and took a sip from her tea. 

“Thank you, oppa.” She whispered. 

Namjoon reached forward and grabbed one of the sandwiches. “Any time, baby. Now eat up. We’ve still got shops to go to, and you’re going to need your energy.”

Y/N reached forward and grabbed a smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwich. “This place is so cute. I love it here.”

“I know.” Namjoon was silent for a second. “You know what, this can be our place where we go on our more casual dates.”

“I’d like that.” Y/N smiled. “Just me and you.”

“I love you, baby.” Namjoon said, taking another sandwich from the tray in front of them.

“I love you, oppa.” Y/N replied, picking up one of the mochi. 

“You love mochi, don’t you?” He chuckled. Y/N nodded, her mouth full. “Cute.”

“Try one, they’re so good.” She said after she swallowed. She thrust one into Namjoon’s face.

“Okay, baby.” He opened his mouth and allowed her to feed him.


“Last shop.” Y/N announced as they reached the lingerie store. They had gone to Balenciaga, where Y/N had bought a pair of black lace-up boots with white chunky soles for Jungkook, which Namjoon had got a pair for her in white. They then stopped in Prada, where she had bought a knitted cashmere hoodie for Namjoon. Namjoon had bought her another gift from Prada as well. They also stopped at the bookstore where she had got Namjoon some new philosophical books, and Namjoon had treated her to some new fantasy and romance books, with the promise of a reading date and a picnic when it was warmer.

“Are you planning to get something for Tae here?” Namjoon asked.

Y/N turned and smiled at him slyly. “Nope.” She said. “This is all gonna be for me.”

“All of it?”

“Every single one.” She whispered in his ear. “And you never know, I could give you a fashion show when we get back.”

Namjoon groaned. “There’s no could about that. You are giving me a fashion show and then I’m gonna fuck you nice and hard.” He said in her ear. Y/N let out a shaky breath and pressed her thighs together.

“Yes, Daddy.” She smirked before disappearing into the store.

“Fucking hell.” Namjoon muttered under his breath before following her inside. 


“Are you ready for the show, Daddy?” Y/N asked from the adjoining bathroom to Namjoon’s bedroom.

Namjoon sat up immediately, his feet braced on the floor. He was sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m always ready for you, baby.” He was already hard in his pants, but it wasn’t unbearable. “How many do you have to show me?”

“Around six.” Y/N called back.

“Ok, come on out then, kitten.” Namjoon said. He had his eyes trained on the door, waiting with baited breath for her to come out. The first outfit was a red corset style top with matching red panties.

“I’ve left the most scandalous for last.” She said, stopping in front of Namjoon and posing with her hands on her hips. 

“Let me see the back.” He said, his mouth dry. She looked stunning. The panties framed her ass perfectly.

“You look stunning, kitten.” Namjoon said. “Let’s see the next one.”

Each one got more and more scandalous. Next was an open-back lacy black babydoll style top with a pink bow and a cute little skirt attached, which had matching black panties. Then she came out wearing a one piece that was mesh and see through with lacy detail on the cups and shiny straps that had crystals on them. 

The next few gave Namjoon a small heart attack when she showed them to him. The first was a blue lace one piece that was basically just strings in the back holding it together. It basically only covered the front of her. The next one was a similar style but had even less fabric in the front and it was an aqua colour. But it was the final one that made Namjoon the hardest he had ever been.

It was pretty much just bands that covered her up. Red bands that left little to the imagination.

“Look at you, kitten.” Namjoon pulled her onto his lap. “Dressed up so pretty for Daddy.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” She said, a smile on her face. One of the things that Namjoon loved the most about Y/N was that while she had a praise kink, they also found out that she had a slight degradation kink once she had fully recovered from the trauma Jackson had evoked on her. 

“Are you gonna be a good girl for Daddy?” He asked, trailing his fingers up and down her sides.

“I’m always Daddy’s good girl.” She said sassily. “But tonight, I wanna be Daddy’s little slut.”

“Well you certainly look like a little slut.” Namjoon said. “Alright, get on the bed with your ass up because I don’t remember giving you permission to buy all these slutty outfits.”

“But you said I could buy whatever I wanted, Daddy.” She purred, not getting off his lap, but instead grinding down on his lap. “And you’re already so hard. Let me help you.”

“Excuse me, kitten, but are you disobeying me?” Namjoon tightened his grip on her hips, making her stop moving. “I won’t repeat myself again. On the bed. Ass up. Face down. Am I clear?”

“Are you gonna spank me, Daddy? Make me even more wet?” She asked, getting off his lap and positioning herself on the bed.

“You’re getting 10 spanks, little whore. And then you’re going to take my cock in your slutty little mouth if you can handle that.”

Namjoon knelt on the bed behind her and ran a hand over her exposed ass. “This can’t even be classed as clothes. It’s just red bands that cover you up.”

“I bought it just for you Daddy. I knew you’d like it.”

“You look absolutely stunning in it, baby, but since you’ve been acting like a little brat who is just desperate for my cock, isn’t that right?” He said. “Nothing like my good little girl. She’s been replaced by some cock-hungry whore.”

Y/N let out a moan and wiggled her ass, desperate for some friction. 

“Count, you needy slut.” He spanked her 10 times, each time she counted and thanked him.

Namjoon looked at his handiwork and smiled. Her ass was all red. “So pretty for me.” He said. “Now, I would rip this off you, but since you’ve just got it, I’m going to let you take it off and not let it get ruined. Because I know for a fact your Sir and Master and Oppa would love to see you in it.”

“Please I need your cock, Daddy.” She said after she’d taken off the lingerie.

“Beg for it. Beg for me to fuck your mouth, even though you don’t deserve it.” Namjoon ordered.

“Please, Daddy. I need your cock to make me into a good girl. I want it in my mouth so bad. I need to taste you.” She begged. “Please.”

“Get on your knees.” Namjoon ordered. He pulled off his shirt and trousers and boxers. He knelt in front of Y/N and cupped her cheek. “Colour, baby?”

“I’m green.” She replied. “I would like a kiss though.”

Namjoon leaned forward and connected their lips. “Good girl.” He said. “Now, suck.” He shoved her head down to his cock. He groaned as her wet mouth engulfed his tip and sucked. “Look up at me.” Their eyes met as he pushed his cock further into her mouth. She gagged slightly before controlling the reflex.

“Such a good girl, taking my entire cock in your mouth.” Namjoon praised. She moaned, the sound vibrating down his shaft. He moved his hips, causing small, wet sounds to come from her throat as he fucked it. 

After a few more minutes, he pulled her off. “Lie down.” He ordered. She did so, wiping the spit off her mouth with the back of her hand.

“Colour, baby?”

“Green, Daddy.” Y/N’s voice was slightly scratchy. 

“Are you sure, baby? I can be less harsh?” Namjoon wasn’t entirely convinced by Y/N’s answer.

“Is that okay, Joonie? Just wanna be us, nothing else.” Y/N admitted.

Namjoon hummed and settled over her. “Of course we can, baby.” He said, looking down at her lovingly. “Just us.”

“Just us.” Y/N repeated, leaning up to kiss him. Namjoon trailed a hand down her body, fingers brushing over her nipples, causing gasps and small moans to fall from her lips. “Please, please, please.” She pleaded.

Namjoon hushed her as he trailed kisses down her neck. “I’ve got you. It’s okay. I’m going to give you what you want.” He reassured her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He moved his fingers down to her pussy and moved them up and down before pressing two inside of her.

“You’re soaked baby. So ready for me, hm?” He asked.

“Yes, please. I need you.” She said.

“You’ve got me. You have all of me.” Namjoon said, positioning the head of his cock at her entrance. 

“Oh, fuck.” She moaned out as he pushed inside. She was tight and warm.

“You feel so good, baby. You always do.” Namjoon said, moving his hips slowly, coaxing small moans out of her every now and then.

“So good, so good.” She moaned, letting out a whine as Namjoon rubbed his thumb over her clit. He moved his head up from her neck to kiss her.

“I know baby. You like feeling good, don’t you?” He asked. Y/N moaned and nodded, getting tigher around her.

“I’m close.” She said.

“I know, baby. So am I.” Namjoon said. He moaned as he felt the knot in his stomach getting tighter. “Cum whenever you want, baby. I’ve got you.”

Y/N moaned and pressed up into his thumb as she let go. Her legs shook and her back arched as moan after moan fell from her pretty lips. Namjoon was close behind, his hips stuttering and eventually stilling as he spilled into her.

“Thank you, Joonie.” She whispered, kissing him gently. He slowly pulled out of her and rolled off her, pulling her close.

“You don’t need to thank me, baby.” He said.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Now get some sleep, you’ve had a long day.” He said, kissing the top of her forehead. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”


Part 15 of the Boys with Luv series

Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS

Summary: The members help Y/N through her recovery

Warnings: Mentions of rape, self-harm and suicidal thoughts, domestic abuse, kidnapping, PTSD flashbacks


AN: This is going to be quite a sensitive chapter, containing topics that could trigger some people. Please proceed with care. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys!

Part 14 |Part 15 | Part 16


“Hyunjin?” Y/N called from her bed. It had been four days since she had been discharged from the hospital into the care of her younger brother and it had been over a week since she had seen her soulmates. Hyunjin had not allowed them to see her as he was convinced they had ulterior motives with her since they had allowed Jackson to kidnap her. He had gone as far to tell the doctors of the hospital that he was not comfortable with any information regarding Y/N’s wellbeing to be shared with them and had stationed Changbin outside the door to stop them entering the hospital room.

“Yes, noona?” Hyunjin popped his head around the door. He was holding a tray with some juk. Y/N wrinkled her nose. The rice porridge was the only thing she had been given to eat since she had come home. It was becoming quite boring.

“You do realise I am allowed to move around, right?” She reminded him, wanting to see something else other than the four walls of her childhood bedroom. 

“You do realise you are recovering from major surgery?” Hyunjin raised his eyebrows as he set the tray down on her desk. He leaned against it, one of his legs crossed over the other. 

“I’ve got about a week of recovery left. They discharged me for a reason, Hyunnie.” 

“I just want to be sure you’re okay, noona. You’ve been through a lot and I’m not entirely sure you’ve fully processed it yet.” Y/N was silent. Yes, there had been nightmares were she was back in that room, tied to the bed while Jackson raped her. But there had also been the dreams that were good. Dreams were she had been spending time with her brother, and with her soulmates. But she knew that she would not be able to have a physical relationship with the boys for a while considering what had happened to her. They would just have to take it slow, which was why she was slightly grateful that Hyunjin wasn’t allowing them to see her. Less chance of a mental breakdown over a hug or a kiss. 

It had taken almost a week for Hyunjin to be able to hold her hand and hug her. The first time he had done it she had screamed and cried until the doctor relaxed her with a sedative. But she still longed for her soulmates presence.

“Please, Hyunnie, let me see them.” She pleaded. “You can be there in the room as well as any of the boys you want to be there. I just need to see them.”

Hyunjin sighed and moved over to the bed, sitting down. “I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, noona. What if you have a panic attack over them trying to kiss you?”

“I have you here to calm me down, don’t I?” Y/N reminded him. “And besides, I’ll do my management techniques that my therapist taught me. He can’t hurt me anymore. I just need to remember that.”

Hyunjin leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Okay. Fine. You text them and tell them to come over in an hour or so and I’ll get Changbin hyung and Chan hyung to come over as well. And maybe Lee Know hyung.”

“Okay, Hyunnie. Thank you.” Y/N smiled at her brother and ruffled his hair. Hyunjin stood up and handed her the food. 

“Eat up.” He set the tray on her lap. “I’ll be back in twenty minutes or so to see how you’re getting on.” He left the room, closing the door behind him.

Y/N looked down at the juk and sighed. “Why is it always this?” She whined before beginning to eat.


An hour later, Y/N was propped up against the headboard of her bed with many pillows surrounding her and one of Hyunjin’s hoodies on. 

“Noonaaaa!” Changbin said excitedly as he entered the room followed by Chan and Lee Know.

“Hi, noona!” Lee Know waved as he sat on her desk chair. Chan stood behind him, leaning against the wall.

“Hi, Y/Nie.” He smiled. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes I am, thank you Chan oppa.” Y/N replied. “How’s being idols now?”

“It’s good.” Lee Know said. “Fun.”

“That’s good.” Y/N said. “I’ve listened to your guys stuff, it’s really good.”

“Thank you.” Changbin said. He was sat on Y/N’s windowsill seat where she used to sit and read when she was younger. 

There was a comfortable silence for a while before Y/N heard several sets of footsteps on the stairs. 

“They’re here!” She exclaimed excitedly. Hyunjin walked into her room, shutting the door behind him. She frowned at him and tilted her head.

“Are you completely sure you can handle this?” He asked.

“Yes, Hyunjin. I’m sure. And if I need you, you’re next door. I’ll text you or something.” She reassured him. “So, you four, out. Let me see my boys.”

“If anything happens, anything at all, just let us know. We are right next door.” Hyunjin said as the four of them left the room. 

“I know, Hyunnie.” Y/N nodded. She took a deep breath to steady herself and calm herself down. There was a soft knock on the door. She cleared her throat. “Come in.”

“Baby girl!” Her Hobi was there with a huge smile on his face.

“Hobi!” He came into her room and gently made his way over to her. “Where are the rest of you?”

“We’re going to come in one at a time to let you adjust and everything. We want to make you feel as comfortable as possible.” Hoseok explained, kneeling down next to her bed. “How are you?”

Y/N reached out her hand which Hoseok took. She had missed feeling him. “I’m okay. Healing slowly but I’m okay.”

“That’s amazing, baby girl. I’m so proud of you for getting this far.” Hoseok said.

“I missed you.” Y/N felt tears prick her eyes.

“I missed you too, baby girl.” Hoseok’s eyes looked all over her face, softening even more. “Oh, please, don’t cry, baby girl. It’s okay.” Y/N sniffled and grabbed a tissue to wipe her eyes. Hoseok watched her for a few seconds before he spoke again. “Can I hug you?”

He’s not Jackson. Not Jackson. This is Hoseok. Jackson can’t hurt me anymore. She reminded herself. 

“Please.” She said. Hoseok stood up and climbed onto her bed, pulling her into his arms.

“There we go.” He said as he maneuvered them gently into a comfortable position. Y/N burst into tears again having missed this feeling so much. “It’s okay, baby girl. I’ve got you. I’m here.” He played with her hair and stroked her back. 

“I needed this.” She whispered, her voicy croaky from the tears. 

“I know, baby girl. I know.” Hoseok’s voice was soft. “I needed this too.”

There was a knock at the door. Y/N looked up from her spot on Hoseok’s chest and saw that Seokjin was stood in the doorway.

“Oh, sweetheart.” His face filled with sympathy when he saw her crying. “What’s wrong?”

“They’re happy tears, Jin oppa.” Y/N sniffled. “I didn’t realise how much I had missed you until I saw you.”

“I missed you too, sweetheart. So much.” Seokjin took hold of her hand and rubbed the back of it. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay.” Y/N said. “I’m not a hundred percent where I was before yet, but I’m getting there.”

“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Jin said. “Can I join the cuddle?” Y/N nodded and Hoseok lifted her up slightly and rolled onto his back so Jin could lie next to them. He then placed her on both of their chests so she was lying kind of in between them on her side with Hobi behind her and Jin in front of her. They were both holding hands on her hip. 

“Hi,” Y/N whispered. She was quite close to Jin’s face.

“Hi sweetheart.” Jin said reaching up to push some hair out of her face. “You’re so beautiful.”

“You are, baby girl.” Hoseok agreed. Y/N blushed and hid her face in Jin’s shoulder, causing the pair of them to chuckle.

“You definitely are the most exquisite thing I’ve ever seen, baby.” Came a voice from the door.

“Joonie oppa?” She lifted her head up and saw Namjoon stood with a huge smile on his face, showing his dimples.

“Hello, beautiful baby. How have you been?” Namjoon stood awkwardly by the edge of the bed not really sure what to do. 

“I’ve been better, if I’m being totally honest. But I’m getting there.” Y/N replied.

“That’s good, baby. We will all help you get to where you need to be.” Joon said.

“Join the cuddle!” Hoseok said happily. 

“Ok, hyungs move up and go on your sides.” Namjoon instructed. “And then I’m gonna lie in the middle with our pretty little baby in my arms because I’ve missed her so much.”

“I missed you too.” Y/N smiled, moving to let Namjoon lie down. Once he was comfortable she carefully laid down on top of him. She had gotten her stitches out and the wound had healed but it still hurt a little bit if she moved too quickly, and she still had the fear she would somehow rip it open.

“Cuddles without me?” Jimin’s voice rang across the room. Y/N could picture the pout on his face. She looked over at him. Yup, there it was.

“You’re cute, Jiminie.” Y/N cooed, making him smile at her.

“Not as cute as you, though.”

Y/N opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the others agreeing with him and not allowing her to say otherwise. 

“Are you okay? I was so scared.” Jimin asked, crawling onto the bed and lying next to her on top of Hoseok, who let out a small grunt when Jimin flopped onto him.

“I’m okay. Getting better, Min. I’m not completely there yet, but I will be.” Y/N promised, making Jimin nod in understanding. He reached out and wrapped an arm around her waist.

“I’m glad you’re back in my arms, princess.” He said softly.

“I’m glad too, Min.” Y/N said, staring into his eyes. 

“Baby bear!” Taehyung exclaimed, bounding into the room.

“TaeTae!” Y/N smiled, sitting up, her legs on either side of Namjoon’s stomach. She opened her arms and made grabby hands at him. Tae climbed on Jin and hugged Y/N tight. She heard him inhale deeply on the top of her head.

“You’re okay. That’s so good. I’m proud.” Taehyung said, his deep voice rumbling through Y/N’s body. 

“Yeah, I’m getting there. Still a bit jumpy.” Y/N explained, making Tae hum in understanding.

“I get that, darling. I understand.” Tae said softly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. He froze. “I’m sorry if that was too far.”

“It’s fine, Tae. Honestly. It’s okay. I’m okay.” Y/N reassured him. He pulled away and looked her in the eye to make sure she was comfortable.

“Okay, baby bear. Okay.” Taehyung settled down on top of Jin, who groaned as he shifted his weight along Jin’s stomach.

“Tae, I love you, but ow.” Jin complained. 

“Love you too, hyung.” Tae leaned up and kissed Jin’s lips. “Yoongi hyung said to let you know that he thought it would be best if he and Jungkook were alone with Y/N.”

“Why?” Y/N was confused. She tilted her head to side and glanced at the boys in front of her.

“It’s easier to let him explain, baby.” Namjoon said, sitting up. Y/N slid into his lap.

“Is it bad?” Y/N chewed on her lip.

“It’s okay, baby girl. They’re both okay. They just both really, really missed you.” Hoseok replied, reassuring her. 

Taehyung and Jimin clambered off the bed after sandwiching her between kisses to her cheeks. Jin followed with a kiss to the top of her head, with Hobi close on his heels, leaving a kiss to Y/N’s nose.

“It will be okay, baby. I promise. Some things happened while you were gone, which they want to talk to you about. But I promise you, it’s okay.” Namjoon said. Y/N nodded and got off Namjoon’s lap.

He kissed her forehead after he got off the bed. “I’ll see you later?”

“Of course, baby.” He said. “We’ll all go home and watch a movie or something.”

“Okay.” Y/N nodded, watching Namjoon’s retreating figure make his way out of the room and into the hallway. 

“Jagiya? Can I come in?” At the sound of his voice, Y/N eyes filled with tears. She had missed all of the boys, but Yoongi was her first soulmate. They had a special connection that none of the others had. 

“Yoonie.” Her voice cracked as she spoke. She got up from the bed and ran into his arms.

“Jagi. Oh, my God. Y/N.” Yoongi murmured into her hair, walking them into the room. “You’re okay. You’re okay.”

“I’m okay.” Y/N confirmed. “Still a bit jumpy at certain things and have slight PTSD, but I’m okay.”

“That’s okay, jagiya. Fucking hell I missed you.” He pulled away and studied her face. “You’ve gotten even more beautiful.” He whispered, a hand coming up to cup her cheek. “So pretty.”

