#suffer with me



You’ve been infected by a sentient, eldritch parasite. Realizing it’s counting on you for its own survival, the parasite offers occult knowledge, wisdom, and secrets in return for the host’s sustenance and protection. Describe this unlikely friendship.

“So… You’re an eldritch being.”


“You have unimaginable power.”


“All the knowledge in the world.”


“But you need a host to stay alive?”

“We’ve been over this 5 times. Yes, I do require a host as I am unable to acquire the sustenance myself.”

“So you’re a real-life Alakazam but parasite version?”

“… If the comparison will help you comprehend my existence then yes, but please refrain from referring to me as a parasitic Alakazam.”


“So can you just hand me the answers to the test while I’m doing it?”

“I could but I don’t recommend, doing this won’t help you grow as a human.”

“Welp, let’s have another night of chilli hotpot!”


“It’s your fault that you’re weak!”

“It’s not my fault that you’re an abomination!”

“So is that a yes or a no, cause I’m really craving some-”

“FINE FINE! Just don’t put me through that torture again!”


The truth is that I’m not at all scary or abusive… until a woman makes it clear that is what she needs. Then I can be as terrifying as she needs me to be.



Ok, great song aside

What does it actually mean when Stolas says all his stories have been told except for one?

‘I used to think love would be fun’ seems pretty obviously about being forced into a loveless/arranged marriage, but it’s immediately followed by that 'Now all my stories have been told / Except for one’. And the whole song just has this… vibe to it that makes it feel like it’s describing smth as opposed to being just a lullaby

So I feel like it could be that:

  • He’s gonna die at some point, either by a pact or smth that we dont know of yet ('when I’m gone’, instead of 'if I’m gone’, implying he’s sure it’s gonna happen and shes gonna be left behind)

If that’s true, maybe it’s something that happens to all lords of hell? They will die and their offspring will carry on. Which would explain why he needed to get married and have a kid despite clearly being unhappy with his wife. Or maybe its smth Stolas did like sell his soul or smth

  • There’s something about Octavia/her birth or conception we don’t know about yet (He looks down at her lovingly when he says 'except for one’, could it be a cue it involves her idk?)

Im less inclined to believe this bc Octavia is a side character, but if we get more Stolas eps they might as well be related to her as well

That line is just weirdly specific and doesnt get explained in the song so?? I feel like there is smth else to it. I could be wrong, but Stolas does appear in promos for next eps so… maybe we’ll get more of his character. PLEASE. I love my horny birb dad

Bonus headcannon: the song does imply he’s going to die, and in a few years/decades he’s in his deathbed. Octavia then sings You will be ok to him, but the lyrics are changed to 'you can go, I’ll be ok’ so he knows he raised her well and can go in peace knowing she will be fine on her own




Tides, Receding: Chapter 2
Shepard/Garrus | 9k (wip) | teen

With the Hierarchy alliance secured, Garrus submits his request to leave the Normandy and rejoin Primarch Victus’s complement, shipping back to a Palaven set ablaze. Shepard, unraveling at the seams, must make a long-overdue decision.

Chapter 2:

“When do you ship out?”

“Day after next.”

“Where are you going?”

“Back to the Aethon Cluster, for now,” he said, and her heart nearly stopped. Back to Palaven; back to the front lines of turian resistance. Back into the jaws of the siege she had lifted him from.

How could he go, when to go back would be suicide—and how could she blame him for it, when all she wanted was to direct the Normandy back to Earth, where her own conscious was calling? His people needed him. Her people needed her. This was the unacceptable, unavoidable end of the line. They had their marching orders.

Soundwave has decided to change tactics for problem causing. No hacking involved, just an innocently encrypted message that looks like a request to babysit Ratbat but only leads to…something else once opened.




go write three sentences on your current writing project.

# my favourite part about this post # is that nowhere does it say to reblog this # but we’re all reblogging it # because if we have to suffer # so do other writers