“I missed you, Yoon.” Y/N said, rubbing his shoulder. 

“I missed you more.” He said. Y/N looked up at him, taking in his cat-like eyes that pierced into her soul every time they looked at each other. His eyes dipped down to her lips. He paused and cleared his throat. “Can I…?”

Y/N hesitated. Jackson had never actually kissed her the entire time she was there, so she should be fine. And she wanted him to. That meant something, surely. Her body was telling her to, so she would be fine.

“Yes.” She breathed. Yoongi leaned down and connected their lips together.

Y/N waited with baited breath, unsure of what was about to happen. 

And then she felt it.

The fireworks.

Sparking and bursting inside her stomach. She smiled into the kiss, her hands coming up to curl into the hairs at the base of Yoongi’s neck. 

They both pulled away breathless. Yoongi was smiling lovingly at her, trying to catch his breath. 

“Fuck.” He murmured, a hand stroking her cheek. “Okay.” He cleared his throat. “There’s something you need to know.”

“What do you mean?” Y/N’s heart filled with dread. “What happened?” Yoongi was silent, looking down at his fingers. “Yoongi. Tell me.” She demanded.

“The night you were taken something happened between me and Jungkook.” He began. Y/N’s heart stopped. Had they broken up? Had Jungkook left them?

“Where is he?” She asked, needing to see him. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s not good, jagiya.” Yoongi had tears in his eyes. “He-” His breath hitched in his throat and he started to cry. “It’s all my fault.”

“What’s your fault? What happened?” Y/N asked, wrapping her arms around him. “Yoongi? Where is he? You’re scaring me.” Yoongi buried his head in her shoulder and kept saying he was sorry. “Yoongi, love, please tell me what happened.”

Yoongi took a deep breath to calm himself. “The night you were taken, Jungkook and I got into an argument. I told him that Jackson taking you was his fault and that caused him to hurt himself.”

“Fuck.” Y/N was shocked. She never thought Yoongi would be like that. “Why would you say that to him?”

“I was upset and angry and scared and I wasn’t in my right mind.” Yoongi explained. “I thought you were going to die. You said you would kill yourself if he ever took you again and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to live without you.”

“Yoongi…” Y/N was still slightly angry at him for exploding at Jungkook like that, but she could understand where he was coming from. “I’m okay. I’m here. Just please, don’t ever do that again. Stuff like that it’s… damaging.”

“I know. There’s only two things I regret in my life. Hurting him like that and allowing Jackson to get close to you.” Yoongi said. 

“I want to see him.” She said. Yoongi nodded and left the room for a second, returning with a scared looking Jungkook.

“Koo.” Y/N breathed a sigh of relief and ran into his arms. He let out a breath of surprise before hugging her back.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He kept repeating. Y/N felt her heart break. While she had gone through something horrible, it was clear Jungkook had too. And she knew that it would take some time for both of them to get through it, but at least they had each other.


Part 14 of the Boys with Luv series

Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS

Summary: The members help Y/N through her recovery

Warnings: Mentions of rape, self-harm and suicidal thoughts, domestic abuse, kidnapping, PTSD flashbacks


AN: This is going to be quite a sensitive chapter, containing topics that could trigger some people. Please proceed with care. Sorry it’s been so late for me to update guy, I’ve just started univeristy and it has been hard to get back into the work-life balance, but I’m back! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys!

Part 13 |Part 14|Part 15


It had been a few hours since Y/N’s surgery and Jungkook had not stopped nibbling on his thumb nail since Yoongi had told him what had happened. He felt awful over what had happened, even though his hyungs had told him multiple times that it wasn’t his fault. But telling him that would never change what had happened, would it?

He noticed Yoongi was staring at him and turned his head away. Footsteps approached and Yoongi was kneeling down in front of him. “Stop beating yourself up about all of this,” Yoongi urged. “It is not your fault, okay?”

“Why didn’t I go after her? I noticed she had left her phone just after she left the room. I should have taken it to her, and then maybe she wouldn’t have been taken.” Jungkook grumbled to himself. Yoongi brushed the hair out of his face.

“Even if you had gone after her, she would have still gone home and since Sejin had been intercepted, it still would have been Jackson waiting for her.” Yoongi said. “Now, these arms need to be stitched up because they keep bleeding.”

Jungkook’s eyes widened as a wave of nauseating anxiety washed over him. “What if they tell the company that I did this to myself?” He asked. “They might terminate my contract, hyung!”

“They won’t do that.” Yoongi reassured him. “It will all be okay.” He took hold of one of Jungkook’s hands between his own. “Now, please, can we get your arms stitched up.”

“Promise they won’t terminate my contract, hyung?” Jungkook did not want that to happen. It would kill him to not be able to perform and sing and dance in front of ARMY. 

“I’ll make sure they won’t.” Yoongi said firmly, straightening up. “Come on, baby, let’s go.” 


“Hyung, how much longer until her surgery is finished?” Jimin asked, looking up at Hoseok. The younger boy had been having a quick nap so his face was all puffy and swollen with sleep.

“Soon, baby boy. The surgery will be finished soon.” Hoseok stroked Jimin’s hair gently. “And Kookie will be back from getting his arms stitched any moment now.”

Jimin hummed in acknowledgment and shuffled on Hoseok’s lap to get comfy. “She’ll be okay, won’t she, hyung?” He said.

“Of course she will. She’s just going to need a lot of help from us to get better. It’s going to take some time, but she will be okay.” Hoseok said. He knew that what had happened to her would definitely affect Y/N a lot, and it would take all of them to help her get to the end of her road to recovery.

Footsteps approached them, making Hoseok look up from staring down at Jimin. Yoongi and Jungkook were back. The maknae’s arms were wrapped up in bandages and there were tear stains on his cheeks. He was tucked into Yoongi’s side. Hoseok found it endearing that even though Jungkook was taller than Yoongi, he would always find a way to look small next to his hyung. 

“How’d it go?” Namjoon asked from where he was sat with Taehyung and Jin. 

“He’s okay. Only a couple were deep enough to need stitches.” Yoongi said as he sat down in one of the waiting room chairs that faced the doors to the OR. 

“How are you feeling Koo? Do you need some water?” Hoseok asked. Jungkook nodded his head, curling up on Yoongi’s lap. “Okay, Jiminie love, I need to get up.” Jimin nodded and slid off Hoseok’s lap. Hoseok quickly got some water and handed it to the maknae.

“How’s he doing?” Hoseok asked, looking up at Yoongi, who shook his head.

“He’s scared Y/N isn’t going to love him anymore because of what he did.” Yoongi said. 

“Kookie, is that true?” Jimin was knelt down in front of Jungkook now. He reached out and took hold of one of his hands. 

“I’m sorry.” Jungkook started crying again.

“It’s okay, bun. It’s all okay.” Yoongi rocked the youngest gently. 

Jimin kissed the back of Jungkook’s hand. “Y/N will never ever be able to stop loving you.” He said softly.

“Exactly.” Hoseok agreed. Y/N loved each and every one of them endlessly and he knew that nothing that they could do would make her love them any less. That was something he was extremely confident in because he knew that none of them would do anything drastic that could cause their whole dynamic to change. “She knows that none of this is your fault, okay? You could not have known that Jackson would have been planning something that extreme, so please stop beating yourself up about it.” He said, stroking the younger boy’s hair. “I promise you, Koo, she will never stop loving you.”

Jungkook glanced up at Hoseok. His doe eyes were glistening with tears that were yet to fall and his long eyelashes were clumped together from the tears that had fallen. And in Hoseok’s eyes, he still looked ethereal. “You swear?”

“I swear on my life, baby.” Hoseok said, kissing the top of the maknae’s head. “Okay?” Jungkook paused before nodding. He sniffed and wiped away his tears, his crying beginning to cease. “You know, she’s going to be awake soon, and then you can go and see her.”

Jungkook’s eyes lit up at this. “Really?” Hoseok nodded.

“Really, baby. She’s going to be just fine.”

There was some peaceful quiet as the boys waited for the doctors to let them know that they could see their soulmate. But…

“Where is my sister?” A male voice shouted as footsteps thundered into the waiting room. A boy who seemed younger than Jungkook. “Where is she?” He had almost shoulder length blond hair and was very handsome. He also had dancer legs. He turned and saw the seven boys just watching him. He narrowed his eyes as he took them in. “Who the fuck are you? And where the fuck is my sister?”


Part 13 of the Boys with Luv series

Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS

Summary: Y/N has been found but how will the members react when they learn what she has gone through?

Warnings: Mentions of rape, self-harm and suicidal thoughts, domestic abuse, kidnapping


AN: This is going to be quite a sensitive chapter, containing topics that could trigger some people. Please proceed with care. This one is shorter, I think because I didn’t want to make it too triggering. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys!

Part 12 |Part 13|Part 14


The sound of wheels squeaking against linoleum floor, and the tapping of shoes filled Y/N’s ears. She opened her eyes, squinting at the harsh bright lights that surrounded her. She did not know where she was or what had happened, but she knew she was away from him. The last thing she could remember was the sound of sirens and flashing blue and red lights. That was when he had tried to strangle her, saying that if he couldn’t have her then no one could. She had passed out before the police had broken down the door and arrested him. 

She had no energy to stay awake. Her body was so tired and weak from all the trauma she had been through. She was drained. Her eyes closed again as a beep flooded the air, indicating that elevator doors had been opened. 

She awoke again to a nurse checking her IV. “Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?” She asked. She handed Y/N a pad of paper with a pen. “You’re going to have to write for now, your vocal chords were damaged.” She explained when Y/N frowned at the paper and pen in front of her in confusion.

The nurse moved her bed to a seating position. “Is anything hurting?” Yes, everything hurt. She had bruises and cuts everywhere. In between her legs ached horribly, a throbbing pain that never went away, no matter how she positioned herself.

‘Everything,’Y/N wrote down. The nurse smiled sympathetically and gently touched her hand.

“I can up your dosage on pain meds a little bit.” The nurse said, looking at the amount of pain medication was being inserted by her IV drip. “But unfortunately that is all I can do until the police arrive.”

‘Police?’Y/N wrote down.

“They need to collect the evidence, so that includes DNA samples and any other evidence we find when we do your rape kit.” The nurse explained. Y/N swallowed thickly, glancing down at her bare arms that were covered in fingernail-shaped scratches and bruises. She felt disgusted and violated. 

The door to her room opened, revealing a nice-looking female doctor. “Hello, I am Doctor Wilson and I will be your doctor for today.” She greeted, flashing a warming smile. Y/N nodded, flashing a brief smile. “Okay, so we are going to start your rape kit soon, and it is important that you consent to each and every step okay? Since you cannot give a verbal answer, we will need you to write down your consent whenever we ask. And it is also important for you to know that if you need to pause or do not feel comfortable at any time, you can stop the kit. Do you consent to starting this kit?” She asked.

Y/N picked up the pen and wrote her consent. She wanted to get Jackson sent away forever. She paused before turning the paper around to face the doctor. Doctor Wilson nodded.

“Just to make everything more comfortable here, it will just be you, me and Nurse Dawn, okay?” Y/N nodded.

“Okay, so if you could please stand on this large sheet of paper and take off all of your clothes.” Doctor Wilson instructed. Dawn helped Y/N off of the bed and helped her stand on the sheet. 

Y/N wasn’t wearing much. Just a silky, short dress and some panties. She was barefoot. She slid off the dress and panties, not wanting to look down at her bruised and broken body. Doctor Wilson collected the clothes and put them into a large plastic bag labelled evidence. She set it down on a table in front of her that had many different tubes and swabs and bags. There was also a camera.

“Okay, now we’re going to take pictures of all the bruises and cuts and other physical evidences you have on your body. Is that okay with you?” Doctor Wilson asked. Nurse Dawn handed Y/N the pad and pen. Y/N picked up the pen, realising then how shaky she was. ‘What if he finds out?’ she wrote.

“I promise you from what I can see physically on you, he will be sent away for a very long time, and if he gets released, then there will be a restraining order, so he will never be able to harm you again.” Doctor Wilson said gently. “Do you consent to the next step?” Y/N wrote down a yes and Nurse Dawn picked up the camera and began to document the physical evidence on her body.

Every so often a sympathetic sigh would fall from the nurse’s lips as she saw just how much the poor thing had been through. After about ten minutes, but what had felt like years to Y/N, Nurse Dawn set down the camera and handed Y/N two pills.

“Now we are going to put these into your IV. They are to prevent any STI’s that may have been transmitted. We are also going to take some blood and urine tests to see if there are any STI’s that cannot be cured by these pills.” Doctor Wilson explained. Y/N nodded and allowed Nurse Dawn to crush up the medicines and dissolve it in some distilled water before injecting it into her IV.

Swabs were taken and then Y/N was dressed in a hospital gown. “You will also have to undergo some surgery.” Doctor Wilson added. “Your abdomen is distended, so we need to take care of that. We will do that after the blood tests and urine tests as you will be completely decontaminated before surgery, which is why we prioritised the rape kit first.”

Y/N glanced over at the various swabs and bags that had been collected. If all of this was being used as evidence, Jackson was definitely going to jail, which allowed her to relax slightly. 

The only issue was her soulmates. Would they see her the same way, or would they think of her as some dirty slut who would just sleep with whatever man was available? That would explain why they hadn’t shown up yet. The female police officer who had escorted her here had told her that they were contacted as soon as she was found. So where were they?

She didn’t even feel the sting of the needle as blood was taken out of her. “Okay, sweetheart, let’s take you to the toilet and get that urine sample and then we can fix your abdomen up.” Nurse Dawn helped Y/N up, who winced at the pain in her stomach. “I’m sorry, love.” The nurse apologised, helping her over to the adjoining bathroom. “There we go.” She helped her sit down and do the urine sample.

While they were in the toilet, Y/N heard heavy footsteps and the door to the room swing open. Whoever it was sounded like they had a purpose and were annoyed.

“Where is she? Is she okay? You keep us out of the loop for four hours. Is she okay?” Y/N knew that voice. That voice that would softly slow rap or sing her to sleep. Yoongi. Her Yoongi. He was here. “Why is there a camera in here? What are all these bags?” Y/N quickly stood up wanting to be back in his arms. The sudden movement hurt her, causing her to cry out. “Jagiya?” The footsteps came closer to the toilet and the door swung open.

Yoongi looked awful, like he hadn’t properly eaten or slept since she had been gone. “Baby, you’re alive. Thank God.” He pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. He pulled away, looking at her. “What happened to you?”

“I think it would be best if you sat down for this, sir.” Nurse Dawn said softly. Yoongi helped Y/N back to bed as Nurse Dawn handed her the pad of paper. Doctor Wilson had left to go and prep for surgery. “There is extensive swelling to her vocal cords which we are hoping will go down during surgery, so she has to write everything down.”

“I swear I’m going to kill that motherfucker for hurting you.” Yoongi vowed, settling down in a chair next to her bed. “What did he do?”

Y/N paused for a second. She didn’t know whether Yoongi would be able to handle everything that had happened to her.

Are you sure you can handle all of it? The whole story? There is a lot…’ Y/N wrote down. Yoongi nodded.

Okay… The first day he kidnapped me, he beat me with his belt and then he was about to…’ She set down the pen, not wanting to write the word. 

“He was about to what, jagiya?” Yoongi asked, gently coaxing her to continue.

… rape me and then Jimin called. He then began to do things to me while he was talking to you and then he hit me with his belt again, but this time with the buckle. Then the next few days he would hit me and continue to rape me and then spray me with a hose saying he needed to cleanse me from you seven. And then the day I was found, he was going to invite his perverted friends over and let them all have a go with me, but I didn’t want that so I tried to fight back. I told him I hated him and that no matter what he did to me, my heart would always belong to you seven, and that was when he tried to kill me. He strangled me and said that if he couldn’t have me then no one could. I was so scared.’ She set down the pen, tears rolling down her face.

“You’re safe, jagiya. You’re safe now. I promise he is never going to hurt you again.” Yoongi took hold of her hand and kissed the back of it.

I feel so dirty.’ Y/N wrote. Yoongi’s eyes softened.

“You could never be dirty because of this to me, Joonie, Jin, Hobi, Jiminie, Tae or Kookie. This is not your fault, okay? And it never will be.” He rubbed the back of her hand.

“I’m sorry to interrupt.” Doctor Wilson was stood at the door. “We need to prep Y/N for surgery, sir, so if you wouldn’t mind leaving. I will be there to update you when she is done on how it went and what her recovery will be like.”


Yoongi walked back towards the rest of the boys, feeling a bit better now that he knew Y/N was safe. He nibbled on his thumb nail as he turned the corner towards the waiting room, not wanting to think about the risks of the surgery. Y/N was strong, she would be okay.

Jungkook was the first to stand up. The bandages on his arms were stained with blood even though Yoongi had changed them this morning. The cuts were too deep to heal on their own. He would need stitches. 

“Is she okay?” The youngest asked. 

“Yes. She’s gone into surgery. She had a distended abdomen, which means there was some internal bleeding around her liver and or spleen, but they are going to correct that. The doctor said it was a fairly easy surgery.” When Yoongi had left Y/N’s room, Doctor Wilson had briefly explained the reason for her surgery and that it was quite a simple one to do if all went well. 

“Internal bleeding? But you said she was okay?” Jimin asked.

“Other than the internal bleeding, she is okay. Her vocal cords are swollen from trauma, but she is going to be okay.” Yoongi explained. 

“Swollen vocal cords? What happened to her?” Hoseok asked. He and Jimin were cuddled up together on one of the bigger chairs. 

“I think you all need to be sat down for this.” Yoongi said, glancing over at Namjoon, who was stood by the window, looking out into the early morning. Namjoon looked over at Yoongi and nodded, sitting down in an empty chair next to Taehyung and Jin. Yoongi sat down in the chair next to Hoseok and Jimin and pulled Jungkook onto his lap.

“Before I say anything, I just want you to know this, Kookie. None of this is your fault, okay. None of us blame you. She does not blame you. please, do not blame yourself. You have done nothing wrong, okay?” Yoongi said, looking at the younger boy on his lap. Jungkook nodded and laid his head on Yoongi’s shoulder.

“What happened to her, hyung? It sounds bad.” Taehyung asked quietly.

Yoongi took a deep breath before he began to explain everything. The rape. The abuse. The attempted murder. As he went on, he watched as each of the member’s faces became more and more shocked and horrified. He hated that he had to put them through this. He hated that any of them had to go through this. But what he hated most was that his Y/N, his jagiya, his soulmate, had to experience everything he recounted first hand with no one there to help her. But she had people now. She had the seven of them who would be with her every step of the way, through the ups and the downs, and the hardships, and the highs and the lows. They would be there with her for every moment of it. They would not let her suffer alone again.


Part 12 of the Boys with Luv series

Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS

Summary: Yoonkook make up and the search for Y/N is underway (this one will just be from the members point of view)

Warnings: Self harm, suicidal thoughts, Jungkook is in quite a dark place


AN: Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys! 

Part 11 |Part 12|Part 13


It had been a few days since Y/N had been taken and Jungkook had not come out of his room. Not even to eat. It was worrying Jin that his youngest boyfriend had shut himself off from everyone. Jin was actually reaching his limit. His baby needed to come out soon or else he would break down the door.

Namjoon was right - they all needed to stick together. It would make the whole ordeal a lot easier to go through with as they had each other to lean on. Y/N had no one which was something Jin was worried about. Yoongi had told them all about the conversation he had had with Y/N after Jackson had found her at Disneyland, and Jin was worried. They all were. The police had been informed of the possible intentions and Y/N’s case was a top priority. They had people working on it day and night.

Jin sighed as he knocked on Jungkook’s door. “Kookie, please, let me in.” He begged. “Hyung needs to talk to you. To know you are okay. Please baby. Please.” There was still no answer. If Jin pressed his ear to the door and listened hard enough, he was able to hear soft sobs. He was scared for Jungkook. The boy had been close to self-harming a few years ago, and he didn’t want that to happen again.

He remembered when they found out. It was the second year of their relationship and Jungkook, who was usually the cuddly fluffball of the group, was withdrawn and quiet, often speeding up to his room and locking the door whenever they came back from dance practices and recordings. Yoongi had been telling them that something felt off, but whenever they confronted the maknae about it, he would dismiss it as not feeling well, or would even go as far as to ignore them completely. 

It had gotten to the point where Yoongi insisted that they get inside Jungkook’s room and adjoining bathroom. The night they did that, using Namjoon to break down the door after Jungkook would not open, they discovered Jungkook stood with a razor blade hovered above his wrist. Yoongi had wasted no time and had knocked the razor out of his hand, bundling the younger up in his arms and whisking him away to talk. Yoongi was always the best at this, being experienced himself in the matter of depression. Yoongi still had his bad days, but he would spend them curled up next to either Hoseok or Jin while he voiced his feelings to the whole group.

And Jin was now feeling that exact same feeling. He needed to get to Jungkook. He needed to know he was okay. “Jungkook, if you don’t open the door, I’m going to have to break it down myself.” There was still no answer.

Jin was terrified. What if the maknae had cut too deep and had been bleeding out in the bathroom for the past few hours? What if he had tried to kill himself and been injured badly? What if he had killed himself?

“Joon!” Jin called out for the younger member as he ran to the man’s studio, banging on the door. Namjoon opened the door, looking both hopeful and scared.

“Have they found her? Is she alive?” Jin felt his heart break at the look on Namjoon’s face.

“Oh, Joonie, no, I’m sorry. They haven’t found her yet.” He said, pulling the younger into a hug. “But it’s Kook. I’m worried about him. I’m getting the same feeling I did before. I’m scared Joon. I can’t lose two of them.”

“What do you need me to do?”


Taehyung was curled up in Hoseok’s side, tear tracks running down his sleep-swollen cheeks. Every single night, he had cried himself to sleep for the loss of Y/N, as well as Yoongi and Jungkook, and it broke Hoseok’s heart at how hurt they all were. He wanted to kill Jackson for putting them all through this. The police were in the process of locating him - they were getting in touch with the tracking company to request the location of the phone, but it was taking longer than wanted as the company was not open on the weekend. This had made Bang PD-nim start to look into other tracking companies that were open 24/7 just in case this happened again, which Hoseok prayed it didn’t.

He glanced over at the clock and saw it was almost time for dinner. Taehyung had completely lost his appetite, so Hoseok had been forcing him to eat to keep himself healthy. They had all been forcing themselves to eat, apart from Jungkook who had locked his bedroom door and was not coming out at all. 

He rubbed a hand over Tae’s back gently, a faint smile ghosting over his lips when he felt his hand tighten on his shirt, the longer fingers twisting the fabric.

“Tae baby, you need to wake up. We need to go and eat.” Hoseok said softly, making Taehyung whine and nestle into him.

“No Hobi hyung, I’m not hungry.” He said, his deep voice scratchy and slurred.

“I know, baby, but we have to. We need to keep healthy. It’s what Y/N would want.” Hoseok reminded him. Taehyung shook his head.

“I’m not hungry! I don’t want to eat! I just want Y/N back!” Taehyung cried. Hoseok sighed sympathetically and pulled the younger on top of him, wrapping his arms around his back.

“I know, baby, I know. So do I. But if we aren’t healthy, we could be in hospital when they find her, okay? She wouldn’t want us to hurt ourselves.” Hoseok said softly. “So let’s go down and have some ramen and then we can come back here and cuddle okay?”

“Can we see if Jungkookie wants to come eat with us?” Taehyung looked at his hyung. Hoseok nodded and stroked his cheek gently.

“Of course we can.” He kissed Tae’s forehead. “Come on, let’s go.”


Jimin pushed open Yoongi’s bedroom door with his foot, his hands carrying two bowls of rice and kimchi. Yoongi hadn’t been doing too well; the pain of losing Y/N as well as the guilt of hurting Jungkook had not settled with him at all and continuously made him feel worse as the days dragged on. Jimin hoped that it would be over soon.

“Hyung, I’ve got us some food.” Jimin said softly, setting the bowls down on the bedside table before climbing onto the bed. Yoongi hummed and pulled the younger onto his lap. “How are you feeling?” He asked, pressing a kiss to Yoongi’s cheek.

“Not good.” Yoongi replied. “I feel awful, actually. I just wish Jungkookie would let me talk to him. That’s one thing I can fix.” Jimin nodded and grabbed the bowls.

“It’s okay, hyung. It will all be okay.” The smaller boy comforted him before lifting some rice to his hyung’s mouth. “Now eat something, please.”

“I’m really not hungry, Jiminie.” Yoongi said, glancing at the chopsticks in front of him.

“I know, but Hobi hyung said we need to eat to stay healthy because that’s what Y/N would want.” Jimin said, holding the chopsticks in front of his mouth. “Just a few mouthfuls, please, I don’t want you to get ill.”

“Fine.” Yoongi opened his mouth and allowed Jimin to feed him. “You know, I should be the one taking care of you because I’m older.”

“But you’re my boyfriend and I love you.” Jimin reminded him. “So I’m allowed to take care of you.”

“How are you feeling?” Yoongi asked, taking the bowl out of Jimin’s hands and putting his hands on his waist. Jimin stilled. He hadn’t admitted how he was feeling just yet. Not even to himself. He had pushed his feelings down so he could take care of Yoongi.

“I…” Jimin trailed off, making Yoongi narrow his eyes at him. “I don’t know…”

“Okay, Jiminie. That’s okay. You’re probably feeling so many things that you can’t distinguish between each one.” Yoongi said. He reached over and took some rice out of the bowl with the chopsticks. “Your turn.” Jimin opened his mouth and ate the rice.

“Hyung? Why don’t you go and see if Jungkookie will talk to you? Jin hyung said he hadn’t left his room in ages. I’m scared for him.” Jimin said after swallowing his mouthful of rice. 

“I can try, baby. After we finish eating I’ll try and talk to him, okay?” Yoongi stroked Jimin’s hair out of his face. “You eat too, little one.”

“I’m only one centimetre shorter than you, Min Yoongi!” Jimin playfully hit Yoongi’s arm.

“Yeah but you’re still my little one since you’re younger than me and everything about you is tiny and cute.” Yoongi said taking Jimin’s smaller hands in his.

“My dick isn’t small, hyung!” Jimin whined. Yoongi hummed and kissed Jimin’s forehead.

“Yes, but it is smaller than everyone else.” Yoongi pointed out. “But I love each and every part of you.” He leaned up and pecked Jimin on the lips. “Thank you for cheering me up.”

“I love you.” Jimin grabbed his bowl and began to eat. “I miss Y/N, though. I’m worried for her.”

“I miss her too.” Yoongi replied, a frown on his face. “I want to kill him for taking her. I need her back with me.”

“She needs to be back with all of us. I don’t even want to think about what’s happening to her. She must be in so much pain.” Jimin set down his bowl. 

“But the police are finding their location as soon as they can and as soon as that has been found, we will have Y/N back with us.” Yoongi said. Jimin knew that he was seeing the positive side of things, and trying not to think of the worst-case scenario. 

“Okay, I’m going to go and talk to Jungkook.” Yoongi finished his rice and set the bowl aside. “Why don’t you go and have a shower? I’ll be back soon.”


Everything felt grey to Jungkook. Just grey. One of the seven lights of his life were gone and the others had dimmed to nothing, leaving everything murky shades of grey. He was wearing one of his tshirts that Y/N would always wear for bed. It smelt like her and that helped the aching hole inside of me, but it did nothing for the endless amounts of guilt he felt.

This was all his fault. If only he had gone home with her, then she would still be with them. He was stupid and not worthy of being her soulmate. 

His door had been locked since she had been taken and every so often one of his hyungs would knock and beg him to open. But he couldn’t let them in. He didn’t want to be met with their disappointed faces. He probably wouldn’t be able to ever face them again. 

He stretched his arms, ignoring the pain that lanced from his wrists and the growling of his empty stomach. He looked down at his forearms and saw his bandages had become bloody. Time to change them. The cuts would only fuel his hyungs disappointment in him if they found out. 

He shuffled into the bathroom, avoiding his image in the mirror, knowing that he looked awful with an unshaved face and unwashed hair. He unwrapped the bandages and rinsed his arms under the water to wash off the blood. 

Cut more
You deserve it
You deserve this pain
It’s all your fault

Ever since Y/N had been taken the voices had come back and Jungkook had succumbed to what they were telling him to do. He looked at his arms, the red lines criss-crossing the lengths of his forearms, slashing through some of his tattoos.

That’s it Jungkook
Let yourself feel what Y/N is feeling
Your hyungs are so disappointed in you
You should just end it all now

Jungkook’s fingers wrapped around the bloodied razor he had been using. He slashed it over his wrists again.

Go deeper Jungkook
Deep enough to kill
But not yet
You still have to suffer

Jungkook pressed harder, his skin splitting apart and blood running out, streaming down his arms. He sobbed to himself, the neverending pressure of the guilt weighing down on him, making him feel like he couldn’t breathe. He slammed his hands onto the sink, leaving bloodied handprints and smears on the white porcelain before staggering over to his room and collapsing on the bed, letting him exhaustion wash over him. He hadn’t cut deep enough to kill himself. He had to suffer more first.


Yoongi could feel something was wrong. Very wrong. Wrong enough to make his stomach churn and his heart pound faster. He sat up quickly, accidentally waking up Jimin who hummed and looked around sleepily.

“Go back to sleep, Min.” Yoongi said softly. “I’ll be back soon. I’m just going to check on Jungkook.” He kissed Jimin softly and gently pushed him down so he was lying down. Jimin hummed and closed his eyes, a hand clutching at the blankets surrounding him. He smiled at the younger boy before slipping out the room and making his way over to Jungkook’s room.

When he got there, he saw Jin and Namjoon attempting to break down the door. Yoongi looked at the pair of them with an eyebrow raised.

“He’s been in there too long, Yoongs. This ends now. He needs to know that we all love him and want him around and that we don’t blame him. He needs to know that you don’t blame him.” Jin said, stepping back as Namjoon rammed his shoulder into the door, a loud bang echoing through the house. Namjoon hissed but ignored the apparent pain as he continued to bang into the door. There was a loud crack and the door swung open.

“Oh God!” Jin screamed, hands covering his mouth. Yoongi’s heart stopped. No. Not Jungkook too. He couldn’t lose both of them.

He pushed Jin out of the way and was met with the sight of blood. So much blood. Jungkook was lying on his bed, eyes closed. Yoongi watched closely hoping and praying to see the rise and fall of his chest. He saw Jungkook breathe and it was steady.

“Joon, take Jin hyung somewhere else. I’ve got this.” Yoongi said, rubbing Namjoon’s shoulder. The younger looked hesitant but led Jin away. Yoongi took a deep breath and entered the room. There was a lot of blood, covering the bedsheets and Kookie’s arms. There were smears on the wall in the shapes of fingers and hands, where he had clearly dragged himself to bed. Yoongi felt his heart break. Not his Kookie. His happy bunny.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I am so so sorry.” He said, stroking the youngest’s hair before going into the bathroom to get some warm water and disinfectant and bandages. They needed to be careful with Jungkook now. He gently reached out and took hold of Jungkook’s hand, straightening out his arm so he could clean away all the blood and germs. He dipped one of the towels into the water and squeezed it before wiping it over the maknae’s arms.

“Oh, Kookie.” He sighed, seeing the numerous cuts that were still healing - some being scabbed over, but others still open. He sprayed some disinfectant over his arms and wrapped bandages around them. “I’m so sorry, baby. Hyung is so sorry.” Yoongi felt awful. If only he hadn’t yelled at Jungkook then this would not have happened.

He quickly cleaned up the room before collapsing on the bed next to the younger boy. “I love you so much, Jeon Jungkook.” He whispered before closing his eyes and pulling the younger closer to him. He kissed his forehead before allowing himself to fall asleep next to the maknae.


When Jungkook woke up he could feel arms around his waist which was strange considering he had locked his door. He frowned as he opened his eyes, looking around his room to figure out what was going on. His arms had been bandaged and cleaned which he didn’t remember doing, and his door was open. He paused. They must have knocked down the door.

He looked over his shoulder and saw the sleeping face and faded blond hair of his hyung, Yoongi. He gulped. He didn’t want to have this conversation. Not now, and if he got his way, not ever. He should just run away from them and never return. Then he would never have to face them for what he has done. 

He pushed himself out of Yoongi’s arms and walked over to his wardrobe, throwing his clothes into some bags.

“What do you think you’re doing, mister?” He heard a sleepy yet stern voice ask from behind him. 

“Noth-nothing?” Jungkook winced as his voice rose in pitch at the end, making it sound like he wasn’t sure about what he was saying.

“Really? ‘Cause it looks like you’re packing a bag of clothes.” Yoongi sat up in the bed, the sheets rustling. “Now put it down and come here.” Jungkook paused and reluctantly set down the bag before shuffling over to the bed and perching on the end.

“Look, hyung, I know it’s all my fault, can you please just leave me alone.” Jungkook said, but Yoongi ignored him and pulled him closer by his waist, being wary of his injured arms.

“Just listen to me, Koo, please.” Koo. He hadn’t been called that since Y/N had been taken. He felt a pang in his heart as he sniffled. He sighed and wiped his eyes as he looked at his hyung. Yoongi’s eyes softened as he reached out and wiped a stray tear from Jungkook’s cheek. 

“I am so sorry I said that to you. I should never have said that. I was just angry and upset and I know that this is not a good excuse, but I just took it out on you. It’s not your fault. You were looking out for her and called someone to bring her home. How would you know that Sejin would have been intercepted and his phone stolen?”

Jungkook pursed his lips. He could hear what Yoongi was saying to him, but it wasn’t sinking in. He didn’t feel any less guilty. “But I should have gone home with her! I should have walked her to the car and made sure that it was actually Sejin. We all know how many people are out there to hurt us and I let my guard down, thinking that for one day there wouldn’t be hate or someone that wanted to hurt her, and look what happened!”

“Jungkook, stop, please!” Yoongi pulled the younger onto his lap, so Jungkook was facing him, legs either side of his hyung’s lap. “Stop beating yourself up about this. This is not your fault. It will never be your fault. None of us blame you. So, please, stop blaming yourself.”

“But-” Jungkook was quietened by Yoongi pressing a finger to his lips.

“So just stop blaming yourself. No buts, okay? We all love you, so much, and we were so worried when you didn’t come out of your room for days.” Yoongi gently lifted up Jungkook’s arm. “And now we know that this is one of the reasons for your hiding…” He trailed off, looking pointedly at the bandages on Jungkook’s arms.

“I’m sorry, hyung, I just, I needed to.” Jungkook sobbed.

“Hey, don’t cry, baby, please don’t cry.” Yoongi’s voice cracked as he pulled Jungkook into his chest. “We’ve got you. We’re always going to be here for you, okay? We can talk to you, be there for you, give you all of the cuddles in the world. Just please, don’t hurt yourself again. It’s dangerous and it could kill you, Koo.”

“That’s what I wanted.” Jungkook whispered.

“Shit, Kook.” Yoongi froze and stiffened. “No, no, no, baby, no.” He held onto Jungkook’s jaw, his thumb stroking gently. “Just talk to us, don’t lock yourself away. We’re going to help you through this, okay? It’s all going to be okay.”

“But I’m not okay, hyung. And I don’t think I ever will be until she’s back with us.” Jungkook had tears running down his cheeks. Yoongi did too. 

“Neither am I, baby. But if we stick together, we should be alright.” Yoongi said. “I love you, so much, Jeon Jungkook. I hope you know that.”

“I love you more, Min Yoongi.” Jungkook leaned his forehead against Yoongi’s.

“Oh, I don’t think that’s possible, baby boy.” Yoongi kissed his lips. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“Thank you.” Jungkook said, resting his head on Yoongi’s shoulder.

“You’re welcome, little prince.” Yoongi kissed his forehead. They cuddled for a while before Jimin. burst into the room.

“Hyung, they found her!”


Part 11 of the Boys with Luv series

Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS

Summary: Someone from her past comes back

Warnings: Physical abuse, mental abuse, rape, swearing, kidnapping, hostage situation, suicidal thoughts


AN: Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys! Also, happy FESTA!!

Part 10|Part 11|Part 12



Jungkook stretched and hummed in his chair as he saved the last copy of the song he was working on, his shirt riding up, exposing his stomach to the air conditioning that was circulating crisp, cold air around the room. He preferred his studio to be quite cold while he was working late as it would keep him awake, to the point where he would lose track of time and would only go home because one of his hyungs told him to either by calling him incessantly until he picked up or actually dragging him out of his studio.

He grabbed his bag from the couch behind him and began packing everything up quickly, wanting nothing more than to cuddle with Y/N and love her with everything he had. He grabbed her phone and glanced at the time. It was just past midnight. His gorgeous girl had left just under two hours ago and he felt bad because he had promised he would be an hour at the most. He made sure everything was properly turned off and logged out. He pushed his chair back under his desk with his foot before moving out of the studio and locking the door behind him.

He knew that when he got home everyone would be asleep. They normally stayed up until everyone was home, but if Y/N had told the others that he was close behind then they would have gone to bed, knowing that he would be back soon. He said a quick goodbye to the night guards before moving into the parking lot and getting into his car.

He drove quickly but carefully back. The streets of Seoul were quite quiet since it was the middle of the night, but it was something Jungkook found quite relaxing. He loved the glimmering of the streetlights and neon shop lights against the dark sky. There were no stars tonight - it was too cloudy, but Seoul made up for that, the lights on the tips of the skyscrapers becoming artificial stars. He wanted to take Y/N out for a date like this, driving through Seoul and then eating junk food on the hood of his car somewhere secluded while looking at the sky and scenery, enjoying each other’s presence. He would do that with her soon, when his schedule wasn’t as hectic.

He pulled into the underground parking lot of the group’s flat and jogged to their apartment, not being able to keep away from his gorgeous girl any longer. He needed her in his arms. 

He unlocked the door and toed off his shoes, instantly being met with the sight of his hyungs sat together in the living room and no Y/N in sight.

“Where the hell have you been?” Yoongi asked, getting up and embracing the boy before taking hold of his ear and twisting it. Jungkook yelped in pain.

“I was in the Golden Closet. Didn’t Y/N tell you?” Jungkook moved to cup his ear to help with the pain but Yoongi stopped his hand. “Speaking of, where is my gorgeous girl?”

“We thought she was with you, Kook.” Hoseok replied.

“But she left before me, like two hours ago. Sejin-ssi picked her up. She said she would come straight here, hyung.” Jungkook explained, biting at his thumb nervously. His head was instantly filled with negative thoughts. Which if their car had been hijacked by saesangs? What if they had been in an accident?

“Jungkook!” Yoongi yelled, getting his attention. “I asked you a question?”

“I’m sorry, hyung, I didn’t hear you, can you please repeat it?” Jungkook took a shaky breath, feeling himself on the verge of a panic attack.

“I said are you sure Sejin-ssi picked her up?” Yoongi repeated himself.

“I don’t know, I think so. He did text me saying he had got her.” Jungkook collapsed on one of the sofas, holding his head in his hands. “Hyung, what if they got in an accident? What if a saesang intercepted the car?”

“Hey, hey, Yoongi hyung, calm down, you’re scaring him.” Namjoon said, putting his hands on the older’s shoulders and sitting him down. “Okay, now, Kook you need to calm down, okay? Don’t panic.” He noticed the maknae’s breathing speeding up and tears streaming down his face.

“I should have left with her when she said she was tired. I shouldn’t have stayed later. I just wanted to finish the song. It was me who suggested it.” Namjoon sighed and sat down, pulling the younger boy onto his lap.

“How about we call her? It’s most likely that she asked Sejin to stop for ice cream or something like that. You know how much of a sweet tooth she has.” Namjoon suggested, rubbing the maknae’s back to calm him down. He hated seeing him this upset. 

“We can’t call her. She left her phone.” Jungkook said. “I should have followed her. I should have chased after her and given it to her when I realised she had left it. I’m a terrible boyfriend.” More tears poured down his face, his doll-like lips becoming pouted. 

“Hey, no, you aren’t. We’ll just call Sejin, okay.” Namjoon reassured him. “Jungkook, you are not a terrible boyfriend. You are amazing. She loves you so much.” Namjoon looked over to the rest of the members. “One of you call Sejin-ssi. I’m going to get Kookie some comfortable clothes and then try and calm him down, okay?”

“I’ll call him.” Jimin volunteered, pulling out his phone. He tapped a few things on the screen and put the call on speaker. The ringing tone filled the room for a few moments before someone picked up. “Sejin-ssi?”

It was silent before someone spoke. Someone who was definitely not Sejin. “Hmm, no, how about you try again?” The person replied, making Jimin look up at his hyungs with wide eyes. 

“Who is this? Why do you have Sejin’s phone?” Yoongi asked, his voice firm and serious. There was a chuckle from the other end of the phone and a noise that sounded like a whimper of pain.

“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about me. I used to be her one and only and know she walks around acting like a little whore with not one but seven men and I need to correct that.” The man sounded menacing. Jungkook gulped and looked at Yoongi, his doe eyes full of fear. Yoongi looked like he was ready to murder someone, and Jungkook knew that he was going to take the main brunt of his anger.

“Jackson?” Yoongi had no emotion in his voice. This happened when he was really scared or really angry. It was like his body shut down any way he could be seen as weak. 

“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” Jackson said snarkily. “I didn’t think your boyfriends were this dumb, but maybe they were in order to actually fall in love with someone like you.” His voice was quieter like he wasn’t talking into the phone. “Maybe you lured them in like the little slut you are. Desperate for attention and sex.” There was a loud thud and a cry of pain.

“Jackson stop! Please!” They heard you beg. Jungkook bit his lip, not wanting to hear his girlfriend being hurt and not being able to do anything about it. 

“I never said you could speak, stupid bitch.” There was a slap and a stifled shout. “Wish I could speak longer but I have some things to do.”

“Wait, jagiya, we’re coming to find you. We’re not giving up on you. We love you.” Yoongi shouted just before the call was ended. There was a beep. Jimin shouted in frustration and threw his phone across the room.

“This is all my fault.” Jungkook whispered to himself.

“Damn right it is!” Yoongi shouted, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him up. “Why would you not go with her? How could you let her go by herself! What the actual fuck, Jungkook!”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think-” 

“You never do! You only do what you want to do! You’re so selfish, Jeon Jungkook!” Yoongi was seething. Jungkook gulped. “Your sorry doesn’t fix anything! She is gone! She is back with that pathetic excuse for a man and is probably not going to make it! You know what she told me? If she was ever with Jackson again, she was going to kill herself! So tell me, Jungkook, what are you going to do? You’ve sent her down the river to her death! Because of you, she’s going to die!”

“Hyung!” Namjoon yelled, making Yoongi drop Jungkook. The maknae skittered away. There was a slam and then silence. “What the hell are you doing? You know how sensitive he is!” Namjoon was angry. 

“Jackson has her, Joon. He intercepted Sejin and kidnapped her. He was beating her on the phone.” Yoongi’s voice was shaky. “And it’s all Jungkook’s fault. He should have left with her. He knows that Jackson is out there!”

“How the hell would Jungkook have known Jackson would have the balls to do something like this?” Namjoon asked with an edge to his voice. “He called Sejin to make sure she wasn’t walking home by herself! If he really didn’t care about her, he would have let her make her own way home.”

“If he cared about her, he would have taken her home himself!” Yoongi wasn’t having any of it. In his eyes, Jungkook was at fault here. 

“Look, you’re angry and scared. We all are. But that does not give us the right to argue with each other. We need to stick together if we want to get her back.” Namjoon said, remaining calm. He had to. If he fell apart, they all fell apart. “You need to go and cool off. Go to your room and calm yourself down, and then you need to apologise to Jungkook. You’re his hyung, Yoon, and he needs you right now.”

Yoongi looked at his younger member and sighed. Namjoon was right. They couldn’t afford to be arguing with each other. It would make everything a whole lot worse.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Yoongi’s voice was quiet. 

“Come on, hyungie. I think you need some Jiminie cuddles.” A small hand took his and pulled him up to his room. “Namjoon hyung, can you call the police, please.” Namjoon pointed to his phone and nodded. 

Jimin lay down on Yoongi’s bed and opened his arms. “I’m the big spoon this time.” He said. Yoongi nodded and climbed onto the bed, settling into Jimin’s arms. It was then he allowed the wall to come down and dissolved into tears.

“She said she was going to kill herself, Min.” Yoongi sobbed. “She said she wouldn’t be able to handle being with him for any longer. I don’t. I can’t deal with losing her. I won’t be able to deal with losing her.”

“It will be okay, hyung. Joonie hyung is on the phone with the police now and since he has Sejin’s phone, they will be able to track it and see where they are. PD-nim had a tracker installed into the phone that can’t be turned off in case Sejin ever got kidnapped or we did. They’ll find her.”

“Yes, but if they find her, will they actually find her, or will she just be the shell of herself?” Yoongi said, resting the side of his head on Jimin’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.


Silence. Darkness. Pain. 

The never ending cycle that Y/N was going through. Whatever Jackson had used to knock her out had caused the worse headache. It throbbed, each wave of pain being stronger than the last. She winced as she came around.

Her eyes felt like they were glued together. She tried to open them, but failed. Her eyelids felt too heavy. She also knew that if she opened them she would be faced with the impending doomed reality she was forced to deal with. The reality where she was back with Jackson and had been ripped away from her happy life with her boys.

It was then the most horrible thought flashed through her mind. What if it had all been a dream? What if she had made it all up? Those months where all her fear for Jackson had fizzled out, thinking she was safe? It was a false sense of security. In what world would BTS, the biggest boygroup in the world, be her soulmates? In what world would she deserve seven soulmates? There would only be one way to test if it was real. She had to open her eyes and see if everything was greyscale or full color. 

She tried to open her eyes again, but failed. Had he glued her eyes shut? She reached up and felt along her eyelashes. It was crusty but it wasn’t sticky. She pried open her eyelids, pulling them apart with her fingers. She hissed slightly. 

Her eyelids were unstuck now, but she didn’t want to open her eyes. She didn’t want to open them if the past months had just been a dream. Just open them Y/N, she thought to herself, just open them. You never know. 

“Please don’t be grey. Please don’t be grey.” She whispered to herself, gingerly opening her eyes.

She looked around, realising that she was back in that bedroom. Her mother’s lamp was still on the bedside table, although there was a small dark brown stain on it now. Dark brown. That was a color. She breathed a sigh of relief. At least one thing was going well. 

“Look who’s up.” A voice drawled. She looked over to the door and saw Jackson lounging against the frame, a belt idly swinging between his fingers. She gulped.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” She glared at him, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her head. 

“Because I love you and you love me.” Jackson shrugged. “You belong with me, not with them.”

“I don’t love you, Jackson. I haven’t for a long while.” She spat.

Jackson gasped animatedly. “Someone has some nerve talking to me like that. Where are your manners? Guess I need to teach you again. Kneel and face the bed.”

Y/N ignored him, trying to stand up to him and show him that she wasn’t weak anymore and that she knew her worth and wasn’t scared of him. He slapped the belt across her face. Thankfully he was holding the buckle, but the impact still hurt. She cried out as he pulled her up by her hair and forced her into a kneeling position.

“Listen to me, stupid bitch.” He hit her harshly with the belt. “Just a few months away from me and all your training is gone. Looks like I’ll just have to be harsher with you.” He added a few more hits before throwing his belt somewhere else in the room. “Get on the bed.” He pulled her up by her hair, making her hiss in pain. “Now if you make a sound, I will make this so much worse for you.” He threatened.

Y/N gulped and nodded, allowing him to force her into a position on the bed. Her back and shoulders hurt so much. He forced her onto her hands and knees. He groaned. “Now that is a sight I have missed.” He rubbed his hands over her ass.

Y/N’s heartbeat sped up and her breathing quickened. Was he about to rape her? She tried to move away from him, but he grabbed onto her hips. “Stop!” He shouted, hitting her back over one of the open wounds from his belt. She cried out and crumpled forwards. He pressed his hips against her. “See how much I’ve missed you.” He was hard against her. She didn’t want this.

“Get away from me. Don’t. Please don’t.”

“I said no talking!” A harsh smack to her inner thigh followed before he ripped off her panties. She silently scolded herself for wearing a skirt. If she had been wearing jeans she would have been able to fight against this better. She would have had more time. She sobbed as she heard him push his jeans down. Before he could do anything to her, a phone started ringing.

“Fuck sake.” He groaned, answering it as he stroked over her lower back and thighs.

“Sejin-ssi?” It was Jimin. Y/N felt some relief flood through her body. She knew that Sejin had an unremovable tracker built into his phone that could not be switched off and she knew Jackson had no knowledge of it. Jackson dug his nails into her skin before he spoke.

“Hmm, no, how about you try again?” Jackson smirked, knowing he had full power here. 

“Who is this? Why do you have Sejin’s phone?” Yoongi sounded angry. Y/N knew that he was not going to rest until he found her. 

Jackson set the phone down and whispered into Y/N’s ear. “If you say one thing, I will kill you.” He threatened. “Now, shut up and be good.” He chuckled as he picked up the phone, pushing into the poor girl. She whimpered, the dry friction hurting her.

“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about me. I used to be her one and only and know she walks around acting like a little whore with not one but seven men and I need to correct that.” Jackson rolled his hips against her, making her bury her head and cry. She didn’t know if they could hear her.

“Jackson?” Yoongi figured it out, but Y/N had just switched off. She hated this. She wanted out.

“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” Jackson said snarkily. “I didn’t think your boyfriends were this dumb, but maybe they were in order to actually fall in love with someone like you.” He reached down and grabbed his belt again.  “Maybe you lured them in like the little slut you are. Desperate for attention and sex.” He brought the leather down against her skin, this time not holding the buckle. She felt the metal tear open her skin, leaving fresh wounds that would sometimes go over the ones he had already done. It hurt so much. Y/N just wanted it to be over. She couldn’t do this again. He hit her again, making her scream out in pain.

“Jackson, stop! Please!” She yelled, her hands curling in the sheets to relieve some of the pain.

“I never said you could speak, stupid bitch.” Jackson slapped her before grabbing his belt and wrapping it around her neck tightly. She could feel her air supply being cut off. She released a stifled scream, clawing at the leather around her neck.  “Wish I could speak longer but I have some things to do.” He said into the phone.

Before he could hang up, Y/N heard Yoongi talking directly to her.  “Wait, jagiya, we’re coming to find you. We’re not giving up on you. We love you.”

“Yoongi! I love you all too!” She yelled but Jackson had cut the call.

“Now… where were we?” He sounded menacing. Y/N sobbed as she felt him begin to move.

But now she had that small glimmer of hope that they would be able to find her. One day she would be out of here and she held onto that. For them.


Part 10 of the Boys with Luv series

Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS

Summary: Someone from her past comes back

Warnings: Kidnapping, smut


AN: Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys! Also, how do you guys like the new theme?

Part 9 |Part 10 |Part 11


3rd person POV:

A light giggle reached Namjoon’s ears as he turned the corner, heading towards the kitchen. A soft smile spread across his face as he thought of the maknaes of the group were playing around with each other as they normally did. They were going in to work today to film their dance practice video for Black Swan, the video for which had come out a few days ago. Y/N was coming with them as well - since the incident with Jackson at the amusement park a few months ago, they were hesitant to leave her alone. She was always with at least one of them since their schedule hadn’t been that busy, but today they were all called in, so she was going with them.

Namjoon paused when he saw the door to the kitchen was left closed. It was never closed - Jin liked having it open so that everyone was able to smell what he was cooking and enter and exit whenever they liked. He claimed it was because the kitchen was the heart of the home, which Namjoon couldn’t really argue with, he knew how much all the members liked to eat, especially the younger ones. Hoseok had had to adapt to eating quickly just so he wouldn’t have his food stolen by the little vultures.

He shrugged, pushing it open. Maybe Jin just wanted some peace and quiet. As the door opened, something cold and wet and sticky poured on his head, making him yell out in surprise. The giggles became louder, turning into full-blown laughs. He could recognize the dulcet tones of Jungkook’s laugh mixed with the deepness of Taehyung’s and the bell-like sounds of Y/N and Jimin’s. He growled under his breath. So the little brats wanted to pull pranks today? 

“Come out, you four! I know you’re behind this!” He shouted, making the giggling stop abruptly and four sets of footsteps thunder away, the sound of feet against the wooden floor fading as they got further from him. He rolled his eyes. “Little brats.” He sighed before turning around and going to shower again to get rid of whatever they had dumped on him. 

A similar thing happened to Hoseok as he was coming out of his room. Or trying to come out of his room. The handle to his door was tied to the handle of the bathroom opposite. The bathroom that Namjoon happened to be heading towards to shower. Namjoon heard his hyung banging on his bedroom door, yelling to be let out. He frowned when he saw the string connecting the two door handles. 

In Namjoon’s opinion, Hoseok was the worst dom to piss off. When he got angry, it was borderline scary, but Namjoon also found it extremely hot. The way Hoseok’s jaw set and his nostrils flared slightly as his eyebrows knitted together made Namjoon feel things.

“Anyone? Let me out!” Hoseok yelled. Namjoon quickly got to work untying the knotted rope, his fingers swiftly unravelling the simple knots.

“Hyung, you can get out now!” Namjoon shouted so Hoseok could hear him. The door opened and Hoseok flew into Namjoon’s arms before he could even say hello.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He said, hugging the younger member tightly. He sniffed and recoiled with a look of disgust. “Why are you all sticky?”

“Someone had booby-trapped the kitchen door and this got poured on me when I walked in.” Namjoon explained. “I suspect it was the same person that tied your door shut.” He theorised. “I was going to go and shower. Want to join?” He offered.

“Only if I can suck your dick.” Hoseok bargained, making Namjoon smile at him, dimples showing. “But first you need to get rid of all of this…” He gestured to the sticky substance covering Namjoon’s head and shoulders. “Whatever it is.”

“Of course I will, sunshine. And I’ll get you off too. I know you can’t wait to have my fingers inside that little ass of yours.” Namjoon flirted. Hoseok was more of a power bottom. He would happily ride Jungkook or Jimin until they were begging him to let them cum, or he would let Namjoon or Yoongi fuck him while the subs were watching, just to show them what they were missing out on if they were being punished. 

Before the pair could enter the bathroom, a loud yell echoed throughout the house. They turned around and saw Jin emerging from one of the other bathrooms, his blond hair dripping. Wait, blond?

“Hyung, what happened to your hair?” Namjoon asked, attempting to hide the smile that was threatening to spread on his face. 

“One of you brats put hair bleach in my shampoo.” Jin gestured to his hair with a frown on his face, full lips pulling into a pout.

“So that’s three of us who have been pranked today.” Hoseok said. “It’s definitely the maknaes.”

“Is that why you are covered in some sticky brown stuff?” Jin asked, looking at Namjoon distastefully. 

“Yup. And also why I got locked in my room this morning.” Hoseok added. “And no, Jimin wasn’t there when I woke up.” Since Jimin and Hoseok shared a room, they were the ones who usually slept next to each other and cuddled together on most nights. Sometimes Taehyung would join in if Yoongi was in the studio, perfecting his songs. 

“When I get my hands on them…” Jin shook his fist as he walked into his and Yoongi’s room, probably to complain to his roommate after waking him up.

“Now, where were you?” Namjoon pulled Hoseok in by the waist and locked their lips together, kicking the bathroom door shut behind them.

After a refreshing shower and some much needed venting, the eldest members of the group were waiting in the van. Yoongi checked the time on his watch and sighed.

“If they don’t hurry up, let’s just leave without them.” He said. “Otherwise we’ll all be late.”

“We’ll give them five more minutes.” Namjoon said, not wanting to get just the youngest ones into trouble. About three minutes later, Jungkook came running to the car, his face full of terror. 

“Kookie, what’s wrong?” Hoseok asked, pulling the scared boy onto his lap.

“I-It’s Y/N, we can’t find her!” He said, looking up at Hoseok, his doe eyes wide and pleading. “We have to find her! What if Jackson got her?!”

“Hey, hey, it’s okay. We’ll find her!” Hoseok said, wiping the tears off Jungkook’s cheeks with his thumb. Yoongi was already hurtling out the car, yelling Y/N’s name. Fear was coursing through his veins at the thought of his jagiya being taken by that horrible excuse of a human being. For all he knew, she could be tied up in his basement somewhere while he raped her and abused her. He shivered at the thought. 

“Y/N!!” He yelled, bursting through the door. “Come out, jagiya, please!” He begged.

Little did he know that Y/N and Taehyung were hidden in one of the bathrooms, hands cupping their mouths to suppress your giggles. She did feel a little bad about pulling this prank, but this was something that she needed to forget and sometimes the best way to forget something is to make it into something funny so that you only have positive memories of it. It was also extremely unlikely that it would happen to her anyway. There was no way Jackson would ever be able to get to her, not with the increased security the boys had arranged since the Disney incident.

“Y/N, please!” Yoongi yelled, his voice cracking again. Y/N felt a pang in her heart, feeling slightly guilty.

“I don’t think this is such a good idea.” She whispered to Taehyung.

“Let’s just walk out of here and pretend we know nothing about the prank.” Taehyung suggested. “That way he won’t get too mad.”

“Okay.” She nodded. “But I want a kiss.” Taehyung smirked and leaned down connecting their lips, nipping at her bottom lip and licking at her mouth. She groaned as memories of the night before filled her mind. Her and Taehyung had finally made love to each other and it was perfect. He was perfect. He felt amazing and had made her feel like the only girl in the world. 

He placed a few more kisses to her lips before taking hold of her hand. “Come on, before we get in trouble.” He said, pulling her out of the bathroom. They still had plans to drop all honorifics once they got to the studio, so there were still chances to prank, but this one just didn’t feel right.

“Where have you been?” Yoongi engulfed Y/N into a hug as soon as he caught sight of her. “I thought he had got you again.” Y/N felt tears wetting her shoulder. They had gone too far. 

“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.” She apologized, rubbing Yoongi’s back up and down. “I’m so sorry.”

Yoongi sniffled in her neck, holding her tighter. Taehyung had gone down to the van to let everyone know that she had been found. “I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if he had got you. Especially since you said you wouldn’t be able to survive it this time. I wouldn’t have been able to go on knowing that you were going to kill yourself.”

“Yoon, I promise you, he’s not going to find me. There is so much security it’s impossible for him to even look at me for longer than one second without being taken away.” She reassured him. “Please, don’t cry. I’m here. I’m okay.” 

“I love you so much.” Yoongi whispered, kissing her neck gently. “I love you so much that I would not be able to survive without you.”

“I know, Yoongi. I know. I love you too. So much.” Y/N said, running her fingers through his hair. “Please stop crying.” She lifted his head and wiped away the tears falling from his eyes. He leaned into her hands, his blond hair tickling the tips of her fingers. His eyes were puffy and filled with sadness. “See, I’m okay.”


“I am your hyung, you little brat!” Jin yelled at Jungkook, who had refused to call him hyung the entire time they were at dance practice. “I am older than you.” Jungkook’s lips spread into a small bunny smile as a light giggle tumbled out. “Aish, you’re so getting punished later. Wait until your other hyungs hear about this.”

“Jimin hyung!” Jungkook called out, trying to dodge Jin’s ensnaring arms. “Help!”

“What are you doing to the poor maknae, Seokjin?” Jimin asked, cocking his head to the side slightly. 

“Not you too.” Jin sighed. He looked over to where Yoongi and Hoseok were rehearsing their part of the dance, letting his eyes move over to where Namjoon was cuddled up with Y/N and Taehyung, who had their hands joined on his chest. “Both of you are such brats. I’m in half a mind to bend you both over right now and spank you until you can’t sit down.” He hissed. There was no staff in the room since it was their lunch break and all the cameras were off so he could get away with it. 

“I wouldn’t complain if you did.” Jimin shrugged, letting his masochistic side show.

“Ever the little masochist, hmm, Jimin-ah.” Jin observed, reaching up and tugging on Jimin’s hair, causing a quiet moan to fall from the younger’s lips. “Go eat, you two. I’ll deal with you both later.” He said, sending them away with harsh swats on their asses. 

The pair walked over to where Namjoon, Taehyung and Y/N had received the food they had ordered, with Jin following a few seconds later. 

“Yoongi, Seokie, come on, lunch!” Taehyung yelled, catching the attention of the two who were rehearsing. They glanced at each other before coming over, Yoongi pulling Y/N onto his lap as he sat down and Hoseok grabbing Taehyung.

“Now, baby boy.” Hoseok said. “Is there any reason you didn’t call us hyung?” He asked, his voice low and menacing. Taehyung shrugged and ate some noodles, not answering Hoseok properly. He and Yoongi shared a glance, silently confirming that Taehyung would be being punished later.

“Joon, can you pass me the kimchi please?” Y/N asked, making Namjoon narrow his eyes slightly as he passed the box of kimchi to her. It was then Jin sighed. 

“We have four bratty subs today.” Jin said. “Maybe we should do something about it.”

“Hmm, maybe.” Yoongi said, stroking his hand up Y/N’s bare thigh under her skirt. “Or maybe we should leave them in suspense until we get back.” His hand ghosted over the front of her panties before pulling away, making her let out a shaky breath.

“I like that idea.” Hoseok said, sliding his hand into Taehyung’s pants, making the younger boy toss his head back and cry out. “Get them all worked up and then leave them like that. Poor babies might be hard during the filming. Imagine what ARMY would think, seeing their maknaes all hard and on show.” He pushed down the hem of Taehyung’s trousers and pulled out his cock that was already hard.

“Oh look he’s dripping already. How pathetic.” Namjoon sighed as he moved Jungkook’s hips over his thigh, causing the youngest to moan out every so often, his toes curling as he straddled his hyung. Taehyung whimpered as Hoseok pressed his thumb down on the head of his dick.

“I think we should edge them for a bit.” Jin suggested, turning Jimin onto his front and pulling down his sweatpants so his ass was on show. “No underwear? Such a little slut.” He said, spanking Jimin. The younger let out a moan at the contact, his nails scrabbling on the wooden floor. Jin frowned as he caught sight of some pink plastic nestled between his ass cheeks. “Oh, what’s this.” He pulled Jimin’s cheeks apart, revealing the plug he had in his ass. “Oh, was a certain baby playing with himself without our permission?”

“He definitely deserves spanks, Jin hyung.” Yoongi spoke up, his fingers moving in and out of Y/N’s pussy steadily. Every so often she would clench around him or attempt to close her legs which were held open by his arms. “Okay, lie down, I’m eating you out.” He said, allowing Y/N to reposition herself. Yoongi got himself comfy between her legs before he dove in, sucking and licking as much as he could. Y/N moaned out, making him smirk as he sucked her clit and dragged his teeth over it.

“Yoongi, oh my god.” She cried out, her hands knotting in his hair. 

“Fuck, baby girl, you look so pretty.” Hoseok crooned, speeding up his movements on Taehyung’s cock. The boy was letting out high pitched whines at the friction and pressure, his hips twisting and turning as a result of the pleasure. “But you know that is not his name, hmm?”

“Master please.” The girl begged. Yoongi chuckled, his fingers brushing over the base of the plug he had pushed inside her that morning after he had fucked her ass. 

“I need to fuck her. Let’s just fuck them.” Yoongi groaned, resting his forehead on Y/N’s abdomen.

“Okay.” Namjoon agreed. “Hobi hyung, give me Tae and then you can give Koo here the ride of his life.” Hoseok handed over Taehyung in exchange for the maknae, immediately pulling down his pants and jerking him off a bit. 

“You know what, Jiminie, I think I’m going to ride you as well. That little ass doesn’t deserve to be fucked, hmm?” Jin chided the younger boy, flipping him over so he was lying on his back. Jin bit back a fond smile at how pretty Jimin looked, cheeks flushed red and eyes unfocused. 

“No, hyung, please, I…” Jimin looked up at Jin with pleading, shining eyes. 

“You what, slut?” Jin asked, tugging at Jimin’s nipples, pinching the darker skin between his thumb and finger. Jimin whined, his hips bucking up, earning a swat on his inner thigh. “I didn’t say you could move.”

“’M sorry, hyungie, jus’ wanna be filled.” Jimin begged. “Please, wan’ feel your big cock.”

“Hmm, I don’t know, Jimin, I think your ass is filled plenty.” Jin said, fingers trailing down to twist the base of the plug and begin thrusting it out of Jimin’s hole.

“Please, please, please.” Jimin begged, pouting. 

“Fine. But only because you asked so nicely.” Jin obliged, tugging the plug out of Jimin’s ass, realizing how big it was. “You managed to fit all of this inside you with your little fingers stretching you out.” The plug was quite thick - one of the thickest Jin had ever seen. Jimin nodded, but Jin narrowed his eyes, not believing him. “Who helped you?” He asked. Jimin whined, pushing his hips down to let Jin’s tip breach his hole. “No, no cock until you tell us.” He said. The other doms were now watching the pair intrigued, knowing that their sub would have to be punished also if they were involved.

“Was TaeTae.” Jimin whispered. 

“Ah, so our little baby helped stretch you out.” Jin said, glancing over at Taehyung who had paled slightly. 

“Minnie, we promised no snitching!” Taehyung whined. “You, me and Kookie.”

“So Jungkook was also involved.” Namjoon sighed. “You know, we were going to go a bit easier on you, but since you three decided to break two rules instead of one, you’re definitely not cumming. At least not until the rest of us have. And you three know how much stamina I have.” Namjoon wrapped a hand around Taehyung’s throat and squeezed gently, making the younger boy moan out.

“Looks like our baby girl is the only good one.” Hobi smiled, stroking Y/N’s cheek as Yoongi gently pulled her plug out. “Did she also…?” He trailed off, but Yoongi shook his head with a small laugh.

“No, we’ve been prepping her for a while now and I fucked her ass this morning. She loved it, didn’t you jagiya?” Yoongi said softly. Y/N nodded, gasping when she felt Yoongi’s fingers inside her, spreading the lube. “So sensitive.” 

“What about the other three?” Hoseok asked, hissing as he pushed another finger into himself. 

“Have they all got plugs in?” Jin asked, positioning Jimin so his ass was stuck up in the air. Hoseok shrugged and pulled down Jungkook’s sweatpants, clicking his tongue when he saw the flared base.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Hoseok pulled it out, showing it to everyone else. “Looks like some of our subs have been having a lot of fun without us.”

“Tae baby has one too.” Namjoon announced. “Naughty boys.” He said, smacking Tae’s ass, watching as the flesh jiggled and started to turn red. “Pass me the lube, hyung.” He held out a hand and caught the bottle, squirting it all over his cock and Taehyung’s hole. “I’m not going easy on you, pup.” He warned before pushing in, making Tae cry out. 

The sound of skin slapping and moaning filled the room as all the subs were fucked. Y/N was the first to cum, not used to the feeling of being fucked in the ass just yet, but Yoongi coaxed her through it with gentle rubs on her clit. He was soon to follow, pulling out of her after he came and praising her as he kissed and hugged her. Hoseok was next, his cum painting Jungkook’s tanned abs in white streaks, making the younger moan again. Hoseok collected some of the cum and pushed his fingers into Jungkook’s mouth. Jin was next and eventually Namjoon.


Y/N hummed as she curled up on Jungkook’s lap. She had decided to stay and keep him company as he worked on his new song that was going to be released for Festa. 

“Are you feeling sleepy?” Jungkook asked, stroking her side. 

“Just a little.” She admitted, resting her head on his shoulder. Jungkook hummed and took hold of her hand. She traced the tattoos on his hand. He had gotten her initials tattooed on his thumb, just above his wrist and his 0613 tattoo. “It’s me.” She said softly, taking hold of his hand and holding it in front of her face. “And TaeTae, and Joonie, and Jinnie, and Minnie, and Hobi, and Yoonie.” She traced each of the letters across his knuckles. 

“You have a thing for tattoos, don’t you?” Jungkook said as he clicked on some buttons. It was hard for him to do all this one-handed, but he was happy that she was happy. 

“I have a thing for your tattoos.” Y/N corrected, pushing up his hoodie sleeve and tracing his other tattoos. She yawned, resting her head on his shoulder and dropping his hand onto her lap.

“If you’re tired gorgeous, you can go home. I can call our manager to drop you off.” Jungkook suggested.

“Don’t want to leave you though.” She pouted, making Jungkook chuckle. “You’ll be lonely.”

“Yes, but it will only be for a little bit. I will be an hour tops and then I will come home and we can cuddle all night.” He said. “You can go if you want to. I just don’t want you to fall asleep here and hurt your neck or back from not having a proper bed. Look, I’ll call manager Sejin and get him to drive you back to the dorm, okay?”

“Okay.” Y/N agreed. She was really tired, especially from all that they had done during the day. Although, she was proud to admit she had learned the choreography to Black Swan through Jimin’s teaching. “Can I have your hoodie?” She asked, sliding off Jungkook’s lap.

“Of course you can.” Jungkook slipped off his hoodie, leaving him in a white tshirt. Y/N stared at his tattoo sleeve, hands itching to trace each tattoo. There were still a few gaps where the tattoo wasn’t completely finished, but Y/N loved it. 

“Thank you.” She pulled his hoodie on, inhaling the scent of his perfume as well as his fabric softner. She was about to leave, when Jungkook cleared his throat.

“Excuse me, but I think you are forgetting something.” He tapped his lips. Y/N leaned down and kissed him gently. “I love you, gorgeous.” He said once they pulled away.

“I love you too, KooKoo.” She replied. “I’ll see you at home. I’ll be waiting for my cuddles.” She said. Jungkook chuckled as she left, her trainers making a tapping sound against the floor. He looked down and saw she had left her phone. He debated chasing after her for a second, but decided against it, knowing he would see her again at the dorm so would give it to her then. Little did he know, that this would be one of the biggest mistakes in his life.

Y/N hummed to herself as she walked down to the lobby of the BigHit building to wait for Sejin. She went to busy herself with her phone, but when she reached into her pocket, she realized it was still in the Golden Closet. Before she could go back to Jungkook to grab it, she heard someone say her name.

“Miss Y/N? Sejin-ssi sent me to pick you up and bring you back to the dorm.” A man dressed in all black said. He was wearing a black mask, so Y/N couldn’t see his face very well, but his eyes and voice seemed to ring a bell. She brushed it off, thinking it was just one of the employees who Sejin was very close with.

“Okay, let’s go, shall we?” She smiled, slipping on her mask as she followed him into the parking lot. The man lead her towards a black Mercedes that had tinted windows. It definitely seemed like a manager’s car, but she remembered Jungkook telling her that Sejin drove a Hyundai. She bit her lip, feeling unease settling in her stomach.

“I’ve just realised that I left my phone, is it okay if I run back and grab it quickly?” She asked, knowing that she could run towards the lobby and tell them that there was someone slightly dodgy in the parking lot and then go back to Jungkook.

“No, you can’t. We only have a small amount of time to drop you back before we have somewhere to be.” The man said. Y/N bit the inside of her cheek and nodded.

“O-Okay.” She gulped. She was about to turn on her heel and run back when someone grabbed her around the waist and hauled her into the car. “Help! Someone help!” She screamed as she was pushed into the backseat of the car. Her mask was pulled down by someone next to her. “Let me go, please, let me go.” She cried.

“You know, I forgot how pretty you looked when you cried.” An extremely familiar voice said.

“J-Jackson.” She bit her lip and tried the door handle to see if she could get out. 

“Yeah, don’t do that.” Jackson tutted before pressing a wet cloth over her mouth and nose. “I’ve finally got you back, I’m not letting you go again.” Her vision faded to black with the thought that she would never get to see her soulmates ever again.


Part 9 of the Boys with Luv series

Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS

Summary: Just a fluffy, smutty filler

Warnings: Smut, slightly questionable things while driving


AN: It’s time for a date day! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys! Also, how do you guys like the new theme?

Part 8 |Part 9|Part 10


Jungkook POV:

“Carrot, it’s time to wake up…” I said in a soft voice. Y/N looked so beautiful while she was sleeping. It had been a few months since her traumatic episode and she had not had another one since. Our album was due to be released soon, meaning we had loads of things to prepare for but today was a day off that we could spend with our soulmate.

She had forgiven Namjoon and Hoseok a month ago, and had confessed her love towards me, Jimin and Jin a couple of days ago. I still could not believe she loved us. It was an amazing feeling to have such a beautiful person in my life. 

“I don’t wanna wake up.” She mumbled, rolling into my chest, her cheek resting just under my collarbone. I rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. 

“You know it’s our day off today, right? We want to take you on a date.” I said gently.

“Where are we going to go?” She asked with her eyes still closed.

“Well, that’s a surprise.” I said. She hummed in her sleep and rested her chin on my chest, her eyes opening slowly. “How did you sleep?”

“Good.” She said. “I feel safe in your arms.” She wrapped her hand around my bicep, well, she attempted to. “They’re big and strong.” I chuckled at her and rolled my eyes playfully. “Just twenty more minutes of cuddling. Please.”

“Twenty minutes. No more.” I said, wrapping my arms around her tight. “The others will probably come and get us anyway.” She moved so her legs were straddling my waist. “Carrot, what are you doing? You’re going to make me…” I trailed off as she giggled. I knew she could feel how hard I was against her. 

“Oops.” She said. “I would help you out but I’m too tired.” It was then I got an idea.

“I want to try something. You don’t have to do anything.” I said. I pushed up her sleeping shirt, well my shirt that she had stolen and fiddled with the hem of her panties. “Lift your hips for me quickly.”

“I thought you said I didn’t have to do anything.” She complained.

“Just this one thing.” She lifted her hips and I pulled down her panties. She frowned at me, confused to what I was going to do. I reached down and pushed down my shorts, freeing my dick. I stroked it a bit, making sure it was hard enough. A breathy moan left my lips as I felt her hole brush against the head of my cock. “You’re wet.” I observed as I slipped a finger in to stretch her out slightly.

“Just put your cock in me already.” She ordered. I slapped her ass gently.

“Patience, carrot.” I said before pushing into her.

“Fuck, Jungkook.” She moaned as I fully sheathed myself in her. 

“Now, we sleep.” I said, making her narrow her eyes at me in confusion. “It’s called cockwarming. Just stay like that and then in twenty minutes I promise to fuck the hell out of you.” I whispered in her ear, making her clench around me.

Taehyung POV:

“I’ve fucking missed this.” Yoongi groaned as he pushed into me once again. I cried out due to the overstimulation. “We haven’t had any time to just be alone, have we pup?” I shook my head, making him slap my ass. “Use your words.”

“No, we haven’t, master.” I moaned out as he rolled his hips into me. “Fuck…” I felt the head of his cock brush against my prostate.

“You look so pretty covered in all of that cum.” He said, thrusting into me hard. My stomach was splattered with some dry and some fresh cum. He leant down and kissed my stomach, tracing his tongue up and down, licking up some of the cum. “How can you taste so damn good?” He reached down and began jacking me off, his callouses creating some almost delicious friction.

“Ah, I’m gonna cum again.” I groaned, feeling the knot tighten again. 

“Cum when you’re ready.” Yoongi said, stroking me harder. “Cum for me pup.”

“Ah, master.” My back arched as the knot snapped, cum splattering all over my abdomen. I hissed as Yoongi kept fucking into me, his dark eyes set in determination.

“Think you can cum one more time?” He asked, still stroking me. With his hand on me, his cock in my ass I knew I would cum again but I wasn’t sure how long I could hold on for.

“Y-Yeah…” I moaned softly. I felt the knot began to form again for what was the fifth or sixth time that morning. 

Yoongi rolled us over. “Ride me puppy.” He said, holding onto my hips. I braced my hands on his chest and began to bounce on him, the sound of skin slapping filling my ears.

“Ah, fuck, you’re so deep.” I groaned. Yoongi smirked.

“Yeah, you like fucking yourself on master’s cock.” He teased, pulling my ass cheeks apart. “Such a tight little fuckhole.” I shuddered at his words.

“I’m gonna cum again.” I warned him, making him hold onto my hips and stop me.

“You hold on, you hear me? I’m close.” He warned, his thrusts becoming more erratic.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I whined as Yoongi held on tight to the base of my cock, stopping me from cumming. 

“On three, okay puppy.” He ordered. He counted down from three and we both orgasmed at the same time. I moaned at the feeling of him filling me up. He stilled us, his thumb gently caressing my hip. “I love you, Tae.” He said huskily, his chest heaving as he calmed himself down after his orgasm. 

“I love you too, hyung.” I said, lifting my hips so he slipped out of me. I wrinkled my nose as I felt my thighs become sticky. “‘M sticky.” I whined, making him chuckle and sit up on his elbows. 

“Let’s go shower, then.” Yoongi said. “And then we have to go and make sure everyone is awake. And then do you want to help Jin and Joonie make breakfast?”

“Yes please.” I nodded. “I want to make it perfect for Y/N. It’s our first proper date day with her.” Date days were a thing that Yoongi and I had invented for when we had a day off and hadn’t got to spend time with each other romantically and as boyfriends, so we would all have a date, whether it be a movie marathon or an amusement park. Today we were going to a water park and then having a picnic under the stars in the private garden we had at the dorms.

“It is, isn’t it?” Yoongi smiled lazily at me before tapping my hip. “Alright, go shower. I’ll go after you.” He said, making me tilt my head and frown at him. “If I shower with you, you may spend another hour at least with my dick up your ass.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” I smirked, leaning down to kiss him gently. He bit my bottom lip and tugged it back as I pulled away. He let it go and hummed.

“I know you wouldn’t, but the planner of the day may not be.” He said, reminding me of how Hoseokie hyung had planned the day down to every minute. “Go shower, baby. I’ll see you after.” He said softly. I nodded and got off his lap, padding towards the bathroom.


“Jungkookie…” I whined as he pulled out of me, a string of cum connecting the tip of his cock to me. We hadn’t even lasted five minutes of cockwarming before Jungkook had begun bucking into me. He eventually gave up and flipped us over, fucking me hard.

“Carrot…” He mimicked me, making me playfully scowl at him. “Alright beautiful girl, you need to go shower and then meet us all downstairs. You don’t have to get changed into any clothes, you can stay in your pyjamas. And then we’ll tell you what we’re doing today.”

“Can’t you just tell me now?” I asked. He smirked and shook his head.

“Nope. My lips are sealed.” Jungkook said, getting off me. “Now go shower.” He pulled me off the bed and pecked my lips before pushing me out the door. “Go, quick, go, go, go!”

I giggled and shook my head at me before walking towards the bathroom that was between his and Yoongi’s rooms. I pushed open the door, not thinking there would be anyone in there as it wasn’t locked and I couldn’t hear the shower. Imagine my surprise when I was met with a naked Taehyung. 

“Shit, sorry, I didn’t realize you were in here.” I said. Even though I had a dating relationship with all of the boys, me and Taehyung were yet to be intimate with each other, so I had never seen him naked. I quickly covered my eyes.

“It’s alright.” He chuckled when he saw my eyes were covered. “Darling, it’s okay. You’re bound to see me naked someday, anyway.”

I felt my cheeks flush red. He chuckled, his voice low and raspy. I noticed his abdomen was covered in white stains. So he had had sex with someone. My eyes travelled further down - he was thick. And long. Not as long as Jin, but longer than Jimin and Jungkook. He cleared his throat. 

“You’re staring.” He observed, a small smirk forming on his lips. “Like what you see?”

“You’re massive.” I murmured before snapping out of my trance. “I didn’t mean to say that. I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.” He said. “Do you want to share a shower?”

“Okay.” I smiled at him softly as he turned to turn on the shower. His eyes travelled over my body as he turned to face me.

“Is that Jungkook’s shirt?” He asked, biting his lips gently. “You know, I think you would look even better in my clothes.” He shrugged, padding over to me and fisting his hands on the hem of the shirt. “But you can’t shower wearing this, so let’s take it off.”

I felt my heart rate speed up being this close to him. I licked my lips quickly. He was so handsome up close; his mole on his nose and lip were begging to be kissed. His curls were falling in his face so I reached up and pushed them to the side. He gently leaned into the gesture, his eyes shining.

“You need to raise your arms, darling.” He whispered, his lips slightly parted. I felt his breath fanning across my face, warm and minty. I obeyed, allowing him to peel the shirt off my body, leaving me naked. “No panties I see. Naughty girl.” He teased, his eyes travelling down my body, fixating on my chest and then between my thighs.

“You were completely naked with the door unlocked.” I reminded him, starting to feel uncomfortable under his prolonged gaze.

“Yes, but you’re just so beautiful anyone in this house would realise you had no panties and just fuck you there and then.” I raised an eyebrow at him, silently wondering if he would do as he just said. “I mean, I would but Yoongi hyung insisted on fucking me for like two hours this morning, so I think if I were to even get hard one more time, my dick would fall off.”

“That would be a shame.” I said. I hopped up onto the counter and sat there as Taehyung turned the heat on the shower up and waited for it to warm up.

“Jin hyung must have used it last, it’s on the coldest setting.” Taehyung complained, flinching as he reached a hand under the stream to test the water.

“He takes cold showers?” I asked as Taehyung came and leant against the counter next to me.

“He says it helps preserve his handsomeness.” Taehyung said with a small laugh.

“Ahh.” I nodded. I swung my legs as we waited.

“What music do you want?” He asked as he connected his phone to the in-shower speaker.

“Hmm…” I hummed as I thought. “Winter bear, please?”

Taehyung blushed. “You like that song?” He asked shyly.

“I love that song.” I corrected. “I think I watched the video at least ten times on the day it came out. The melody calms me and don’t even get me started on the lyrics and singing.”

“Oh yeah?” Taehyung said, coming to stand between my legs. He looked down noticing some streaks of white on my inner thighs. “Who made a mess of you, then?”

“Kookie.” I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Why? Are you jealous?”

“Maybe a bit.” He admitted. The bathroom was beginning to steam up, so he helped me off the counter and into the shower. “But I’m way bigger than him.”

“Oh really?” I teased, looking down at his dick which was beginning to stiffen. “I hadn’t noticed.”

“Really darling?” He smirked. “Coz you were staring at me for a long time earlier.” I felt my cheeks heat up.

“I thought you said your dick would fall off if it got hard again?” I asked, making him look down and shrug.

“Guess I was wrong.” He tilted his head to the side before wetting his lips. “Fuck it.” He murmured, making his way over to me. “I’m gonna fuck all of his cum out of you, baby girl.” He said, his deep voice sending tingles straight to my core.

“Do it.” I nodded, leaning up to kiss him on the lips roughly. He whined into the kiss, his hands gripping onto my waist. “Fuck me, Taehyung.” I said, looking him in the eye. “Fuck me so hard that your name is the only one I remember.”

He gulped before dragging me into the shower, situating us both under the stream of water. “Turn around, hands on the wall.” He said gently, his hand caressing my back. I obeyed, pressing my palms against the wet tiles that were still cold despite the heat of the water pouring down on us. His hands gently traced shapes on my back as he sucked in a breath.

“What’s wrong?” I asked before remembering the scars I had on my back from the belt incident at Jackson’s party. 

“Where did you get these scars from?” He asked softly. “Was it him?” I nodded, making him growl softly under his breath. “I want to kill him. How could he hurt someone like you?”

“Because I’m not perfect.” I said, making him stop his movements with his hands.

“That’s not true.” He said. I sighed in bliss when I felt his lips trace lines down my back. “You are kind.” He pressed a kiss to one of my scars. “Beautiful.” Another kiss. “Smart.” Another kiss. “And not to mention perfect in my eyes.” He kissed the largest scar. “You didn’t deserve any of what he did to you. He didn’t deserve you at all.” My heart swelled at Taehyung’s words. I turned around and saw how sad his eyes were. He really cared about me. 

He reached out his hand and stroked my cheekbone, the pad of his thumb sliding across the wet skin. He leaned down and kissed me gently. Something in my brain clicked then. I loved him.

“Tae?” I said, his eyes snapping to mine, letting me know I had his full attention. “I love you.” He was still for a second before a large boxy smile spread across his face.

“Well, I guess you’ll be ecstatic to know that I love you.” He said, pecking my lips again. “But now we face an issue.” He hummed as he idly traced circles on my hips. “I want you, so bad, but I don’t want to just fuck you. I want our first time to be special. I want to make love to you properly in a bed with rose petals and candles and instrumental music playing in the background.”

“Tae…” I sighed happily. “I would love our first time to be like that.” I leaned up to hug him tight. “But what about…” I looked down to where his hard dick was sandwiched between us. 

“There are other ways.” He said, guiding my hand to him. “We can get each other off like this.” I wrapped my hand around him and stroked, making him tense and let out a shaky breath. “Well, fuck.” He said. “O-okay, spread your legs a bit for me.” His hand trailed down my front to brush against my folds. 

He rubbed his hand along my folds for a bit, the heel of his hand putting pressure on my clit, but not enough to fully satiate the desire building inside of me. I needed his long fingers inside me.

“Please, TaeTae.” I said, looking at him with pleading eyes. 

“Okay, darling.” He pushed past my folds and circled one finger around my hole before pushing it inside me. “You’re so wet. I bet you taste heavenly.”

“You’re so big.” I said, fondling his balls and rolling them between my fingertips, making him moan out. His thumb pressed against my clit as he added another finger. “Ahh, Tae.” I cried out, his fingers pressing deep into me. “Can’t wait until you’re actually inside me.”

“Yeah?” Taehyung looked at me through squinted eyes from the pleasure he was receiving. “Can’t wait for my big cock to split you open.” He leaned down and kissed me, nipping at my bottom lip. “You know, you’re going to be the first person I will ever have fucked. I’ve always had dicks in me, but never had mine in someone else.”

My eyes widened. “Really? Not even Koo or Min?” I asked.

He shook his head. “I’ve always preferred being bottomed. I never really liked the idea of shoving my dick into someone’s asshole. But for you, I’m willing to make the exception.”

“Well, I’m flattered.” I smiled. I was honored to be the one who would be taking his virginity, kind of… His fingers curved inside me, pressing against the special spot inside me, making me cry out.

“Ah, there?” He asked, massaging the spot as his thumb made quick circles on my clit. I could feel my orgasm drawing nearer and nearer.

“Right there.” I breathed out, my hips rolling forwards to meet his thrusts. His fingers thrusted into me harder. “I’m gonna cum.” I warned him. 

“Me too.” He said, his voice shaky. He tipped his head back as his abdomen tightened. The knot tightened inside me, finally snapping as his fingers abused that spot inside me and his thumb circled my clit.

“Tae.” I cried out, my walls spasming around his fingers as he shot streaks of white onto my hand. 

“Fuck darling.” His hips were bucking as I stroked him through his orgasm. He hissed. “Ah, sensitive.” I pulled my hand away, moving it to my mouth to taste him. A small smirk played on his lips as he observed me. “Dirty girl.” He crooned, moving his hand up to his mouth, his eyes widening slightly at how wet I had made his fingers. He drew them into his mouth and sucked on them, moaning at the taste. “You taste delicious.”

“So do you.” I smiled, sucking the last streak from my thumb. “Let’s shower quickly, before the others come find us. I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

“I wouldn’t mind the punishment.” Taehyung shrugged, reaching behind me to grab some shampoo and body wash and conditioner. “Now, let me take care of you, darling.”

Jimin POV:

Hoseok was drumming his fingers on the table, checking the watch on his wrist every few seconds. It was because Taehyung and Y/N were taking such a long time in the shower and the time for them to eat something was slowly decreasing. Hobi hyung wanted us to have left by 10am so that we would get enough time to go on everything at the water park.

I grabbed a piece of toast from the plate in the centre of the table. His hand that was around my waist dropped down to the top of my thigh. I was sat on Hoseok’s lap as we waited with my legs resting on Yoongi’s lap. He had one hand resting on my ankle as he scrolled through his phone, sometimes he would move it down to tickle the sole of my foot. I leaned back against Hobi’s chest, nibbling on my toast as we waited. 

“Where are they?” Hoseok wondered aloud, squeezing my waist gently. “What could they be doing in the shower that is taking them that long?” I shrugged, flexing my foot to try and get rid of the cramp I had.

Yoongi set down his phone. “Well if they’re together they might be… you know.” He said, glancing down at his lap. “What’s wrong with your foot, pretty boy?” He asked.

“Cramp.” I replied. He nodded and began massaging it, his fingers putting the right amount of pressure to make the muscles relax and the cramp to start to fade away. I moaned quietly at the nice feeling, making Namjoon poke his head into the room from the kitchen. “Ahh, hyung…”

“What are you guys doing in here?” He asked. 

“Baby boy had a foot cramp.” Hoseok said, rubbing my thigh, his hand gliding over the red and black material of my swim shorts. “So Yoongi hyung is massaging it away for him.”

“Ah okay.” Namjoon nodded. “Jin and Koo have almost finished the picnic for later, so do you want me to go and find the missing two?”

“That would be great.” Hoseok said. “If you don’t mind. Have you eaten?”

“I had an apple and some grapes earlier. I’m fine. I’ll go round up baby boy and baby girl.” Namjoon said, walking past. I tilted my head back with my lips pouted. He bent down and kissed me gently, combing his fingers through my hair before disappearing up the stairs. 

“Is your foot okay now, pretty boy?” Yoongi asked, ceasing the massage. I nodded with a slight pout. It felt nice. Yoongi knew how to massage really well. He chuckled at my pout. “Do you want me to continue?”

“Yes please, hyungie.” I said, smiling sweetly at him. He leaned down and kissed the top of my foot.

“Anything for my pretty boy.” He continued to massage my feet as I leaned my head against Hobi’s shoulder, peeking at what he was looking at on his phone. 

“Hyung.” I said when I saw he had the day’s itinerary up on his phone. He hummed, the sound vibrating through my back. “Everything will go according to plan. It is only 9 am right now. We have an hour until we need to leave. Don’t panic.”

“I’m not panicking. I just want everything to go perfectly today.” Hobi said. Yoongi reached over and lowered his phone, turning Hobi to face him. 

“As long as everyone’s happy, the day will be perfect, okay, sunshine?” He said, making Hobi smile at him softly. “I love you, you know that.”

“I love you too.” Hobi replied. “And you, baby boy. I love you.”

“Love you both.” I replied.

Three pairs of footsteps thundered down the stairs, Y/N and Taehyung’s laughter echoing down the hallway into the kitchen. 

“And where have you two been?” Yoongi drawled, one hand coming up to grab Y/N by the wrist. She leaned down to kiss him good morning before she answered him.

“We were showering.” She shrugged, shivering slightly as water dripped down her back.

“Why so long?” Hoseok asked, accepting a kiss from Taehyung before they both swapped to kiss the other. 

“I had to let her know that all her scars made her so perfect.” Taehyung said, giggling as Yoongi began pressing kisses all over his face. 

“Hey, where’s my kiss?” I whined, making Y/N giggle and connect her lips with mine. She disappeared into the kitchen to see Jin and Jungkook, with Namjoon at her heels. I noticed Taehyung hadn’t stopped smiling since he came down. “Why are you so happy? Did you finally realise you also like topping?”

“No.” Taehyung shook his head, pushing my feet off Yoongi’s lap and sitting down so he was facing me and Hobi. “She told me she loves me.” He smiled even wider.

“Really?” I gasped, leaning forward and grabbing hold of his hand. “That’s amazing. She’s finally accepting you three into her life fully. But I have one question. Was it after or before the sex?”

“We didn’t have sex, hyung.” Taehyung whined, leaning against Yoongi’s chest as Yoongi carded a hand through Tae’s wet hair. “She said she loved me, I said I loved her, and then we decided that we would rather wait until we could make love to each other in a perfect, romantic way.”

“You’re such a hopeless romantic, TaeTae.” I said with a playful eye roll. He lightly kicked me earning a small pinch from Yoongi.

“Stop you two.” He warned. Yoongi looked over at Hobi, who seemed to be busying himself even more with his phone. “Sunshine, what’s wrong?” I looked up and saw that there was a small frown on Hobi’s lips.

“It’s just… she loves you all, but she still hasn’t said it to me and Namjoonie.” Hoseok said. “It’s weird. I feel happy for you all, but I also feel slightly jealous. I want to move past the kisses. I want her to fully trust me enough to be able to be confident to show her body around me.”

“Hyung, it’s okay.” I said, moving around so I was straddling him. His normally heart-shaped lips were turned downwards. I gently took his phone out of his hand and set it on the table. “You know, it’s going to be so soon when she confesses to you. I can feel it.” I reached out and pushed his hair out of his face, pecking his cheek. “Especially since she has just confessed to Tae. That means it’s one step closer to happening.”

“You really think that, baby boy?” Hobi asked, taking hold of my hand and kissing my palm.

“I know so, hyung.”

“Where are we going today?” Y/N asked, appearing from out of the kitchen, a new red mark blooming on her neck.

“Which one did that?” Yoongi asked.

“Koo.” She replied. “Why, do you want to as well?”

“I think she should have one from each of us. What do you think, Hobi hyung?” I said, feeling Hobi squeeze my waist gently and peck my lips.

“I think that is a good idea.” Hobi agreed. “Come here, baby girl. Let me show everyone you belong to me.” She giggled and walked over. I moved off of Hobi and he pulled her down onto his lap. “Hey pretty girl.”

“Hey oppa.” She blushed as he kissed her lips gently before trailing kisses down her jawline and her neck. He licked a spot just above the juncture of her neck before attaching his lips and sucking gently. A breathy sigh passed her lips, making me groan and lean forward, kissing her. 

“You make such pretty sounds.” I murmured, kissing down her neck and sucking gently, making a mark just above Jungkook’s. Hobi pulled away, soothing over the new mark with his tongue. I pulled away just after, doing the same thing. Taehyung and Yoongi leaned over as Hoseok wrapped an arm around her waist to begin to explain what was happening today.

Namjoon came in with a clingy Jungkook wrapped around his waist, occasionally pressing kisses to his jawline and neck. “Koo’s oral fixation is out to play today.” Namjoon said as Jungkook continued sucking and nibbling on his neck. 

“You’re his newest victim.” Y/N giggled. She gestured to us four. “Although, I seem to have acquired four vampires who started sucking on my neck in a jealous rage.”

I pouted. “Heyyyy.” I whined, making Hoseok chuckle fondly and pull me to sit on his other knee. “But you two can also put your mark on her, hyungs.” I said, looking at Seokin and Namjoon.

“You sure you want us too, love?” Seokjin asked Y/N, making her nod.

“You all are my soulmates so it would only be fair.” She attempted to turn to face Yoongi who was still sucking on her neck. “Yoongi oppa, stop being a vampire!” She whined, making Namjoon chuckle and push him away.

“Come on, hyung, my turn.”


Namjoon easily picked me up from Hoseok’s lap and sat down with me on his lap opposite Hoseok. “Why don’t you tell our beautiful baby what we plan to do with her today?” Namjoon urged Hoseok as he leaned down to suck on my neck, his tongue occasionally darting out to soothe over the area.

“So we are planning on taking you on a date day today.” Hoseok said with a small smile, leaning over the table to take hold of my hand. “So we were thinking of going to a water park for a few hours and then coming back here to have a picnic under the stars for dinner?” A picnic under the stars. That was my perfect idea for a date. And who wouldn’t want to see the members of BTS shirtless?

“I love the sound of that.” I nodded as Namjoon pressed open-mouthed kisses up and down my neck.

“Hey, my turn now!” Jin complained, pulling me onto his lap. I shrieked in surprise, making the seven of them laugh. “Swap the babies round.” He lightly pushed Kookie over to Joonie, who immediately attached his lips to the older’s neck. Namjoon made eye contact with me over the top of Jungkook’s head and playfully rolled his eyes making me giggle.

“So we wear swimwear?” I asked, starting to feel slightly self-conscious. Although most of the boys had seen my scars, Namjoon and Hoseok still hadn’t and I didn’t want them to see them and think I looked ugly and then not want to be with me anymore. Not when I had finally become comfortable being around them.

“If you’re not one hundred percent comfortable, you can wear a t-shirt?” Yoongi suggested, knowing what I was worried about. “Although you are fucking beautiful so you should be comfortable in a swimsuit, especially around us.”

“I’ll see how I feel when we get there.” I compromised, making Yoongi nod. “When do we have to leave?”

“In about forty minutes.” Hoseok said, making me jump off Jin’s lap. 

“I only have forty minutes to get ready?!” That was definitely not enough time to choose a swimsuit and a matching cover up and get changed and sort my hair out. 

“Well more like thirty-five, but it’s fine. You don’t need to dry your hair though as it will get wet when we are there.” Hoseok pointed out, grabbing hold of my wrist and kissing it.

“It looks like rats tails.” I said before quickly going upstairs.

“It looks beautiful!” I heard Namjoon yell after me, making a small smile appear on my lips.

Around thirty minutes later, I ran down the stairs, almost bumping into Hobi. “I was just coming to get you.” He said with a small smile, his arm automatically coming to wrap around my waist. “You ready to leave?”

“Yeah.” I nodded, leaning up to kiss him on the lips. “You’re too tall.” I whined, making him chuckle.

“You like it.” He playfully poked my side, making me giggle. A heart-shaped smile formed on his face, making my heart thump in my chest. I knew exactly how I felt about all of them now. I loved them. Every single one of them. It happened today after I showered with Tae. I realized that I felt the same way for all of them, and that it was love.

“You could say I love it, in fact.” I corrected, making him freeze. “Just like how I love you.”

“Wait, wait, what did you say?” Hoseok looked shocked, but it was a happy shocked. 

“I said that I love you.” I repeated, making him let out a happy yell and hug me tight, leaning down to kiss me.

“I love you. I love you.” He cheered. The noise he was making attracted the rest of the boys who spilled out of the door that led into the living room. 

“What’s going on?” Namjoon asked, noticing the smiles on both of our faces.

Before Hobi could speak, I held a finger up to his mouth. “Joonie oppa, I have a secret to tell you.”

“What?” He asked, coming closer, tilting his head in confusion.

“I love you.” I whispered in his ear, making him smile widely, his dimples showing.

“I love you too.” He whispered back in my ear, making me lean up and kiss him, igniting the fireworks in my belly again. I felt it when they kissed of me. All of them. It was something I never really felt with Jackson, but I didn’t think too much of it. I never thought that kissing someone would feel like it did in the books and movies. I always thought the writers described it in an extremely over the top way.

“As much as I love the both of you, if we don’t get ready to leave now, then I’m going to get really angry and stressed because we will be behind schedule.” Hoseok said, kissing my cheek. “So let’s go. We’ll drive there in our cars. Less inconspicuous.”

“Yes, because Jin hyung’s Lamborghini doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb.” Jimin scoffed.

“Says the one who drives a Porsche.” Jin rolled his eyes, playfully pushing Jimin.

“We’ll go in pairs?” I suggested. “So Jin, Jimin, Koo and Tae will drive and then the four of us left will go with one of them.”

“Always the level-headed one, princess.” Jimin said with a small smile. 

“Okay, so jagiya picks who she wants to go with first and then the rest of us will pair up after that.” Yoongi said. “Who do you want to go with, jagi?”

I looked between the three maknaes and Jin. “Hmm…” I had already been in Jimin and Jin’s cars when they had taken me out on separate lunch dates. So that left Jungkook and Taehyung. “Can I go with Tae on the way there and Koo on the way back?” I asked.

“Of course, baby girl.” Hoseok nodded. “Take good care of her, baby boy.” He said sternly to Taehyung who nodded, his curls bouncing on his forehead. He grabbed hold of my hand and dragged me out to his car. What really surprised me was that Taehyung drove the most practical car out of the four. It was a Hyundai SUV, whereas the other three drove sports cars.

It was cold outside. Thankfully the water park was indoors. I pulled out my brown teddy bear style hoodie, making Taehyung smile fondly at me.

“You are just like a little baby bear.” He cooed. “So cute.” I playfully growled at him as he began typing the address into the navigation. “You can pick the music, baby bear.”

I scrolled through my phone before finding my favourite playlist that I would always listen to. I hit shuffle and set my phone down as Taehyung pulled out of the dorm’s parking lot, following behind Jimin and Yoongi.

Yoongi POV:

“You’re sure this is the right address?” Jimin asked me as he typed our destination into the navigation, his short fingers tapping swiftly on the screen in front of him.

“I’m sure.” I said, leaning back in the seat. “You know your swim shorts look very good on you.” I reached over and rested my hand on his thigh, just below the hem of his shorts. I could feel sharp little hairs under my finger tips - he must have shaved his legs recently. His cheeks flushed red as he reversed out of the parking space and drove up the ramp that led to the main road.

“Can you put some music on please, hyung?” He asked, glancing around to see if any cars were coming before pulling out onto the main road.

“I can think of something much nicer to listen to.” I smirked, trailing my hand up and down his inner thigh. He shivered and cleared his throat, his knuckles whitening on the steering wheel as he tightened his grip.

“Hyung, I-” I cut him off with a swat on his thigh. 

“That’s not my name, is it?” I growled. “Now are you going to be a good boy, kitty.” He stopped at a traffic light and glanced at me, his pupils blown wide and his breathing erratic. The light turned green before he could answer so his attention turned back to the road, not answering me. I moved my hand and squeezed his balls, making him cry out. “Answer me, kitty, before I shove a vibrator up your ass and make you keep it there the entire day, even if you beg me to take it out.”

“Yes, I’ll be a good boy. ‘M sorry, master.” Jimin cried out as I traced my finger along his cock that was beginning to chub up in his shorts. He hissed and looked over at me, making me smack his thigh again.

“Eyes on the road.” I said sternly, before reaching into the waistband of his shorts and pulling out his cock. “Such a pretty little dick, kitty.” I traced his slit with my thumb, making him whine. “Too bad you’re too needy to know what to do with it.”

“Master please.” He moaned out, his head tilting back against the headrest of the seat. I leaned down and engulfed his hardening cock in my mouth, making him moan out loudly. 

I felt his slit begin to leak his pre-cum and I pulled off, tucking him back into his shorts.

“Wait, what, why…?” He glanced at me, a pout on his lips.

“You can beg Sir when we get there to let you come if you are really that desperate.” I said, leaning back and playing some calming music. “But for now, you’re going to stay hard.” He whimpered as he kept driving, glancing at our ETA. He groaned.

“But that’s going to be at least 45 minutes.” He whined. 

“I don’t care.” I said, busying myself with my phone. I rubbed a hand over my groin, feeling how hard I was. “Although I think I’ll jerk off now to those pretty pictures and videos you like to send me.” He looked at me in horror. I knew it was because he didn’t want cum stains in his precious car. “Don’t worry, you’re going to make sure not a single drop of it is spilled.” I reached over and pushed a thumb into his mouth. “You were made for sucking cock, weren’t you?” I crooned, feeling him automatically start to suck, his plump lips wrapping around the digit. 

I opened my phone to the folder that had Jimin’s pictures and began stroking my hand up and down my shaft, letting out moans and hisses every now and then. Jimin whined again, staring down at my cock.

“Such a little cock slut.” I said, stopping at a video that I had taken of him sucking me off. “Never satisfied until you have a cock in your mouth or up your ass.”

“Master please let me cum. I’ll do anything, just… please…” He begged, making me coo at him and push his hair off his forehead. 

“You look so hot like this.” I groaned, stroking myself. “Okay, fine. You have ten minutes to cum and if you don’t, then you aren’t until later when we get home.” I said, leaning down and taking his cock out of his shorts. It was an angry red color. I loved Jimin’s dick. It was about an average length but thick. I wrapped my hand around him, pumping a few times before licking up his length. He moaned out, still managing to keep his eyes on the road.

“Such a good kitty, letting master suck you off while you’re driving, and still managing to drive safely.” I said before deepthroating him, ignoring my gag reflex. 

“Master…” He trailed off, his hips bucking up, making me cough. I moved the hand that was not jerking me off to hold his hips down.

“And now you’re trying to choke me?” I asked, making him shake his head frantically.

“No master, didn’t mean to. ‘M just feelin’ so good.” He said, his words slightly slurred, meaning he was on the edge of subspace. 

“Well, I’m glad that you’re feeling good.” I said, sucking on his head. My phone started to vibrate. Someone was calling me.

I removed my hand from Jimin’s hips and answered it. It was Hoseok wanting to video call. My screen filled with the image of Hoseok driving Jungkook’s Mercedes - Jungkook must have been holding the phone.

“Why’s Minnie driving slowly, hyung?” Hoseok asked, pushing his sunglasses onto the top of his head.

“Let me show you.” I flipped the camera to show me stroking Jimin’s cock, making Hoseok hum.

“Clearly he can’t multitask.” Hoseok murmured, letting out a slight hiss. “Unlike me.” I narrowed my eyes at him, tilting my head questioningly. “Show master what you’re doing to sir, baby boy.” The phone moved to show Jungkook with his mouth full of Hoseok’s cock. “Baby wanted something in his mouth so instead of my fingers I said he could cockwarm me with his mouth for the journey. He’s allowed to move soon, though, so I can cum before we get there.”

“This little kitty has to cum within ten minutes otherwise he’s not cumming at all.” I said, taking in the sight before me. Kookie had his mouth stretched out around Hoseok. Hobi’s cock was the biggest of us all, being both thick and long. Even Taehyung, who was a size queen, had to be stretched out with four fingers to be able to fit Hoseok. There were tears in Jungkook’s eyes as one of Hobi’s hands was fisted in his green and black locks, the strands peeking out between the gaps in his fingers.

“We’ve trained him well.” Hoseok crooned, stroking his cheek. “How’s Min holding up. He keeps getting louder and louder.” 

“He’s about to cum. His thighs are shaking.” I said before taking him into my mouth again. I heard Jungkook moan out around Hobi’s cock at the sight. 

“Show me.” Hoseok ordered. “Fuck Yoon. I forgot how good you looked with a cock in your mouth.” I rolled my eyes, moving up and down Jimin’s shaft.

“‘M cumming, master. ‘M cumming.” My mouth filled with the salty substance, which I swallowed. I was getting close too. I looked around. The road was pretty much empty.

“Okay, watch this.” I said, kneeling up on the central reservation in the car, resting on the arm rest. “Open your mouth.” I said and pushed my cock into his mouth. I was level with him, so it wasn’t distracting him from taking his eyes off the road. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I groaned, moving my hips, making him gag slightly.

“Our subs look so pretty with their mouths stuffed with cock.” I said, showing me thrusting into Jimin’s mouth.

“They do.” Hoseok agreed. “Okay, baby boy, you can move. We’re ten minutes away.” I heard wet sounds as Jungkook began moving up and down, gagging every so often.

“Bunny, show me what you’re doing.” I ordered. Jungkook moved the phone so I could see him. I started recording Jungkook to save for later.

“I’m cumming.” I groaned as Jimin sucked harder. “Such a fucking little cockslut.” I chuckled. “Gonna look so pretty painted with all my cum.” He moaned around my cock, the vibrations making my abdomen tighten as the knot snapped. “Fuck, kitty, just like that.” I gently thrusted into his mouth as I spilled onto his face and tongue that was stuck out as he jerked me off.

“That was too hot.” Hoseok said, still relatively calm despite the fact he had the maknae’s lips wrapped around him. “Ok, we’ll see you at the water park.” He hung up the phone as Jimin took a deep breath, turning his attention back to the road properly and speeding up more, the engine purring.

“Baby, you have cum on your face. Want me to wipe it off for you.” I offered, making him nod.

“Just don’t get in my vision so I can see.” He said. His voice was scratchy.

“Listen to your voice. So scratchy.” I smirked, grabbing some tissues and wiping my cum from his cheeks.

“I can’t really complain though - your cum tastes amazing.” Jimin said, swiping his thumb across his chin to collect the remaining cum and suckling on it.

“You’re gonna make me hard again.” I warned him, making him giggle. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. “You’re too damn pretty.”

“Why, thank you.” He smiled. “You’re pretty fucking breathtaking as well.” I smiled and placed my hand on his thigh, giving it a slight squeeze as we got nearer to our destination. 


Taehyung and I had been singing along to my music at the top of our lungs. Currently, ‘Epiphany’ was playing, but we had stopped singing to talk to each other. Taehyung’s hand held mine as he drove, sunglasses on his face.

“So, baby bear, tell me, who is your bias group?” He asked. “Because you have a mixture on this playlist of us, EXO, Stray Kids, TXT.” He listed off a few. “So tell me.”

“I think you already know the answer to that one.” I said, snorting at his crestfallen face. “Do you really need the ego boost?”

“Well…yes.” Tae said.

“Okay, it was you guys.” I admitted, making him cheer loudly. “But EXO is a close second.”

“Who’s your bias?” Taehyung asked. “Out of me and the others.”

“Ahhh.” I hissed and turned to look out the window. “Well, that’s something you have to earn.” I said, making him huff as he turned into the parking lot.

“We’ll get it out of you.” He said confidently as he reversed into a parking space near the entrance to the water park. 

“No, you won’t.” I looked at him before pausing the music on my phone. I glanced out the window to see if any of the others had joined us yet. We had been behind Jimin and Yoongi, but when they had started to slow down quite a lot, we overtook them and drove ahead. 

“We will.” Taehyung promised, turning off the engine. “You know, we have very strong powers of persuasion.” I reached over and pinched his cheek playfully.

“You’re too cute sometimes.” He smiled his boxy smile, a light laugh falling from his lips. 

“You’re cute.” He fiddled with the ends of my bubble braids. “Like a little bear cub.” I growled playfully and pretended to nip at one of his fingers. “A feisty bear cub.” He corrected himself. There was a roar of an engine before it quickly turned off. Jin and Namjoon had parked next to us - Jin’s blue Lamborghini glinting in the sunlight.

“Ah, we are not alone anymore. I won’t have to put up with your pestering.” I teased, getting out of the car. “Joonie oppa!” I yelled, running over to him as he got out of the car.

“Hey my pretty baby.” He said, hugging me tight, a smile on his face that showcased his dimples. I reached up and poked one. “You’re all fluffy.” He said, stroking the material of my hoodie.

“It has ears too.” Taehyung pointed out as he accepted a hug from Jin. They waddled over to us with Jin’s chin resting on top of Taehyung’s head. Namjoon’s fingers brushed against my back as he flipped the hood over my head, causing the bear ears to stick up.

“That’s too cute.” Joon cooed. “Such a little cutie pie.”

I blushed, my cheeks turning warm. “Oppa.” I whined, hiding my face. “Where are the others?” I asked, quickly changing the subject before I could get even more embarrassed. 

“I’m not sure. Jimin was driving quite slowly on the way here.” Jin said, stroking up and down Taehyung’s stomach.

There was the sound of another engine and Jungkook’s Mercedes pulled into one of the empty spaces. Hobi hopped out as soon as the engine turned off, a large smile on his face. Jungkook slid out, walking uncomfortably. It was then I realized he was hard.

“Did you guys fuck?” Jin asked, making Jungkook flush bright red and hide his face in Hoseok’s neck.

“Well, I got my dick sucked.” Hoseok said slowly, narrowing his eyes at the eldest. “But how do you know?”

“I can say Kookie’s hard on from here.” Namjoon said, a warm hand splayed across my stomach. 

“He didn’t want to cum.” Hoseok shrugged coming over and stroking my hoodie. “This is very cute. He said before flicking the little ears. 

“I was cold.” I pouted, making him nod in understanding. I turned to face Jungkook, who still looked very uncomfortable. “You look like you’re in pain, Koo.” I said.

“‘M okay.” Jungkook said, playing with Hoseok’s fingers.

“Is he still in subspace, Hope-ah?” Jin asked. Hoseok nodded. “Aww, little bunny is here to play.” He cooed, making Jungkook blush red again.

“Kookie’s in subspace?” Jimin asked, suddenly appearing, making me jump. I hadn’t heard them enter the carpark. His voice was a little scratch, like mine was after I sucked someone off.

“Not you too, Min.” I groaned, making Namjoon chuckle, the sound vibrating through my back.

“What?” Jimin exclaimed, pouting as Yoongi came over, car keys dangling from the tip of his fingers.

“Nothing.” Hoseok said, pulling Jungkook towards the entrance. “Come on, let’s go! There’s no time to waste!”


I hummed as I curled into Yoongi’s side, on the edge of sleep. It had been a fun day. At the waterpark, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook had had a competition to see who could impress me with their dives, while Namjoon insisted I go on every single water slide with him, no matter how scary they looked. The boys had also convinced me to not wear my t-shirt, telling me that my scars were a part of me and that I was always going to be beautiful inside and out. The way they acted around me made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. 

After we had played around for a while, we came back home for a picnic under the stars. Jin had cooked all of my favorite foods, including mochi, and made sure I had eaten everything until I was practically bursting at the seams. There was still some left over which I was quite excited to eat tomorrow. They had also written me poems, each expressing how much they loved me and how they couldn’t wait to spend the rest of their lives with me, and how they would always try their hardest to keep me safe and protected. 

“Did you have fun today, jagiya?” Yoongi asked, his vice husky, indicating how tired he was.

“It was the most fun I had had in years.” I said, raising my head to look up at him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. You must be tired though?” He asked. I nodded. He stroked his fingers through my hair calmingly. “Sleep, jagiya. You need it.”

“So do you.” I pointed out, making him huff out a laugh. 

“I know. But you are one of my top priorities, so once you fall asleep I will.” He explained. I hummed in agreement, shutting my eyes. Before I could properly fall asleep, Yoongi said my name. “Y/N. I love you, so much.”

“I love you too, Yoon.” I whispered. “Thank you so much for everything.” I felt him kiss my head before humming ‘Mikrokosmos’ to me, helping me finally drift off to dreamland.

gorou and kazuha tag team you

author’s note (?): yk i simply just downloaded tumblr just to write a fanfic about how a motherfucking shiba inu and a damn samurai tag team you, so uh yeah here ‼️ mf this took hours and i have zero idea why it did

p.s: also i apologize if it’s a bit long or a bit boring in a way, i’m not that great when it comes to writing

Ah yes. Gorou, General of the Sangonomiya Resistance. Gorou and the rest of Sangonomiya soldiers took you in as their new recruit, From that point on you’ve grown a bit fond over him, You admired how much he was devoted to protecting his love ones, How determined he was to fight against the Vision Hunt Decree. To your surprise, both you and Gorou have grown to be a bit closer ever since he took you in as a new recruit.

Just by hearing his voice, You feel your heart flutter. Even just by being around him you feel a bit more nervous than usual, Gorou did notice these traits of yours but brushed it off multiple times. Little did you know he has the same exact emotions towards you.

The sound of pouring rain could be heard from outside of the tent. You stood up, making your way toward the entrance as you were stopped by none other than Gorou.

“Oh, Good morning Gorou” You chuckled, Gorou’s arms snaking around your waist as he nuzzled his face against your neck, letting out a soft hum.

“Good morning.” Gorou cooed, twirling a strand of your hair with his finger. His ears twitched as you proceeded to pat his head, rubbing his ear with your thumb. Though, this little wholesome session of yours didn’t last long, Only to be interrupted by a soldier.

“Do you need anything?” Gorou pulled away from you, Looking over his shoulder as one of his subordinates waited for you two to finish your little session. Gorou tilted his head, waiting for a response from his fellow subordinate.

“My apologies for interrupting you, General Gorou. But, We have visitors. They wish to see you.”

Gorou nodded, pulling his hands away from your waist as he gave you a small peck on the forehead, Letting his subordinate lead him to the so called visitors. With your curiosity getting the best of you, you decided to follow them. You were quite curious on who these visitors were, Were they new recruits perhaps? These kind of thoughts danced throughout your mind, Your thinking only stopped by the sound of your partner’s voice.

“Kazuha, Captain Beidou! Long time no see”

Kazuha? Captain Beidou too? Why would they be visiting the Resistance at this time. You made your way to the sound of voices, Beidou waving at you as you waved back, both Gorou and Kazuha waving at you a few moments after.

“Hehe, It’s been quite a while. Long time no see, Y/n. The sound of the rain is quite peaceful, Don’t you think?”

You nodded, giving the Inazuman Samurai a gentle grin. Gorou reached out for your hand, caressing it softly, His eyes slightly narrowing at Kazuha

“Ah, Have you two met before?”

“Yes that is correct, Gorou. Y/n and I have met before, Though it was quite awhile ago.”

“..Mhm.. I see.” Gorou’s tone of voice was.. a bit off. It was more on the low side, It was quite uncommon for his voice to be this low, What could be the issue with him. Oh, Right.

He’s jealous, isn’t he?

Throughout the whole day, Gorou’s behaviour was quite inconsistent. The Shiba would often pull you away from Kazuha on certain occasions, Like a predator stealing his prey away from another predator. Kazuha on the other hand didn’t think much of it. It has been quite awhile since both you and Kazuha spent time together, So this is was probably one of the only times you two would do so. Kazuha told you stories about his journeys in the past, He seemed pretty passionate about the topics he likes. Since you’ve never been around Inazuma a lot, You we’re curious about his thoughts about the nation. You wanted to know his thoughts on almost everything.

The Samurai did discuss about certain Inazuman flowers, one was called Dendrobium. You were quite interested about the backstory of these vibrant plants, He did mention the fact that almost everyone once thought that the plant did indeed go extinct in the Inazuman archipelago. Although, It has re-emerged from the ground since that. Ah. Those flowers seem like a good gift to give for someone special.

Both you and Kazuha settled in the main tent, The moonlight shining on the tent, Giving both of you enough light to see each other. Kazuha’s ears prickled as the sound of the wind filled his own ears, Closing them for a brief moment before opening them once again, caressing the side of your waist with his bandaged hand,

The scent of Kazuha’s clothing filled your nose as he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. He let out a chuckle, pulling himself away from your shoulder as he gave your head a pat.

“What seems to be up with your general today, Y/n? He seems quite envious over me. See, with how much I’ve been spending time with you, Hm?” Kazuha brought his hands up to your face, His thumb resting on the side of your mouth as he parted it slightly

“Hm? If I’m being honest, I’m not too sure. But I do have a feeling he’s-“

“Jealous? As a matter of fact, I am.”

Your sentence was soon caught off by Gorou, the Samurai’s gaze settled towards the entrance as a smug grin formed on his face.

“Gorou, We’re in the middle of something here.” Kazuha sneered, The Shiba clenching his fists as he made his way over to you and Kazuha, Pulling you away from the samurai. Gorou gritted his teeth, letting out a hiss.

Your whole body froze, You were speechless. This was quite a surprise to you, considering the fact Gorou and Kazuha are both good friends.. Yet they’re acting like this? You’ve never seen this side of Gorou even, You could feel how tight he was gripping onto your waist. God damn it was tight as hell. Gorou’s hisses got louder as he snaked his arms around your waist, Only for Kazuha to do so as well.

“I don’t recall sharing something that’s mine with someone like you.” Gorou hissed once more, his eyes narrowing at Kazuha as he stared down at the movements of his hands, his bandaged hand making it’s way under your shirt, your breath hitching due to the samurai’s sudden movement.

“..Mm. Surely you can let me have a taste, Hm?” Kazuha murmured, your body jolting forward as he settled his cold hand on your stomach, caressing it lightly as he grabbed your wrist with his other hand. He pulled you closer to his body, his hand trailing up from your wrist all the way to the back of your neck

“..A taste?” Gorou scoffed, Pulling your body rather closer towards him as well, he rested his head on your shoulder, furrowing his eyebrows at Kazuha, his head tilting quite a bit.

Kazuha hummed at Gorou’s response to his question. Pulling your head close to his, he leaned forward. He dragged his tongue down your neck, making you gasp. Your hands pressed against Kazuha’s chest as you felt Gorou’s hands making its way under your shirt as well, A shaky exhale was all that came out of your mouth.

“Y/n, Is this okay with you?” Kazuha cooed, pulling away from your neck, caressing the side of your cheek with his thumb. Suddenly, You felt Gorou digging his sharp teeth into your shoulder, Letting out a shaky yelp as you struggled to form your sentences correctly.

“..Ah.. Hm this is alright.. I’m okay with this..” You muttered, struggling to hold back all the shaky moans that you were tempted to let out. Kazuha stared up at the shiba, giving him a nod of approval. Gorou bit his lip, hesitantly bringing his hands up, groping your chest while nibbling the side of your neck. Kazuha biting the other side on the other hand, licking rather leisurely after each bite.

“…Kazu..ha.. Gorou..” You whined lowly, fastening your grip around Kazuha’s grey short-sleeved kimono. Gorou rested his free hand on your waist, pushing you forward, losing balance for a quick second. Kazuha’s hand held your chin, guiding your face towards his.

“Yeah.. You’re enjoying this, Hm?” He chuckled lowly, pulling you towards him as he interlocked his lips with yours, the feeling of your lips on his sent butterflies to his stomach and yours. To your surprise, Gorou bit down on your shoulder. Hard. Your lips parted as you let out a muffled moan, giving Kazuha the chance to shove his tongue in your mouth.

Grabbing a nearby chair with his free hand, Kazuha wasted no time and took a seat. He pulled you onto his lap, taking his hand out of your shirt as he gripped onto both of your thighs, setting you down on his lap as he rubbed circles on your thigh with his thumb.

“..Hey now. That’s enough, Kazuha. I think they’re ready now.”

The Inazuma Samurai pulled away, smirking as he nodded at the shiba, his gaze returning to you.

“.. You think you can take those clothes off for us, Hm?” Kazuha exclaimed, watching you nod as you hesitantly took off your pants, leaving you in your undergarments and shirt. Gorou pushed you back on Kazuha’s lap, biting back down on your shoulder.

“Oh wow. Black panties? You’re a bold one..~” Kazuha stared down at your undergarments, Gorou letting out a chuckle.

“Shut up, Kazuha.” Your face flushed red, pouting a bit as he patted your head gently. Good lord who knew this damn samurai who happened to be quite the poetic type would say something like that.

“..It would be a shame if someone took it off.” Kazuha snickered, ripping your black undergarment with his bare hands. God damn he’s strong as fuck. Letting out a gasp, Kazuha untied the soft material that kept his pants on, He grabbed your waist, moving you down until you reached the tip of his cock, guiding you down.

“..You two are leaving me out on the fun part. That’s unfair.”

“..Mm? Then go do your part here. No one’s stopping you, General Gorou.”

“..Please restrain yourself from calling me that.” Gorou sighed, removing the flexible band around his waist before throwing it on the floor. The General bit his lip, Hesitating for a moment.

“..Alright.. Well. Y/n, This might hurt quite a bit, Alright? Tell me or Kazuha if it hurts and we’ll stop.” Gorou planted a kiss on the side of your cheek, before moving forward as he entered the same hole, both of them stretching you out completely as Kazuha bit his lip, letting out a muffled groan of pleasure.

“..Oh fuck..” Gorou breathed, His hands trailing down your body as both him and Kazuha thrusted forward, Kazuha throwing his head back as he stared back at you, chuckling as he caressed your face with his bandaged hand

“..Mhm.. Look at you, You’re taking us in so well.. such a good girl..~” Kazuha cooed, grabbing ahold of your hips

The pleasure was unbearable, the pain of the stretch was completely non-existent at this point. All you could think of was getting wrecked by both Kazuha and Gorou, Both of them somehow knew exactly where you were sensitive in, continuously hitting that exact same spot. Letting out a shaky gasp, Kazuha grabbed onto your hips once again, slamming you down on both his and Gorou’s cock. Your body jolted upwards as Gorou laid a hand on your stomach.

“..Wahh.. Would you look at that? We’re really going deep inside of you, Huh..” He mumbled, biting your earlobe as he caressed the bulge on your stomach.

“…Kazuha! Gorou..! the.. Ahn!” Oh my. You struggled to form your sentences correctly alright. The two hummed, waiting for a response from you.

“…Ngh.. the.. ack!-“

“Use your words, My love.” Kazuha leaned in, whispering in your ear.

Good lord the pleasure was quite sensational, You felt electricity running through your whole body as your legs shivered, Kazuha grabbing ahold of your thighs. Gorou on the other hand planted kisses on your shoulder, Leaving a few love bites. Oh boy, How are you going to cover that.

“The!- knot in my stomach..-“ You whined, eyes shut tight as skin-slapping against each other was all that could be heard, followed by groans and gasps.

“I can’t stop moving my hips.. It feels too good..” Gorou’s breath hitched as he wrapped his arms around your waist, groping your chest with his hand. He pulled out for a quick second, leaving the tip inside of you as he slammed back in with a sharp yet harsh thrust, making you wince.

“You’re a good girl, yeah? Oh fuck..” Kazuha praised, hand slipping in under your shirt. Oh boy how are you going to walk after this, You’re practically getting wrecked by these two at this point.

“..Y/n.. I’m close..” Gorou whined, trying to speed up as Kazuha did the same. You opened your mouth to speak, only for Gorou to plunge his fingers into your mouth, making you gag. He thrusted his fingers in your mouth, letting out a snicker. “..Good fucking girl.”

“..Mm.. I don’t think I can hold much longer, Y/n, can we?” Kazuha mumbled, patting your head, due to your mouth being occupied by Gorou’s fingers, You nodded. Kazuha and Gorou’s cocks twitched inside your walls before releasing, both of them letting out a groan as you felt your stomach fill with their cum. Gorou took his fingers out of your mouth, patting your back.

“..Oh fuck you both..” You panted, lowering your head as Gorou gave you a quick kiss on your neck, Kazuha planting one on the temple of your forehead. “..Are you both going to pull out or..?”

“Mm. You see, You’re rather warm, my love.” Kazuha cooed, giving you a soft grin as you smacked him in the face lightly, making both him and Gorou chuckle. “You wouldn’t mind if we had multiple of these sessions, no?”

“Fuck you both.”


Whispers In the Dark

Jake Kiszka x reader

18+ only! Minors do not interact

Warnings: graphic sexual content, penetrative sex, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, masturbation, listen, all the warnings on this one. Blame Jacob Thomas Kiszka Sir

Keep reading


Renaissance Man

A/N: This is a two part series! This is part two! Make sure to read part onefirst! Please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors and leave feedback! Also excuse anything that is incorrect about art techniques and what not I’m not an artist lmao. Same thing for the musical terms… you’ll see. I just really hope you all like this little series as much as I do! Thank you!

Pairing: f!reader x Jake

Summary:“give it to me and then paint a fucking picture of it when we finish.” or the one where…Jake has many talents that you admire, one of them including his skill with the pencil. When he needs a certain model, you are more than willing to pose for him,.

Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, smut, penetrative sex, oral (f!&m! receiving), strong language, alcohol consumption, etc.

Word count:14K+

✿ ✿ ✿

Following Jake out the door, you don’t have to check over your shoulder to know the three others are watching you all with delighted looks. The back of your neck heats up, and you’re almost afraid that there will be six little holes burnt into the back of your coat from their eyes, but you assure yourself you aren’t getting hot from any burning stares. The anticipation is making you grow warmer. In fact, despite the slight chill of a Nashville February, you drive all the way to Jake’s with your windows cracked, inviting the cold air in hopes of it cooling your nerves. It only causes you to shake with suspense.

None of the boys live too from the bar, and they all live pretty close to one another. In fact, Josh lives right down the street from Jake, and Danny and Sam only a few blocks in different directions. That being said, the drive is quick, and gives you little to no time to rehearse what you’re going to tell Jake when you get inside. While he pulls into his driveway, you park in your usual spot on the street and quickly pull down your mirror, adjusting your hair and reapplying some lip gloss at the last second. There’s a tap at your window and thank god the lights already dimmed out, so he didn’t see you.

You grab your purse and step out, “Sorry.”

“Thought you fell asleep in there.” He jokes, holding his arm out for you to hook with your own.

You look at it for a second, your chest tightening with nervousness, before wrapping your arm around his own and letting him lead you up to his house. You stay quiet, your mind and heart racing. You can’t help but wonder what is going on in his own head. What if Josh already talked to Jake about this, and this was some elaborate scheme he came up with to get you two together? Before you know it, you’ve convinced yourself this was all Josh’s doing and you’re doubling back on yourself.

I can’t do this I can’t do this I can’t do this-

“What’s with the formality?” You fake a giggle, nodding your head to gesture towards your hooked arms.

Jake just shrugs, “Just felt nice.”

I’m overthinking all of this.

“Oh,” you nod, letting him go once you have reached the front door so he can unlock it.

Keep reading

I don’t even know where to begin. This is a fucking MASTERPIECE. You captured Jake so perfectly, in my opinion. The dialogue was phenomenal, the buildup was delectable, everything about this fic has me digging my own grave because after reading it, I know that I can die happy. I will now be RACING to read absolutely anything else that you decide to write. Absolutelyamazing.Thank you.

*silver heart // spencer reid*

summary: Reader and Spencer reunite after he returns from a series of cases and way too much teasing over the phone.

relationship: SubFem!Reader x Dom!Spencer

content warnings: unprotected sex, oral fixation, daddy kink, innocence kink, degradation, creampie, praise kink, collaring, aftercare.

word count:2.3k

request:i was wondering if i can request Dom!spencer and clingysub!r with daddy kink, innocence kink, collaring, praise, slight degrading (not much), oral fixation, (and dumbification if you’re comfortable with that) and fluffy aftercare!!

A/N:hey y'all! it’s been so long omg i missed it so much. i hope you’re all doing well and staying safe. this isn’t super long but i had fun writing it this afternoon since i haven’t written in a while. i hope you enjoy!


The pressure of the collar around your throat tightens for a moment as Spencer snaps it into place. You can feel your heart beating in your throat, the excitement building. He’s silent, though you can feel the soft fan of his breath against the nape of your neck.

“How’s that?” He breaks the quiet.

“Perfect.” You lift your fingers up to the soft leather, then to the sterling silver heart that hangs over your clavicle like a teardrop.

“Good.” The edge in his voice sends a shiver up your spine. You haven’t seen Spencer very often the last few weeks due to his incredibly busy work schedule, and the waiting has driven you to nearly unbearable points of tension. His next words bring the sensation to the surface. “You’ve been following directions, right?”

“Yes.” True to his orders, you hadn’t touched yourself at all in the recent weeks.

But Spencer is always finding ways to make things difficult, so he’s been calling you between cases just to work you up and leave you hanging. It would be a lie to say you don’t enjoy the steady thrill of hearing his voice over the phone, the promise of imagining your limbs tangled together. Even if it ended in his mischievous tone telling you to wait, there was something invigorating about the process.

The subtle tug on the back of the collar brings you back to earth. His fingers are looped in the leather as he leans down by your ear. “What was that?”

You bite your lower lip to keep a smirk at bay. “Yes, daddy.”

He lets go, this time trailing his fingertips down between your shoulder blades. You can practically feel the grin on his face as goosebumps rise along your skin. They betray every ounce of secret anticipation that you’ve been trying to lock away.

“Has it been hard?” he asks.

“Has what been hard?” Your voice has a sweetness to it that you know he’s going to enjoy. There’s a moment of silence where you can sense him thinking, and then his hands are on your hips, spinning you around.

Your palms rest against his chest and you look up. Spencer’s lovely eyes have taken on a darkness that only you’ve seen before. His hair is messy but soft-looking as ever. It’s taking everything in you not to touch it and kiss him as deeply as you’ve been craving.

“Not playing with yourself,” His grip tightens, then relaxes as one of his hands moves up to your jaw. He sets his thumb below your chin, angles you up a little before pressing the pad of it against your lips. “Squirming. Thinking about what I’d do to you when I got back.”

You gulp.

“I know exactly how you think, Y/N,” the corners of his mouth turn up. “I know what makes you wet, what makes you cum.”

You nod obediently. It’s not worth fighting the truth. Spencer knows your body in a way you never even expected he could.

“I know you’ve been imagining me pounding into you, fucking you until it breaks the bed.”

“Spencer–” You squeeze your thighs together at the thought of it. But your words are interrupted by the sensation of his thumb sliding gently past your lips and into your mouth. Instinctively, you move your tongue over it and hold it there.

“There you go, sweetheart.” He murmurs gently, grinning at how easily he can shut you up.

Your eyes beg for more. It’s intoxicating, being treated like this by him.

“I’ve been thinking about it too, though,” he continues after his eyes dart down to the way your thighs are tightly pressed together. “When I touch myself, all I think about is being inside of you again.”

Your whimper vibrates against his finger. The air is heavy with the electricity that crackles between you.

“So beautiful and desperate for me,” His expression holds a danger that makes you want to implode. “Now be a good little slut and get on the bed for daddy.”

You nod as he withdraws his thumb and back up to the mattress. You can’t take your eyes off of him in his suit, the tie hanging loosely around his neck as he watches your movements with acuity.

You can see the internal battle happening in his mind between power and desire. It’s been a long time for him, too. He needs to be close to you again, even if this game the two of you play only heightens the experience. And you both love a good game.

Finally, he gives in to himself a bit and approaches. His gaze is locked on your chest rising and falling, the collar around your neck. It’s a physical manifestation of your connection and he can’t get enough of it.

Before you can plead with Spencer, he pulls your legs apart. He grabs your hips and yanks you back down to him, pressing his clothed erection against your core. You can tell your panties are soaked through, so you can only hope the wetness doesn’t leak through onto the fabric of his pants. He doesn’t seem to care, though, as he begins to grind gently against you.

Once again, he tips your head up to look at him in the dim light of the bedroom. His skin has a glow to it that makes your knees go weak. He dips down and presses his mouth to yours.

The kiss is soft at first, almost tentative after so much time apart. It’s as if he’s afraid his own passion will overwhelm you, although you know it never could. Your affection for him burns through every limb of your being until all you can think about is the friction of your skin against his.

Spencer’s tongue finds yours in the kiss and the two of you melt into each other. His hold on your body tightens further as he increases the pressure against your core. When he pushes you back onto the mattress and crawls on top, the smile on your face is deliriously happy. This is exactly what you missed– the simultaneously joyful and sexual nature of your reunions. They’re a high that makes the flights and pressure of his job worth it. His hands reach around your back and undo the clasps of your bra before he throws it aside and buries his face in your neck.

“Mine.” he grunts into your skin. His hips jerk. He must be painfully hard, now, so you try to reach down and undo the button on his pants, but he stops you.

“Watch it, sweetheart.” He warns sharply. Although it’s a scolding, the fluttering of his breath on your throat makes you squirm more.

“Fuck, daddy, please–” You gasp as his fingers suddenly slide beneath the waistband of your panties. He’s deft with his movements and immediately finds your clit. You nearly yelp at the pleasure it sends through your body.

“Please what?”

His tone dares you to speak more while he rubs your clit in circles. You’re trying to maintain any semblance of composure, though every coherent thought seems to dissolve upon formation.

“I need it.” Your voice is whiny and greedy, which he loves.

“I know, baby,” He kisses your neck. “I’m the only one who can make you feel like this.”

You ball the sheets in your fists as you approach the edge of orgasm. It’s barely taken any time after so much teasing.

“Mhmm.” You whimper.
“I haven’t even put my cock inside and you’re begging.” The softness of his laughter ripples across your senses. You’re pathetic for the weight of his body on top of yours, but it doesn’t matter. All you know is the desire that’s threatening to smolder through you.

“Let’s get rid of these, shall we?” He murmurs. The fabric of your panties gives immediately as he tugs them down your legs and discards them elsewhere. He uses one arm to hold himself up over you while the other traces up the inside of your thighs and starts to play with your pussy again. This time, however, the pressure is more intense and he holds eye contact. He bites his lip.

“You’re not gonna be able to walk tomorrow.” He smiles devilishly as your hips circle against his touch.

“Really?” Your eyes widen as you urge him on.

“Mhmm,” He leans down to kiss your forehead. “I’m gonna destroy you.”

The determination of it is what sends you over the edge. Every muscle in your body contracts as you throw your head back and let out a hungry moan. The orgasm racks your body as you shudder and whimper. Spencer’s pace increases. He works you through your climax.

“Oh my god–” You nearly choke on the words. Nothing could encompass the pleasure he’s causing within you at that moment.

“Fuck.” He groans at the sight and you know he won’t be able to resist fucking you anymore. The waiting is too much. He removes his hand and quickly takes off his pants and underwear until he’s crawling back on top. He holds your legs apart and hovers over you. He’s divine. The love threatens to burst out of your chest, especially at the reverence of his attention.

“You’re perfect.” He says. The words are punctuated by the way he leans down and kisses you deeply, then presses the head of his dick against your entrance. You gasp at the intrusion, though it turns quickly to a moan. Spencer’s head drops down to your collarbone. his teeth sink lightly into the skin, tongue running over the tender spots while he drives deeply into your pussy.

“Daddy…” you whimper. The title makes him snap his hips eagerly against yours.

“That’s it.” his nails dig into your waist and he begins to form a rhythm. “You feel that, sweetheart?”

You nod. If you open your mouth, you’ll cry out in pleasure. Staying quiet is difficult enough with the way he’s working your body.

“I wanna fuck you every day.” He pants. His hands move from your waist to hold himself up better while one cups your face gently. The intensity of his expression is almost enough to break you. When he loops his pinky in the collar and pushes his thumb past your lips again, it’s heavenly. You’re locked onto him.

You start to suck on it while your wide eyes peer up excitedly. He’s losing control, the harsh rhythm causing the headboard to slam against the wall. You want to suspend this moment forever, this flawless balance of gentle affection and unfettered desire.

The pressure builds in your core, however, and you can feel every second tugging you towards orgasm. It’s inevitable. Spencer is groaning and whispering dirty things in your ear.
“Good girl,” he praises. “Taking daddy’s cock so well.”

You shiver with elation and raise your hips up off the mattress to get more friction. You’ve lost virtually all control of your body, the two of you working toward orgasm with an animalistic determination.

“I’m gonna cum, baby.” He says as his thrusts get sloppier. “I’m gonna fill you up, okay?”

You nod and try to smile around his thumb in your mouth.

“Right there, fuck, fuck–” He finds the perfect position and slams into you repeatedly, eyes rolling back into his head as he lets out a loud groan.

As his seed shoots into you, the pressure of his movements on your clit sends you into your own spiral. You suck harshly on his thumb and whimper to keep from screaming in ecstasy as your body tightens around his cock. It’s surreal, the waves of relaxation that course through your veins. You never want the feeling to leave.

Spencer watches you finish with a mixture of satisfaction and adoration, rides out the last of his own climax while thrusting a few more times. Your nails dig into his back as you cling to him. He’s everything you’ve ever wanted. You hate when he leaves, even if only for a few weeks.

Once you’ve ridden out the high, your boyfriend rolls off of you and onto the mattress. He tries to catch his breath in the afterglow. The silence is wonderful, down to the feeling of his fingertips twining with yours over the sheets.

“How was that?” he asks you a few minutes later. You squeeze his hand.

“Amazing. You?”

“Amazing.” he has a huge grin on his face as he slowly gets up from the bed and walks into the bathroom. You hear him turn on the shower and when he comes out, you’re staring at him affectionately.

“Come on,” He blushes from the attention– which is strangely endearing, given what you just did– and helps you up. The whine that escapes your throat makes him chuckle. “You need to get cleaned.”

“I know.” you mumble softly. He positions you in front of the mirror to look at your reflection as he undoes the collar around your neck and kisses your shoulder.

“I’m gonna put this away.” He leaves the bathroom so you can pee and then hop into the shower.

The water soothes your nerves as it falls over your head and back. As much as you wanted to just stay in bed, this feels good. And when Spencer comes in to join you under the waterfall shower, it’s more than worth it.

He cleans you between your legs and washes your hair while you lean against his chest. The steady rise and fall of it keeps you grounded, even as he kisses behind your ears and whispers sweet things.

You feel safe and warm in his embrace. When he finishes, you turn around and give him a peck on the lips. His hair is plastered to the face by the water, but it’s cute.

“What?” He chuckles.

“Nothing.” your grin gives it all away. You wouldn’t give him up, not for anything.
